
The Box archive, my posts

Jan 4th, 2021
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  1. "He is falling straight into my trap hehehe"
  3. I will now send in 500 robots and troops and my dome is still doing good, I increase civilian guns to 5 per each and we will destroy you if you don't want peace, if you accept peace we can trust eachother and perhaps alliance, but if not there will be death and destructon is that what you want? A wall is being built around my land and it is armed by 100 guards.
  5. Well there are tunnels, that may lead to an underworld, yet I have no proof of that existing yet, nobody said that is not possible in this box right?... *Bomb test*
  7. *Missile silo opens* This new silo is outfitted to launch missiles and bombs It has a top that can slide over it so I can launch peaceful missions off of it, *Aims at one of mountains on the new continent* and fires, It destroys a space large enough so my forces can get through without having to deal with other nations. Darth if we can forge an alliance against scorpion (Not the car one) you can have one part of my town "Thunderville". I am also making a new generation of bombing planes, specifically for bombing runs of any particular enemy.
  9. Well if these creatures are hostile to us, I will help you out in war. Meanwhile my new drill rig has been drilling down for a few minutes and one of the pipes I sent down just dropped and I heard a "ca-plunk" sound when it hit, I will be investigating.
  11. I managed to somehow strap a camera to a drill rig. The camera is now suspended 20km of a huge space. The camera has imaged what appears to be a mirror image of the map on the surface, but definitively not habitable, devoid of life, appears to meet the descriptions for hell.
  13. Yeah Should we just close off the caves and drill rig? Or do we do something a little more offensive like bombing or invasion? I think we need a map of this place for future reference.
  15. My drill rig is being closed and I am covering the hole with rocks and concrete. At the volcano I am closing off the caves with rocks and concrete. Yeah I am also conquering land up in the jungle and desert for habitation purposes.
  18. It is time to finish off scorpion (Not the car one) I am sending in bombers and troops. I have also prepared a nuke for that area and that area will be yours if you want it, or we could split it.
  20. Yeah I will let him respond for peace first, if not I'm going through with my plan and that area will be yours if you want it. Meanwhile my jungle explores have found a few pyramids in the jungle, and they are really old also. There are no natives, but if there are, they will be conquered.
  22. Yeah one of my officers just reported back and said a couple of men are missing and I am going to pull out until I figure out what it is, robots will be sent instead of valuable humans next time. In the meantime I will be exploring the southern part of the new continent and will be annexing land.
  24. I'll be taking land all around those mountains north of thunderville, I will also be building a coastal missile silo for more closer attacks on the new continent if needed, and I will send expeditions southwards of alfieq's land, there will be a 3km buffer zone in between me and him. If any happens I will let you know.
  26. Can you make flags for our nations?
  28. (Iron cross on white banner is chosen)
  30. Yes but I will try to be neutral with him, for the flag, I was thinking of a black Iron cross (German) on a white background.
  32. My empire focuses mostly on progression and advancement, the people are happy with the person in power and once that person dies there is a vote of who becomes king next.
  35. I also notice that there is a massive white spot on the new continent, does that represent ice or unexplored land?
  37. I asked one of my troops to sneak up the mountains and look over and see what he could see, he said he could see a small lake in the center and there appears to be mountains all the way around this small lake and there is about 6-7 kilometers of living space, bad news is these lands are heavily fortified and there is a large building sort of resembling Darth's Crimson Fortress, but is it blue in color, I will send troops,planes, and tanks to help you guys out, you'd rather have more than you need right?
  39. *Missile silo opens*
  41. The Target is acquired, I know where their forces are coming from, the larger base.
  43. *Fires a Pluto IV missile*
  45. Thats only 1 step down from a nuke, hopefully it will be enough. I'm building more ships,tanks,planes,robot troops, and last of all, I should be able to empty out my stronghold and move important stuff to the mainland, the stronghold isn't in a safe spot, it can move and I will drop right on one of the smaller enemy towers. Time to have my secret troops that have the most ADVANCED technology sneak in through the forest and just start shooting over the mountains.
