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May 29th, 2017
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  1. # MasterBuilders - A fun minigame developed by gartenzaun
  2. MasterBuilders:
  3. bungeecord:
  4. hubserver: lobby
  5. hubbalancing:
  6. enabled: true
  7. hubservers:
  8. - lobby
  9. - lobby
  10. setupfinished: true
  11. settings:
  12. restart: true
  13. multilang: false
  14. tablist:
  15. enabled: true
  16. header: |-
  17. &bMaster&9Builders
  18. &
  19. footer: '&eTs:'
  20. lobbycountdownlengthinseconds: 91
  21. buildingphaselengthinseconds: 241
  22. votingphaselengthinseconds: 15
  23. timeafterendinseconds: 15
  24. denychatduringbuildphase: true
  25. playerscaneditgroundfloor: true
  26. minplayers: 2
  27. wordvoting: true
  28. wordvotingonly9randomwords: true
  29. particlelimit: false
  30. particlelimit_number: 16
  31. voting_inappropriate: true
  32. viphide:
  33. hook: false
  34. unnickatgameend: false
  35. moblimit: false
  36. moblimit_number: 16
  37. game:
  38. buildingphase:
  39. menuitem: '264:0'
  40. show_plot_owner_before_voting: false
  41. voting_items:
  42. worst: '160:14'
  43. bad: '160:1'
  44. okay: '160:4'
  45. good: '160:5'
  46. amazing: '160:3'
  47. awesome: '160:6'
  48. report: '340:0'
  49. voting_sounds:
  50. enabled: true
  51. worst: GHAST_SCREAM
  52. bad: ITEM_BREAK
  53. okay: SKELETON_IDLE
  54. good: NOTE_PLING
  55. amazing: ORB_PICKUP
  56. awesome: LEVEL_UP
  57. report: PIG_DEATH
  58. useownchatformat: true
  59. game:
  60. chatformat: '%player%&7: &f%message%'
  61. inappropriate_building:
  62. cmd: kick %player% Stop building stupid things!
  63. reward:
  64. enabled: false
  65. cmd: money add %player% 100
  66. pointsapi:
  67. enabled: false
  68. winner: 100
  69. playingagame: 10
  70. stats:
  71. enabled: true
  72. mysql:
  73. enabled: false
  74. host:
  75. port: 3306
  76. username: username
  77. password: password
  78. database: masterbuildersdb
  79. leaderheads:
  80. hook: false
  81. playedGames:
  82. lines: &id001
  83. - null
  84. - §5{name}
  85. - §1{amount}
  86. - null
  87. guiCmd: guiPlayedGames
  88. wins:
  89. lines: *id001
  90. gui: guiWins
  91. lobby:
  92. x: -1032.484864753676
  93. y: 26.0
  94. z: -468.0808865435775
  95. pitch: 1069547540
  96. yaw: -1080432640
  97. world: MasterBuilders
  98. words:
  99. - Tiger
  100. - Angel
  101. - Auto
  102. - Handy
  103. - Hund
  104. - Katze
  105. - Schildkröte
  106. - Fön
  107. - Koffer
  108. - Turm
  109. - Wasserfall
  110. - Autobahn
  111. - Straßenschild
  112. - Schere
  113. - Apfel
  114. - Creeper
  115. - Skelett
  116. - Hase
  117. - Maus
  118. - Taschenrechner
  119. - Egal
  120. mapname: Berge
  121. builder: Unbekannt
  122. buildarea:
  123. '1':
  124. world: MasterBuilders
  125. point1:
  126. x: -1044
  127. y: 26
  128. z: -404
  129. world: MasterBuilders
  130. point2:
  131. x: -1023
  132. y: 26
  133. z: -383
  134. world: MasterBuilders
  135. spawnpoint:
  136. x: -1032.5
  137. y: 26.0
  138. z: -392.5
  139. pitch: 1088526768
  140. yaw: 1119013903
  141. world: MasterBuilders
  142. '2':
  143. world: MasterBuilders
  144. spawnpoint:
  145. x: -1032.6399996288947
  146. y: 26.0
  147. z: -316.34022980608137
  148. pitch: 1070028517
