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Jul 20th, 2017
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  1. [ 2017.07.20 17:07:39 ] Lacie LaFleur > Kill: Lionel Mandrake (Obelisk) BSB
  2. [ 2017.07.20 17:09:25 ] FranktheBank Pay2Win > nice
  3. [ 2017.07.20 17:09:36 ] FranktheBank Pay2Win > how long did that take?
  4. [ 2017.07.20 17:11:13 ] W0lf Crendraven > devide the damage taken by 600 or so
  5. [ 2017.07.20 17:11:14 ] Bunka en Daire > longer then u think if u includ bumping him off gate before killing him
  6. [ 2017.07.20 17:13:03 ] Lacie LaFleur > I didn't have to bump him off gate
  7. [ 2017.07.20 17:13:08 ] Lacie LaFleur > Maybe 10 minutes?
  8. [ 2017.07.20 17:13:58 ] W0lf Crendraven > sounds about right for a shield vexor fit
  9. [ 2017.07.20 17:15:03 ] Hakari Yazria > im wondering how in a .6 i missing something?
  10. [ 2017.07.20 17:15:40 ] W0lf Crendraven > either killrights, war or suspect
  11. [ 2017.07.20 17:17:03 ] Hakari Yazria > lacies in a noob corp nno wardecs and no kill right message on km
  12. [ 2017.07.20 17:17:19 ] Lacie LaFleur > duel
  13. [ 2017.07.20 17:17:25 ] Lacie LaFleur > 1.2b ransom
  14. [ 2017.07.20 17:17:46 ] Hakari Yazria > people r dumb enough to npt have duiel rerquests blocked on their freighter alts?
  15. [ 2017.07.20 17:17:57 ] Lacie LaFleur > He actually dueled me
  16. [ 2017.07.20 17:18:00 ] W0lf Crendraven > what do you mean by 1.2bil ransom?
  17. [ 2017.07.20 17:18:32 ] Lacie LaFleur > He paid me 1.2b not to explode him.
  18. [ 2017.07.20 17:18:34 ] Hakari Yazria > did u dishonor a ransom or did he refuse tio pay?
  19. [ 2017.07.20 17:18:44 ] Lacie LaFleur > Oh I was definitely dishonorable.
  20. [ 2017.07.20 17:18:47 ] Hakari Yazria > so u dishonoured
  21. [ 2017.07.20 17:18:52 ] Hakari Yazria > arsehole :P
  22. [ 2017.07.20 17:18:53 ] W0lf Crendraven > fuck off then
  23. [ 2017.07.20 17:18:56 ] Lacie LaFleur > LOL
  24. [ 2017.07.20 17:19:07 ] Lacie LaFleur > Look at this e-honor.
  25. [ 2017.07.20 17:19:09 ] W0lf Crendraven > breaking ransoms in eve, thats worse then breaking 1v1s
  26. [ 2017.07.20 17:19:18 ] Hakari Yazria > what wolf said
  27. [ 2017.07.20 17:19:33 ] Lacie LaFleur > Stop guys, you're making me feel bad.
  28. [ 2017.07.20 17:19:38 ] Sentake Xsythzuipah > hehehehe o7
  29. [ 2017.07.20 17:19:41 ] Hakari Yazria > so u sud
  30. [ 2017.07.20 17:19:58 ] Lacie LaFleur > He begged me not to kill him if it's any consolation.
  31. [ 2017.07.20 17:20:04 ] W0lf Crendraven > its like the biggest no no in eve
  32. [ 2017.07.20 17:20:17 ] Lacie LaFleur > No it's not.
  33. [ 2017.07.20 17:20:24 ] W0lf Crendraven > or at least in the "pirate" pvp community
  34. [ 2017.07.20 17:20:28 ] W0lf Crendraven > yes, it is
  35. [ 2017.07.20 17:20:30 ] Hakari Yazria > yep
  36. [ 2017.07.20 17:20:35 ] Hakari Yazria > its like the number 2 trule
  37. [ 2017.07.20 17:20:41 ] Hakari Yazria > first is dont trust anyonhe
  38. [ 2017.07.20 17:20:48 ] Lacie LaFleur > What is rule #3?