  48. The main fight is at the opening, but if I have my forces set up on the mountains and launch smaller rockets, I will be able to do a death blow to the enemy, when we are done we will occupy their land. My main expedition is now in danger and the troops their will protect it. Civilians are headed back to mainland.
  51. *Deploy the skygun*
  53. The skygun can magnify the effect of the ceiling magic by 100x and it make that base be a smoldering ruin from afar.
  56. I'll stop firing for now until we find out where their bases are, I will still use naval warfare and airplane strikes against them. I have already invented night vision equipment, supplying allies now. By shooting over mountains I mean by shooting high powered beams of light that can go through the barrier and blind/cripple/destroy their forces on the on other side of the valley.
  58. Yes I will refrain from using those weapons. I think it would be a good thing if we could use diplomacy before the winter sets in, as it will significantly hinder our economies if we do war in the winter. How could their be mountains on the other side that you showed with the black line representing the barrier? There has got to be something our enemies are defending, I'll see if I can send in a few spies that wear the same style stuff they do, maybe they will get some info for us. If we end this war maybe they will end their attacks if this is mirrored.
  60. ew pages back in the box I found a crashed plane, I took it to my stronghold for testing, my scientists found out that there were strange markings on it that resemble the ones on the boats,troops,planes of the enemy, I think I will study this more and hope to find some sort of language in the database and maybe I could get this thing working again and I could fly in spies and they wouldn't even notice a thing, by predictions. It's worth a shot.
  62. The map is readable fore me.I will increase weather protection on my drill rig,stronghold,expedition, and thunderville just in case of extreme weather, I think we should do peace with enemy before the winter, if possible.
  64. I think my spies are ready, they have deceived the language and will be able to use it by the daytime, I can also hear their radio signals and such, my spies will be able to tell what they mean soon. The craft is 80% operational, and I am able to take it apart and figure out the tech they use, if they don't accept peace, I will use it against them. Also my historians have found some stuff related to me and their past, back in the tribal stages, there was a massive kingdom, they wanted to colonize our continent, they did and they ruled it with an iron fist, my tribes were usually left alone, but they soon defeated this kingdom and hid ancient technology, one of the ancient stuff was this flying craft. My language is a very distant offshoot of their language as people of my tribes were mostly assimilated into their culture, but we survived. When this war is over I kinda feel like opening up the drill rig and getting a better look down their.
  66. Well in case not I have prepared an armada of 50 battleships, 35 ramming planes, 25 fighters, 30 tanks, 400 robotic troops.
  68. I think we should start rebuilding immediately after we are able defeat the enemy since they have no reinforcements, and prepare for another invasion, in the meantime, we should expand our empires to control more land so we could advance ourselves, I will expand to the unclaimed land to my east so my robot scientists could study this mud, after we have a small sample we will put mines all over in the ground. I think we should stay out of the new continent, our bases there have been destroyed and our troops killed/destroyed.
  71. Is the dead enemy human? Does he have advanced Armour and weapons we can replicate?
  73. I will build a factory that can make new robots at a moments notice. I will soon build a new battle station like your "Crimson fortress" Mine will be called "Battlestation 01" It will be just as powerful, will be right next to Thunderville, the factory will be on the coast, in case they invade by the coast again. The enemy has been fully destroyed and I am currently studying their ships so we can make ones just like it. The land has been covered with fire and craters, time to rebuild.
  75. What about having it built into the side of a mountain and having it look like a rock formation or something? By researching ships I mean like downed aircraft, and bits of there tanks, there is also a crashed drone the enemy has sent, and we don't have drones yet and it would be valuable technology to us.
  78. I think winter usually lasts longer, we mine as well install heating units on our buildings and such while we still have time, heating units will melt the snow so it won't collapse roofs. I have built a reactor deep underground so we could use it's power, if there is no power it safely will turn off. And a generator will kick in for electricity and such.
