

Apr 21st, 2019
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  1. Morticon shouts "The time is now! If you'd like to participate in the 'fight' against Patashu Industries, type 't #29384' and join me! I'll go over the rules once everyone is here. While a little chaotic, it won't be bloody or anything, and everyone will walk away in one piece." (Public-shout)
  2. You feel a wrenching sensation...
  3. Fenrir> Patashu has left.
  4. Patashu Industries Base - Entrance(#29384RJ)
  5. As you approach, sounds of rumbling, thundering and plumes of emissions can be heard and seen, rising up from a sprawling industrial complex that stretches to the horizon, covering an unknowable swath of landscape. To one side, a parking garage of asphalt and concrete rises several stories tall - to another, an airfield can be seen. With entrances designed for vehicles, mechs, humanoids and ferals, it's clear that incredible activity takes place here. Construction is always ongoing in some wing of the complex, and shipments and transports come and go, using warehouses gates or to externally facing depots. Sometimes, you feel uncertain of your faith in euclidean geometry here - the place seems larger and more extensive than geometrically possible. And then there's the fact that when you look up, many parts of the base tower into the clouds - on a clear day, the central one can be seen going all the way into space.
  6. A billboard is set up over the front wall with the PATASHU INDUSTRIES logo upon it:
  7. The air is pleasantly cold, and Spengolight reflects from dewdrops on the grass. it's 11:00 PM.
  9. Obvious Exits:
  10. north, and out
  11. Contents: Kamare, Maynard, Larkin, Aldrinor, Rita, and a black wallaby with yellowish eyes (Morticon)
  12. Fenrir> Crimson teleports away.
  13. Crimson has teleported in.
  14. Fenrir> Crimson has left.
  15. Crimson has arrived.
  16. Fenrir> CurusKeel teleports away.
  17. CurusKeel has teleported in.
  18. Fenrir> CurusKeel has left.
  19. CurusKeel has arrived.
  20. amare is here! Twice!
  21. Fenrir> Niny'ah offers to take Tessarya by the hand with her.
  22. : whoopses, don't type @find without an argument XD
  23. Patashu whoopses, don't type @find without an argument XD
  24. Fenrir> Vahno teleports away.
  25. Vahno has teleported in.
  26. Fenrir> Vahno has left.
  27. Vahno has arrived.
  28. Fenrir> Rielle has left.
  29. Rielle has arrived.
  30. Vahno carries Rielle with him.
  31. Fenrir> Vahno takes Rielle with him.
  32. @find mk.II
  33. Mechanizing Ray Mk.II(#30211)
  34. ***End of List***
  35. 1 objects found.
  36. @tel #30211=me
  37. Teleported.
  38. Rielle goes home.
  39. Rielle has left.
  40. Fenrir> Tessarya takes Niny'ah by the hand.
  41. Somewhere on the muck, Rielle has disconnected.
  42. drop mk.II
  43. Dropped.
  44. Fenrir> Niny'ah teleports away.
  45. Niny'ah has teleported in.
  46. Fenrir> Niny'ah has left.
  47. Niny'ah has arrived.
  48. Fenrir> Tessarya has left.
  49. Tessarya has arrived.
  50. Niny'ah brings Tessarya with her, holding hands.
  51. Fenrir> Niny'ah leaves, taking Tessarya with her by the hand.
  52. Vahno sits down and munches popcorn.
  53. ## Tessarya goes Out Of Character.
  54. ws
  55. Room: Patashu Industries Base - Entrance
  56. -Stat-Name----------------Sex---------Species---------------------------------
  57. OOC Tessarya female wingless dragoness
  58. IC Niny'ah female Imp
  59. Vahno Male Gaerian
  60. IC CurusKeel dragon Synthetic Dragon
  61. IIC Crimson Male Wolf Synth
  62. Doing: Engineering!
  63. EXC Patashu neuter Hi-Tech Mechanical Dragon
  64. Doing: Your mechanically excessive mayor dragon!
  65. IIC Kamare Herm Fox
  66. IC Maynard male raccoon
  67. Doing: softly weeping as some music fills the room
  68. >Larkin Female Tiger |Elandra
  69. OOC Aldrinor male Tundra Wolf
  70. >Rita Female Seya |Kamare
  71. IC Morticon Male Wallaby
  72. Doing: @stream
  73. ---[ Found 12 characters. ( 10 Awake / 2 Zombies ) ]--------------------------
  74. [OOC] Morticon wows.. "Lots of people! We'll wait a few minutes more, and then go over the rules. I hope we can split this up into two rooms to make it manageable."
  75. Fenrir> Kandra teleports away.
  76. Kandra has teleported in.
  77. Fenrir> Kandra has left.
  78. Kandra has arrived.
  79. .Patashu> J'ee busies himself with trying to crack open the fiery rock.
  80. [OOC] Kandra says, "Hiii"
  81. Niny'ah . o O ( spectating )
  82. Kandra . o O ( mostly spectating, probably! )
  83. say Spectating is fine!
  84. You rumble, "Spectating is fine!"
  85. Aldrinor curls up beside Vahno, snoozling.
  86. [OOC] Morticon says, "It's like one of those battles in ancient times, when the nobility would come watch. ;)"
  87. Aldrinor . o O ( Same. Spectating, due to sick. )
  88. ooc Hehee!
  89. [OOC] Patashu says, "Hehee!"
  90. [OOC] Kandra says, "Awww!"
  91. [OOC] CurusKeel says, "True"
  92. Vahno pets Ald.
  93. Kandra fluffs out her hair, tries to look appropriately regardable...?
  94. Kandra mostly looks a little fluffy and unkempt. o.o
  95. [OOC] Kamare says, ""What's this sport?" "One team tries to turn everyone into robots, the other team tries to stop them. It's traditional.""
  96. Fenrir> Moriar leaves for Primary Factory Complex (northeast).
  97. Fenrir> Moriar has left.
  98. Somewhere on the muck, Sigma has disconnected.
  99. Morticon says, "OK, who is PARTICIPATING?"
  100. Moriar arrives from Road to Roaring Industry (N11 W2).
  101. Moriar has arrived.
  102. Kamare sticks her hand up, along with Rita's
  103. [OOC] Kandra says, "I mean it makes as much sense as all that weird stuff with inflated pig skins or whatever the slightly less primitive Earth beings use."
  104. Morticon raises his paw. He's participating.
  105. say Me and CurusKeel are defending the base. Moriar is going to be... I guess 'defending' might not be the most accurate term. Moriar will be of assistance. *gapegrins*
  106. You rumble, "Me and CurusKeel are defending the base. Moriar is going to be... I guess 'defending' might not be the most accurate term. Moriar will be of assistance. *gapegrins*"
  107. Vahno is gonna participate. In his own way. Maybe.
  108. [OOC] Kandra says, "I heard they dig up hydrocarbons or whatever and cook them into artificial pig skins, which, ew!"
  109. [OOC] Moriar just wants to help.
  110. <Verbatim start: Morticon>
  111. Kamare
  112. Rita
  113. Morticon
  114. Patashu
  115. CurusKeel
  116. Moriar
  117. Vahno
  118. <Verbatim end: Morticon>
  119. .Patashu> J'ee uses some of the debris brought from the debris pile, as such.
  120. Morticon says, "Anyone else?"
  121. Crimson raises a hand.
  122. CurusKeel nods to that, flying/hovering above, puffing three cream-colored bubbles
  123. [OOC] Niny'ah pulls Kandra off the fourth wall. "You're going to leave smudges"
  124. Tessarya raises a paw.
  125. Kandra aww. Fine.
  126. : poses proudly! In feral hi-tech roboderg body.
  127. Patashu poses proudly! In feral hi-tech roboderg body.
  128. Tessarya hugs Niny'ah, and stands.
  129. Morticon guestures. Tess at his side, now. :)
  130. CurusKeel poses back, in high-tech inflatablederg body
  131. .Patashu> ( The fiery rock cracks open. While just more fiery rock, it is generally radially symmetrical inside. )
  132. pa : rock!
  133. .Patashu> .Patashu rock!
  134. Kamare pets Tess
  135. Tessarya smirks and goes over to Morticon, "Always got to have your body guard, huh?" she twists her tail about. She'll nod to Rita, Kamare, and Larkin.
  136. .Patashu> J'ee growfs, "Well, that's interesting."
  137. <Verbatim start: Morticon>
  138. Good guys:
  139. Kamare
  140. Rita
  141. Morticon
  142. Vahno
  143. Tessarya
  144. Larkin
  146. Bad guys:
  147. Patashu
  148. CurusKeel
  149. Moriar
  150. <Verbatim end: Morticon>
  151. Morticon says, "OK! So here's the rules...."
  152. pa say Yeah, it's pretty!
  153. .Patashu> You rumble, "Yeah, it's pretty!"
  154. [OOC] Aldrinor says, "I think you missed Crimson"
  155. Morticon adds them
  156. Niny'ah asides to Kandra, "It's like they think there's only room for one Evil Megacorp."
  157. .Patashu> J'ee swings the lens over one half of the rock. "Not just that, but this rock or its implications could be our ticket out of here."
  158. Kandra blinks and nods.
  159. [OOC] Crimson says, "I was about to say that, yeah."
  160. Larkin rawr!
  161. [OOC] CurusKeel says, "Technically two :P"
  162. l larkin
  163. Standing at about 6'3", the tigress has a sturdy build yet retains her feminine
  164. curves, bringing to mind a soldier or fighter. Limbs are strong yet nicely
  165. formed, capable without being bulky. Except for the creamy white of her front
  166. torso and a little along the legs, her fur is a grayish color with black
  167. stripes. Spikey-ish turquoise hair tops her head, and poking through it are
  168. ears that have a noticeable hint of fox to them.
  170. The tough tigress sports a striped tiger tail colored the same as her body, and
  171. slightly oversized plantigrade feet keep her on the ground. Small, firm
  172. breasts go well with her decidedly athletic frame. Her muzzle is feline,
  173. though a little narrower than usual for a tiger. Cheekruffs are almost
  174. nonexistent, giving her a slightly more generic feline look. Eyes are a green
  175. color.
  177. As you look at her, you guess she's been out in the rain, or plans to at any
  178. rate. She is currently wearing a loose white t-shirt that sports an airbrushed
  179. parks service logo across its middle, loose enough to keep her curves hints
  180. instead of brazen facts. Below, she's wearing loose khaki colored canvas slacks
  181. and heavy hiking boots with a bit of mud on them. The length of her tail pokes
  182. out of a hole in the back of her slacks, and broadcasts her mood in a number of
  183. ways. Above all of that, she has on a big black field coat, with loose ties and
  184. a bunch of useful pockets.
  185. [OOC] Niny'ah says, "is this going to be Saturday morning Cartoon levels of Ham?"
  186. Aldrinor snuffles at Kandra and Niny'ah quietly.
  187. Maynard looks at Patashu and crew on one side, the SED and allies on the other side... and rolls his eyes. "You guys try not to clog up mechanics with too much fur, all right?" And he skulks off.
  188. l rita
  189. The winged vixen in front of you seems custom designed for a specific purpose. With a height of about 5' 9" and a slender, athletic build, the female black fox's most noticeable attribute are her large, black wings which resemble a cross between a dragon and bat. When not in use, they fold up neatly behind her, not getting in the way at all. Her insulating fur keeps close to her form and is a uniform dark gray, almost black; piercing eyes are a much lighter variant, a gunmetal gray. The fox's short headhair is jet black, keeping completely out of her eyes. From what you can see, her lean build has little body fat for flight reasons; the wiry curves on her capable form are noticeable through her fur and her breasts are on the small side. Rather than a fox tail, she sports a fan-like membrane that complements her wings! The 'rudder' extends a good foot or so, and she has excellent control over how much it spreads and tilts.
  191. Rita is currently wearing her SED Soldier uniform. Most of the vixen is covered in a one-piece bodysuit zipped up in front along a very thin seam. The suit is made of a matte black fiber; it is thick enough to stretch like a diving suit yet retains flexibility. On top of the fiber base, there's dozens of slender armor plates that look like rubberized scales set over key vital areas, often in pairs and overlaid with urban camo fabric. Slightly thicker plates are present on her forearms and shins, along with integrated pads on her, knees, elbows, and shoulders.
  192. A pair of black, well-fit military combat boots and fingerless gloves compliment the armor. Slits are present for her wings and tailfin. A custom-fit black muzzlemask covers below the eyes. Topping it off is a matching lightweight, aerodynamic helmet made special for the vixen; twin triangles with multiple thin slots on their surface allow her to safely hear, and a protective plexiglas-type material serves as a visor over her eyes.
  193. Layered on top of the uniform is a utility belt, a battle harness with plenty of slim pockets and hooks, and of course her weaponry (varies based on task, but can include knives, explosives, and one or more firearms). Her ID, rank, unit, and nickname are woven into a patch on each shoulder.
  194. Maynard leaves for Road to Roaring Industry (N11 W2) (out).
  195. Maynard has left.
  196. l tessarya
  197. Tessarya is a wingless dragoness that stands just above 5 feet 3 inches (160cm) tall. Well polished arrow shaped scales run down her body, dyed a stark, glossy white today. Her face is tapered off, as a lizards should be, framed by her brunette cascading shoulder length hair. She has a well proportioned frame, with curves that make her definitively feminine, while the outline of light muscles traces her form. The lizard's chest is modest, relatively, with well formed and rounded breasts (34C), and sweeping hips give way to her thighs and legs, which hint to supple muscle underneath before ending in digitigrade feet. Swaying behind her is a powerful, thick, long tail that extends between from her tailbone. She carries herself with a certain grace, while her light blue eyes carry a quiet wisdom.
  200. Tessarya's current wardrobe consist of a pair of white undergarments, which she wears a white comfortable looking tank top and a short sleeved jacket over that. The jacket has several internal and less external pockets, subtle zippers that allow for temperature regulation, and the name of a lesser known tactical brand that supplies corp-military and law enforcement printed in small lettering over her breast, with their logo is printed across the back. Lower down, she's wearing a simple belt, and a pair of simple cargo pants with a minimal amount of external pockets and built-in passive knee cushions. She's wearing a pair of comfortable and low-key duty boots.
  201. Carrying: Corrupt Crystal Formation, Avenue of the Americas Bar, Cracker Jims, Meh Henry. Bar, Snail Pie, and Thumbtack Pie
  202. .Patashu> J'ee growfs, "Try to break that other one open..."
  203. Morticon says, "No blood and guts. No killing. This is supposed to be cartoony violence. Sure, you can destroy nonsentient robots and stuff, but try not to kill each other, OK? Extra points for flashy attacks. You can even attack with your words."
  204. CurusKeel rumblesqueaks, "I will eat them. Delicous words"
  205. : gives a thumbs up to that!
  206. Patashu gives a thumbs up to that!
  207. Morticon says, "Anything you want to add, Patashu?"
  208. pa : nod nods, giving it a hard THWACK against a wall.
  209. .Patashu> .Patashu nod nods, giving it a hard THWACK against a wall.
  210. Vahno tugs his name off from the good guys list and just... sets it aside.
  211. Larkin gasp! \o/
  212. Morticon says, "Also, don't flood with actions. Make an action, wait for it to be responded to by whoever you're attacking. Respond back, etc."