  39. [ 2017.07.20 17:20:56 ] Lacie LaFleur > I need to know these rules.
  40. [ 2017.07.20 17:20:59 ] Hakari Yazria > honour 1v1s
  41. [ 2017.07.20 17:21:07 ] Sentake Xsythzuipah > its no problem :):) good kill..and good ISK ♥ ♥ ♥
  42. [ 2017.07.20 17:21:08 ] W0lf Crendraven > breaking 1v1s is shitty for your personal honour, breaking ransoms is horrible for everyone
  43. [ 2017.07.20 17:21:16 ] W0lf Crendraven > that person will never pay a ransom ever again
  44. [ 2017.07.20 17:21:48 ] Lacie LaFleur > That's not true
  45. [ 2017.07.20 17:22:02 ] Lacie LaFleur > That's actually the second time he's paid a ransom and it wasn't honored.
  46. [ 2017.07.20 17:22:18 ] Lacie LaFleur > So how can you be so sure?
  47. [ 2017.07.20 17:23:32 ] Lacie LaFleur > Is this what they mean by people that do this are killing eve?
  48. [ 2017.07.20 17:24:30 ] Dame Death > think most of the old school pirate corps r dead cus people stoped playing due to people not hoonoring
  49. [ 2017.07.20 17:25:29 ] Intigo > hardly
  50. [ 2017.07.20 17:25:36 ] Intigo > pirate corps/alliances have just evolved
  51. [ 2017.07.20 17:25:51 ] Intigo > they go where the content is, and the content is primarily in null, killing krabs
  52. [ 2017.07.20 17:26:05 ] Intigo > so that's what you see snuff/pm/shadow cartel/etc. doing
  53. [ 2017.07.20 17:26:13 ] Intigo > even if they still live (and kill) in lowsec
  54. [ 2017.07.20 17:26:29 ] Intigo > ransoms have nothing to do with it
  55. [ 2017.07.20 17:26:53 ] W0lf Crendraven > the entire culture changed
  56. [ 2017.07.20 17:27:00 ] W0lf Crendraven > there is no pirate corp anymore
  57. [ 2017.07.20 17:27:09 ] W0lf Crendraven > and the last ones everyone hated
  58. [ 2017.07.20 17:27:13 ] W0lf Crendraven > everyone is a pvp corp nowadays
  59. [ 2017.07.20 17:27:47 ] W0lf Crendraven > by that i mean that for some corps making isk was the primary motivation in pvp
  60. [ 2017.07.20 17:28:45 ] TrouserDeagle > ransoms were never a huge thing
  61. [ 2017.07.20 17:28:58 ] W0lf Crendraven > speak for yourself
  62. [ 2017.07.20 17:29:04 ] Dame Death > ive made quite a lot of money off ransom in the past tbh
  63. [ 2017.07.20 17:29:09 ] W0lf Crendraven > i ransomed sooo many HG pods
  64. [ 2017.07.20 17:29:23 ] TrouserDeagle > they require the victim to not be a salty fag
  65. [ 2017.07.20 17:29:27 ] Dame Death > both of ships and riing towers and saying pay so much of they go boom ;P
  66. [ 2017.07.20 17:29:53 ] W0lf Crendraven > helps if you are in a trustworthy/well known corp though
  67. [ 2017.07.20 17:30:15 ] TrouserDeagle > I guess, but plenty of people just pay zero attention to who is who
  68. [ 2017.07.20 17:30:16 ] W0lf Crendraven > the tuskers used to have a entire channel dedicated to ransoms
  69. [ 2017.07.20 17:31:18 ] W0lf Crendraven > which we used quite often back in the days
  70. [ 2017.07.20 17:32:54 ] TrouserDeagle > I think last time I tried, it was some shitter pretending to have no isk
  71. [ 2017.07.20 17:34:13 ] TrouserDeagle > think if I tried again it would be in situations where escaping with loot is unlikely, and on ships that are unlikely to be pimped but with relatively high value hull
  72. [ 2017.07.20 17:34:18 ] Lacie LaFleur > So because people wouldn't pay a ransom (assumedly because previous ones weren't honored) pirates quit the game? lol.