  80. My drones are fully operational, they can cloak from trackers and are only about 10 inches in length, they fly while making almost no sound. I also am developing helicopters.
  82. Incase they attack I am splitting the productions 50/50 for the old continent and the new, about 75% of my forces are being stationed at the continent until further orders, the new continent is being defended by mines,robots and some troops. I would appreciate it if someone could also protect this new continent. I think the enemy will be preparing for an attack any time soon, we should mobilize our forces to prepare ourselves for an attack. I think we should call our alliance "The triple alliance"
  84. I quickly land my stronghold, and take control over my 1/4 of the enemy base, this place is old, it should contain lots of enemy knowledge from the databases, I will station men here to study it. Even though I can't target the enemy bases through the blizzard, I have the capacity to launch a ballistic missile assault from afar onto the enemy bases, the land is covered in crashed aircraft,dead bodies, and destroyed robots. I will set up shop here until further notice. Could these enemies be invading the surface through this hole?
  86. I begin to fly tactical bombers over the enemy, with strict orders to my soldiers and robots not to gaze into the hellhole. They begin bombing, taking out key points.
  88. I have already outfitted the windows and such to only show a normal blue sky. Everything else is visible.
  90. I think we should open up my drill rig to get an updated map of whats going on below, I think you should have your cartographers make one up while we go through hell to get to this magician and work something out, even once a week is fine.
  92. I'll have my robots open up the drill rig for service and have it updated and then I can hire some of your cartographers to study images and put together a map. I'll supervise the drill rig and have a small army outside in case anything gets through.
  94. First off maybe it is the government that is making them uneasy, I don't know anything about yours so maybe a small step towards democracy by making them citizens and having them be able to vote on stuff? I think you should also start building up when it comes to cities.
  95. To cut down pollution you would probably need to build wind turbines instead of using things which pollute the air, I'll build a small eco-friendly factory for building expensive items and whatnot, I'll also send a few of my mad geniuses over to your land to help sort these issues out. The "expensive" items will be on sale for lower prices since my territory has so much of it, even too much.
  97. So what is the portal you speak of, and where is it? I never heard of such a portal. I think that you should go for a dam for something a little like this for a dam, the water on the other side flows through several turbines, and when they spin they create electricity and the water safely goes to the other side without a big drought.
  100. My mad scientists are perfectly trained for inventing stuff, they basically do it every week, they will fine workers for scrubbers. You have a deal, I'll refit my factory for that stuff, since the enemy on the new continent is severely crippled and they will be finished off in no time, and I have repaired enemy craft to serve in my army, so I kinda don't need it.
  102. Commander 8: Do you know what sort of stuff he wears for reference?
  104. Commander 9: No, we should send out a yellow alert for our empire also we should transmit a message to Darth asking about what kind of clothes he wears.
  106. Radio Officer 6: Transmitting sir!
  108. Commander 9: We were searching for the king while we apparently saw a plane explode over head and the cockpit apparently shot out at lightning speed, we don't know where it went though.
  109. Commander 8: Transmit this information, and ask about anything the 2 fairies know about anything related to the king.
  110. Radio Officer 6: Yes Sir!
  112. Angelina: From what we currently know, he might have not been headed towards the jungle. My officers have found something.
  114. Officer 12: We have found some sort of circular depressions in the ground, they are lined up and they appear to be going towards south.
  116. Officer 11: We have ruled out that he is in the jungle, we have no evidence to prove that he went up there, the plane crash was found out to be a malfunctioned robot and related to the king.
  118. Officer 13: We have ruled out the new continent as the journey would take to long, Darth's, both scorpions, nucleep, and Alf's territories have been ruled out.
