
F1 AIE Chapter 2

Apr 14th, 2012
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  1. Chapter 2
  3. >...
  5. >Okay, what the hell is going on here?
  7. >You fully expected to go from 200+ to 0 in a split second.
  8. >But you’re still going.
  9. >Where? Fuck if you know.
  10. >it’s very dark
  11. >did you actually die? Is this what death is like?
  12. >If it is then death fucking sucks.
  13. >Just then, COLOR EVERYWHERE.
  14. >Your expensive racing machine, apparently materializing into this world a few feet up in the air, STILL going over 200 mph, lands on its wheels on a long straight dirt road.
  15. >In that short time in the air, you determine that you have just gone through a portal of some kind.
  16. >You remember what you learned about portal physics when playing “Portal” during the F1 off season:
  17. >Speedy thing goes in, Speedy thing comes out.
  18. >Well shit.
  19. >The sudden hard landing takes you by surprise. You’re thrown about your seat violently. The 6 point harness doing its best to keep you situated.
  20. >This car isn’t a 4X4. It’s not designed for this at AaAaaAAaaAaaAaALLL!
  21. >In your quite literally shaken state, you manage to try for your brakes again.
  22. >Holy shit they work now!
  23. >And they better. You’re about to fly through the main street of a fucking town!
  24. >You slam on the brakes as hard as you possibly can.
  25. >All four tires lock up.
  26. >Throttle must have come unstuck too, that’s good.
  27. >But now you’re power sliding through the middle of this quaint little town.
  28. >and you’re still shaking around pretty violently as this is a damn dirt road.
  29. >This can’t be good for the suspension
  30. >Still sliding.
  31. >Come on, please don’t hit anything.
  32. >Your speedometer on the wheel shows your speed rapidly declining.
  33. >140 MPH, 100, 75, 45, 10, 2.
  34. >Slowly, you come to a stop right in front of the doorway to a building. Allowing you to finally breathe a loooong sigh of relief.
  35. >Holy shit what a ride.
  36. >You actually made it out of that whole ordeal unscathed, well besides a few bruises you know you are going to feel tomorrow.
  37. >Calmed down a bit, you look up and to the right to see the building you almost creamed to oblivion.
  38. >But you are instantly dumbfounded as you read a sign giving the name of the structure.
  39. >”wha… fu… su-SUGARCUBE CORNER!?!?!?”
  41. >Yeah. You died. There is no explaining this shit.
  43. ---
  45. >At the spot on the road where you came into existence, the mane 6 are sitting there, staring at Twilight, all holding their ears in pain, all wondering what the hell just happened.
  46. >Well, besides Rainbow, she’s just staring down the road in awe.
  47. >The noise apparently didn’t bother her either.
  48. >Oh yeah, did I mention that Formula 1 cars are LOUD AS FUCK?
  49. >The more you know
  51. >TS: “WHAT?”
  52. >AJ: “AH SAID, WHAT IN…”
  54. >RD: “Will you weaklings calm down? Just give it a few minutes; you’ll be able to hear again.”
  55. >RA: “WHAT?”
  56. >RD: *sigh...*
  58. >A few minutes pass by as they each regain their hearing.
  60. >AJ: “Okay, as ah was sayin. Twilight, WHAT IN TARNATION WAS THAT!?”
  61. >TS: “I’m actually not sure, I’ve never seen anything that looked like… whatever THAT was. This spell I was showing you guys was supposed to just teleport something that was moving at a normal speed, like a carriage or something, to make travel between cities faster. I must have used a little too much magic.”
  62. >FS: “Oh my, why did it have to be so loud? That was just unnecessary and painful!”
  63. >RD: “So? Did you see how FAST that… THING… was going!? That was so awesome! I might finally have some competition in this town!”
  64. >Applejack stares daggers at Dash.
  65. >RD: “heh… WE might have some competition?”
  67. ---
  69. >Back to you being confused as fuck.
  70. >Is this real? This cant be really happening.
  71. >You poke a bruise that has already formed from your wild ride just to make sure.
  72. >”Fuckin OW! Yeah this is real.”
  73. >That’s going to take a while to heal.
  74. >The engine rumbles to a stop as you hit the killswitch. Allowing you some relative quiet to think clearly.
  75. >Alright, so, lets process whats going on here.
  76. >You are in P0nyville. In Equestria.