  73. [ 2017.07.20 17:34:31 ] K'ta Keshra > Kill: Galvanized (Confessor)
  74. [ 2017.07.20 17:34:35 ] TrouserDeagle > no, they just stopped trying
  75. [ 2017.07.20 17:34:42 ] W0lf Crendraven > yup
  76. [ 2017.07.20 17:34:57 ] W0lf Crendraven > every corp is a pvp corp now
  77. [ 2017.07.20 17:35:33 ] Lacie LaFleur > I get plenty of ransoms and I don't think I've ever honored a single one.
  78. [ 2017.07.20 17:35:43 ] TrouserDeagle > lol
  79. [ 2017.07.20 17:36:04 ] W0lf Crendraven > "highsec pvp"
  80. [ 2017.07.20 17:36:37 ] Lacie LaFleur > It's all pvp.
  81. [ 2017.07.20 17:36:51 ] W0lf Crendraven > not really
  82. [ 2017.07.20 17:36:54 ] Intigo > hisec trash is hisec trash
  83. [ 2017.07.20 17:36:54 ] Lacie LaFleur > different mechanics, different strategies, people still die.
  84. [ 2017.07.20 17:36:56 ] Intigo > keep being trash
  85. [ 2017.07.20 17:37:32 ] Lacie LaFleur > Do you think you could convince one of your fellow elite lowsec pvp'ers to duel you so you could kill them while they are in a defenseless whale of a ship?
  86. [ 2017.07.20 17:37:38 ] TrouserDeagle > it's still swimming, but you're in the shallow end and it's filled with piss
  87. [ 2017.07.20 17:37:45 ] W0lf Crendraven > actually, in my recent stint in rvb i got to know some highsec pvpers, a very few were actually really good
  88. [ 2017.07.20 17:37:48 ] Intigo > keep being trash, lacie
  89. [ 2017.07.20 17:38:04 ] uMillenium > highsec pve is the most laughably easy thing to do in the game
  90. [ 2017.07.20 17:38:14 ] Lacie LaFleur > So Kill: Galvanized (Confessor) is cool?
  91. [ 2017.07.20 17:38:16 ] uMillenium > 99% of the fight is convincing people to fight you
  92. [ 2017.07.20 17:38:36 ] W0lf Crendraven > i always assumed dueling on the jita udnock was a shitfest of logis and similar, but a few people i know got a ton of great 1v1s there
  93. [ 2017.07.20 17:38:49 ] W0lf Crendraven > most, like lacie, obviously are still thrash but still
  94. [ 2017.07.20 17:38:56 ] W0lf Crendraven > was pleasantly suprised
  95. [ 2017.07.20 17:39:28 ] Lacie LaFleur > uMillenium you forgot the part where you get people to fight you when they don't even realize they are about to fight.
  96. [ 2017.07.20 17:39:39 ] Lacie LaFleur > Different space, different mechanics.
  97. [ 2017.07.20 17:39:40 ] Bunka en Daire > especally eliute is when they change ships ^^ so elite HS move
  98. [ 2017.07.20 17:39:56 ] uMillenium > Kill: Rebels962 Atavuli's Stratios really it's just clubbing baby seals
  99. [ 2017.07.20 17:39:56 ] Lua Mioukl > youll get more logi in jita than in amarr
  100. [ 2017.07.20 17:40:19 ] Lua Mioukl > and more in dodi than in amarr, last time i went anyway
  101. [ 2017.07.20 17:40:39 ] TrouserDeagle > do you think logi will ever not be cancer
  102. [ 2017.07.20 17:40:41 ] Lijja Cuu > less tornados in rens and amarr
  103. [ 2017.07.20 17:40:50 ] Lacie LaFleur > So how do I elite pvp? Do I need falcon alts and a cyno?