  120. Officer 11: We must search the south, we haven't searched the south yet, transmit this information to our allies
  122. Radio Officer 8: Yes sir!
  124. Angelina: He has been missing for a while, time to go to red alert.
  126. *Missile Silo Opens*
  129. Commander 15: Uhm, is that supposed to do that?
  131. Commander 13: No...
  134. *Rocket Launch*
  137. Commander 13: Alert all troops! The king's secret rocket has been launched, appears to be empty, has room for up to 10 men, but nobody is inside it.
  139. Commander 15: Who gave the order?
  141. Executive Officer 1: Nobody did, ever since the king has been missing we have been picking up unauthorized attempts to launch the rocket, this rocket is them most powerful rocket ever launched by our empire, whoever accessed it needed the king's passcode, fingerprint, and image. It was launched remotely.
  143. Commander 15: Can it be the king who launched it? Where is it headed?
  145. Executive Officer 1: It can only be the king, the rocket is already past Alf's territory and is landing in the far south, way out of our empire's reach but still in radar range. It is predicted that the king is most likely going to travel to the new continent for an unknown reason. We can't be sure, this rocket is fast and powerful, it will land in less than 10 seconds, alert all forces and allies!
  147. Radio Officer 10: Yes Sir!
  149. Commander 1: The rocket has exploded on impact, it must be it was hacked by somebody and not the king. I have a feeling someone is toying with us and it's Not the king. He is somewhere in the south, maybe check those islands?
  150. Commander 2: Darn... We must go to full alert and have all troops on search. Where ever the king is I know he is safe, his friends say he is skilled in surviving in the wild and alot of survival gear was missing. He will survive, he's also a very good diplomat.
  152. Commander 2: We noticed that the rocket was miscalculating it's trajectory, must be the king tried to get to land near him, but an unknown force has disrupted it's trajectory, and went off course. Let's have our forces search the south.
  154. Commander 4: We need to know more about these shadow monsters, anything more you can tell us about them?
  156. My forces have been pulled back from the new continent as the enemy there is neutralized. The king has been found yet his leg is broken. He appears to show almost no signs of life, can you bring bring him back to life with your magic/powers and then debrief him of what has happened?
  158. 10 new ports have been made for intercontinental trade and exploration. My forces have made 25 Carriers, 35 Heavy Cruisers, 60 Light Cruisers, 65 Destroyers and 25 Submarines, I also made more ICBM's got 10 now, they are going to be hidden all over my territory where only the king knows.
  160. Description, ever since the king has found a magician, he has been learning all there is about magic, he is as powerful as his trainer Dogon, Dogon is a very powerful trainer the king ran into in the old box, he has agreed to help the king for free. The king is getting more powerful day by day and will eventually out grow his trainer Dogon. Dogon is a private trainer not affiliated with Darth, or his faires. But one thing is certain, the king has become rather annoyed by being constantly watched by Darth. He wants to keep his empire private from view, he has sided with Elelros (Even though he doesn't like that name, he would prefer to be called E, so let's just call him E.) The king will do almost anything to stop Darth from getting the Green Grimoire, thats why he has sided with E, we don't want any more all powerful gods in here, which is why he has sided with E. If Darth agrees to get rid of the crystal skull, hostilities can stop.
  162. Well shape shifting isn't going to work my troops are already anti shape shifter and we have shape shifter detecting devices and closed borders and everyone knows troops wont attack others unless they attack first and so it won't be my fault or my allies fault and everyone will want to destroy darth. Everyone target darth!
  165. *Sends 5 ICBM's at darths territory with anti anti missile technology with robot pilots*
  167. I will have all of my troops wear noise canceling headphones which will sound attack plans, officer's demands, and other army things everything else will be silenced. Further protection is noise canceling helmets which cancel out any other noises. I suggest that you and all others send in all available troops in, since there is peace in the box. How did Fortaan come to be? When did you meet him? What is he like?
  169. Well Alfieq is one of my allies and I won't let him down, if it isn't Alfieq's there will be no war. There is no proof that is his. Since Fortaan is the one of the gods of war, why not let him down? If he is waiting, we could let him down and we won't have to deal with him. Since we are risking a war of gods, it's ethical to not wage war on him.
