
esteban rantings

May 18th, 2018
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  1. idea: he's minnie's apartment neighbor he shows up to help from time to time
  3. he was raised in an abusive household and managed to raise enough money to get him and his little brother away from his parents and now that he's more well off he volunteers at a youth shelter
  4. /s
  5. he's a really swell guy but he's too much of a pushover so he's easy to take advantage of
  7. and people convince him to stand up for himself more but he cant do it
  9. his favorite season is autumn
  10. his biggest pet peeve is when people eat food on crowded buses and subways
  12. he's masking a lot of self-doubt and stress back from his youth that he never really got past and it always manifests more when he's not doing something so he keeps himself busy a lot
  14. he's always trying out new hobbies and only sticks to, like, a small number of them but he gets into salsa dancing at one point and really likes it. the people who are closest to him notice his mood improve after that
  16. which basically includes minnie and esteban's little brother
  17. he's in his mid-20s but everyone thinks of him as the dad friend
  19. he tried going vegetarian once but he couldnt stick with it and beat himself up over it more than was healthy
  20. and of course he absolutely has an instagram page and a vine account
  22. only one of his vines went viral and it was a trust fall vine where he pretended to fall off a building but they did a cut halfway through to replace him with a giant stuffed emoji to use as a body double
  23. he always talks about backpacking in europe but never has both the time and the money to do it
  24. he's like, two feet tall
  26. he probably works a well-paying blue collar job that doesn't require any education, since its a job he had to take to get him and his bro into a better life, and he's saving up to go to college but it's tough cuz he wants to put his little brother through college first. his little brother is struggling to find a job but is really working hard to do it cuz he doesn't want to rely on esteban's good will and make things harder for him
  27. power plant operator, that's a well paying blue collar job
  29. oh he got his nickname from his viral vine where as he trust-fell he shouted "I AM GOD"
  31. wait concept: he really DID fall off the building but minnie cast a spell on him to make him stop falling before he hit the ground
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