

Oct 23rd, 2014
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  1. Joeypals: no words can describe how large of an attention whore you are. You really think you contributed to the mafia and tours community? What you only did is just pick up some themes and try to make them yours and get credit for it, which is honestly a scumbag move. You don't even have a sense of orginality in your work and you don't deserve to get any cstaff position ever. You single handledly just killed mafia and now turning tours into a pile of shit that I don't even like to play anymore. You think you are good but you are one of the most overrated and terrible players I have yet to come across and it is my utmost displeasure to ever play against you. You aren't even good at anything. Apparently winning a few server tours that don't even mean shit gets your dick sucked, but that's okay because you openly admit you are gay anyway. Huge cancerous ebolaids piece of shit go die in hell please and stop redirecting toxic users to go to Tohjo or PS when you yourself should go there yourself. Also learn to use the report button properly, everytime you report someone on the forums, the auth just has a laugh because apparently you think somebody rejecting your idea means they are personally attacking you and is worth an infraction/warning. It's really difficult to piss me off, but you have done it. Congratulations gay faggot sir.
  3. (14:48:16) Joeypals: Can Black Dress be the god of a religion? I'd so join it Mad
  4. (14:52:05) Joeypals: I want you to preach Black Dress, I'm going "Mmmmmmmhm" to everything you're saying atm
  6. what a hypocritical faggot
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