
IL_Shaman gets triggered by being ignored

Dec 27th, 2017
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  1. 10:40:34 AM→ DazzlesmileStarnose has joined
  2. 10:40:34 AMⓘ WARNING! This is not a safe space! | Merry Christmas (We can say that again)
  3. 10:41:37 AMⓘ TheIlluminaughty is now known as NaughtyCanid
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  7. 10:58:07 AMⓘ IL_Shaman set mode +v brentrambo
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  13. 11:08:54 AMⓘ IL_Shaman set mode +v Plan
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  21. 11:16:27 AMⓘ IL_Shaman set mode +v Shirakawasuna
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  24. 11:43:08 AM@highdivrhigh brad
  25. 12:00:43 PM+BS_LewisThe federal govt stopped funding for thin brushing
  26. 12:00:50 PM+BS_LewisI Googled it
  27. 12:01:10 PM+BS_LewisThere are articles about dating back to 80s and 90s
  28. 12:02:43 PM+BS_LewisThere is also skepticism over the relative importance of planned burning among some lawmakers, including Congressman Tom McClintock, a third-term conservative Republican in whose district the Rim Fire has burned.
  29. 12:02:48 PM+BS_Lewislol
  30. 12:02:54 PM+BS_LewisThe Republicans stopped funding
  31. 12:04:00 PM+BS_LewisThey don't stop it, they just limit when the burns can happen. I just read about it
  32. 12:04:27 PM+BS_LewisThe Republicans stopped funding for it. Do your research. It's all cataloged right there in archived articles
  33. 12:05:37 PM+BS_Lewisbrad70: You make that argument all the time. Your memory is fallible, and you have biases. The archived articles don't
  34. 12:05:48 PM+BS_LewisIt's convenient to blame your enemies for everything
  35. 12:05:54 PM@chootoh because 'archived articles' can't be written with bias
  36. 12:06:25 PM+BS_LewisMemory biases
  37. 12:06:49 PM+BS_LewisWho cares
  38. 12:07:03 PM+BS_LewisWho cares
  39. 12:07:27 PM+BS_LewisLemme go find someone who's older and from California who disagrees with you, then what, brad70
  40. 12:07:43 PM+BS_LewisThis is why nobody on IRC takes you seriously
  41. 12:07:56 PM+BS_LewisYou're like the Abraham Simpson :D
  42. 12:08:38 PM+BS_Lewisbrad70: A few days ago in #debates you said only liberals cuss out their enemies like that
  43. 12:09:11 PM@chootoh he's right, it's pretty much always a liberal who runs a foul mouth in an argument
  44. 12:09:48 PM@chootyeah fuck em
  45. 12:11:01 PM+BS_LewisEcho chamber
  46. 12:11:14 PM→ JewBacca has joined
  47. 12:11:18 PMⓘ IL_Shaman set mode +v JewBacca
  48. 12:11:41 PM+JewBaccaTrump is an embarassment
  49. 12:12:04 PM+JewBaccaIf Trump gets impeached Pence will too
  50. 12:12:12 PM+JewBaccathey're all in bed together
  51. 12:12:45 PM+BS_Lewisbrad70: Why do you temper your true beliefs so much in #debates?
  52. 12:12:51 PMDazzlesmileStarnoseDonald Trump and many Congressional members of the GOP are part of a criminal conspiracy.
  53. 12:13:11 PM* choot laughs
  54. 12:13:13 PM@chootyeah?
  55. 12:13:31 PM+BS_Lewisbrad70: You mean like you and IL_Shaman here?
  56. 12:13:37 PM@chootbrad70: same with me when I open my mouth in there.
  57. 12:13:57 PM+BS_Lewisbrad70: I mean, it is a debate channel - so when people disagree with you that's what happens. What do you expect
  58. 12:13:59 PM@chootyeah most times people argue a point here
  59. 12:14:14 PM+BS_LewisNo one has threatened brad70 with violence either. He's being a histrionic snowflake
  60. 12:14:59 PM+BS_Lewisbrad70: You did just that earlier. See how fallible your memory is
  61. 12:15:09 PMDazzlesmileStarnoseIf the FBI is allowed to complete their investigations, dozens of indictments will be issued.
  62. 12:15:30 PM@chootDazzlesmileStarnose: what investigation is the FBI performing at this moment?
  63. 12:15:39 PM+BS_LewisIL_Shaman: Maybe they have standards haha
  64. 12:15:41 PM+BS_Lewis:P
  65. 12:15:41 PM@chootand does it involve the recently debunked dossier?
  66. 12:15:46 PM Ignoring choot!*@*
  67. 12:15:49 PMDazzlesmileStarnosechoot: I put you on ignore.
  68. 12:16:02 PM× You have been kicked by choot (no I put you on ignore)
  69. 12:16:09 PM→ DazzlesmileStarnose has joined
  70. 12:16:23 PM+JewBaccasometimes ops need it
  71. 12:16:30 PM+JewBaccaROFL
  72. 12:16:36 PM+BS_LewisYou're allowed to ignore ops in liberal snowflake land #debates. Are you guys that triggered
  73. 12:16:38 PM+JewBaccayou HAVE to take their bullying or you're GONE
  74. 12:16:47 PM+JewBaccalol
  75. 12:16:56 PM+JewBaccano, not childish and insecure at all
  77. 12:17:06 PM+BS_LewisYOU GOD DAMN SNOWFLAKE
  78. 12:17:09 PM+BS_LewisDONT TRIGGER US
  79. 12:17:10 PM+JewBaccalol
  80. 12:17:16 PM+JewBaccaWAHHHH YOU IGNORED ME
  81. 12:17:32 PM+BS_LewisThat sounds a lot like brainwashing
  82. 12:17:33 PM+JewBaccaIL_Shaman, you've always had a queer way of looking at men's buttocks.