  213. say *grins* We're tough robots! We can take whatever you dish out, so don't be afraid to beat us up ;>
  214. You rumble, "*grins* We're tough robots! We can take whatever you dish out, so don't be afraid to beat us up ;>"
  215. .Patashu> ( The rock resists, though the effort left a distinct mark. )
  216. Moriar is, for reference, the size of a husky dog and missing their left wing. Rather unimposing.
  217. .Patashu> J'ee growfs, "Wait, wait -- let me see it, first."
  218. Morticon says, "Questions?"
  219. pa : ohs? showing it to you.
  220. .Patashu> .Patashu ohs? showing it to you.
  221. Crimson pats Vahno.wa
  222. CurusKeel grins, the three bubbles puffed earlier expanding and popping, revealing three vinylsteel units - a 6' anthro dragon with an axe as big as they are, a 4'5" winged kobold/dragon mix with a rod, and a 3' kobold with a big, schemy grin on their face~
  223. Crimson whoops.
  224. [OOC] Morticon says, "Also, don't get too hung up in mechanics, or specifics hits. Just try and have fun, and if something doesn't wor exactly right, just move on."
  225. ooc Yep! Think spectacle, not stats.
  226. [OOC] Patashu says, "Yep! Think spectacle, not stats."
  227. Morticon arrives at the doorstep of the evil empire! He rings the doorbell!
  228. .Patashu> ( The mark on the rock shows that the force caved in a hollow portion of it near the surface. )
  229. ooc Ok! Shall I begin?
  230. [OOC] Patashu says, "Ok! Shall I begin?"
  231. [OOC] Morticon says, "Yup! I rang the doorbell."
  232. [OOC] Moriar will show up once things are a bit more under way?
  233. .Patashu> J'ee growfs, "Hmm, porous."
  234. [OOC] Kamare imagines the SEDers are accompanying Mort
  235. Morticon, flanked by his soldiers, and everyone else. It's.. impressive! Dramatic!
  236. Tessarya keeps close to or is adjacent to Morticon. Arms folded under her breasts, checking her claws, before she taps down her body again. Compact box is there, magazines are there, all that she needs.
  237. Morticon ... is tiny compared to most of them!
  238. Kamare is tapping her hip, waiting for things to begin...
  239. : and Curus are inside the Primary Factory Complex, watching as the kobold-run assembly line churns out the first of the new Mechanizing Ray Mk.II series! (Desced and in the room if you want to take a look.) He grins and holds it up for Curus to see, powering it on and checking on the holographic HUD. "Perfect, it works! We'll have to give it a test run to see how it compares to the prototype..." Just then, he hears the doorbell and blinks? "Coming..." Walking up to the entrance to the factory with Curus in tow and opening the doors, gun strapped to his back in feral stance. Blinking as he looks over the assembled crowd. "Oh. It's you." He narrows eyebrows.
  240. Patashu and Curus are inside the Primary Factory Complex, watching as the kobold-run assembly line churns out the first of the new Mechanizing Ray Mk.II series! (Desced and in the room if you want to take a look.) He grins and holds it up for Curus to see, powering it on and checking on the holographic HUD. "Perfect, it works! We'll have to give it a test run to see how it compares to the prototype..." Just then, he hears the doorbell and blinks? "Coming..." Walking up to the entrance to the factory with Curus in tow and opening the doors, gun strapped to his back in feral stance. Blinking as he looks over the assembled crowd. "Oh. It's you." He narrows eyebrows.
  241. Regan has arrived.
  242. [OOC] Kamare says, "Yo, you're just in time"
  243. [OOC] Regan says, "A hyena is never late and never early. She either arrives on time or misses the engagement entirely."
  244. Morticon points at Patashu, "The jig is up! You've danced your last dance! We're here to stop you!"
  245. Kandra peeks from over the wall. "Goodness."
  246. Kamare points as well. "Yeah! Your time has come, Patashu! Surrender now and we won't hurt you too much."
  247. Moriar, some distance behind Patashu, perks up at the sight of guests. The gryphon bounds towards the entrance from within the base.
  248. Larkin is going to stand someplace appropriate, holding a big length of what looks like ... tusk over her shoulder. Maybe a mammoth tusk.
  249. CurusKeel glares at Morticon, sizing up the rest of the SEDers - alongside, the dragon's three vinylsteel drones show up - a jet-boosting anthro dragon warrior with an axe, a winged dragon/kobold with a bubble-control rod, and a scheming-looking kobold. They crowd aroudn the blue dragon, the warrior readying their axe~
  250. Vahno munches on his popcorn, watching things unfold.
  251. Tessarya smirks, staying quiet.
  252. CurusKeel rumblesqueaks, "ARe you coming to join our synthetic revolution?"
  253. : grumbles, looking annoyed! "It'd be just like you to stand in the way of progress, huh?" He grins, unstrapping the Mechanizing Ray from his back, holding it in his foreclaws with a playful gaping jeer. "Perhaps I'll have to make an example out of you! I bet you'd look good in chrome and rubber~" He looks aside to Curus and the three vinylsteel drones. "And if you plan on just waltzing into the place with your goons and trashing the place, I've got guards myself!"
  254. Patashu grumbles, looking annoyed! "It'd be just like you to stand in the way of progress, huh?" He grins, unstrapping the Mechanizing Ray from his back, holding it in his foreclaws with a playful gaping jeer. "Perhaps I'll have to make an example out of you! I bet you'd look good in chrome and rubber~" He looks aside to Curus and the three vinylsteel drones. "And if you plan on just waltzing into the place with your goons and trashing the place, I've got guards myself!"
  255. Regan tightens her gauntlet, "This has gotta be, like, a new record for Elected Mayor to Megalomaniacal Absurdist Evil Plutocrat. At least you run an efficient administration, Patty."
  256. Kamare holds an arm out in front of Morticon. "Stay back, sir, I'll handle this!"
  257. Morticon smirks, "We'll see about that!" This is so cheesy! "Enough talk!"
  258. Morticon blinks? "OK?"
  259. Crimson stands over to the side, slighly behind Patashu, ready to help if he's needed.
  260. Morticon whispers to everyone else, "Let's find a backdoor way in! They'll never suspect it."
  261. :'s gaze turns to Kamare with a curious click of the teeth, observing.
  262. Patashu's gaze turns to Kamare with a curious click of the teeth, observing.
  263. Kamare steps forward, then charges Patashu, reaching for the mechanisation ray, intending to wrestle it away from him
  264. CurusKeel rumblesqueaks, "What is an organic? A miserable pile of secrets... Have at you!"
  265. : grunts at this! He thumps his tail down for balance and tries to wrest his mechanical grip to the side and throw Kamare off. "Hey! - I haven't even configured all the settings on this thing, yet! Curus, help!"
  266. Patashu grunts at this! He thumps his tail down for balance and tries to wrest his mechanical grip to the side and throw Kamare off. "Hey! - I haven't even configured all the settings on this thing, yet! Curus, help!"
  267. Morticon calls out, "Retreat!" and runs 'away'.. more like, he guestures to go in a wide arc, and has someone break open a side door and heads inside. :)
  268. ( The warrior, PI-CU-DRN-W009, fires up their jets, charging at Kamare and pushign them away, blocking them with their vinylsteel axe )
  269. say Heeey, immediate service! That's more like it! *gapegrins*
  270. You rumble, "Heeey, immediate service! That's more like it! *gapegrins*"
  271. Vahno shouts some 'advice'. "Quick! Hammer the trigger rapidly and wildly!"
  272. Morticon looks to those with him. "Now, let's sneak up behind those bad guys, and surprise them! Who's with me?"
  273. Moriar slips up to stand next to Crimson, watching the arrival of guests with interest.
  274. Kamare's stronger than she looks! She tries to use Patashu's own strength to unbalance *him*, pushing the gun in the same direction as him. She spots the warrior coming, trying to kick it away, but that still throws her off balance
  275. Tessarya's tail tick tocks, like a metronome as she stays by Morticon. "You point, I'll deal." she says to the wallaby. Watching Kamare fight currently.
  276. CurusKeel thrashes tail around and puffs/inflates bubbles around them, floating some around the support unit - for their greater control~
  277. Rita salutes Morticon. "At your service, sir." She teleports to the other side of the side door, and then opens it up for everyone else
  278. Somewhere on the muck, Andi has disconnected.
  279. .Patashu> J'ee goes back to examining the fiery rock under the lens.
  280. : uh ohs! It looked like he was about to get outmuscled, but in the melee, the mechanizing ray slips out of his foreclaws and goes tumbling upwards! "Lemme get that!" He huffs, giving a beat of his wings to jump up and grab it, wings flared out and hovering on gentle purple flames!
  281. Patashu uh ohs! It looked like he was about to get outmuscled, but in the melee, the mechanizing ray slips out of his foreclaws and goes tumbling upwards! "Lemme get that!" He huffs, giving a beat of his wings to jump up and grab it, wings flared out and hovering on gentle purple flames!
  282. Larkin is ready to spring into following folks along, and follows with the best.
  283. ( The warrior tumbles as Tess kicks at it, falling atop the intruder, pinning htem down )
  284. Morticon points at Patashu, "We gotta distract the big prize. So go at him from behind. I'll take Crimson." ((Everyone else, please... go after who you'd want! Don't be shy!))
  285. Regan ignores Morticon for now. She has her own idea of what constitutes a 'backdoor'. Cackling a bit, she opens her coat in the fashion of dark alleys everywhere revealing... silvery wasp drones of her own! They take flight to bother Curus's vinyl drones and Patashu, attempting to 'sting' any accessible port with an influenza-like cocktail of viral code.
  286. .Patashu> ( The lens traces fractal patterns in the rock. )
  287. pa : is gonna be a bit busy - this fight is looking chaotic already!
  288. .Patashu> .Patashu is gonna be a bit busy - this fight is looking chaotic already!
  289. .Patashu> J'ee already knows that!
  290. .Patashu> J'ee haha
  291. .Patashu> J'ee growfs, "Just be ready with that Mechanizing Ray for the leader, muahahaha"
  292. Kamare acks, and falls to the ground with a thump. That's not how it was supposed to go! She attempts to zap Patashu with several bolts of lightning from her paws before he can grab the ray gun.
  293. Moriar's ears and tail perk up at the sight of people inside the base. They bound over towards Rita, "Hello! Welcome! What brings you to Patashu Industries?", calling out ahead of their arrival.
  294. Morticon walks right in, thanks to Rita! Good Seya. :) While Tess takes on Patashu, he goes right to Crimson! "Crimson!!!!" So dramatic today.
  295. : looks ready to give Kamare a quick zap as payback... only for Regan's wasp drones to grab his attention! "Ack, hey now! Anything but the bees!" He lets out a snarl of surprise, opening his jaws wide and belching out a wide arc of flame to try and consume the oncoming wasp drones! Kamare's blasts of lightning make the robodragon twitch and stumble for a moment, eyes flickering off and on, his grip on the ray rock-hard as he loses altitude for a moment! "Mmnh!"
  296. Patashu looks ready to give Kamare a quick zap as payback... only for Regan's wasp drones to grab his attention! "Ack, hey now! Anything but the bees!" He lets out a snarl of surprise, opening his jaws wide and belching out a wide arc of flame to try and consume the oncoming wasp drones! Kamare's blasts of lightning make the robodragon twitch and stumble for a moment, eyes flickering off and on, his grip on the ray rock-hard as he loses altitude for a moment! "Mmnh!"
  297. CurusKeel's bubbles move about, trying to capture as many of the wasp drones as possible. However, one or a few of them end up harrassing the sorcerer, who desperatly tries to bat them off from them.
  298. Rita sneaks up behind Curus, then taps his... shoulder? Whatever's in reach from behind him. "Excuse me, sir, you're going to have to stop now."
  299. Morticon tries to ignore Moriar, figuring they look pretty harmless. Perhaps Larkin can deal with them?
  300. Crimson looks at Morticon! "You don't think I'll let you get away with this, I hope."!
  301. Vahno glances around. Well, that devolved into chaos quickly. He hops up and walks right toward Morti.
  302. Tessarya looks to Morticon and begins to saunter over to Patashu. She watches the bees and the drones - buzz'buzzing about the room, before she'll try and run to grab at the ray gun. Vaulting over railing, and then sweep-sliding under a pipe to try and get at it while Kamare and Patashu occupy themselves.
  303. Morticon pulls out.... a snicker-snack blade! It flashes in the light as it wobbles, arcing and making strange sound effects. "Prepare to meet your doom, synth!" He says to Crimson.
  304. CurusKeel turns to face Rita with heavy squeaking, tries batting and pinning the vixen with a vinylsteel paw, focusing on trying to keep the drones un-wasped.
  305. .Patashu> J'ee:FF
  306. .Patashu> J'ee growfs, "stand by"
  307. .Patashu> J'ee has disconnected.
  308. Somewhere on the muck, J'ee has disconnected.
  309. Larkin walks up to the ... gryphon. "I'd like to have a brief conversation with you about tusk."
  310. Moriar's attentions are readily diverted from Rita and Morticon, towards Larkin, "Hello!", cocking their head to the side, "Tusk? I would love to help with Tusk!"
  311. Rita is a tough one to pin down! She's in one place when you target her... but then she's in another the next moment, already launching into a spin-kick.
  312. : yelps! as the gun is YANKED from his claws by the acrobatic Tessarya. "Hey, that's mine!" He snorts out! His shoulders clank open into 3 by 2 missile launcher pods. THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP, they launch their payloads into the air, homing in on Tessarya, releasing payloads of superglue whenever they get close enough! "Damn, I might need some more help, you guys are really on your game today..."
  313. Patashu yelps! as the gun is YANKED from his claws by the acrobatic Tessarya. "Hey, that's mine!" He snorts out! His shoulders clank open into 3 by 2 missile launcher pods. THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP, they launch their payloads into the air, homing in on Tessarya, releasing payloads of superglue whenever they get close enough! "Damn, I might need some more help, you guys are really on your game today..."
  314. Larkin holds her tusk out! It's a good, long club of raw tusk. "Do you happen to have a carving implement handy?"
  315. ( The warrior tries to keep Kamare pinned down. The support unit's rod glows, catching as many of the wasp drones as they can in bubbles. And the sorcerer.. the sorcerer puffs plasma bubbles all over, spreading them aroudn the complex, giggling - energy bombs to cause lots of chaos )
  316. Kamare grabs the warrior and lifts it clean off the ground! She throws it at... Patashu!
  317. Morticon's going for a flashy attack this time, it seems. It's going to be epic!
  318. Regan snarls as several drones become a warm, quicksilver rain under Patashu's fires. "Hey! Those cost good money! Well, they cost Mort it." The ones that manage to reach the drones (the scheming kobold perhaps?) try to sting with compromising code, advertisements for Natural Mail Server Enhancement, etc. She unclips a magnet grenade from her armor but has to duck when an energy bomb is placed just behind her.
  319. : does, at least, have his hands free and his attention ready to grab the warrior vinysteel unit! Flapping his wings to brake, before throwing the warrior at full strength back at Kamare! "Here, HAVE IT BACK!"