  171. Don't worry, I have some certain "valuables" that he will want. Me and him would work out a deal. I'll send in my first wave of soldiers and troops to disable the dropship and take control of it, armed with jamming equipment and missile launchers to take out the cockpit, then I can remotely control it and take it back to my nation for studying. If he wants it back we can work out a deal. If it is his. If it isn't it's mine for good.
  173. *The pod from the valley arrives at the Capital of the Thunderhoof empire*
  176. Maryanne: We are here!
  178. *Nexus and Maryanne put on their weather protection suits*
  180. Maryanne: This is it, yet something feels different.
  182. Nexus: I have been here once, I feel a slight change.
  185. Nexus: I knew it! This is all one big lie!
  186. Maryanne: This isn't how it used to be, someone built this to disguise something. We have to find a way.
  187. *Nexus and Maryanne start aggressively banging on the wall* Maryanne has the pod shoot a lazer to make a 15 foot wide and tall hole, the laser shoots, Nexus also shoots Ninja stars at it.
  189. exus: Seems they know we are here...
  191. Maryanne: They are sending Recon drones, Scanning them now.
  193. *The pod speeds up to 125 miles per hour*
  195. Maryanne: Well it seemed like those drones re directed our flight, let's get out.
  196. *They get out of the pod and look around*
  198. Nexus: What is this place *Nexus yells as loud as he can*
  199. Maryanne: Seems like these tracks might be tracks for a vehicle or something, those drones are still flying around.
  201. Cali notices and tells them to Park. Once they park she walks up to one of the doors on the jeeps. Who.... Are you? Are you with the Corrupted mess that is Bayonet and Snarl? The Mare walks up... I think I recognise these people for some reason... When the Thunderhoof empire and such happened...
  203. We fled from another dimension to get away from enemies, Bayonet is a corrupted Carthropod who wants to kill me for what some clone or impostor did. And these other creatures are called the Snarl or someone else they want to kill me and my friends. Iris was corrupted and sooner or later me and Alex locked her up and put Nucleep in control. It's a long story, that is worth telling later probably, do you have a base of sorts?
  205. Yes. This is the Box.
  207. We don't have much. So we will come, it's best to stick together.
  209. Umbrum and Xiphos come out and Cali explains the situation to them.
  211. I'd have to go in the back seat. The 2 halves of Umbrum get inside the jeep. The Mare, Cali and Xiphos get in also. With necessary and important supplies.
  213. So.... It is basically winter all the time here?
  215. Pretty much. I think. They buckle up in the jeep.
  217. Ah! I remember your sorts of people... I am Cali.
  218. I am Umbrum.
  220. I am Xiphos.
  222. I am The Mare.
  223. Cali looks out the window, observing the cold icy Snow outside.
  225. Basically some impostor that looks like me went in to this City which was oddly the only civilization on the planet, brought Bayonet to Aleron who was a space shuttle who transformed into a mechanical bird, Bayonet mistook him as an evil creature called the Aeravian, Aleron is an Artificial Aeravian which is different. A bunch of random events / fights happened. Then These people called the Anti Tar took control of this city by NUKING it, there was a large fight with them after the city was rebuilt, the city was destroyed once more, they retreated and left, city was rebuilt.
  228. Then The Snarl came around, they are destructive and rude and are a combination of Bayonet and 2 other creatures. Sooner or later they were supposedly uncorrupted but then they came back wanted to Rip me and my friends throats out for whatever reason, we fled from that. More random fights happened mostly against them. Then we were in a tight position and fled to this dimension. Theres also this other creature with mysterious powers that was on their side as well. Iris was corrupted and she is basically a hivemind of androids and such, me and Alex fixed her and NucleepOS was put in her place.
