
CS Adjustments

Jun 17th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. The sheet won't allow me to set some stuff that aren't preset into it, therefore Metal told me to note things down here.
  2. I worked kinda hard to make sure everything looks clear to the eye and balanced (cos Baali can easily get broken), I hope the efforts would be appreciated :)
  4. [Virtues]:
  5. Morality Path: Via Mortem (Road of Death) - Esoterica of the Baali V20
  6. Conscience/Self-Control.
  8. [Flaws]:
  9. Cursed (1pt. Flaw): Due to Angelo's connection to otherworldly entities, including the fact that he's a Medium (merit below), whenever a tragic death is occurring somewhere nearby Angelo hears the screams and the torment of the dying soul. A Willpower roll is required to remain focused for the rest of the scene.
  11. Dark Secret (1pt. Flaw): Angelo's true nature is more than enough to get him blood hunted, that's his closest secret.
  13. Infertile Vitae (5pt. Flaw): Angellis Ater are like empty shells for their demonic masters, those who are second-generation to the first Angellis Ater (Like Angelo, he wasn't even born at the times of Azaneal after all) cannot Embrace as their blood is too weak for that, any attempt to do so will simply kill the mortal.
  16. [Merits]:
  17. The High Price (3pt. Merit): Forbidden knowledge comes at a price; Angelo may never increase his physical attributes over than 4 as the malicious forces of the Outer Dark slowly wreck his very own body. In exchange, he gains +2 dices for any Discipline-related roll.
  19. Spirit Mentor (3pt. Merit): Angellis Ater are known to be empty shells in the wind for their dark masters who control them like puppets on strings through their slumber in the Outer Dark, Angelo's demons offers him guidance as they tame him to bring their destructive forces into the world.
  21. Medium (2pt. Merit): Angelo's strong affinity to death and Halaku Demons brought upon him the ability to not only hear their torment, but the voices of other spirits from different realms.
  23. Lucky (3pt. Merit): 3 failed/botched re-rolls per story.
  25. Eyes of Shadow (4pt. Merit): There's just something in Angelo's eyes that strikes fear in the eyes of those who are exposed to it, looking into them feels like staring directly into the torment of the Abyss.
  27. Grand Library (2pt. Merit): Angelo has managed to pile a large collection of foul books and ancient documents, thanks to his dark mentors. Gain +3 Knowledge dots for every 2pts in that merit, also -2 difficulty in their rolls while being at the library:
  28. (+2 Occult, +1 Plague-Breeding)
  30. Coldly Logical (1pt. Merit):
  32. Inured to Pain (3pt. Merit): Angelo may control his reaction when encountering holy objects or sights, he still suffers the damage, but even then it's not visible unless it's prolonged proximity - Clanbook Baali V20
  34. [Freebies Allocation Summary]
  35. Flaws: +7
  36. Merits: -21
  37. Backgrounds: -1 (Status)
  39. [Status XP Allocation]
  40. Status (1pt. Background) Neonate, +15 XP.
  41. Dark Thaumaturgy: X -> • (-10 XP)
  42. Stamina: • -> •• (-4 XP)
  43. XP Leftover: 1 XP
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