  320. Patashu does, at least, have his hands free and his attention ready to grab the warrior vinysteel unit! Flapping his wings to brake, before throwing the warrior at full strength back at Kamare! "Here, HAVE IT BACK!"
  321. Vahno looks from Morticon to Crimson. "Hey, can one of you hold this please?" He holds out his popcorn bucket.
  322. Crimson jumps back at the sight of the blade at first! He'll grin at the wallaby! "Try your worst! You might find it hard to use that on someone with a reinforced structure!" He also reaches back, grabbing one of the two small scythes on his back currently, it's also flashy!
  323. CurusKeel acks, tumbles completely and rolls over to Rita's spinkick, quickly righting themselves on their paws, firing a plasma laser at the vixen. The warrior is sent flying.. right up against one of the plasma bombs. The yellow/green energy within it energizes.. before... BOOM!
  324. Moriar nods enthusiastically to Larkin, before they start to wheeze and hack, coughing up a small pocket knife which bounces along the floor. "Is this sufficient?", looking over the club.
  325. Tessarya runs with the ray gun in hand. Not fast enough to avoid all the missiles though! Dashing and yeeeping as super glue gets on her clothes, and on her tail. Tsk! She'll spin, hit a pipe and realize, she's stuck. Tugging and pulling to try and free herself. The dragoness reaches in to her jacket to retrieve her magazines in case she needs them.
  326. Kamare jumps out the way of the warrior as it comes crashing back towards her! "Woah, that was a close one. You almost hit me!"
  327. Somewhere on the muck, NovaSquirrel has disconnected.
  328. : uh ohs and squeaks! Getting knocked back by the pressure wave from the plasma bomb, righting himself as it explodes (interpreting the actions as: the warrior bounced off of the plasma bomb, I threw it back at Kamare, then the bubble blew up on a short delay). "Curus! Err, Curus's Sorceror! Blow the ENEMIES up with those, not us!" He lets out a complaining yell!
  329. Rita isn't fast enough to dodge a plasma laser, and is knocked back by the impact!
  330. Patashu uh ohs and squeaks! Getting knocked back by the pressure wave from the plasma bomb, righting himself as it explodes (interpreting the actions as: the warrior bounced off of the plasma bomb, I threw it back at Kamare, then the bubble blew up on a short delay). "Curus! Err, Curus's Sorceror! Blow the ENEMIES up with those, not us!" He lets out a complaining yell!
  331. Crimson looks at Vahno slightly. "Err... I'm a little busy, Vahno..."
  332. say Umm... Warrior! Keep Kamare pinned down! I'm gonna go after Tessraya!
  333. You rumble, "Umm... Warrior! Keep Kamare pinned down! I'm gonna go after Tessraya!"
  334. Morticon's blade snicksnacks that popcorn bucket into 50 pieces! "Sure!" Then he turns to Crimson. Whipping the bizzare blade towards the synthwolf, the hyperwhite blade looks like someone drew it in after the movie was filmed. So bright! So animated! The blade goes right for the wolf's arm! "Meet your doom!"
  335. ( That viral code just makes the schecming, sorcerer kobold, loosing their connection with Curus & falling back on their set behavior - which is.. fire plasma bombs at anything that moves too close )
  336. Larkin huhs. "Yeah, that should do it!" She starts to carve a little groove and then another into the tusk. "Do you do much carving work? Got a drill or a lathe or ..."
  337. : beats his wings, and swoops in low towards Tessarya! He can't fire anything too dangerous in case it damages the raygun, so he tries to just land on top and grab the gun away first!
  338. Patashu beats his wings, and swoops in low towards Tessarya! He can't fire anything too dangerous in case it damages the raygun, so he tries to just land on top and grab the gun away first!
  339. Regan giggles in spite of it all, ducking behind a pipe or mainframe, "So much for Patashu Industries's No-Returns policy. Hey, Tess! Does that garbage have a -reverse- setting?" She flips on her gauntlet's screen... seeing if she can target the sorcerer kobold at the one spitting bubbles everywhere!
  340. Kamare launches herself into the air at Patashu, attempting to grapple the dragon out of the air!
  341. Moriar shakes their head to Larkin, "No, I'm not trusted with any power tools since the decapitation and shotgun incident. Is there anything else I could do, to be of assistance?"
  342. ( The warrior uses their weak bubble cannon to try and off-balance Kamare as they attempt to attack Patashu, before charging in and swatting them down with their axe )
  343. : growls back at Kamare! "Not so fast!" He turns his head back mid flight towards Tessarya, blasting a cone of flames from his jaws, wide enough to make it difficult to dodge around!
  344. Patashu growls back at Kamare! "Not so fast!" He turns his head back mid flight towards Tessarya, blasting a cone of flames from his jaws, wide enough to make it difficult to dodge around!
  345. Somewhere on the muck, NovaSquirrel has connected.
  346. Morticon would totally watch the Kamare fight all day.. it's awesome! But he's got a synthwolf to turn into paperweights for a whole office first. :)
  347. Kamare fires a cone of energy from her fist, punching a hole straight through the middle of the flames, shielding her as she approaches!
  348. ( The support frantically tries to redirect as many of the sorcerer's plasma bubbles as they are made, trying to keep them away from the PI-aligned units, one of those bomb bubbles being laucnhed towards Regan )
  349. Vahno acks as popcorn goes everywhere! "H-hey! Alright, that's it!" He digs around in his bag briefly before tugging out a small raygun! "My turn!" He aims and fires! Or... well. He fires! A lot. Aiming... not so much!
  350. Tessarya's forced to drop the ray gun, and twist herself out of her jacket, leaving her in pants and a shirt. The blast of flame engulfing her superglued clothes, and a tiny bit on her tail that she waves to try and put out. "Hey!" she frowns at Patashu. She'll whistle to mecha dragon, and open the magazine's center fold. It's got a 4 page spread of a hyper computer's cooling system - with winding, heavy duty cooling pipes. Turning, overlapping, exposed, and it's raw copper to boot! Giant fans to dissipate heat with coated fans and a waterblock in one integrated system. It's also got good detail on the computer itself. She keeps it held out for Patashu to see if this distracts him, or does nothing at all.
  351. Crimson's scythe blade quickly tries to block the blade of the sword from hitting his arm! "Never!"
  352. Larkin ohs, huh. "... ... sounds like you have a hell of a story!" She looks around, and then nods, "Can you get a pot of tea on?"
  353. : jawgapes! "Oh, damn!" Plan B! He clanks his missile pods out again, firing more of the superglue missiles at the rapidly approaching Kamare! While that's happening, it seems he's successfully wrestled the raygun out of Tessarya's hands! "Good, it's not scratched. Now how about a quick..." He gapes and peers at the magazine centerfold. Jaw dropping. "... Oh my god. I need one of those."
  354. Patashu jawgapes! "Oh, damn!" Plan B! He clanks his missile pods out again, firing more of the superglue missiles at the rapidly approaching Kamare! While that's happening, it seems he's successfully wrestled the raygun out of Tessarya's hands! "Good, it's not scratched. Now how about a quick..." He gapes and peers at the magazine centerfold. Jaw dropping. "... Oh my god. I need one of those."
  355. Tessarya whispers, "Tessarya tries to see if PC parts and extremely well build stuff - IE, almost 'scandelous' for androids would distract patashu!" to you.
  356. CurusKeel quickly moves to support Patashu and his drones, puffing a stream of imprisoning bubbles towards Kamare, hopfully to catch the intruder, and not to bump into one of the many bomb-bubbles
  357. Morticon gasps as the blades collide, letting out sparks and pinpricks of light! "I see you are good at this! En guarde! Hi kiba!" He pulls the blade back, then makes a flying jump at Crimson and attacks again, this time from above! "Take that! Your mother was a toaster oven!"
  358. Moriar stares at Larkin for a moment, before an enthusastic nod. "Sure!", the gryphon bounding over to stand next to Crimson, "Crimson, where do we keep the tea leaves?"
  359. Rita drops onto Curus' head out of nowhere, not entirely sure where to go from here, but maybe she can disable the mechanoid dragon from here? Hm, how does one get under the external plating...
  360. Kamare produces what looks like a baseball bat - an observant observer will see it comes out of thin air - and starts whacking the missiles away. She's sufficiently distracted by them that the bubbles catch her by surprise, and she's caught!
  361. Tessarya walks the center fold forward, and then tries to go for the ray gun again. Throwing the magazine skyward, letting the pages sift and give sneak peeks at other amazing exposed designs! While she works on that ray gun again, tugging on the much larger dragon's hand to try and get at it since he's distracted.
  362. spoof Any impact against the glue-payload missiles will cause them to explode and blast their adhesive goo all over the bat and Kamare, if nothing further is done about it!
  363. ( Any impact against the glue-payload missiles will cause them to explode and blast their adhesive goo all over the bat and Kamare, if nothing further is done about it! )
  364. Regan says a bad word. She's backed herself in a corner here and has a Bomb-Inna-Bubble floating towards her. Briefly considering her options, she activates her armored coat and tries a desperate force pulse from her hand to carom the bomb back towards one near Curus.
  365. Morticon bets they have amazing heat pipes in there.
  366. Kamare whispers, "Mm, 'heat pipe'" to Morticon and you.
  367. : rumbles, Oh my gosh, they have a computer that builds it's own
  368. Patashu rumbles, Oh my gosh, they have a computer that builds it's own
  369. Vahno frowns at the ray gun, shaking it. "Oh, come on, shoot." He smacks it a few times, randomizing the settings each time before it finally fires, right towards... Larkin! "Gah!"
  370. Crimson grins at Morticon! He's had enough practice with it to be able to handle the wallaby! He gasps, quickly using the shaft of the scythe to try to stop Morticon's strike! "How dare you say such a thing!" He asides to Moriar, "Kitchen, bottom left shelf."
  371. : rumbles, "Oh my gosh, they have a computer that builds it's own-" Then snaps back to reality as the raygun gets tugged on! "Oh! Right! Uhh, can you get me the edition of that mag later so I can oggle some more?" His cheek lamps flush, as he pushes himself against Tessarya to try to brute strength wrestle it out!
  372. Patashu rumbles, "Oh my gosh, they have a computer that builds it's own-" Then snaps back to reality as the raygun gets tugged on! "Oh! Right! Uhh, can you get me the edition of that mag later so I can oggle some more?" His cheek lamps flush, as he pushes himself against Tessarya to try to brute strength wrestle it out!
  373. Moriar bounds out of the fight for a bit, further into the base to start the fabrication of tea.
  374. [OOC] Regan says, "I love Moriar so much."
  375. CurusKeel gapegrins, tries to shake Rita off from their vinylsteel head. Sensing the plasma bubble going towards them, the dragon immedaitely headbutts it, exploding with enough force to send the intruder flying! And, uh, tipping over and singing hte dragon
  376. [OOC] Morticon says, "Me too!"
  377. Morticon's weapon explodes with pinpricks of light, like out of a old video game, and he's pushed back. "Last chance, synth! Give up or I'm gonna get wallaby on you!"
  378. Tessarya's meeps as she's wrenched free from the ray gun. "Sure! It's got monthly editions - only requires one time payment for a year. One raygun!" she exclaims, panting.
  379. Kamare yelps as she goes flying, right into Vahno!
  380. say Hah! You fool! I can MAKE that payment once mass production is underway~ *gapegrins* Which it will be!
  381. You rumble, "Hah! You fool! I can MAKE that payment once mass production is underway~ *gapegrins* Which it will be!"
  382. ( The warrior now refocuses to target Rita, attempting to keep her occupied by being up in their face )
  383. say Okay, now where did Kamare go. I think I'm going to koboldify her for being the #1 Biggest Pain!
  384. You rumble, "Okay, now where did Kamare go. I think I'm going to koboldify her for being the #1 Biggest Pain!"
  385. Rita lets out an uncharacteristic squeal as Curus headbutts the bubble, disappearing for a short time, before reappearing, on the other side of the headbutt.
  386. : tailTHUMPS on Tessarya to try and keep her pinned while gazing around...
  387. Patashu tailTHUMPS on Tessarya to try and keep her pinned while gazing around...
  388. Morticon hmms. "Rita! I got a new mission for you!"
  389. Kamare is picking herself up off the ground, and dusting herself off, looking for Patashu as well!
  390. Vahno hears the yelp. Just in time to be impacted by the fox. "Augh!"
  391. Larkin watches a moment at the exchange, and keeps carving - she's got a bunch of mostly-done runes, now!
  392. Rita looks over at Morticon, then disappears off Curus' head and reappears by Morticon's side. "Sir?"
  393. Crimson sticks his scythe back on his back once more, and smirks at Mort! "Try your worst, wallaby!"
  394. Morticon whispers something toRita...
  395. CurusKeel's warrior drone charges and tries to keep Rita busy! As much as they can, considering the random teleports the intruder makes
  396. Vahno says, "K-Kamare!"
  397. Tessarya oooomphs as she's tail thumped into the ground. She wriggles and tries to reach her back pocket...for her little box. She takes it out, "Ah-hah!" she may be stuck! But she can see what Patashu will do about this. She'll stick it to Patashu's tail, then turns the electromagnet on, that attempts to magnetize Patashu's whole frame to some extent.
  398. Moriar's return is a great deal slower, carefully carrying a tray in their beak. The tray has a number of teacups, and Larkin is their first stop. Sitting down, the gryphon offers to the tiger, "Tea?"
  399. Morticon, his new orders for Rita finished, then stares at Crimson, "You asked for it!" he hops all around Crimson at high speed, attacking from many angles. Flashy and blurry, he's gonna be hard to keep up with!
  400. Rita listens intently, then nods. "Right away!" She disappears once more... and doesn't reappear! At least, not where anyone would be expecting her to show up
  401. Rita whispers, "Rita is now inside the factory! Sneaking her way around, searching for where the guns are to be produced, to sabotage it!" to you.
  402. Regan snickers, emerging from behind the mainframe and trying to get Patashu's attention. "Ko-bold of you to assume we're done." She reaches out and tries a magnetic tug at the ray gun while she does so. But her timing is unfortunate with Tessarya's own maneuver, and she's yoinked herself towards the dragon instead. Stupid third law....
  403. Larkin will grin, "Thank you! ... I was thinkin' something ... ah, here, this darjeeling would be nice! Do you drink much tea?" Her tail fwips as she rests the tusk on her leg.
  404. Kamare boops Vahno. "Not now, I'm busy." "Patashu!" She charges the dragon again!
  405. Vahno jumps up and charges right after Kamare, trying to grab her retreating tail!
  406. : rumbles, "Kamare! Time to get that magic contained!" The dragon boomingly laughs - the Mk.II ray set up to simply mechanize the target into a PI kobold model, all purple and gold and smol! He pulls the trigger, firing the wispy, aurora-flaring, purple beam at Kamare - just before his whole form gets magnetized and he wrenches as still as a statue!
  407. Patashu rumbles, "Kamare! Time to get that magic contained!" The dragon boomingly laughs - the Mk.II ray set up to simply mechanize the target into a PI kobold model, all purple and gold and smol! He pulls the trigger, firing the wispy, aurora-flaring, purple beam at Kamare - just before his whole form gets magnetized and he wrenches as still as a statue!