  231. I'd say me and Xiphos will head to the one from the recreational facility.
  233. *Xiphos and Umbrum head off towards the one from the recreational facility*
  235. So... do we just do nothing about these unknowns?
  237. I must say we should bring out boulder over here, if it isn't covered in snow yet.
  239. Hmm...
  241. Oh it's a large 100 foot tall boulder that we hollowed out for a base in the dimension we originally came from, is shielded, it can even fly.
  243. They are currently inside one of the bomb shelters. But Cali has a phone of sorts, she speaks through it.
  245. That can wait since there is a Mech of sorts outside. It may be a threat.
  247. (To Alex) Me and a couple friends fled from being attacked by a few mechanical creatures and an evil Carthropod named Bayonet who blamed me for what the other Cali did. Yes. She was there also, and Iris did a sort of take over in the city, me and you defeated her and put NucleepOS in charge. You seem to not remember these events.
  249. *Cali gives Alex a full in depth, detailed run down of Iris, Other Cali, Aleron, Kala, Snarl, Creatures, Bayonet, Anti tar and the events that happened in sequence*
  252. (To Alex) Tell me.... If you know this information already, why did you ask who I was? You know that other Cali was no where to be found in the City and couldn't have possibly left? You would already know where I came from.... If you weren't from the past... I have a feeling you are... from the past...
  254. (To Alex) A... Brain fart? Come on. I know you are from the past now, and if there is some sort of time paradox, all you gotta do is wipe our minds. Where are you based? So we can meet in person.
  256. I'd say just get to the other side of this box, while flying over the Thunderhoof empire to look for survivors. Maryanne might be there still... And Alex... you do look alot different then from what you were when I left."
  258. They find ruins of a massive city of sorts that was once the capital of the ThunderHoof empire. They find a stasis pod half way sticking up out of the snow. They find all sorts of machinery and vehicles all over, all rusted and unusable. All the glass is gone and everything valueable has been stolen by bandits.
  260. Whatever is in the stasis pod, it smashes the glass out of it. It looks to be a human combined with a woolly mammoth, it growls at the soldiers, and kills one of them, looking to kill the rest.
  262. The beast kills 2 other men, devouring them, however the beast is heavily wounded and escapes. It gives a howl, a haunting clue that there is more.
  265. Now.... The nuclear radiation could have mutated anyone from that area and turned them into monsters basically, this is.... just horrible...
  267. ----
  269. The remaining men are attacked by a land shark, a shark that has legs and walks on land, it kills 3 others and the rest are wounded, it the retreats. Soldier 40 is the only exception.
  271. Cali comes with Soldier #1
  273. Meanwhile a large energy burst at the ThunderHoof Empire is detected, suddenly all the snow and such is melted away, leaving fresh grass behind and the Empire looks as good as new. A strange figure is also seen at the highest building.
  275. Umm... Whats going on?
  277. The person lifts the Thunderhoof Empire flag onto a large pole at the top of the tower, the creatures suddenly look towards the person as they get possessed.
  279. HEED MY CALL MY SUBJECTS! SEARCH AND EXPLORE! The creatures fan out, don't attack the soldiers and start exploring.
  281. They salvage the craft and it successfully goes onto the recovery vehicle, the figure at the top doesn't seem to care and looks calm.
  283. No Clue.
  285. The person sits silently up at the top of the building, calm, not a single movement, surrounded in a blue hue. No violence is seen or heard in the area.
  288. Cali hides behind a fridge of sorts while something big and large crashes through the roof and the shriek is above the factory itself.
  290. The thing looks to be a mechanical bird, combined with a spider of sorts, it is all blue and walks around. Devouring an oil tank. Outside he sees nothing but snow and wind.
  292. They send out a tractor beam which brings the drone inside, they take it apart and refit it to serve their purposes, it is then deactivated and placed inside a larger on the inside closet and the saucer flys away.