  104. [ 2017.07.20 17:41:01 ] W0lf Crendraven > you just need to keep your word
  105. [ 2017.07.20 17:41:08 ] Lua Mioukl > you need to dominate the undock of your local trade hub yo
  106. [ 2017.07.20 17:41:08 ] Lacie LaFleur > That is irrelevant.
  107. [ 2017.07.20 17:41:24 ] Bunka en Daire > BSB is all about falkcons and griffins man!!!
  108. [ 2017.07.20 17:41:26 ] TrouserDeagle > remember to ask for ransoms then kill after they pay
  109. [ 2017.07.20 17:41:26 ] Lijja Cuu > guardians with cloaks
  110. [ 2017.07.20 17:41:45 ] W0lf Crendraven > its all the difference
  111. [ 2017.07.20 17:41:57 ] W0lf Crendraven > if you kept your word no one would call you thrash
  112. [ 2017.07.20 17:42:02 ] Lacie LaFleur > No, the kill is still obtained.
  113. [ 2017.07.20 17:42:12 ] W0lf Crendraven > the kill i irrelevant
  114. [ 2017.07.20 17:42:13 ] uMillenium > Killing cynos also makes killmails
  115. [ 2017.07.20 17:42:13 ] Lacie LaFleur > No you call me trash because you have a personal issue with not honoring ransoms.
  116. [ 2017.07.20 17:42:16 ] uMillenium > Doesn't mean I'm good
  117. [ 2017.07.20 17:42:21 ] W0lf Crendraven > there is no skill in that
  118. [ 2017.07.20 17:42:36 ] W0lf Crendraven > it doesnt matter, what matters is how you went about it
  119. [ 2017.07.20 17:42:40 ] Lacie LaFleur > So there's skill in honoring a ransom?
  120. [ 2017.07.20 17:42:47 ] Lacie LaFleur > What is skillful about honoring your word?
  121. [ 2017.07.20 17:43:00 ] Lacie LaFleur > is it harder to type or speak when you're being honorable?
  122. [ 2017.07.20 17:43:01 ] Lua Mioukl > well people know you honor your wordds afterward
  123. [ 2017.07.20 17:43:19 ] Lacie LaFleur > Surely it's harder to pilot your ship when you're an honorable person?
  124. [ 2017.07.20 17:43:23 ] W0lf Crendraven > elite pvp is mostly about the attitude
  125. [ 2017.07.20 17:43:31 ] Melissa Falkner > lol
  126. [ 2017.07.20 17:43:36 ] Lacie LaFleur > That's obvious.
  127. [ 2017.07.20 17:43:52 ] Lijja Cuu > [17:43:23] W0lf Crendraven > elite pvp is mostly about the attitude-kiting-
  128. [ 2017.07.20 17:44:10 ] Melissa Falkner > someone in top tier had to bring a suicide falcon alt to jam a Deimos that was going to kill his stratios or alt logi tengu
  129. [ 2017.07.20 17:44:16 ] Melissa Falkner > in a high sec fight that went for 45 mins
  130. [ 2017.07.20 17:44:25 ] Melissa Falkner > ~elite pvp'ers~
  131. [ 2017.07.20 17:44:30 ] SaulKripke > high sec pvp is the elitest
  132. [ 2017.07.20 17:44:34 ] SaulKripke > :))
  133. [ 2017.07.20 17:44:51 ] Lijja Cuu > its the mosy thoroughly planned anyway
  134. [ 2017.07.20 17:44:57 ] Joy Stripper > so u had 45 minutes to kill startios and u didnt kill him?!!!
  135. [ 2017.07.20 17:45:12 ] Joy Stripper > so after 45 minutes he brings falcon ...loolooo
  136. [ 2017.07.20 17:45:14 ] Lua Mioukl > he was being logied probably
  137. [ 2017.07.20 17:45:19 ] Melissa Falkner > He was logi by tengu
  138. [ 2017.07.20 17:45:20 ] Joy Stripper > 45 minutes u say? ^^
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