  408. Crimson tries to move quick enough to keep up with the wallaby! Even with his Kobold Assist System, he's slightly too slow to spin around that fast! He keeps trying, though, not planning to let Morti escape him for now, somehow!
  409. Moriar refrains from shaking their head, "I do not, no. Do you think any of your fellow guests would like tea?" Excited tailwagging, stationary head.
  410. Kamare acks, trying to throw herself out of the way... but she's too close! Zap!
  411. CurusKeel clambers off, going to Patashu's side. The dragon puffs a blue, hexagonical-patterned shielding bubble around Patashu, trying to keep any further intruders from trying to crash the boss dragon
  412. Aldrinor has disconnected.
  413. Morticon manages to slash one of Crimson's weapons (a scythe, right?) in two, making it useless. He doesn't hit anything else, but does knick the other blade quite a bit. He stops, panting, "Better than I thought. Can't you just give up? Join the good guys again?"
  414. ( The warrior's programming hits a falsafe after failign to track Rita, and instead targets the next PI-hostile character.. which seems to be Larkin. The warrior jets off and charges towards them )
  415. [OOC] Tessarya says, "that tea party is about to get crashed..."
  416. Rita whispers, "Rita nudges?" to you.
  417. spoof A hazy purple spread of energy expands across Kamare, spreading like a pulsing circuit trace! It stimulates the nerves as though the afterglow from a hard exercise routine, as it begins transforming Kamare's organic self, inside and out, replacing everything for the nearest equivalent in a PI kobold synth body, shrinking and compressing mass down in the process, temporarily converting a lot of it to energy!
  418. ( A hazy purple spread of energy expands across Kamare, spreading like a pulsing circuit trace! It stimulates the nerves as though the afterglow from a hard exercise routine, as it begins transforming Kamare's organic self, inside and out, replacing everything for the nearest equivalent in a PI kobold synth body, shrinking and compressing mass down in the process, temporarily converting a lot of it to energy! )
  419. whisper rita=I did see it! I'll get something set up for you in a sec!
  420. You whisper, "I did see it! I'll get something set up for you in a sec!" to Rita.
  421. [OOC] CurusKeel says, "All because of a failsafe mode"
  422. [OOC] Regan says, "So much for the plan to T-party to assert dominance."
  423. Moriar's ears perk up at the approach of the warrior, slipping over to try and stand between them and Larkin, "Oh! I have enough tea for you as well!"
  424. Vahno blinks and skids to a stop. "W-wait, what?"
  425. Kamare falls to the ground as she's mechanised, trying to resist... and quite clearly failing horribly. A big flash of energy later, she's left a kobold!
  426. Kamare whispers, "So, now what for Kam?" to you.
  427. Tessarya tries to wriggle herself out from under Patashu's large tail. Grabbing onto a nearby pipe, and dragging herself away from it, before she stands. She looks to put distance between her and Patashu- but there's a this weird bubble keeping her within contact with the the now frozen mecha dragon! "Regan!" she says, "Good to see you here! This guy's got all shy" she pats the dragon chassis that is Patashu.
  428. whisper kamare=You feel compelled to serve and assist and be friendly, though it can be overriden with willpower!
  429. You whisper, "You feel compelled to serve and assist and be friendly, though it can be overriden with willpower!" to Kamare.
  430. Larkin's not sure who else would like it, and then ... looks over at the warrior. "... I'm here for tea! Tea?" She holds a cup up towards the warrior?
  431. : , with the bubble surrounding his body, is able to recover enough to wrench his locked stature away from the magnetizing device - and SMACK his tail against the bubble's edge, dislodging it! He lets out a grunt and turns to Curus! "Rita's invading the factory! Can you get anyone back there to intercept?" He growls!
  432. Patashu , with the bubble surrounding his body, is able to recover enough to wrench his locked stature away from the magnetizing device - and SMACK his tail against the bubble's edge, dislodging it! He lets out a grunt and turns to Curus! "Rita's invading the factory! Can you get anyone back there to intercept?" He growls!
  433. Aldrinor has connected.
  434. : blink blinks and looks to Tessarya with a grin. "Oh, you're still in here with me? Cool, I'll put you out next." He grins, arming the Mk.II ray and pointing it at her, still venting heat from the last blast!
  435. Patashu blink blinks and looks to Tessarya with a grin. "Oh, you're still in here with me? Cool, I'll put you out next." He grins, arming the Mk.II ray and pointing it at her, still venting heat from the last blast!
  436. Rita is deep within the factory, going from room to room, seemingly searching for something!
  437. Vahno blinks... And scoops up the kobold into a hug! "Kambold!"
  438. Kamare acks! "How may I- No! Lemme go!"
  439. : sends out a red alert to the base's kobolds. Any who can spot Rita's visual location would immediately begin charging towards her, ready to pounce and subdue, though they're individually rather weak and easy to deal with!
  440. Patashu sends out a red alert to the base's kobolds. Any who can spot Rita's visual location would immediately begin charging towards her, ready to pounce and subdue, though they're individually rather weak and easy to deal with!
  441. Crimson's one scythe is slashed in two! He looks at Morticon, not tired at all! "My loyalty is pledged to Patashu and Patashu Industries, and that won't change. You should givr it a try! You'd have much more fun. Just think, no more panting and getting tired... being able to no longer age, and have a lot more strength!" He tries his best to tempt the wallaby...
  442. CurusKeel nods, transmitting new commands to the warrior, to follow along with the tea party. The blue dragon then turns on tracking, trying to isolate and pursue Rita - puffing an invisiblity-illusion bubble around them, the dragon goes and tries to tail Rita~
  443. Regan skids into the bubble shoulder first with a grown and kind of windshield-bugs against it, fur standing on end and sparkling from the nearby Kamare transformation. She groans, "Good to see you too, dude." She stumbles as the shield falls but raises her gauntlet to try to yoink the ray-gun with a reverse force pulse.
  444. Vahno says, "Caaaaaaaan you help out by help catch Regan?"
  445. Tessarya blinks at Patashu as the raygun is pointed at her. She looks to Kamare-Kambold now. She looks back at Patashu, and watches as it continues to vent - useless till it recharges.
  446. Morticon looks tempted, "Really? I could have all that?"
  447. ( THe warrior puts down their axe and calmly takes the tea, sits down and mimes drinking it, nodding along to their Tea-Party-Enjoying-Program )
  448. Regan sputters at Vahno, "Whose side are you on, nerd?!"
  449. : grins at Regan. "You're trying to grab my ray gun? While you're out THERE? Try coming inside the bubble with me, then we'll see who's the tough one~" He gives the side of the raygun a tap. "C'mon, almost ready..."
  450. Patashu grins at Regan. "You're trying to grab my ray gun? While you're out THERE? Try coming inside the bubble with me, then we'll see who's the tough one~" He gives the side of the raygun a tap. "C'mon, almost ready..."
  451. ( One of the kobolds in the base, being part of the Moriar hive-mind, bounds up to Rita. "Would you like a hug? I've been told to provide one." )
  452. Kamare nods to Vahno. "Of course!" She waits to be put down, and then tries to tackle Regan!
  453. Vahno puts Kamare down. "My own!"
  454. [OOC] Regan says, "OH. DIslodging the device, not the bubble. Gotcha."
  455. Kandra . o O ( Wait, did that affect Kamare mentally too? o.o )
  456. Rita pauses in front of the kobold. "No, thankyou. I do have a gift for you, though." She unholsters her rifle and puts a round straight through the kobold's head.
  457. Tessarya stand up, and decides the best way to do this. Is how you deal with a dog biting your arm, don't pull away - PUSH INTO IT. She leaps at Patashu, "That was my favorite jacket you superglued onto a pipe- Might as well..." she rips off a portion of her shirt with her claws, and uses that as a barrier for her paw so she can push and yank the raygun away from pointing at her.
  458. [OOC] Moriar wonders where the ACIDS2 cores are, in the kobolds?
  459. Somewhere on the muck, NovaSquirrel has disconnected.
  460. ooc Forehead! So that would probably be a 'headshot'.
  461. [OOC] Patashu says, "Forehead! So that would probably be a 'headshot'."
  462. [OOC] Kandra says, "See, I could have told you better than to make THAT design decision."
  463. ooc =w=;
  464. [OOC] Patashu says, "=w=;"
  465. ( A bubble hurtles towards Rita, dark blue and meshed! If they don't react quickly, they'll end up in it )
  466. Crimson nods! "Of course! I mean look at me for example. Not tired, almost able to move as quick as you, and able to respond to your attacks quickly. Even being able to upgrade yourself at any time with new things!" The wolf figures if the guy in charge can be tempted enough, it could get them all to join Patashu's side!
  467. [OOC] Morticon says, "Yeah, Rita's a truye Seya! Good shot!"
  468. : fires the raygun! But Tessarya redirected it, and the hazy purple lightning blast bounces off of the inside of the bubble. It bounces around as though reflected by the spherical surface. "...Uhh..."
  469. Patashu fires the raygun! But Tessarya redirected it, and the hazy purple lightning blast bounces off of the inside of the bubble. It bounces around as though reflected by the spherical surface. "...Uhh..."
  470. Morticon mms at Crimson, "So, what do I have to do?" So tempting!
  471. Rita's fur bristles, and she disappears just in time to avoid the bubble! She reappears a moment after it passes, spinning to face its source.
  472. Regan growls toothily at him. "Is that an invitation? Fine. I brought a housewarming gift." When strategy fails, there's always Throw A Rock Atit. Or in this case - a kobold! Fox-Kamare is pretty light and Kambold even lighter after the shrinking! She hefts the tackling Friend-Robot-Thing mid-tackle and shotputs it at the bubble wall and Patashu. "Yeent!"
  473. Moriar sort of freezes in place, before silently laying down and taking no further action.
  474. Tessarya gasps as the ray gun fires, missed her! HA! Oh...uh... she watches, and decides to not just spectate, as the ray bounces within the shield. She'll try and diver into or under Patashu for cover.
  475. Kamare squeals as she's chucked through the air, flailing her limbs!
  476. ( The bubble that tries to trap Rita appared to have come from diagonally upwards, through there doesn't seem to be anything up there upon first glance )
  477. Larkin will have a sip of tea, as well, and sits on a nice stool while we watch the melee. "The tusk and tea party is currently the best seat in the house."
  478. Kamare fires a few rounds in that direction, then starts running, resuming her mission
  479. [OOC] Kamare says, "Mav"
  480. Rita fires a few rounds in that direction, then starts running, resuming her mission
  481. Crimson grins. "Well, first step is to get you into a new body we'd build and stress test, then... You go ahead and do anything you want! Think, you could have improved seya and arya this way even..." He can tell he's got the wallaby's attention now!
  482. Vahno is next! He flies towards Regan in a well-practiced pounce! "HiReganHereICome!"
  483. Morticon hmmms. "Really? You know, that could be really helpful." That could solve two problems in one! "So, where do I sign? You got a contract?"
  484. : yelps! "Kobold incoming!" He instinctively ducks down as Kamare impacts with the vinylsteel bubble, which SQUEAKS, deforms elastically, and bounces Kamare back with a BWOOMPH, rippling back into shape! The mechanizing ray blast is still bouncing around inside, as he seems to be laying on top of Tessarya, more or less!
  485. Patashu yelps! "Kobold incoming!" He instinctively ducks down as Kamare impacts with the vinylsteel bubble, which SQUEAKS, deforms elastically, and bounces Kamare back with a BWOOMPH, rippling back into shape! The mechanizing ray blast is still bouncing around inside, as he seems to be laying on top of Tessarya, more or less!
  486. ( Nothing seems to be hit.. though if Rita were to look closely, they could see a shimmer.. )
  487. Moriar whispers, "Moriar doesn't know how to respond to being shot in the head." to you.
  488. Larkin watches Morticon with a sort of quirk of her eyebrow. She then sips tea, and offers Moriar some advice on how to hold their cup, if they want?
  489. whisper moriar=The moriar/kobold hivemind should be resilient to losing a node, correct?
  490. You whisper, "The moriar/kobold hivemind should be resilient to losing a node, correct?" to Moriar.
  491. Kamare is flung back in the other direction!
  492. Rita resumes checking rooms! She'll find what she's looking for sooner or later
  493. Regan ehs?! And narrowly avoids the stomp-hug of a descending Vahno with an awkward side jump. "The heck, nerd?! Lift the bubble or something! Usually you love getting hit by rays like this." She scrambles for one of her grenades.
  494. ( On one of those room checks, they end up running into something squishy. A vinylsteel bubble, cream-colored? )
  495. [OOC] Morticon says, "Regan has a good point!"
  496. Crimson grins, and holds up a small tablet for Mort to sign. It's just kinda mostly to confirm the order, not a contract. "No contract! Just confirm you wanna place an order here please. Then you can come back at any time you wish to design a new body for yourself. Even have built in weapons!"
  497. [OOC] Larkin says, "Heheh."
  498. Tessarya looks up from her cubby hole, before she shrinks back in. Maybe Patashu forgot her in all the commotion. She'll stay where she is, the half naked dragoness quite happy while that dangerous ray bounces about trying to hit a target to mechanize!
  499. : follows the erratic bouncing of the ray's energy around..."Andnow!" He grins and hugs Tessarya in a tight, all four legs hug, and rolls onto his back, wobbling the bottom of the bubble as the ray's blast is heading straight down towards her!
  500. Patashu follows the erratic bouncing of the ray's energy around..."Andnow!" He grins and hugs Tessarya in a tight, all four legs hug, and rolls onto his back, wobbling the bottom of the bubble as the ray's blast is heading straight down towards her!
  501. ( They = Rita, in this case )
  502. Vahno skids across the ground, shaking his head. "Bwuh... Right, ok. Unleash the rays!" He'll stumble unsteadily towards the bubble.
  503. Rita acks! And tries to back up
  504. Morticon frowns . Damnit.. his ploy isn't working! He looks like he's about to sign, then... pulls out a little can of spraypaint and tries to cover Crimson's eyes with it! "Take that!"
  505. ( The bubble then POPs! Revealing Curus, and their support drone, riding on their head! )
  506. Kamare thunks hard into Vahno!
  507. Moriar shakes their head a bit, setting the tea tray down to Larkin, "No, thank you. I believe I will go hide, before I suffer further injury."
  508. Rita stares... "Crap." She vanishes again! Slippery fox... And she reappears several corridors down.
  509. Larkin looks over to Moriar, "Are you sure? I think our little corner is pretty safe so far." She takes the tray, and sips at it!
  510. Larkin errs, the tea from the tray. She'll take the tray, too.
  511. CurusKeel puffs another dark blue imprisonment bubble at Rita, trying to keep them contained at all costs... a tad too late. The support unit's rod glows, as they try and have the immobilization bubble track Rita, as much as it can~
  512. Regan says a different bad word, moving down her list of them, as Kambold thunks into Vahno. She tosses the grenade, this one a force pulse, at the bottom of the bubble to try to send everything bouncing.
  513. Vahno is taken down by a flying Kambold! "Gah!"
  514. ( The warrior sips in turn, nodding, even clanking tea cupts together. )
  515. Tessarya whispers, "How would your bubble react to a force grenade like that? o.o" to you.
  516. Rita legs it now, skipping checking individual rooms, and starts looking for signs! It's going to be a lot harder to fulfill the Commander's orders while being pursued
  517. [OOC] Morticon says, "That's one rude tea party guest!"