  295. Cali is knocked out, she was already weakened due to lack of sleep.
  297. Well that was easy.
  299. The Mare may come back, she will be harder to defeat. Like alot harder, shes the cause of all these lies, corruption and such.
  301. Cali is put into the stasis pod which is thrown into the trunk of the saucer by robots. Trixie and Kali get back into the saucer. And 100 pounds of gold is awarded to each of the party's members.
  303. From what we know she cloned herself, she intended the clone to be a failsafe for her eventual death, it was in a stasis pod and broke out somehow. The clone is the Cali that was here, the actual Cali is in another dimension at this time. We currently have her captured in a locked up stasis pod in our saucer.
  305. We can't leave this place for some reason, the barriers. We are wondering what Cali did when she was here.
  307. We are what you call bounty hunters. We have a few other criminals locked up in the back of the Saucer along with Cali. We would normally go back to our universe and hand them over to the supreme judges who would sort them out and keep them in stasis until they figure out what to do with them.
  309. Currently we have nobody on our list to capture. We can't get messages from the supreme judges due to we are in another dimension or universe than they are in.
  311. Meanwhile the guys searching for bombs find a bomb hidden away by the repair shop, and another hidden by the storage / armory.
  314. Nucleep... Yeah the Supreme Judges have information on him...
  316. What do you know about these unknown characters?
  318. One of the bombs is disabled, while the other explodes and there is 5 people dead, 12 wounded and property damage.
  320. I heard a bomb go off...
  322. You seem familiar for some reason, we might be from the same universe...
  324. Could be. But we go by 'The Strongest will Survive' and we have been hunting down the weak for our overseers for our entire lives basically. The Weak can care for them selves, if they are weak, they perish, if they prove themselves strong, they survive. No interference Needed.
  326. Oohhh!
  328. This can be a tactical advantage for us.
  330. Kali orders the androids to begin construction of 2 of each of these drones.
  333. They enter the room and sit down.
  335. We are aware that your base has been attacked, so we scanned those drones and found out some information on them, along with a prototype.
  337. Indeed.
  339. These plans shall help you defend your base and conquer if need be.
  341. They hand the commander a sheet full of plans for the 2 scanned drones (Quoted by me at the top) and another sheet with this:
  344. Drone type: Attack
  345. • Appearance: Steel-like sphere with red crystals
  346. • Uses energy to create weapons that kill enemies on sight such as grenades, knives, guns, cannons, lasers, rock throwing, toxic gas
  347. • Will self destruct if captured, tampered, drained of energy, etc
  349. Kali and Trixie get out of the saucer and sit down 10 feet away from Darth.
  351. Hes back.
  353. Indeed.
  355. The person lands infront of them.
  357. You are not leaving until you answer my question.
  359. They get into the saucer, Alagron watches as the saucer leaves and cloaks. The saucer hovers over the area, silently observing the party, they don't know. Alagron flicks his fingers and the Thunderhoof empire suddenly looks as it was, cold and desolate. Buildings are now ruins. It is now a wasteland.
  362. He had a habit of pranking us. And 1 bar is all we have left.
  364. Hes also kind of creepy so we wanted him to leave, we don't like him.
  366. He didn't actually leave the box, he just teleported to his underground base hidden some where.
  368. Eh, just random pranks, don't remember much from 800 years ago. But they were horrible.
  370. While they have their androids turn their cameras towards the party and take notes instead. A drone is deployed and it scouts out the cause of the explosion.
  372. Kali sends a message to the commander, a radio message. What just happened? It seems this factory was a victim of a surprise attack.
  374. They are still observing them, and taking notes. They also scan the hole they are digging.
  376. They see the drone, it is a perfect cube, it flys somewhere else, not the direction where the saucer landed. The drone continues to fire lasers, grenades, bullets, and just about anything, specifically at NoLegs.
  378. The drone suddenly explodes and purple energy is where it was. RISE UP PEOPPLE! Kala raises an undread army of vacuum cleaners, they all turn on and attempt to suck the party into a huge test tube.