  83. 12:17:51 PMDazzlesmileStarnoseMueller is now investigating the RNC's data sharing with the Trump campaign.
  84. 12:18:10 PMDazzlesmileStarnoseHopefully this ensnares multiple Congressional members of the GOP.
  85. 12:18:18 PMDazzlesmileStarnoseAnd would explain their recent treason against the country.
  86. 12:19:10 PM* JewBacca shows IL_Shaman his girly butt before pooping on his chest.
  87. 12:19:32 PM+BS_LewisYour whole system failed when you elect someone like Trump :D
  88. 12:20:00 PM+JewBaccaBS_Lewis, Hillary Clinton failed to realize how deeply despised she is outside of her circle of friend
  89. 12:20:00 PM+JewBaccas
  90. 12:20:29 PM+Plan6 years ?
  91. 12:20:38 PM+Planyou`ve been losing the war in middle east since 80`s
  92. 12:20:43 PM+BS_LewisThey seem really triggered in here right now
  93. 12:21:09 PM+Planisis gone ? where ? libya .. n still active in 16 countries
  94. 12:21:16 PM+BS_Lewisbrad70: You're giving me credit for this? THANK YOU
  95. 12:21:24 PM+Planplus you can thank the russian for isis `gone` really
  96. 12:21:29 PMDazzlesmileStarnoseA large portion of the dislike for Hillary Clinton was a result of the disinformation campaign by Republicans over the last number of years.
  97. 12:21:45 PMDazzlesmileStarnoseAlso, there was a large amount of dislike for her based off rational reasons, too.
  98. 12:21:54 PM+Planall he`s bombed is 3 outta 12 syrian warplanes .. and some isis bunker the taliban had surrounded
  99. 12:22:17 PMDazzlesmileStarnoseISIS has never been a serious threat to the USA.
  100. 12:22:20 PM+BS_LewisWhat's an Obamaton
  101. 12:22:23 PMDazzlesmileStarnoseThe GOP is the primary threat to the USA.
  102. 12:22:42 PM← NaughtyCanid has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  103. 12:22:48 PM+BS_LewisI like it
  104. 12:22:59 PM+BS_LewisObamatons vs Trumpatons
  105. 12:23:00 PMDazzlesmileStarnoseWe hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed
  106. 12:23:10 PM+BS_LewisTrumptards sounds better though
  107. 12:23:11 PM+Planyou really beleive obama is a socialist ?
  108. 12:23:16 PMDazzlesmileStarnoseThat whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
  109. 12:23:28 PM+Planlol
  110. 12:23:34 PM+JewBaccaDonald Trump is an orange abomination
  111. 12:23:34 PMDazzlesmileStarnosePrudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
  112. 12:23:37 PM+Planyou do know what socialism is then i take it ?
  113. 12:23:44 PM+Planas its not anything obama done
  114. 12:23:52 PM+BS_LewisYeah, what's socialism
  115. 12:23:59 PMDazzlesmileStarnoseBut when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
  116. 12:24:02 PM→ NaughtyCanid has joined
  117. 12:24:09 PMⓘ IL_Shaman set mode +v NaughtyCanid
  118. 12:24:13 PMDazzlesmileStarnoseThe GOP is now guilty of a long train of abuses and usurpations.
  119. 12:24:16 PMDazzlesmileStarnoseThey are my enemy.
  120. 12:24:16 PM+BS_LewisNo answer
  121. 12:24:27 PM+Planhonestly he`s not a socialist at all
  122. 12:24:44 PMDazzlesmileStarnosePlan: Why do you engage stupid people who are dishonest?
  123. 12:24:48 PM+BS_Lewischoot: No u
  124. 12:25:00 PMⓘ IL_Shaman set mode +v mr_Hands01, +v rajrajraj, +v RamuKaka
  125. 12:25:01 PM+Planloaded question DazzlesmileStarnose lol
  126. 12:25:26 PMDazzlesmileStarnoseWhich assumption do you contend
  127. 12:25:27 PM+Plando you consider China communist aswell ? IL_Shaman
  128. 12:25:39 PM+Planreally ?
  129. 12:25:58 PM+BS_LewisIL_Shaman: That's a circular definition. Obama is socialist. The definition of socialism is Obama
  130. 12:26:01 PM+Planyeh is sorta a difference .. how about Russia ?
  131. 12:26:10 PMDazzlesmileStarnoseBS_Lewis: Why do you engage stupid people who are dishonest
  132. 12:26:14 PM Ignoring Plan!*@*
  133. 12:26:17 PMDazzlesmileStarnosePlan: I put you on ignore
  134. 12:26:22 PMDazzlesmileStarnoseReason: You engage stupid people who are dishonest
  135. 12:26:30 PMⓘ IL_Shaman set mode +m #civil_debate
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