  518. : blink blinks, turning his head to look at the force pulse grenade. "Hang on, what are you doing - uhhh!" He gawks, as the force pulse grenade detonates, launching the bubble and its cargo sky high, spinning in the process!
  519. Patashu blink blinks, turning his head to look at the force pulse grenade. "Hang on, what are you doing - uhhh!" He gawks, as the force pulse grenade detonates, launching the bubble and its cargo sky high, spinning in the process!
  520. whisper tessarya=That!
  521. You whisper, "That!" to Tessarya.
  522. Kamare picks herself up yet again, and dusts herself off. "Oof... what happened?"
  523. Crimson acks! His face gets sprayed! He just barely manages to close his quick enough only a small part of one of his eyes gets paint on it! He can still see enough to fight, though. He'll try to pounce at Morticon to grab him!
  524. Vahno pushes Kamare towards Morticon! "Grab the wallaby!"
  525. Moriar shakes their head to Larkin, "I need to go move my other pieces somewhere to hide, as well. Please share the tea as you wish."
  526. Moriar leaves for Primary Factory Complex (north).
  527. Moriar has left.
  528. Fenrir> Moriar arrives from Primary Factory Complex.
  529. Fenrir> Moriar has arrived.
  530. Kamare nods to Vahno, and then charges Morticon!
  531. Fenrir> Moriar leaves for Ralis's Room ([R]alis's Room).
  532. Fenrir> Moriar has left.
  533. CurusKeel tries his best to scrambled in the cramped corridors, squeaking some against the walls, relying on their bubble to try and keep Rita on edge
  534. Larkin asks the warrior, "Have you seen the tusk? Moriar's been kind enough to help me carve it, so far." Then, she turns to watch.
  535. Morticon's small enough that he can slip under Crimson's legs! Whew.. that was close! He spots Komare running towards him... thikning it's just another mindless drone. "Is this the best they got?" His blade snickersnacks to life, ready to slice her into 64 pieces once she's arrived.
  536. [OOC] Regan says, "Is the Sorc-Bot still around?"
  537. In a page-pose to you, Moriar is really uncomfortable with the whole 'being shot in the head' thing, but doesn't want to spoil anyone else's fun. Slipping away to hide seems to be the best compromise.
  538. [OOC] CurusKeel says, "They are, in a mix of being frozen-up and spreading plasma bomb bubbles about"
  539. Kamare skids to a halt, managing to wrest control from her programming. "Ack! Mort, no, it's me!"
  540. Regan futzes with her gauntlet while the bubble flies, muttering to Kambold, "You somehow got even cuter, dude. Patty does push innovation. Er, I mean, 10 PRINT YOU SOMEHOW GOT EVEN CUTER, DUDE." She's rapidly scanning through the SorcBot interface, looking for a narrow plasma lance to try to spear that protective bubble.
  541. page moriar=: nods, and gives you gentle pets. "My apologies for that."
  542. You page-pose, "Patashu nods, and gives you gentle pets. "My apologies for that."" to Moriar.
  543. Tessarya ackpth! Unable to move, trapped, and out of tricks! If she was paired up with a humanoid, perhaps, but a large dragon? Nope, trapped! She too turns to look at what Patashu's uhhhing about. The grenade goes off, and sends the two of them tumbling within the spherical shield - becoming a little light show as the ray is accelerated faster and faster inside. She's dizzy now, and unable to figure out where she's going, and what's going on.
  544. Crimson oofs, hitting the wall now. He takes a moment before he spins around to spot Morticon and the kobold that knows him?
  545. In a page-pose to you, Moriar shakes their head, "No apology needed from you."
  546. ( Regans search does indicate that there is a plasma lance beam on the sorcerer drone, which is poerful enough to pierce through shielding vinylsteel bubbles )
  547. : clings tightly to Tessarya with a whimper. It looks like the mechanization blast ultimately fizzled out from bouncing around too much, and the two are now high up in the air in a bubble. "OK, this is fine. I just need to pop the bubble and get out..." He raises a foreclaw and prepares to puncture the vinylsteel film with a hard push!
  548. Patashu clings tightly to Tessarya with a whimper. It looks like the mechanization blast ultimately fizzled out from bouncing around too much, and the two are now high up in the air in a bubble. "OK, this is fine. I just need to pop the bubble and get out..." He raises a foreclaw and prepares to puncture the vinylsteel film with a hard push!
  549. Vahno goes after Regan again, tugging out a knife as he charges.
  550. Morticon uhohs. He messed up! He figured Dragon on Dragon would work. Forgot not all dragons are the same size. ;) He blinks, "Kamare?! What happened to you?!" He looks confused, and for a moment ignores Crimson.
  551. Kamare jabs a thumb at Patashu. "He zapped me is what. Now I'm a kobold, and it keeps making me want to serve people."
  552. ( Patashu's shielding bubble stretches, getting closer and closer to popping it.. but then it glitches out, the bubble snapping back, keeping the big dragon trapped in it )
  553. Regan can't see what Patashu's doing in his hamster ball and targets a plasma lance at the bubble as well. She looks down at the sound of large, approaching feet with a hmn? and then acks! Ears flying up as she draws her own fighting knife and raises it just in time to meet Vahno's!
  554. : yelps! "Oh, damn! Curus made this one tough!" He pouts! "And he's busy at the moment, so I guess we're just stuck here??"
  555. Patashu yelps! "Oh, damn! Curus made this one tough!" He pouts! "And he's busy at the moment, so I guess we're just stuck here??"
  556. Tessarya's head is spinning. Dragoness limp in Patashu's arms as her world and her mind spins in nonsensical words and phrases. @.@
  557. Morticon hmms. "OK.. I want you to..." He moves in towards Kamare, and whispers...
  558. Rita whispers, "Do I find any signs pointing me to where I need to go?" to you.
  559. whisper Rita=The base is very well signposted!
  560. You whisper, "The base is very well signposted!" to Rita.
  561. Vahno looks more to be throwing his, rather than actually strike at Regan! The moment it leaves his hand, he's... gone?
  562. Crimson tries to use this as an oppurtunity to try something else. He'll summon a kobold and instruct it to try to capture Morticon while he's not paying attention.
  563. ( A cream-colored bubble flies back into the enterence and pops, Curus showing up again! )
  564. Kamare nods to Morticon, and then scampers off inside the factory! She starts tracking down Rita - easier said than done when you're a robot.
  565. say Curus! There you are! Did you deal with Rita?
  566. You rumble, "Curus! There you are! Did you deal with Rita?"
  567. CurusKeel rumblesqueaks, "One of my units is tracking her already. But.. hmm, seems the shielding bubble didn't quite reconize your identity.. here"
  568. Morticon watches Kamare run off.... where's the Kobold gonna attack from?
  569. say Oh come on! Who can't recognize *Patashu*? Did you even test this thing? *grumbling*
  570. You rumble, "Oh come on! Who can't recognize *Patashu*? Did you even test this thing? *grumbling*"
  571. CurusKeel fires a plasma laser carefully at the shielding bubble, melting the vinylsteel! As it does, the bubble then POPs!
  572. Regan CLINKS! Swinging her knife around mercury-quick to knock it before it hits her. Focused on this, it's only then that she blinks and notices Vahno's gone. "This is more aggressive than your usual hug, Vahno," she grumble-snickers.
  573. : oohs! and holds on to Tessarya tight! When the bubble POPs he spreads his wings so he can glide back down to the ground below! "Rawr, thanks!"
  574. Patashu oohs! and holds on to Tessarya tight! When the bubble POPs he spreads his wings so he can glide back down to the ground below! "Rawr, thanks!"
  575. CurusKeel rumblesqueaks, "Something seems to have interfered with that function... It was tried, tested, approved"
  576. Rita spots a sign pointing the way to the production floor, and runs off that way! Keeping her excitement nicely contained. Kamare catches up quickly once she too figures out where Rita's headed, and the pair go in together! If any other kobolds spot them, Kamare will pretend to have apprehended Rita... so long as she can keep any other instructions out of her head.
  577. Vahno's knife vanished with him! Or rather teleported. From behind Regan... "Hello Dear~"
  578. Crimson ordered the kobold to attack from the same side Crimson is on, which is probably mostly to Morticon's back, but to right side just enough that Morticon could get lucky enough to see the kobold running at him.
  579. Tessarya has enough sense to cling to Patashu. She's trying to get her bearings, and her grip is returning the more her world stops to spin and shake.
  580. : places Tessarya on the ground and studies his surroundings. "Let's see... Tess is BASICALLY incapacitated, my ray's still cooling down, and Vahno and Regan have each other occupied. Wanna help me track down Rita, Curus?"
  581. Patashu places Tessarya on the ground and studies his surroundings. "Let's see... Tess is BASICALLY incapacitated, my ray's still cooling down, and Vahno and Regan have each other occupied. Wanna help me track down Rita, Curus?"
  582. CurusKeel grumbles a little, but nods to Patashu. "After you~"
  583. : nod nods, and races back into the base! With intel from the kobolds, he's soon on the factory floor and searching for Rita.
  584. Patashu nod nods, and races back into the base! With intel from the kobolds, he's soon on the factory floor and searching for Rita.
  585. In a page-pose to you, Moriar will be fine; they just should've been more clear that their nodes are sapient.
  586. Morticon is apprehended! He struggles with the robot, trying to kick his way out of this! Like powerful springs, his legs can propel him around, or kick things away!
  587. page moriar=: thumbs up!
  588. You page-pose, "Patashu thumbs up!" to Moriar.
  589. CurusKeel follows in turn, reconnecting with his support unit, setting them to search for Rita - three heads are better than one
  590. Larkin sighs, and will have to get the tusk involved it seems. She finishes her tea, and then picks up the rune-covered tusk, and looks for a place to ... turn the tide.
  591. Regan moves on to bad word #3 at the voice. Instead of trying to run she spins and tries to shock-punch him, but he has the initiative here. "Give me some space!"
  592. Kamare and Rita search for a control panel of some kind, hoping to get some idea of what exactly to destroy
  593. [OOC] Morticon says, "I bet there's a big red 'self destruct' button!"
  594. Tessarya slowly drags herself up to she can sit on the ground, back leaned against something as she stares at the tea party. How long has Larkin just been sipping nice tea?
  595. Vahno opts to instead, give her less! He's already ducking down to try and tackle her!
  596. spoof The production floor is modular and flexible, various assembly lines set up with conveyor belts, movable modules and kobolds acting as 'logistics bots' of a sort. You notice there's an assembly line set up for the Mk.II mechanizing rays, for starters - and a control computer workstation in the center!
  597. ( The production floor is modular and flexible, various assembly lines set up with conveyor belts, movable modules and kobolds acting as 'logistics bots' of a sort. You notice there's an assembly line set up for the Mk.II mechanizing rays, for starters - and a control computer workstation in the center! )
  598. ( The kobold goes flying pretty easily when Morticon kicks it, and lands near where Larkin was sipping tea, incapacitated. )
  599. [OOC] Regan says, "These days you pretty much just install the big red self-destruct button first and then build the rest of the base around it."
  600. ooc Aesthetic
  601. [OOC] Patashu says, "Aesthetic"
  602. Larkin's got a big ol' runed tusk. She turns and then taps the 'bold with the tip of her tusk, trying a little digitil necromancy - can she raise the drone as a cyberzombie?
  603. Rita starts pushing buttons, trying to figure out how to use the workstation, while Kamare stands guard.
  604. Fenrir> Moriar arrives from Ralis's Room.
  605. Fenrir> Moriar has arrived.
  606. Fenrir> Moriar leaves for Primary Factory Complex (northeast).
  607. Fenrir> Moriar has left.
  608. Cypher> Moriar arrives from Proving Grounds.
  609. spoof If that's a question for me, and that's the kobold that got headshotted, it doesn't have a computer or AI anymore thanks to the damage - but maybe you can work around that with your particular form of magic?
  610. Cypher> Moriar has arrived.
  611. ( If that's a question for me, and that's the kobold that got headshotted, it doesn't have a computer or AI anymore thanks to the damage - but maybe you can work around that with your particular form of magic? )
  612. ( The warrior(?) gently sets the kobold up again, and offers them tea )
  613. Cypher> Moriar slips in, to curl up next to Cypher.
  614. : perks, and points! "There's Rita - in the center, at the workstation!" Patashu charges forward!
  615. Patashu perks, and points! "There's Rita - in the center, at the workstation!" Patashu charges forward!
  616. cy : smiles, and reaches down to scritch gently along the top of Moriar's head.
  617. Cypher> Cypher smiles, and reaches down to scritch gently along the top of Moriar's head.
  618. CurusKeel fires a plasma beam towards Rita's direction as Patashu charges, trying to suprise her into getting rammed by the purple dragon!
  619. Crimson's kobold is taken over by Larkin's magic. It can be raised and used by her for assistancing them.
  620. Kamare uh-ohs, and taps Rita, "They're here!" She charges them, looking rather silly trying to face down two dragons much larger than her. Rita, meanwhile, curses and just fires several rounds into the workstation, before disappearing again! She reappears deeper inside the factory floor, smashing kobolds with other kobolds and hunting for something she can blow up.
  621. Morticon grrrs. "You're next, Crimson!" He hops right towards the robowolf once more, and raises his blade! But rather than take a slice, he tries to bounce off Crimson with his feet, to topple the taller robot and rebound!
  622. Crimson
  623. spoof The workstation glitches out, sparks firing from the controls as smoke pours from the sides of the casing! Any kobolds manning production lines pause, confused, as the controlling server stops confirming their orders.
  624. ( The workstation glitches out, sparks firing from the controls as smoke pours from the sides of the casing! Any kobolds manning production lines pause, confused, as the controlling server stops confirming their orders. )
  625. say Ugh! How are we going to pin down a serial teleporter...
  626. You rumble, "Ugh! How are we going to pin down a serial teleporter..."
  627. : also, presumably just picks up Kamare and noogies her, or anything similarly incapacitating and humiliating. ;>
  628. Patashu also, presumably just picks up Kamare and noogies her, or anything similarly incapacitating and humiliating. ;>
  629. Kamare acks and squirms. "S-stop that!"
  630. [OOC] Vahno pokes Regan?
  631. CurusKeel then pins Kamare under their belly, before headshaking... "Good question, she has the speed I really don't have in that regard..."
  632. Larkin's just trying to do the good ol' fashioned energy to replace that which was lost. So, it might gain a head of energy while she's compeling it.
  633. say I think the only shot we have is an ambush. Curus, an illusion bubble, please?
  634. You rumble, "I think the only shot we have is an ambush. Curus, an illusion bubble, please?"
  635. Regan oofs! as she's hugged around the middle and the air squeezed from her. "Your side is confusing!" she wheezes as she drives her balled hands down on his back. "If you get the raygun, I promise to shoot you and/or not shoot you. What do you want?!"
  636. Crimson's able to be knocked slightly off balance, but he catches his balance again! He grabs the other blade on his back that Morticon didn't slice in two, but did knick pretty good, ready to run after Morticon, or fight him here again.