  380. *In the saucer*
  382. That was not supposed to happen.
  384. Indeed.
  386. Suddenly an undead army of Vacuum cleaners busts in and sucks a few soldiers into a test tube, and causing general destruction and chaos.
  388. The Vacuum cleaners turn into demons which attack the party, clawing them.
  391. The vacuum cleaners turn into demons which blow up the repair shop and turn soldiers into stone. The test tube turns into lava, and lave flows over a jeep.
  393. They notice that Kala is attacking the party and alfieq's base with demons and lava. The saucer flys away from the area and searches for the mirror saucer.
  395. The master demons are dead, Kala arrives and he sends a black rune circle at them, and unholy magic shoots at the party. They get slashed by androids and are wounded. NoLegs is taken to a small plane and it flys off,
  397. Somebody who is from another universe who we captured. Somebody hijacked the stasis pod and released him. He is evil.
  399. Somebody that was a cube shaped drone.
  401. In case you are wondering, I am a ghost, yes. I am not dead though, I just don't need a physical body. Anyways, I'd say we make an Arcane Leech 2.0 that is immune to attack. I know, we can recondition Kali and her Subordinate to work for us by wiping their minds and have them build it for us. They have lots of information. I'd say we should develop some sort of shield to surround my base and this base. I'll have my scientists get on it, I also suggest we improve the technology here. He orders his scientists to get to work on shield generators and such at his base.
  404. A small 5 x 5 inch drone flys out to 981's group it begins to spy on them, and the events are recorded on a hardrive and played on a TV Kala puts on the wall.
  406. Interesting. I'm also going to get someone else on our side, if I can.
  410. They are so pitiful. They are weak to the Arcane Leech and Matt seems to like gold, we could lure him into a trap and recondition him for our purposes.
  412. The shields have been completed, they are near impenetrable. Upgrading stuff is at 50% Reconditioning is at 50% Arcane Leech is at 30%
  414. We need a failsafe in case we loose this war, do you want a large bunker to be built somewhere?
  417. The shields have been completed, they are near impenetrable. Upgrading stuff is at 50% Reconditioning is at 50% Arcane Leech is at 30%
  419. We need a failsafe in case we loose this war, do you want a large bunker to be built somewhere? We lure Matt into a trap full of gold, once he steps in, it closes, and is soundproof, also cloaked. And we take him to our base and reason with him, if that doesn't work, we use force.
  423. The crater begins to fill with lava and the slimes are rather trapped inside due to the steepness of the outsides of the crater.
  425. Meanwhile the person and his army has arrived at the crystal empire and they have agreed to work with the bandits to track down and kill slimes. Queen Chrysalis and Nightmare moon have ordered a slime killing device to be built and is siphon proof. Sombra is on high alert and the changeling army, his army, demon army, android army are on red alert and are guarding the empire.
  427. A slime killer device has been built, it is siphon resistant, electric resistant, fire and lava resistant. 2 cloaked fly over the party and then fly towards the slimes. The slime killer device is on one of them.
  429. They are automated planes, so there is no response. They keep flying towards the slimes and start shooting the lasers from the Slime Killer on the front of one of the planes, it's basically a death ray for slimes. It kills a few of the slimes and keeps shooting at the slimes. Meanwhile back at the empire siphon resistant squads of planes are being built along with a dozen more Slime Killer devices.
  431. The planes are destroyed and crash into the ground, exploding. Meanwhile the Crystal empire's scientists have captured a single normal green slime and is testing the device on it. They make the device shoot electrical bolts and see what happens.
  433. They eventually strap alot of batteries, solar panels, shields and shocking devices together and perfect the process and outfit it onto a few sleek, cloaked, android piloted jets. They have tested these planes and made them shock and fire proof.
  435. The scientists make some sort of poison spray and exit the room. They stand in a glass, air tight room next to the room they are in and hope the poison spray kills the slime, or at least repels it.
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