  77. >You know this because, as mentioned before, you’re a brony.
  78. >On any given race weekend, when you and your teammate weren’t out on the track, you both were in the paddock watching the latest episode on YouTube. That little ritual spawned the idea for the cutie mark decals on the rear wing.
  79. >You were a little apprehensive at first. Because if anyone noticed them, the entire world would know that you, a world class racing driver in the highest class of auto racing, watched a show for little girls.
  80. >All it took was for your teammate to say this:
  81. >”So?”
  82. >He was right, so what? So you told him “Fuck it, put em on there”.
  83. >They’ve been on your cars since the Monaco Grand Prix, and no fucks have ever been given to anyone.
  85. >Ok, time to get out and look over your car, any damage?
  86. >Oh yeah there is, the left front wheel isn’t supposed to tilt that way.
  87. >Good thing you actually paid attention to your team when they fixed something you broke.
  88. >you can fix that.
  89. >you think…
  90. >at this point you look around; this place is a ghost town.
  91. >Then you remember, the citizens of Ponyville hide in their homes when something scary shows up. duh.
  92. >It’s then that you look down the road where you came
  93. >along with the gouges in the ground from your sliding, you notice 6 p0nies heading your way looking to investigate.
  94. >Oh shit. Is that really… them?
  95. >”Okay Anon, Brain here. Listen to me, keep calm. You’re about to meet the Mane 6. Don’t geek out like you know a lot of people might do.”
  96. >”I know brain. I mean come on; I’m a world famous Formula One driver. I know how to keep my composur- Holy shit there’s Rainbow Dash.”
  97. >”God dammit”
  98. >”Shut up.”
  99. >You think to yourself as they are walking up the road towards you:
  100. >”Ok, It might be a good idea to NOT let them find out that you know who they are already. That could cause some problems”
  101. >That means Dash cutie mark decals come off
  102. >Damn it.
  103. >You go to take them off both sides of the rear wing but you quickly find out you can’t.
  104. >what the hell?
  105. >the decals aren’t decals anymore; they are actually part of the paint job now.
  106. >underneath the clear coat and everything, how the fuck…?
  107. >well, there goes that.
  108. >you turn around and notice that all 6 p0nies are staring at you from a distance.
  109. >seems like they thought there would be another pony in this car. When they saw you, well…
  110. >They had no clue what to do, other than stare.
  111. “Uhh… Hi?”
  112. >PP: “HI!!!”
  113. >”WOAH!”
  114. >You’re surprised when suddenly Pinkie appears right outside your helmet visor.
  115. >Should have seen that one coming.
  116. >TS: So you do speak our language! My name is Twilight Sparkle. May I ask what your name is? and what exactly are you and what is this thing here?
  117. >You take off your helmet as you answer her questions
  118. >” Well I am a human, My name is Anonymous, You can call me Anon if you like. And this beast of a machine is a Formula One race car. We humans use this for the sport of racing.”
  119. >A wave of “oooooo”s flood your ears
  120. >Dash is literally drooling at the sight of the car
  121. >you see twilight taking down as many notes as she can.
  122. >Fluttershy is clearly afraid of it, just bracing for it to roar alive again.
  123. >Rarity apparently appreciates the paintjob, you can clearly see her thinking up new fashion designs by the way she follows the curves of the car.
  124. >Pinkie is just happy to see a new creature in P0nyville.
  125. >and AJ: “Well ah for one aint never seen a Formulea One car before. But ah have seen carriages, and I know the wheels aint supposed to tilt that way on those.”
  126. >You all look at the left front wheel, the top of the wheel awkwardly tilting inwards.
  127. >”Yeah, that. I can fix it, just need a few hours”
  128. >TS: “lemme take a look”
  129. >Twilight goes to the front of the car, studies the undamaged right front suspension system.
  130. >takes a few notes
  131. >goes to the left side, studies the damage.
  132. >few more notes
  133. >Then a wave of magic flows through her horn, picks the front of the car up slightly, moves a few things around and then sets it down.
  134. >Holy shit its fixed!
  135. >”How did you do that?!”
  136. >TS: “Magic, duh. That and it’s a simple structure really, I just copied what I saw over on the right side to the left and fixed the damaged portions!”
  137. >Huh. This p0ny is smarter than you thought.
  138. >Wait… an F1 suspension system simple? My ass…
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