  637. CurusKeel rumblesqueaks, "Or one other possibility... my ultimate weapon"
  638. Vahno Gahs as he's banged on! He still keeps pushing into her, trying to force her over!
  639. Morticon says, "Regan! Larkin! Get in that factory and do what you do best! Destroy it or turn it into a giant teamaker!"
  640. : gapegrins. "Oh my. Yes. Can't dodge *gravity*. Let's go."
  641. Patashu gapegrins. "Oh my. Yes. Can't dodge *gravity*. Let's go."
  642. Kamare gets another idea, and heads to the far end of the production line, looking for a more-or-less completed mechaniser, intending to use it against the dragon synths
  643. [OOC] Kamare says, "Asdf"
  644. Morticon ohcrap! Now the wallaby is running away! Well, hopping. He hops along, trying to keep ahead of the wolf! "Can't catch me!"
  645. Rita gets another idea, and heads to the far end of the production line, looking for a more-or-less completed mechaniser, intending to use it against the dragon synths
  646. : points. "Curus! Rita's trying to grab one of the rayguns! Quick!"
  647. Patashu points. "Curus! Rita's trying to grab one of the rayguns! Quick!"
  648. Regan goes down onto her back under Vahno. She's strong, but he's heavier. Tries to press him up and off with her knees. "Little pinned down at the moment, Mort!"
  649. CurusKeel bounds off and soars above, opening maw wide. Their cannon warms up, glowing with deep purple energy.... a bubble inflates from it, swirling with a deep purple glow - a vortex developing
  650. Morticon shouts back, "Didn't want to use the classic 'tied up right now' phrase, huh?"
  651. : carefully backs up to watch - knowing just how much of an area of effect this thing has!
  652. Patashu carefully backs up to watch - knowing just how much of an area of effect this thing has!
  653. Rita moves with a mixture of running and teleporting, and then grabs the gun from the very end of the production line, pointing it at Curus, and fiddling as fast as she can to make it fire
  654. Regan says, "He hasn't got any rope! I think!"
  655. Vahno squirms and hugs on her tight with two arms, a third reaching around in his bag! "Gonna... Make you a good Yenabot!"
  656. Morticon actually... thinks Vahno has the right idea! >.>
  657. Crimson runs after Morticon, keeping his wings tucked tightly against his back to attempt to keep them from slowing him down as he does! "I'll get you one way or another!" He shouts at the wallaby.
  658. Morticon will let Larkin take care of the factory, then. :)
  659. Larkin taptaps her zombold, and then walks towards the fray, tusk on her her shoulders. They haed into the factory to properly solve things!
  660. CurusKeel then charges in and FIRES the bubble right towards Rita, the 4' bubble drifting down towards the intruder. SHe can feel the raygun start to get tugged away from her hands.. intensifying.. before it spreads over to her whole body, threatening to take her
  661. say That's Curus's gravity bubble for ya! It's an inescapable pull that tugs everything in! *laughs, rumbling*
  662. .Patashu> J'ee has connected.
  663. You rumble, "That's Curus's gravity bubble for ya! It's an inescapable pull that tugs everything in! *laughs, rumbling*"
  664. Morticon thbbts at Crimson, and darts around all the wreckage. He starts tossing little bits and pieces back at the synthwolf. "Aren't you low on power yet?"
  665. .Patashu> J'ee growfs, "DID YA WIN? How many robots does Spindizzy now have? :F"
  666. Morticon, in fact, starts heading for the factory proper!
  667. Rita cusses and tries to teleport away with the gun!
  668. pa say Still going! So far Kamare got blasted
  669. .Patashu> You rumble, "Still going! So far Kamare got blasted"
  670. Tessarya will slowly stand, and walk towards the factory floor. Slow, a little unsteady on her feet.
  671. [OOC] Morticon gasps! That word wasn't in the imprint. Clearly she picked it up from Regan.
  672. .Patashu> J'ee:F
  673. Somewhere on the muck, J'ee has connected.
  674. .Patashu> J'ee growfs, "Well, I could go into nullspace, but then Purp would show up and crash your little party."
  675. [OOC] Rita says, "So many bad influences on the soldiers"
  676. pa : oh no
  677. .Patashu> .Patashu oh no
  678. CurusKeel's bubble starts to pull elsewhere, starting to tug whatever's not tied down in the factory with it. And... Rita's gun is WRENCHED from her hands is it does, sticking to the glowing purple surface
  679. .Patashu> J'ee haha
  680. [OOC] Kandra says, "Oh, I don't know."
  681. .Patashu> J'ee growfs, "ker-crash"
  682. Larkin attempts to just walk towards the self-destruct button. She'll see if anybody notices! >> The cup of tea in her paw steams as she strides.
  683. : blink blinks and watches as the assembly line modules are starting to get tugged towards the gravity bubble - as are the kobolds. "Uhh, wait... I think it's a little TOO strong, Curus!"
  684. Patashu blink blinks and watches as the assembly line modules are starting to get tugged towards the gravity bubble - as are the kobolds. "Uhh, wait... I think it's a little TOO strong, Curus!"
  685. Regan's expression goes very dark at _that_. Her hand sparks red lightning as grabs Vahno with it, even if it shocks her too!
  686. : feels a little tug and grunts, digging his claws down reflexively!
  687. Patashu feels a little tug and grunts, digging his claws down reflexively!
  688. Crimson grins, ducking, dodging or striking the pieces with the blade he's got left to keep them from hitting him! He follows after the wallaby, nearly knocked over as some pieces hit him, following along into the factory! "Nope! have a pretty good battery in this body!"
  689. Rita stumbles away from the giant glowing orb, watching as it maybe does her work for her...
  690. Cypher> Moriar purrs quietly, puffing a bit. Hopes, oocly, that the fight is going well.
  691. Kamare eeps and clings onto Patashu!
  692. say Hey! Get your own terrain!
  693. You rumble, "Hey! Get your own terrain!"
  694. cy : rumbles and nods, it is!
  695. Cypher> Cypher rumbles and nods, it is!
  696. .Patashu> J'ee growfs, "It'd be pretty funny in a way. He'd fire whatever at the biggest target, which would probably be you, and Morticon would somehow cartoonify the mass mayhem."
  697. pa : =w=;
  698. .Patashu> .Patashu =w=;
  699. CurusKeel laughs and grabs tightly onto the factory catwalk, the tug just seeming to grow and grow... The bubble's gravity tugs on Larkin too, as it pulls her hand away from the button...
  700. Rita backs right up, then turns and runs!
  701. Vahno blinks as he's grabbed. "Wait, wha-" BZZZAAAAP! He's shocked! And pretty badly at that! Of course, since he's pretty much lying on Regan with his arms around her... Ow.
  702. Morticon rushes in, rounds a corner, and hugs the side... waiting for Crimson to rush past him!
  703. : uhhs and grabs onto a railing as well for support! He digs his hindclaws into the tiling, only to find the tiling crack and give way! "Uh oh!"
  704. Patashu uhhs and grabs onto a railing as well for support! He digs his hindclaws into the tiling, only to find the tiling crack and give way! "Uh oh!"
  705. say Curus! PLEASE tell me it has an off switch!
  706. You rumble, "Curus! PLEASE tell me it has an off switch!"
  707. Tessarya walks languidly towards the sound of fighting, rubbing the back of her head. Sniffing after the scent of tea too.
  708. CurusKeel digs themselves closer into the catwalk, puffing and squirming, body squeaking and clinging uncomfortably to the factory catwalk.. "It does.. but it.."
  709. Morticon thinks Larkin may not be noticed! Perhaps she can just do it!
  710. Larkin responds with a wry grin. Her body will have to do that pesky cling in place thing, but her eyes flare silver, and a shimmering, astral double of her keeps walking forward!
  711. : squints his eyes at Curus. "Buuut."
  712. Patashu squints his eyes at Curus. "Buuut."
  713. Regan ow. And her fur is a mess. She kicks and slides out from under him with a groan, crest fully erect and sparking. Her gauntlet is just blinking 12:00 now and the Sorc Bot returns to standard, plasma everything mode. At this point, even she and Vahno can feel the tug all the way over here. She sees if she can grab Vahno's... teleport knife? What was that thing?
  714. Crimson runs past Morticon, looking around for him! He does stop for a moment to try to figure out a more efficient way to get hold of the wallaby...
  715. CurusKeel panics and stops the bubble, the vortex and the gravitational pull stopping for a brief moment.. before...
  716. Rita appears on Patashu's back, holding on tight with one hand, the other trying to wrest Kamare free! Her position is precarious though - one slip and she'll be pulled into the gravity well
  717. : grunts at Rita. "Oh no, not you! I'm busy right now, can't you see?" He huffs, as Curus meddles with the gravity bubble...
  718. Patashu grunts at Rita. "Oh no, not you! I'm busy right now, can't you see?" He huffs, as Curus meddles with the gravity bubble...
  719. Morticon pounces on Crimson's back! "Got you!" Tries to steer him! Yeehaw! Ride 'em!
  720. CurusKeel's gravity bubble explodes out, a powerful gravitonic shockwave sending everyone back in a blast of powerfully purple energy!
  721. Morticon says, "Feel that, Crimson? Thatrumble? That's the sound of your defeat! "
  722. Morticon ..."I think."
  723. Rita wrestles with Patashu, saying, "Give me back my commanding off-" before she's knocked down by the blastwave
  724. : yelps! The chunk of catwalk he was holding onto buckles and busts open, as 25ft of feral robodragon goes hurtling towards the outer wall! @w@;;
  725. Patashu yelps! The chunk of catwalk he was holding onto buckles and busts open, as 25ft of feral robodragon goes hurtling towards the outer wall! @w@;;
  726. [OOC] Regan says, "Where is the raygun at this point?"
  727. Larkin's got a zombot to at least cushion her body's imapct, while the shimmering projection tries to leap and makes a mad dash for ground, trying to grip to the surface nearest so she can continue her march! The button needs to learn of the glories of tusk!
  728. ooc I have the Mk.II! Though after this it's hard to say if I still will or not ;>
  729. [OOC] Patashu says, "I have the Mk.II! Though after this it's hard to say if I still will or not ;>"
  730. Tessarya eees and realizes the sound of fighting wasn't ordinary fighting! It's weird fighting! She gets sucked in, having to bump and weakly grip onto a railing, before being blasted onto the ground. Oomph.
  731. ooc Also Rito tried to steal a newly manufactured Mk.II but it got gravity'd away!
  732. [OOC] Patashu says, "Also Rito tried to steal a newly manufactured Mk.II but it got gravity'd away!"
  733. ooc Rita rather.
  734. [OOC] Patashu says, "Rita rather."
  735. .Patashu> J'ee growfs, "Yeap. 'Hey I'm back! Did you miss me?' 'No, J'ee--this wasn't worth it!'"
  736. Vahno's knife seems to be ordinary... and stuck in the ground. Vahno, while stunned by the shock, is rather quickly coming out of it, rummaging around in his bag.
  737. Crimson acks! He's being ridden by Morticon! He can't be steered, but he is just inside the edge of the blast range of that bubble right now... Uh oh!
  738. CurusKeel is knocked right back to the factory's tall walls, the catwalk smashing right into them in turn! The vinylsteel dragon squishes heavily, before the 8' beast falls on the ground with a heavy thud, one of their HUD eyes blinking in and out, and hissing air through holes left by the loose shards of rubble and scrap on the floor
  739. CurusKeel rumblesqueaks, "It.. all that energy just explodes right back.. what it takes in, it lets out.."
  740. : wrenches his head out of the concrete crack it got lodged in, stumbling unevenly. His lower jaw is hanging loose, the mouth cannon inside busted, and his eyes flicker unevenly. "W-w-wasn't ready to-to take a concrete n-n-osedive, I'll admit..."
  741. Patashu wrenches his head out of the concrete crack it got lodged in, stumbling unevenly. His lower jaw is hanging loose, the mouth cannon inside busted, and his eyes flicker unevenly. "W-w-wasn't ready to-to take a concrete n-n-osedive, I'll admit..."
  742. Larkin's impact likely ruins her inaugural zombot, but at least she planned well and has a nice impact crater. The body is clutching the power of tusk, and the tea manages to mosstly survive - just a few drinks left! Her projection form tries to find that button, if it's still intact!
  743. say ...Q-quick! Where'd Rita go! We need to incapacitate her if-if she isn't yet.
  744. You rumble, "...Q-quick! Where'd Rita go! We need to incapacitate her if-if she isn't yet."
  745. Regan sneers at him. "First of all, I'd be a *bad* yenabot if anything. There are no other kinds. And second of al--" whatever she was going to say is lost when the expanding force-explosion slams into her back and sends her flying and skidding across the ground.
  746. Rita picks herself up, seeming relatively unharmed... but she's small and light, compared to the big heavy dragons. She marches up to Patashu, attempting to grab Kamare and the Mk II
  747. say Rita! Not so fast-
  748. You rumble, "Rita! Not so fast-"
  749. Cypher> .Crimson has teleported in.
  750. Cypher> .Crimson has arrived.
  751. Morticon is hit with the explosion as well, and he goes flying off of Crimson, who probably also gets knocked over!
  752. Rita says, "Oh yeah? Why not?"
  753. : tries to open fire. The maw cannon doesn't respond. "Uhh. Wait. Plan C?"
  754. Patashu tries to open fire. The maw cannon doesn't respond. "Uhh. Wait. Plan C?"
  755. Regan's also splashed by rubble and... some tea?! The heck.
  756. CurusKeel "N-n-no, neither diii-di-did iiiiih". The dragon stumbles back onto their paws, their hind lags rapidly deflating, his maw cannon "drooling" liquid vinylsteel, sparking
  757. Rita smirks. "Is that it?" She grabs for the gun!
  758. Vahno yelps, covering his head! "N-not again!"
  759. : clanks the missile pods out of his forehaunches! "Whew, these still work - wait!" He fires the missiles in front of him AFTER Rita's already wrenched the gun free!
  760. Patashu clanks the missile pods out of his forehaunches! "Whew, these still work - wait!" He fires the missiles in front of him AFTER Rita's already wrenched the gun free!
  761. [OOC] Rita says, "The glue ones?"
  762. ooc Yep!
  763. [OOC] Patashu says, "Yep!"
  764. Cypher> Moriar slinks over towards Crimson, to follow him.
  765. Crimson did get knocked over! He takes quite a hit to his head, causing the Kobold Assist System to go offline on him. He's not as fast now, and stumbles slightly as he stands up pretty slowly. "O-ow..."
  766. CurusKeel jerkily puffs and tosses vinylsteel bubbles at Rita, but they inflate erratically... unevenly, easily popping as they reach Rita, weak...
  767. Regan pushes herself up. Checks if she still has all her beloved teeth.... Stage 3: Bargaining. "You know what would be cooler than turning me into a bot?" She tries. "Help me turn Patashu into an organic dragon."
  768. Tessarya sits up again. As a contractor, she'd expected to have the mission details be more concrete. She looks for Morticon.
  769. Rita is so close she doesn't even have time to realise she's being blasted with a small mountain of glue until she already has been, leaving her completely stuck. The gun flies out of her paws.
  770. say Aha! I c-CAN do something right!