  149. yaw: -1085884416
  150. world: MasterBuilders
  151. point2:
  152. x: -1044
  153. y: 26
  154. z: -307
  155. world: MasterBuilders
  156. point1:
  157. x: -1023
  158. y: 26
  159. z: -328
  160. world: MasterBuilders
  161. '3':
  162. world: MasterBuilders
  163. spawnpoint:
  164. x: -1031.946975175171
  165. y: 26.0
  166. z: -241.50235350534786
  167. pitch: 1091725369
  168. yaw: -1028211631
  169. world: MasterBuilders
  170. point1:
  171. x: -1023
  172. y: 26
  173. z: -231
  174. world: MasterBuilders
  175. point2:
  176. x: -1044
  177. y: 26
  178. z: -252
  179. world: MasterBuilders
  180. '4':
  181. world: MasterBuilders
  182. spawnpoint:
  183. x: -1124.5
  184. y: 26.0
  185. z: -241.5
  186. pitch: -1068289184
  187. yaw: -1011632644
  188. world: MasterBuilders
  189. point2:
  190. x: -1114
  191. y: 26
  192. z: -231
  193. world: MasterBuilders
  194. point1:
  195. x: -1135
  196. y: 26
  197. z: -252
  198. world: MasterBuilders
  199. '5':
  200. world: MasterBuilders
  201. spawnpoint:
  202. x: -1124.5
  203. y: 26.0
  204. z: -317.5
  205. pitch: -1065248334
  206. yaw: -1019961810
  207. world: MasterBuilders
  208. point1:
  209. x: -1114
  210. y: 26
  211. z: -328
  212. world: MasterBuilders
  213. point2:
  214. x: -1135
  215. y: 26
  216. z: -307
  217. world: MasterBuilders
  218. '6':
  219. world: MasterBuilders
  220. spawnpoint:
  221. x: -1123.5051480294896
  222. y: 26.0
  223. z: -392.34843688104735
  224. pitch: 1084683903
  225. yaw: -1136623616
  226. world: MasterBuilders
  227. point2:
  228. x: -1135
  229. y: 26
  230. z: -383
  231. world: MasterBuilders
  232. point1:
  233. x: -1114
  234. y: 26
  235. z: -404
  236. world: MasterBuilders
  237. '7':
  238. world: MasterBuilders
  239. spawnpoint:
  240. x: -1122.6511252541077
  241. y: 26.0
  242. z: -469.4767949595116
  243. pitch: 1073912438
  244. yaw: -1028212797
  245. world: MasterBuilders
  246. point1:
  247. x: -1114
  248. y: 26
  249. z: -459
  250. world: MasterBuilders
  251. point2:
  252. x: -1135
  253. y: 26
  254. z: -480
  255. world: MasterBuilders
  256. '8':
  257. world: MasterBuilders
  258. spawnpoint:
  259. x: -1216.5
  260. y: 26.0
  261. z: -469.5
  262. pitch: 1035575349
  263. yaw: -1019985471
  264. world: MasterBuilders
  265. point2:
  266. x: -1206
  267. y: 26
  268. z: -480
  269. world: MasterBuilders
  270. point1:
  271. x: -1227
  272. y: 26
  273. z: -459
  274. world: MasterBuilders
  275. '9':
  276. world: MasterBuilders
  277. point1:
  278. x: -1206
  279. y: 26
  280. z: -404
  281. world: MasterBuilders
  282. point2:
  283. x: -1227
  284. y: 26
  285. z: -383
  286. world: MasterBuilders
  287. spawnpoint:
  288. x: -1216.5
  289. y: 26.0
  290. z: -392.5
  291. pitch: 1085066533
  292. yaw: -1020132944
  293. world: MasterBuilders
  294. '10':
  295. world: MasterBuilders
  296. spawnpoint:
  297. x: -1216.493827120692
  298. y: 26.0
  299. z: -315.5641643969955
  300. pitch: 1080452901
  301. yaw: -1019975681
  302. world: MasterBuilders
  303. point2:
  304. x: -1206
  305. y: 26
  306. z: -328
  307. world: MasterBuilders
  308. point1:
  309. x: -1227
  310. y: 26
  311. z: -307
  312. world: MasterBuilders
  313. groundheight: 62
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