
Dec 2019

Dec 11th, 2019 (edited)
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  1. Anonymous 12/23/19(Mon)11:36:54 No.34772068
  2. >"Hello. You around, Lyra?"
  3. "Come in!"
  4. >You cousin nuzzles the front door open, and trots inside looking around your home.
  5. >"Wow, No kidding. These Earth pony homes are so... ram- ohh uhh- rustic."
  6. "You get used to it."
  7. >"You really have gone terran on me, Lyra." she chuckles. "So how was Petunia? Not too much of a hassle I hope."
  8. "About that..."
  9. >Her brow furrows, worry seeping into her features.
  10. >"Did something happen?"
  11. >You're not sure if explaining will either confuse or horrify her.
  12. "I think it's easier if I show you."
  13. >The mare's ears are on a swivel as she smells somepony unfamiliar, whom may not even be a pony as far as she knows.
  14. >Deeper inside the house you push the door open, letting Minty though.
  15. >"Hi, momma."
  16. >Her nose scrunches in confusion when she sees an unfamiliar form, curled up, for- arms nestled around Petunia.
  17. >Minty whinnies, pressing against your flank like a scared filly.
  18. >"Lyra, w-what is that thing?"
  19. "Ohh, that's 'Non. He lives next door."
  20. >Petunia herself still seems kind of bored, the coloring books you set for her long since pushed away.
  21. "I've tried everything! Crowbar, cooked his favorite stew, I even promised not too lick his tiny human snoot for a whole week if he'd let her go."
  22. >This human is stubborn as a mule when somepony tries to get in-between him and his cuddle naps.
  23. >Minty tries to get close, but with something between a grunt an a growl, the human nestles Petunia impossibly close.
  25. >The mare pins her ears and takes her place pressed against you again.
  26. >"Lyra, don't just stand there, help me get my Filly!"
  27. >...You tried.
  28. >Once he claimed her as his "tiniest mint buddy," there was nothing you could do.
  29. >You've honestly given up hope at this point.
  30. >Other ponies are still very skittish around him and never let him close to their foals.
  31. >When you said you needed help foal sitting, he let out a marely squee and carried her around the whole week.
  32. >Kind of like monkeys do with their young.
  33. >He brushed her mane, spoiled her with sweets, bought her a bunch of toys meant for Earth colts and fillies.
  34. >After a few moments Your cousin, trotting back and fourth in a panic, Pentunia, kicks and shimmies closer to his face.
  35. >She nuzzles 'Non on the bottom of his chin, causing the human to finally stir awake.
  36. >"Mister, Anon. It's time for me to go now."
  37. >The human shoots upright cradling her.
  38. >Human expressions are new to you, but it's not hard to tell that he looks hurt that she'd even suggest such a thing.
  39. >"I'll come back to visit, I promise!"
  40. >The human pauses, his jaw slightly clenching as he mulls it over.
  41. >"You'd better, tiniest Mint."
  42. >With another nuzzle, she hops out of his lap and straight through the door.
  43. >"Gimmie a sec, momma I got a lot of stuff to pack up."
  44. >...You just hope cousin Minty agrees to that for everyponies safety.
  46. Anonymous 12/19/19(Thu)04:13:46 No.34757390
  47. >"Lyra, this isn't even a court session. We are here today to discuss funding for the Ponyville town hall renovations."
  49. Anonymous 12/23/19(Mon)19:13:23 No.34773417
  50. >"well, before we proceed then, let it be known that I am the mintiest mare present"
  51. >"You bring this up every single time."
  52. >"I just want the record to know the facts, Minuette"
  53. >"Hey, maybe we should build a statue to recognize it! Add it to the agenda, Miss Inkwell!"
  55. Golly4Ever 12/24/19(Tue)09:24:52 No.34775187
  56. >"No, don't add it to the Agend--"
  57. >"Added to the Agenda!" said Inkwell.
  58. >"Yesss!" said Lyra, jumping in place.