  771. You rumble, "Aha! I c-CAN do something right!"
  772. Kamare jumps off Patashu and tries to grab the gun next!
  773. : grabs at the gun with a glitchy, loose gapegrin. He arms it and aims at Rita...
  774. Patashu grabs at the gun with a glitchy, loose gapegrin. He arms it and aims at Rita...
  775. Larkin(Z)[Elandra] pages, "Is there a button left for Larkin's ghost-double to look for? >>" to you.
  776. : ... only to lose it to Kamare. "Oh no, not NOW!"
  777. Patashu ... only to lose it to Kamare. "Oh no, not NOW!"
  778. Vahno finally tugs out what he was looking for. A Raygun with a PI logo on it. He aims it at Regan. "That! Is for later!"
  779. CurusKeel scrambles towards the gun and tries to ram Kamare out of the way, but it just ends up being a half-hearted tumble and flop towards the kobold
  780. spoof Larkin's attempt to find a self destruct button is, well... The central workstation got ripped off of its frame and blasted to pieces! It's hard to say if there's anything sabotage-worthy present. Lots of cool junk though!
  781. ( Larkin's attempt to find a self destruct button is, well... The central workstation got ripped off of its frame and blasted to pieces! It's hard to say if there's anything sabotage-worthy present. Lots of cool junk though! )
  782. say Curus, a little he- Oh. Uhhhh.
  783. You rumble, "Curus, a little he- Oh. Uhhhh."
  784. Larkin's ghost-double will look for anything that can be shorted out or otherwise damaged further - she might as well, while she's here.
  785. Kamare points the gun at Patashu! She spares a glance at Curus. "Alright! Turn me back to normal, Patashu, or you get it."
  786. : nervously reels back a bit. "Anyone?"
  787. Patashu nervously reels back a bit. "Anyone?"
  788. Morticon's in the hallway! He gets to his feet, shouting (so he can be heard) "That's it, Crimson... you're done for!" He can hear the other battle going on, and knows Crimson is small fry (ha!), so he just snickersnacks around the wolf, hoping to cup off the second weapon, or maybe even a paw... and then goes running towards the real battle!
  789. Rita is completely helpless inside the glue, having been stunned by the impact
  790. Cypher> .Crimson is a bit out of it for a moment. He snaps back to reality. "Oof... That hit to the head really got that Crimson good... Enough that I felt it."
  791. CurusKeel rumblesqueaks, "Sh-sh-ooooould of tried torrr-to-toarrararararara-rot-tornado bub-bub-ub-bu-bububububu-SYSTEM CRITICAL"
  792. say G-great. My second in command's been p-popped.
  793. You rumble, "G-great. My second in command's been p-popped."
  795. Kamare yips, "That's right! No kobolds to help you now!" She seems to have forgotten how tenuous her control of herself is. "Now turn me back!"
  796. Cypher> Moriar nods a bit to Crimson, "Node fourteen isn't responding."
  797. Regan gets use to word #4. And her gauntlet is fritz'ed! She tries a desperate dive behind something as she pulls an EMP grenade from her belt.
  798. say Fine, I'll turn you back... If you zap Rita into a kobold first!
  799. You rumble, "Fine, I'll turn you back... If you zap Rita into a kobold first!"
  800. Kamare blinks. "Why would I do that?"
  801. Vahno opens fire wildly, trying to aim between the cover and Regan with his blasts!
  802. say D-don't you want to be helpful?
  803. You rumble, "D-don't you want to be helpful?"
  804. CurusKeel's body starts patching up with reserves of vinylsteel, covering the leaks and punctures on the dragon's body. The dragon's remaining drones have shut off, due to the impact
  805. : sweatdrops, reeling back nervously... Maybe this wasn't a great plan.
  806. Patashu sweatdrops, reeling back nervously... Maybe this wasn't a great plan.
  807. Crimson blinks and watches as the second weapon is turned useless! He runs after Morticon though! It's obvious he is having a bit of trouble with where he's going, but he manages to mostly keep a straight line! He stops once he sees the main fight. "Woah... This p-place is really in b-bad shape..."
  808. Kamare pauses. "Well, I suppose..." She lowers the gun a little.
  809. Vahno . o O ( MK1, don't fail me now! )
  810. say Then you'll obey your boss, won't you~
  811. You rumble, "Then you'll obey your boss, won't you~"
  812. Morticon appears ! "No, she doesn't!" He shouts, dramatically. "Kamare! Don't forget what's really going on here!"
  813. say Morticon! I'm trying to have an employee orientation meeting here!
  814. You rumble, "Morticon! I'm trying to have an employee orientation meeting here!"
  815. Kamare nods to Patashu. "Right away!" She turns and is about to zap Rita when she hears Morticon. "Commander?"
  816. say Uhh, yes! I'm your Commander, so you follow my commands!
  817. You rumble, "Uhh, yes! I'm your Commander, so you follow my commands!"
  818. : doesn't look like he convinced HIMSELF, let alone anyone else.
  819. Patashu doesn't look like he convinced HIMSELF, let alone anyone else.
  820. Regan does a little jig around a few blasts as she throws the grenade at Vahno. "Kam?! Help!" Then she catches a blast right in the shoulder.
  821. Kamare nods to Patashu, and starts pulling the trigger...
  822. Morticon says bad word #1! "I don't think so! Kamare works for -ME-. Kamare, be helpful and do what we came here for. Make that hunk of junk turn you back to your old self, and let's blow this popsicle stand up!"
  823. Morticon can't really stay still, since Crimson is right behind him!
  824. Larkin's double reels back into her body, and the tigress hops up, with her tusk! She then scrambles through the ruins, looking for the power conduit that she found! She'll try to get a handful of scrapped bots to rise up! and help her schlepp it towards some fuel tanks.
  825. Kamare stops firing, and between Patashu and Morticon, visibly confused.
  826. say ...Ooh, new idea! Fire at Morticon!
  827. You rumble, "...Ooh, new idea! Fire at Morticon!"
  828. Cypher> .Crimson blinks a few times. "I uh... The central control workstation is blown up, so all the kobold have lost the server they're connected to usually... Might wanna avoid the factory altogether for a while. Lots of boom." He then lays on the floor, staring at the ceiling quietly.
  829. tb C'mon, this better work!
  830. Patashu . o O ( C'mon, this better work! )
  831. Kamare aims the gun at Morticon and fires
  832. CurusKeel pulls to feet, system rebooting. The dragon reactivates, opening maw to say...
  833. Vahno cackles as he hits Regan with a koboldification blast! "Ahahah! Enjoy the bot lift!" Then he gets bonked with the live EMP. "Ow!"
  834. Tessarya stands and overlooks the wreckage of the factory. Man this place shambles.
  835. CurusKeel rumblesqueaks, "Welcome to Cerulean Universe Softworks! I am CU-RUS, the future of AI"
  836. Morticon's still moving. How good is Kamare's aim? Or does she hit Crimson on accident?
  837. Kamare's aim is pretty darn good
  838. : cheers! "C'mon! I promised a shiny Morticon and I'm g-going to get it one way or another!"
  839. Patashu cheers! "C'mon! I promised a shiny Morticon and I'm g-going to get it one way or another!"
  840. Crimson tries to actually make his way past Morticon! He should check on the Thorium Power Reactor after that control workstation was destroyed! He could probably be grabbed though.
  841. Morticon's zapped! Wallabold it is!
  842. ( As Regan's hit, the ray starts to shrink her, as well as purple her up some, like a good PI Kobold. Fur to metallic scales, flesh and organs to machinery! )
  843. Kamare resumes her previous instructions from Patashu, and zaps Rita next
  844. Cypher> Moriar nods a bit, "I moved all my kobold bodies into Ralis' room."
  845. CurusKeel rumblesqueaks, "Our products have formed the foundation of artifical intelligence in areas as wide-ranging as video games, industrial manufacturing, and combat"
  846. spoof A wispy trail of purple energy expands across Morticon's body, like a circuit conduit, shimmering with lightning! He feels a hot and intense sensation, like the afterglow of a good workout, as materials are changed, inside and out, into the form of a purple and gold trim PI kobold synth, mass transformed into energy as he drops down at his new 3ft height! (And the same thing presumably happens to Rita as well.)
  847. ( A wispy trail of purple energy expands across Morticon's body, like a circuit conduit, shimmering with lightning! He feels a hot and intense sensation, like the afterglow of a good workout, as materials are changed, inside and out, into the form of a purple and gold trim PI kobold synth, mass transformed into energy as he drops down at his new 3ft height! (And the same thing presumably happens to Rita as well.) )
  848. Larkin, unopposed, will start a fuel fire using a power counduit as an ignition medium!
  849. Rita is transformed into a kobold, the change in size freeing her from her glue prison, which she then climbs out of.
  850. CurusKeel sits on hindquarters and points to himself, completely oblvious to what is going on, as they have entered their hidden "presenter" mode and program
  851. spoof Warnings flash on the holographic HUD for the Mk.II Kamare is holding! It doesn't like being shot twice in a row like that, and it's visibly hot and venting.
  852. ( Warnings flash on the holographic HUD for the Mk.II Kamare is holding! It doesn't like being shot twice in a row like that, and it's visibly hot and venting. )
  853. spoof FWOOOOOSH! The fire flares and spreads rapidly through the fuel, illuminating its corner of the factory floor!
  854. ( FWOOOOOSH! The fire flares and spreads rapidly through the fuel, illuminating its corner of the factory floor! )
  855. Kamare looks down at the gun, then up at Patashu. "Uh, boss?"
  856. Somewhere on the muck, Austin has connected.
  857. Cypher> .Crimson vocalizes, "My other body is trying to get to the Thorium reactor to make sure it's not going to start suffering a reactor core meltdown or anything. Hard to do when the KAS in that body has shut down and I can't run /too/ fast, though."
  858. say There! That's my two biggest thorns in my side dealt wi- WHY IS THAT ON FIRE.
  859. You rumble, "There! That's my two biggest thorns in my side dealt wi- WHY IS THAT ON FIRE."
  860. Tessarya blinks watching as her comrades and her COMMANDER get turned into...weird kobold thingies! "Ummm..." she's sniffles, and coughs to clear her throat, "Hey Kamare, I'm still here. Shoot me too..."
  861. Aldrinor has disconnected.
  862. Aldrinor has connected.
  863. say Curus! Curus! Answer me. *nudge. Nudge! Nudge!* Fire suppressant bubbles!
  864. You rumble, "Curus! Curus! Answer me. *nudge. Nudge! Nudge!* Fire suppressant bubbles!"
  865. Morticon looks himself over, "Saaayyyy."
  866. Larkin, then, will do everything she can to encourage it to spread - connecting systems to the fuel lines, and generally adding entropy to the factory.
  867. Morticon decides to take advantage and start some fires of his own!
  868. Regan scowls and growls, "Gonna..." and trails off as she's transformed! She maintains a some of her old color scheme: Ending up coppery with a few black scales among the tessellating hexagons. She's a bit larger and there are noticeable, titanium fangs. She glows purpley in the parting mist.
  869. CurusKeel rumblesqueaks, "I am Cerulean Universe's Revolutionary Universal Sentience - CU-RUS. This platform is *BZZZT*DATA UNRECOVERABLE*BZZT*, manufactured in collaboration with Patashu Industrie"
  870. Kamare looks down at the gun again, then shoots Tess. Clearly nobody briefed her on not firing the guns without letting them cool.
  871. Vahno says, "Reganbold! Come with me! We've got to meet up with your friends!"
  872. : looks about to race over to the fire to try and maybe do something about it, but winces as he sees Mortibold run off as well. "No! You're a kobold! You have to help me now!" He protests, waving a foreclaw!
  873. Patashu looks about to race over to the fire to try and maybe do something about it, but winces as he sees Mortibold run off as well. "No! You're a kobold! You have to help me now!" He protests, waving a foreclaw!
  874. Tessarya wonders if the gun fires, or explodes. She's exposed, completely, too weak to dodge, too weak to run. She awaits to see what happens.
  875. CurusKeel rumblesqueaks, "puffs a few small bubbles up in the air, aiming in random directions."
  876. [OOC] CurusKeel says, "(Ooop)"
  877. spoof The Mk.II KZZAPS! in Kamare's hands, forcefully powering down before it fires.
  878. ( The Mk.II KZZAPS! in Kamare's hands, forcefully powering down before it fires. )
  879. CurusKeel puffs a few small bubbles up in the air, aiming in random directions.
  880. Cypher> Moriar replies with a short nod, "I'm.. not feeling motivated to assist at this time."
  881. Larkin compels her scrap-zoms to attack Patashu, swarming up and calling out, "Charnel for the swarm! You will be made to serve!" Uh.
  882. Kamare looks down at the gun. "Oh dear." She tosses it aside, and runs after Patashu, trying to help him out!
  883. Morticon says, "Nu uh! Crimson said I could remain myself! So.. I am!"
  884. Regan synths, "Af-firmative, nerd. Always willing to extend an assistant appendage to a friend suffering from malfunction." She lurches along with Vahno. Sparking and twitching a bit.
  885. Morticon starts more fires! Disables more fire suppression systems! Thanks to Larkin as well, this place is gonna go up in smoke real quick!
  886. Rita jumps down from her former glue prison, looking a bit dazed, before spotting Tess, who she walks over too. "Uh, what's going on?"
  887. CurusKeel rumblesqueaks, "This platform uses Patashu Industries's revolutionary vinylsteel materials, with resillent bubble generators useful for all sorts of combat - and entertainment."
  888. : blink blinks! Watching the zombiebolds crowd around Patashu. "Hey! Uhh, wait! I'm a bit busy right now... Serve? Serve what?" He bumps back against the wall behind him in a nervous backpedal, having thoroughly lost his commanding position here!
  889. Patashu blink blinks! Watching the zombiebolds crowd around Patashu. "Hey! Uhh, wait! I'm a bit busy right now... Serve? Serve what?" He bumps back against the wall behind him in a nervous backpedal, having thoroughly lost his commanding position here!
  890. [OOC] Kandra says, "zombolds?"
  891. Vahno grins and heads in to join Patashu and the others!
  892. Larkin calls out, "Don't worry, Patashu, you will make a fascinating zombot!"
  893. [OOC] Kamare says, "Zombie kobolds"
  894. Tessarya walks along the walkway, "Kamare" she calls, and frowns, "Kamare, Rita?" she asks. At least Morticon is spritely, but her old friends. "Uh..." she looks at the shorter Rita. "Kamare's turned to Patashu's side. Morticon's turned too, but he's himself." she frowns, "I havn't seen Vahno or Regan in a while though."
  895. [OOC] Kamare says, "Or zombie robots, I guess"
  896. [OOC] Kandra says, "I know! I was just proposing make a compound term out of it."
  897. [OOC] Larkin says, "Larkin is reanimating broken robots because her schtick is necromancy."
  898. [OOC] Larkin says, "Oh! Yes."
  899. [OOC] Kamare says, "Oh, ha, sorry"
  900. Crimson makes his way to the Thorium power reactor! He makes his way over to the controls for it, looking to see if he can even shut it down in an emergency if needed at this point. He's getting multiple alerts of fires in the factory right now, through his visor.
