

Jan 26th, 2015
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  1. 015/01/26]Tay Argent: so i thought hey may as well show kersh this
  2. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: because idk
  3. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: bff and stuff
  4. [2015/01/26]Saint: justin??
  5. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: ya
  6. [2015/01/26]Saint: o
  7. [2015/01/26]Saint: cool char
  8. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: he wasn't a cuntboy tho
  9. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: i made him one because
  10. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: tiger husbando likes them
  11. [2015/01/26]Saint: cboys are cool either way
  12. [2015/01/26]Saint: u already know idc what you rp or anything and i wouldn't judge you
  13. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: i know, that's why i tell you everything
  14. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent:
  15. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: do i let him hit?
  16. [2015/01/26]Saint: go for it
  17. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: 'w' ty for your support dad
  18. [2015/01/26]Saint: np
  19. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: you know
  20. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: i was scared that lucas was rainer but he's not
  21. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: thank god
  22. [2015/01/26]Saint: really
  23. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: like they write /very/ similarly
  24. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: have same timezone
  25. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: same ooc sortve
  26. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: but lucas is really cool and i told him i was interested and we started rping straight away
  27. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: UH
  28. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: [19:51] System: Rainer Underwood changed status to Busy, Food!
  29. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: 9:55] Lucas Foster nods. "Well. Anyway, I have food that I need to eat, so I shall return briefly!"
  30. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: UHHH
  31. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: UHHH
  32. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: UHHH
  33. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: oH
  34. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: MY GO
  35. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: ZkerSH
  36. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: I fucking knew it, holy shit.
  37. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: [19:51] System: Rainer Underwood changed status to Busy, Food!
  38. [19:52] Tay Argent traces his fingers up and down the older feline's thighs, striped digits at his navel drawing a gentle purr from the slender little tiger. Sliding out of Foster's grasp, Tay lays out on his side of the sofa, legs parted slightly underneath the covers. Beckoning Lucas between his decidedly curvy thighs - for a male, anyway - Tay hopes the dripping from his netherlips remains unnoticed. "Yeah, Tay would probably shoot that down straight so the agent would have to take things into their own hands. Spread a few rumors, slander a few names, stir up some drama, the works."
  39. [19:55] Lucas Foster nods. "Well. Anyway, I have food that I need to eat, so I shall return briefly!"
  40. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: Like, there's absolutely no way all of this is coincidence.
  41. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: help im fucking sweating i knew he was a lil gay boy
  42. [2015/01/26]Saint: lmfao
  43. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: are you impressed
  44. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: with my skill
  45. [2015/01/26]Tay Argent: now i hard deny him pussy until he figures out im misha
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