  59. >"Oh Celestia, why me?" groaned Minuette, rubbing her head.
  60. >"Next, we should talk about there not being enough things for um... soft claws, to grab and hold throughout the building," announced Lyra.
  61. >"No, not this again," said Minuette. "We're ponies, Lyra. Nopony has even seen this so-called 'hoo-mun' before, it is unlikely one would just show up in Equestria, let alone Ponyville, and then suddenly need to use the town hall. I think we'll manage just fine by saving on that expense."
  62. >"But they're real! I just know it! They're tall, green, and wear suits."
  63. >"Enough, Lyra! Don't you have something to do?"
  64. >"What do you mean? This is what I DO do," she said before giggling, "Tee-hee... I said 'doodoo'. Like poop, but cuter. He-he, I said 'poop'!"
  65. >"Lyra, please. We must get to the agenda at hoof."
  66. >"Don't you mean 'hand'?"
  67. >"No."
  69.  Anonymous 12/31/19(Tue)09:37:34 No.34801906
  70. >It's almost as if the Wendigos themselves have their hooves planted here.
  71. >The frigid cold that nips through your thick winter coat a reminder of what ponykind had to go through.
  72. >You wish you didn't have to be outside AND miss some quality time with friends and family during it.
  73. >Still, you couldn't let your best friend miss everything alone.
  74. >Mostly alone, anyways.
  75. >You pick up your pace trying to match Lyra's excited prance.
  76. >"'Non's gunna love our presents, Bonnie."
  77. >You snort.
  78. "I'd hope so."
  79. >This human of hers had better be thankful.
  80. >You're supposed to be on a train to Canterlot to catch the yearly Hearthswarming play, spend some time with Lyra's family, and to meet up with yours coming in from Trottingham.
  81. >"You'll never guess what I got him."
  82. >You probably could.
  83. >"I bet he's gunna tear up when he sees them, the big softy."
  84. >Are you visiting the same Anon?
  85. >"Look, Bonnie, there it is!"
  86. >Lyra is gone and knocking on the large human door before you can look up to check.
  87. >... He'd better not make you two wait.
  88. >Thankfully, you hear the human shuffle his- feet? on the other side and he opens it up.
  91.  Anonymous 12/31/19(Tue)09:38:36 No.34801912
  92. >With a yawn, the ragged, tired looking human down at the both of you.
  93. >Maybe humans hibernate, with any luck he'll turn you away and you can catch the next train.
  94. >"'Non, are you alright?"
  95. >"Ehh, just some Holiday blues and decided to sleep in, I'll get over it."
  96. "What?" Both you and Lyra yell at the same time.
  97. >Okay, maybe he is more dangerous than you thought.
  98. >Resilient for sure.
  99. >You look to Lyra with worry, ears flick to every direction, keeping an ear out for Wendigoes or any other winter solstice monsters that might be lurking around.
  100. >"So what's up, Lye, Bon. Thought you'd be chilling with family or some shit."
  101. >He thinks chilling is normal?
  102. >Yep, he's too far gone.
  103. >"We were gunna, 'Non. But then I remembered that you don't have family around, so I ran off the train to come see you."
  104. "And I followed her," you continue, trying to not sound too disappointed.
  105. >His brow furrows, posture straightening a hair.
  106. >You reflectively take a step back at his sudden change in demeanor.
  107. >"Fuck, Lye. Bon. I don't know what to say, come in."
  108. >"Ha! Hold you he was a big softie, Bon."
  109. "Could have fooled me."
  112.  Anonymous 12/31/19(Tue)09:39:38 No.34801918
  113. >Lyra hops inside and you trudge inside close after.
  114. >"Wasn't expecting visitors so I don't have anything you pones like to eat prepared, except for some applesauce."
  115. >"Still got some tea, 'Non?"
  116. >"Ohh yeah, good idea, here, while don't you take care of that and I'll grab some gifts, still need to wrap them up. Kettle's under the sink."
  117. >Lyra makes herself home in his kitchen kitchen, and you opt for sitting on Anon's over-sized recliner.
