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Nov 21st, 2017
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  1. "Clueless" is best enjoyed as an extended fashion show (kudos to the costume designer, Mona May) peppered with amusing one-liners, most of which Ms. Silverstone gets to deliver.
  2. The kids in CLUELESS form cliques, but their edges blur. Most people turn out to have more depth than they reveal on first consideration. There's a gratifying casualness about things like homosexuality and ethnicity; characters are ultimately accepted for the things they do rather than what they happen to be.
  3. wisely avoids attempting to document cutting-edge teen slang, which would have been unavoidably out of date by the time the movie was released. Instead, she concocts a convincing argot containing elements of hip-hop, advertising jargon, colorful turns of phrase, gleanings from the dictionary and thesaurus, and other fragments of pop vernacular.
  4. Avoids teen slang, instead using elements of colorful turns gleaned from dictionary and thesaurus. It seems like the intellectual jargon slips past viewers because its taken for granted instead of as a punchline.
  5. Characters speak with playful sense with opportunities to demonstrate creativity and intelligence. Some jargon gets explains some doesnโ€™t. ; "jeepin'" is having sex in a car--but the cumulative effect is a delirious delight. They are well spoken but not with compelling content to be said
  8. To change the paradigm I would encourage Cher to be the same performance but less smarts. She is well spoken and feels much more versed in topics that are not applicable. I feel she would be better if she used normal teen slang evne if by the time the movie is realeased its out of date. Using this type of slang like whats up, yo and cool. Provides a tangible connection to students and such.
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