  901. : sweatdrops. Okay, there's no coming back from THIS little tempo! He throws himself on the ground, head under his forepaws, as though groveling. "OK! I surrender! You win!"
  902. Patashu sweatdrops. Okay, there's no coming back from THIS little tempo! He throws himself on the ground, head under his forepaws, as though groveling. "OK! I surrender! You win!"
  903. Rita frowns. "I see."
  904. Morticon stops, "Change us all back, and we'll get out of here before it blows up! We won't even arrest you!"
  905. [OOC] Kamare says, "Everybody loses, then? Patashu surrenders, but half the SED team are kobolds and none of the Mk II guns work"
  906. Larkin laughs like a 90s cartoon villain, complete with backlighting provided by the fire.
  907. CurusKeel rumblesqueaks, "We hope that *BZZT*Pata*Bzzt* you *Bzzt*Pata!*bzzt* find use *bzzt*I'm here*bzzt* in our *bzzt*get me*bzzt* AI products"
  908. : gulps! "Uhh, sure, I can change you all back... Uhh, if I have a working Mk.II?" He looks around, hopeful!
  909. Patashu gulps! "Uhh, sure, I can change you all back... Uhh, if I have a working Mk.II?" He looks around, hopeful!
  910. Rita looks over at Curus. "We should get him out, ma'am."
  911. Cypher> .Crimson wrrrs. "I think I'll stay here in the middle of the room on the floor. It's safest for me."
  912. Morticon uhohs. No more Mk II's.... "nooooo!" He cries in a robotic voice! So Patashu won AND lost.
  913. Kamare pipes up to her boss, "The Mk II I had stopped working, sir."
  914. Cypher> Moriar lays down alongside Crimson, leaning against the wolf.
  915. [OOC] Kandra says, "The one that refused to fire might just power up again now that it's cool"
  916. [OOC] Morticon says, "Nah, this is a fun ending."
  917. [OOC] Kamare says, "Indeed"
  918. Crimson makes his way back into the factory at this point, and blinks a few times.
  919. Larkin will attempt to animate some more bots so she can be carried on on a palanquin born by zombots.
  920. Regan synths as she and Vahno enter, "We do not have authorization credentials to arrest in any eventuality as authorization is derived from collective will of relevant sentients within the authoritative domain." Okay, so some things never change.
  921. : sweatdrops. "Uhhh, that's bad." He walks over and retrieves it, trying to power it on... Bzzap! "It's busted."
  922. Patashu sweatdrops. "Uhhh, that's bad." He walks over and retrieves it, trying to power it on... Bzzap! "It's busted."
  923. [OOC] CurusKeel says, "Indeed, heh. I love this~"
  924. say Anyone here a licensed Mechanizing Ray technician?
  925. You rumble, "Anyone here a licensed Mechanizing Ray technician?"
  926. say OH WAIT.
  927. You rumble, "OH WAIT."
  928. [OOC] Crimson says, "This is a fun ending, I agree!"
  929. say NO TOOLS.
  930. You rumble, "NO TOOLS."
  931. [OOC] Tessarya says, "It was good."
  932. : gestures around!!
  933. Patashu gestures around!!
  934. say Thanks!!!
  935. You rumble, "Thanks!!!"
  936. Crimson blinks. "I mean..."
  937. [OOC] Kamare says, "I certainly have no complaints"
  938. ooc I did not see this coming and I am very amused! :3c
  939. [OOC] Patashu says, "I did not see this coming and I am very amused! :3c"
  940. Vahno looks toward his ray, before shoving it into his bag.
  941. [OOC] Kandra says, "I mean! Maybe Larkin wins, eventually, since she got the fire-backlit cackle moment. :>"
  942. : mumblegrumbles, "This is going to take FOREVER to clean up..."
  943. Patashu mumblegrumbles, "This is going to take FOREVER to clean up..."
  944. [OOC] Kandra says, "...I'm unclear on how canonical all this is."
  945. Crimson vocalizes, "You do send everything broken to me or the other engineers Patashu. I think my ACIDS2 core may need a bit of a tune-up after that blast, though."
  946. Tessarya looks to her boss, and walks over to whisper.
  947. [OOC] Morticon says, "Roll credits!"
  948. CurusKeel rumblesqueaks, "If you have *bzzt*repair*bzzt* any *bzzt*stuck*bzzt* questions *bzzt*in*bzzt* please *bzzt*demo*bzzt* ask *bzzt*mode*bzzt* them and I can answer"
  949. [OOC] Kamare says, "Likewise"
  950. [OOC] Larkin says, "I'd say pretty noncanonical."
  951. [OOC] Tessarya says, "Fun too :>"
  952. Regan synths flatly to Vahno, "Probability that this unit will literally terminate you if it ever gets out of this: 99.9%. Margin of error: +/-0.1% Sarcasm coefficient: 0."
  953. [OOC] CurusKeel says, "Very! Drgn craziness"
  954. [OOC] Kamare says, "Muwahahaha"
  955. oooc I'm going to play up the factory as being under repairs for a while, and then when production re-starts, people can get debolded. But until then, feel free to be or not be a kobold depending on how you like mixing scenarios non-scenario play! That sound good?
  956. ?SYNTAX ERROR (Type 'commands', 'help', or 'globals' for help.)
  957. ooc I'm going to play up the factory as being under repairs for a while, and then when production re-starts, people can get debolded. But until then, feel free to be or not be a kobold depending on how you like mixing scenarios non-scenario play! That sound good?
  958. [OOC] Patashu says, "I'm going to play up the factory as being under repairs for a while, and then when production re-starts, people can get debolded. But until then, feel free to be or not be a kobold depending on how you like mixing scenarios non-scenario play! That sound good?"
  959. <Verbatim start: Morticon>
  961. Mort and Patashu
  964. Mort and Patashu
  966. CAST
  967. Kamare
  968. Rita
  969. Morticon
  970. Tessarya
  971. Larkin
  972. Patashu
  973. CurusKeel
  974. Moriar
  975. Crimson
  977. Special guest villain
  978. Vahno
  980. (C) Copyright 2019 SpinDizzy CH 1
  981. <Verbatim end: Morticon>
  982. Kandra, just to add a last bit, could show up just about now after putting in the effort to get ready for a job interview!
  983. In a page-pose to you, Kamare wouldn't mind staying a kobold in your service, for a time :P
  984. Vahno ahahahs... "Well, I'd love to help out, but... I got a... ray to... recharge. Yes. BYE ALL!"
  985. Vahno runs awaaaaaaay!
  986. say Wait! VAHNO!
  987. You rumble, "Wait! VAHNO!"
  988. : shakes a fist!
  989. Patashu shakes a fist!
  990. Larkin will arrange for a Vahno-styled carpet for her palanquin at a future date!
  991. : anyways, swaps to a synthbold desc if anyone wants to take notes!
  992. Patashu anyways, swaps to a synthbold desc if anyone wants to take notes!
  993. morph synthbold
  994. Patashu shows off one of Patashu Industries's kobold synths.
  995. [OOC] Morticon says, "Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this!"
  996. Regan goes after him, still following her most recent direction.
  997. [Kamare just looked in your direction! (Herm Fox)]
  998. ooc It was a LOT of fun! Thank you to Morticon and Curus for helping manage and everyone else for participating and/or watching!
  999. [OOC] Patashu says, "It was a LOT of fun! Thank you to Morticon and Curus for helping manage and everyone else for participating and/or watching!"
  1000. [Kandra just looked in your direction! (female white fox)]
  1001. [OOC] Kamare says, "Notes taken"
  1002. [OOC] Larkin says, "It was amusing!"
  1003. [OOC] Kandra says, "It was fun to watch!"
  1004. [OOC] CurusKeel says, "Awwwr thanks"
  1005. [Regan just looked in your direction! (Female Hyena)]
  1006. [OOC] Tessarya says, "It was fun to play :)"
  1007. [OOC] Vahno says, "Chaotic!"
  1008. ooc It was a beautiful mess!
  1009. [OOC] Patashu says, "It was a beautiful mess!"
  1010. [OOC] Crimson says, "I enjoyed it a lot!"
  1011. [OOC] Vahno says, "Shall we do it again at some point?"
  1012. [OOC] Kamare says, "Absolutely"
  1013. [OOC] Regan says, "Thanks for the chaos."
  1014. [OOC] CurusKeel says, "Defintely would be fun~"
  1015. [OOC] Morticon says, "We could certainly run something like this again sometime! perhaps a week from now, to do any aftermath?"
  1016. [OOC] Niny'ah says, "I wasn't able to keep track of ... anybody... for more than a few poses, there was a LOT going on"
  1017. [OOC] Niny'ah says, "as Patashu put it very well, 'a beautiful mess'"
  1018. ooc Sounds good to me, Morticon!
  1019. [OOC] Patashu says, "Sounds good to me, Morticon!"
  1020. [OOC] Tessarya says, "Embrace the power of Chaos."
  1021. [OOC] Kamare says, "I just about kept caught up with my two threads"
  1022. [OOC] Regan says, "Chaos! Chaos! I can do anything!"
  1023. [OOC] Morticon says, "Yeah, if you focus on your sections only, it's not too bad."
  1024. Tessarya whispers, "Tessarya hugs you both - good thing she called in sick today. But next week won't be so lucky." to you and Morticon.
  1025. whisper #R=: gapegrins, hugging!
  1026. You whisper, "Patashu gapegrins, hugging!" to Tessarya and Morticon.
  1027. [OOC] Aldrinor says, "hehe."
  1028. Morticon says, "OK.. a week from now! And everyone was able to participate! This went really, really well. "
  1029. : gives Morticon a high five!
  1030. Patashu gives Morticon a high five!
  1031. [OOC] Aldrinor says, "It is time I gave in to Nyquil."
  1032. [OOC] Aldrinor says, "Nini"
  1033. Morticon says, "No idea what we'll do next week, but likely wrap this up somehow."
  1034. ooc GN!
  1035. [OOC] Patashu says, "GN!"
  1036. Cypher> Moriar nudges Crimson gently, "May I sleep here, with you?" The gryphon glances around, "It appears safe, here."
  1037. [OOC] Kamare says, "Night Ald"
  1038. Morticon zips!
  1039. [OOC] Niny'ah says, "gnight"
  1040. Morticon is glommed down and swept away by a plastic hippopotamus mouth.
  1041. Morticon has left.
  1042. [OOC] Kandra says, "Goodnight!"
  1043. Larkin will have to describe her palanquin for her arrival next week!
  1044. Aldrinor is glommed down and swept away by a plastic hippopotamus mouth.
  1045. Aldrinor has left.
  1046. Somewhere on the muck, Aldrinor has disconnected.
  1047. [OOC] Vahno says, "See ya around, SEDbolds!"
  1048. Cypher> .Crimson nods. "Sure thing. I don't plan to move unless Cypher starts dragging me around."
  1049. [OOC] Kandra says, "I enjoyed your part, Regan."
  1050. [OOC] Tessarya says, "Not all of us were turned bolds! All but...2."
  1051. [OOC] Regan says, "Hey, thanks."
  1052. Somewhere on the muck, Morticon has disconnected.
  1053. CurusKeel high-fives Patashu and Rita!
  1054. : ^^
  1055. Patashu ^^
  1056. [OOC] Tessarya says, "Regan tried, but Vahno kept being...Vahno :> Just as good."
  1057. Vahno is probably gonna be put on a wanted poster.
  1058. ## CurusKeel goes Out Of Character.
  1059. Larkin is gonna turn you into a rug! :D
  1060. Kamare thinks she's the one to be high-fiving, since she's given in to the kobold programming! Rita's still independent
  1061. Larkin ... if Regan doesn't slaughter you first! Which she will!
  1062. Rita would shoot Curus =^.^=
  1063. Tessarya's pretty much KO'd out of this fight. Not much she can do when something like that happened to her.
  1064. Regan(Z)[Lepus] pages, "If we pick up from here, Regbold is going to try to do a bunch of Robo-Marxist sayings and infect the others on her network." to you and Vahno.
  1065. Crimson looks around at the mess a bit. "I feel bad for whoever gets to clean this mess up..."
  1066. Tessarya whispers, "Tessarya enjoys the fact that you're big, yet you're not OP - just believably so. HArd to find people who can straddle that line." to you.
  1067. CurusKeel ICly is still in a demo mode for a Cerulean Universe Softworks tradeshow or something
  1068. whisper tessarya=I have a super power - I enjoy losing!
  1069. You whisper, "I have a super power - I enjoy losing!" to Tessarya.
  1070. Regan is gunno.
  1071. page regan lepus=*gigglefits!*
  1072. Cypher> Moriar rests their chin on Crimson's chest, to doze softly.
  1073. You page, "*gigglefits!*" to Lepus and Regan(Z)[Lepus].
  1074. CurusKeel and generally is in critical-need-repairs condition.
  1075. Cypher> [OOC] Moriar retreats to bed, in meatspace.
  1076. cy ooc GN!
  1077. Cypher> [OOC] Cypher says, "GN!"
  1078. Vahno is singed and hiding from probably a number of angry folks.
  1079. Kandra wonders if she *can* show up in the next one. Just, like, being totally unprepared in every possible way, and there by accident because she had some kind of prior engagement and no-one told her there was a war on.
  1080. Larkin attempts to her tusk of machine necromancy to try to animate Curus, to see if she can coerce him into being useful. >>
  1081. Tessarya whispers, "Tessarya grins, "The SED tends to be very levelled too. Or does their best to be." to you.
  1082. whisper tessarya=: gives an agreeable thumbs up!
  1083. You whisper, "Patashu gives an agreeable thumbs up!" to Tessarya.
  1084. Cypher> [OOC] Moriar wasn't expecting to get mortally violence'd at during a fight.. needs to think on if they'll be joining any other combat rp's in the future.
  1085. Tessarya whispers, "Tessarya totally enjoyed being able to do that 4 page center fold spread :3" to you.
  1086. whisper tessarya=Haha, yes
  1087. You whisper, "Haha, yes" to Tessarya.
  1088. [OOC] Tessarya says, "Aaaaand, goodnight from me too."
  1089. [OOC] Kandra says, "Goodnight!"
  1090. Cypher> Moriar has disconnected.
  1091. Tessarya has disconnected.
  1092. Crimson asks Patashu, "...Should I get what remains of the kobolds to move Curus to the Maintenance Bay? They seem a bit..." He isn't even sure what to call this state for now.
  1093. say Eheh, yes please.
  1094. You chirp, "Eheh, yes please."
  1095. Vahno peeks in. "Need help?"
  1096. Kamare volunteers to help! Since she is one of the few remaining kobolds.
  1097. Larkin gently pokes Curus with the tusk. >>
  1098. [OOC] CurusKeel says, "After this I'm probably gonna log out anyway, so..."
  1099. Crimson nods to Vahno. "I do need help, yes. We should uh... Move them to the maintenance bay for the moment."
  1100. Vahno nods. He'll help- Wait, what happened to the EMP he was hit with...?
  1101. CurusKeel squishes from the poke, forcibly shaking their head up and down in jerky motions. The AI is still there in them - and the failsafe offers no resistance to the mantince bay mode, still extoling how wonderful Cerulean Universe Softworks is
  1102. ( tick... tick... ZOT! )
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