  118. >It's kind of comfortable.
  119. >Smaller than a pony bed but you can see yourself curing up in this thing and sleeping comfortably.
  120. >You nearly do so before a floating mug startles you awake.
  121. >"'Non, only has two cups but I'll go ahead and share with him, bonners."
  122. "Okay."
  123. >You nestle the cup in your forelegs lapping up some of the tea.
  124. "Alright, I think I got it, I don't actually know how to wrap gifts, so..."
  125. >Anon comes back, dropping two gifts of his own onto the table.
  126. >Seems like he gave up on some point, crumpling and twisting the paper around the gifts.
  127. >"You gotta open our presents first!"
  128. >Lyra, floats over all the gifts and places them on his lap as soon as he sits down, moving your mugs to the table as well.
  129. >You still wanted that...
  130. >"All these for me? You guys are the best."
  133.  Anonymous 12/31/19(Tue)09:40:40 No.34801925
  134. >He starts off with one of Lyra's.
  135. >Uncharacteristically, he carefully unties the ribbon and undoes the paper in much the same fashion.
  136. >She gave him a half eaten carrot?
  137. >Sun and stars...
  138. >Unexpectedly, the human laughs and hooks his foreleg over Lyra pulling her close.
  139. >"Love it, Lye," he says, before taking a big great bite out of it, and giving the rest to her.
  140. >She happily eats from his claw, licking up the each individual grasper.
  141. >He then focuses on your gift which makes your stomach tighten.
  142. >When he gets to another set of boxes inside, and he carefully opens those as well.
  143. >"Chocolates? Ohh man, this is fucking baller, Bon. Get over here you."
  144. >With a grunt he reaches over and grabs your forelegs before you can even react and he pulls you in, giving you a big squeeze and nuzzling the side of your head.
  145. >A nicker slips out and it causes your blush to spreads to your ears.
  146. >You hear Lyra giggle at that.
  147. >She is never going to let you live this down.
  148. >"Alright, Last one."
  149. >He cocks his head in confusion, lifting a single piece of paper up.
  150. >It's, a crayon drawing a Lyra's cutie mark?
  151. >"It's me!"
  154.  Anonymous 12/31/19(Tue)09:41:41 No.34801930
  155. >Lyra goes and hops into his lap, knocking the other boxes away and licking under his chin.
  156. >The human emits a low growl, his nose scrunching up.
  157. >Still, he forces a grin, chuckling at the silly mare.
  158. >"Hehh. I always wanted a pony for Christmas, here."
  159. >He reaches over to the table and passes the smaller gift to Lyra and the much larger and longer one for... you?
  160. >You expected both of those to be for Lyra, given how close they are.
  161. >The both of you nuzzle at his claws giving them another lick as you nip at your gift pulling it towards yourself.
  162. >Looks like Lyra's is a new lyre tuner, and yours, a big wooden spoon large enough for you to use for one of your big pots in the shop.
  163. >They've got both your cutiemarks carved into them respectively, as well as some ornate designs that you can only describe as alien.
  164. >"I took up wood carving recently, still not great at it, and it helps that the wood was pretty much already-"
  165. >He doesn't get to finish his sentence as you and Lyra tackle him, letting out another nicker as you nuzzle into him.
  166. >"'Non this is amazing! I just misplaced mine the other day!"
  167. "Yeah, Anon. This was very sweet of you," you say, trying not to choke up.
  168. >Lyra's right. He is a big softie.
  170.  MInty4Ever 01/09/20(Thu)02:31:36 No.34837669
  171. >it's early, christmas morning. the sun's barely up, but the kids fully are.
  172. "Daddy?"
  173. >there's a small hand pushing on your shoulder. you groan and roll away, "later, honey. go turn on cartoons."
  174. >you are nudged again, two hands this time, the voice sounding sad.
  175. "Daddy... The Lyra Santa got me won't wake up."
  176. >fuck...
