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- --"NoScope V1.0" is all my scripts into one--
- local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
- -- Creating the main window
- local Window = Library.CreateLib("NoScope V1.0", "RJTheme8")
- -- Main Tab (ESP, Aimbot, Turn Off Aimbot)
- local MainTab = Window:NewTab("Main")
- local MainSection = MainTab:NewSection("Scripts")
- -- ESP Script Button
- MainSection:NewButton("ESP", "Adds ESP to players", function()
- local players = game:GetService("Players")
- local localPlayer = players.LocalPlayer
- local camera = game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera
- local runService = game:GetService("RunService")
- local function createESPBox(player)
- local highlight ="Highlight")
- highlight.Name = player.Name .. "_ESP"
- highlight.Adornee = player.Character
- highlight.FillTransparency = 1
- if player.Team then
- highlight.OutlineColor = player.Team.TeamColor.Color
- else
- highlight.OutlineColor =, 1, 1)
- end
- highlight.OutlineTransparency = 0
- highlight.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop
- highlight.Parent = player.Character
- end
- local function addESP()
- for _, player in pairs(players:GetPlayers()) do
- if player ~= localPlayer and player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
- if not player.Character:FindFirstChild(player.Name .. "_ESP") then
- createESPBox(player)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- runService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
- addESP()
- end)
- players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player)
- if player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild(player.Name .. "_ESP") then
- player.Character[player.Name .. "_ESP"]:Destroy()
- end
- end)
- end)
- -- Aimbot Script Button
- local aimbotEnabled = false
- MainSection:NewButton("Aimbot", "Locks camera onto the closest player", function()
- local Players = game:GetService("Players")
- local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
- local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
- local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
- local function findClosestPlayer()
- local localPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
- local closestPlayer = nil
- local shortestDistance = math.huge
- for _, player in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if player ~= localPlayer and player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") then
- local head = player.Character.Head
- local distance = (localPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - head.Position).magnitude
- if distance < shortestDistance then
- shortestDistance = distance
- closestPlayer = player
- end
- end
- end
- return closestPlayer
- end
- local function aimCameraAtClosestPlayer()
- RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
- if UserInputService:IsMouseButtonPressed(Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2) and aimbotEnabled then
- local closestPlayer = findClosestPlayer()
- if closestPlayer and closestPlayer.Character and closestPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") then
- local head = closestPlayer.Character.Head
- Camera.CFrame =, head.Position)
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- aimbotEnabled = true
- aimCameraAtClosestPlayer()
- end)
- -- Turn Off Aimbot Button
- MainSection:NewButton("Turn Off Aimbot", "Disables the aimbot functionality", function()
- aimbotEnabled = false
- end)
- -- Infinite Yield Script
- MainSection:NewButton("Infinite Yield", "Load Infinite Yield", function()
- loadstring(game:HttpGet(''))()
- end)
- -- Infinite Jump Script
- MainSection:NewButton("Infinite Jump", "Infinite Jump for any game", function()
- loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
- end)
- -- Click To Teleport Button
- MainSection:NewButton("Click To Teleport", "Teleport to where you click", function()
- loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
- end)
- -- AutoParry Tab
- local AutoParryTab = Window:NewTab("AutoParry")
- local AutoParrySection = AutoParryTab:NewSection("AutoParry")
- AutoParrySection:NewDropdown("AutoParry Mods", "Choose a mod", {"AutoBlock 1", "AutoBlock 2", "AutoBlock 3"}, function(currentOption)
- if currentOption == "AutoBlock 1" then
- loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
- elseif currentOption == "Autoblock 2" then
- loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
- elseif currentOption == "AutoBlock 3" then
- loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
- end
- end)
- -- Random Scripts Tab
- local RandomScriptsTab = Window:NewTab("Random Scripts")
- local RandomScriptsSection = RandomScriptsTab:NewSection("Random Scripts")
- RandomScriptsSection:NewButton("Universal Fly", "Universal Fly Maybe not work", function()
- loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
- end)
- RandomScriptsSection:NewSlider("SpeedHack", "Speed hack for any game", 500, 0, function(s)
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = s
- end)
- RandomScriptsSection:NewSlider("JumpPower", "Jump hack for any game", 500, 0, function(s)
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = s
- end)
- RandomScriptsSection:NewSlider("Gravity", "Gravity Hack for any game", 500, 0, function(s)
- game.workspace.Gravity = s
- end)
- RandomScriptsSection:NewButton("Teleport", "Teleporter for any game", function()
- loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
- end)
- RandomScriptsSection:NewButton("Kat", "Aimbot", function()
- loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
- end)
- -- Donation Tab
- local DonationTab = Window:NewTab("Donation")
- local DonationSection = DonationTab:NewSection("Support Us")
- DonationSection:NewLabel("Cash App Name: $vlad118")
- -- To close the GUI
- Window:OnClose(function()
- game:GetService("CoreGui"):FindFirstChild("NoScope V1.0"):Destroy()
- end)
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