  178.  Anonymous 01/09/20(Thu)03:08:58 No.34837720
  179. >"Plushes aren't like you and me, they don't actually move or sleep. She's fine, dear."
  181.  Anonymous 01/09/20(Thu)04:25:08 No.34837821▶
  182. "'N-Non, I'm tryin' to light the sparkler b-but it won't go!"
  183. >The human looks to the sparkler, then to the match, and back to you.
  184. >"Didn't know unicorn magic could tremble. The fire's not even touching the fucking thing."
  185. >You squeak out a small whinny, pressing into the human's pant leg for support.
  186. "It's scary."
  187. >The human growls something about tiny horses and snatches the thing from your magic.
  188. >"Here, let me do it."
  189. >You duck behind him as he-
  190. >He's doing it with his bare hands!
  191. "W-wait-"
  192. >What if his fingers get burned?
  193. >You need those for belly rubs.
  194. >In one swift motion he lights another match under his boot with his off hand and holds it to the sparkler.
  195. >This human is crazy.
  196. >Not only didn't he hesitate, but he didn't even flinch away from the sparks.
  197. >It- It's kind of nice.
  198. >With a grunt, ‘Non sits down, folding his legs.
  199. >Out of habit you clamber in the impromptu nest and nuzzle the underside of his now free hand with a nicker.
  200. >The sparks don't last long, but even then 'Non doesn't seem like he's in too much of a hurry to get up as he scritches your ears.
  201. >...Maybe it isn't so scary after all.
  203.  Anonymous 01/20/20(Mon)02:19:07 No.34885266
  204. >ywn wake up with lyra and a nice warm cup of coffee
  205. >ywn get up extra early on the weekend, before even the sun has risen, to prepare her that perfect cup
  206. >you shake the bed more than you'd like as you rise, forced to push her face and hooves off your chest
  207. >but she's still locked in sleep, dreaming all her pony dreams
  208. >as the coffee quietly steeps, the aroma gently permeates the still morning air, slowly trickling its way towards the tired mare, still resting in bed, weighing like a brick
  209. >celestia willing it, the sun begins its weighty morning rise, looking a bit tired itself
  210. >or more likely the morning mare just liked to wake her sleepy subjects gently
  211. >it was a chilly morning, frost caking the grass outside which would have to melt first before any pony would feel like going outside
  212. >which gave you the perfect time to enjoy that cup of coffee with her
  213. >the faint morning light now tickling her eyes and the coffee's aroma tickling her snoot, the green mare begins to rise
  214. >but not entirely
  216.  Anonymous 01/20/20(Mon)02:25:59 No.34885273
  217. >she's still really sleepy
  218. >her weird horse lips sag
  219. >her ears flop softly, lacking the energy to stand to attention
  220. >her eyes have only opened slightly, their golden glow just barely peaking through, only the faintest, distant glow like the embers of a wick burning out
  221. >she begins to rise, her neck hanging low, posture still too much to ask for at this early hour
  222. >as you re-enter the bedroom you see her struggle and check it
  223. >you push her right back into bed
  224. >she rolls on her back, hooves in the air, tongue hanging out, eyes shut again
  225. >she'd probably fall back to sleep if you didn't reposition her on her side with a few shoves
  226. >you offer her the warm mug, which she takes without a word
  227. >her lips still hadn't quite awoken, but they curled into a faint smile, having just enough energy to form an expression
  228. >she brought the mug in close
  229. >so close she stuck her snoot in the whipped cream on top
  230. >the warmth and scent began their magic
  231. >her posture begins to take its on its characteristic lightness, though she wasn't quite ready to bounce yet
  232. >her smile gains strength
  233. >her ears begin to shift, searching the still, quiet air for any sound
  234. >her eyes open fully, now like a candle glowing with fullness and vigor, radiating to rival celestia's sun
  235. >she looks right at you, warmly
  236. >warm like that coffee
  237. >sweet like the whipped cream on top
  238. >a hushed, early morning whisper leaves her lips
  239. >"good morning anon"
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