
Ahri Full 2013

Sep 20th, 2015
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  1. Bᴀᴄᴋɢʀᴏᴜɴᴅ﹕ There was a fox in the forest of Ionia that was unlike any of the other foxes. What made it different than the other foxes was its heightened intelligence, its shining white fur, and its connection to the magical world. The foxes name was Ahri, and she has lived on this world for over a thousand years, with each year making her more and more curious about the rest of the world. As a fox, she had a habit on spying in on the human world, and was curious about everything. She found it entertaining to watch them, even doing mundane things like doing laundry. A Gumiho is what Ahri was, which is a fox that has lived for a thousand years would take on a more humanoid form, be able to connect to the natural world of the fox, and be able to communicate with the magical world.
  3. A Gumiho's transformation is always triggered by the fox being exposed to high amounts of magical energy being released. Usually it involves them being around a large release of life and magical energy. It is destined to happen on their one thousandth year birthday. One day, Ahri was following a group of soldiers that were heading out to a battle, all while staying at a safe distance. When she approached the battlefield, she saw two sides clash with one another in combat. By this point, Ahri would of been scared off and would of ran, but she had this feeling that she needed to stay. Ahri watched the fight go on, and was keeping her eyes out on this mage that was casting abilities. Ahri stopped focusing on the humans fighting, and was focusing on the magic. The mage got blasted off of his position and knocked back into the woods. Hypnotized by the magic, Ahri dashed through the forest to find this magical person; dead or alive. When Ahri found the mage, he was on his last breath. Ahri pawed at his robes, but there was nothing that she could do.
  5. The mage passed away as Ahri approached him; he was way to injured from that blow from battle. As soon as he made his last breath, his body started to crumble away. The magic and life essence that he had started to flow into Ahri, and this process was so overwhelming to her that she passed out on the robes. As a Gumiho, she needed a significant amount of life essence and magic poured into her from another being, which would give awaken her true form. She began her transformation, and was changing from a fox into a magical fox human that would be able to connect with both the magical world and the world of the fox.
  7. When the transformation was complete the following morning, Ahri woke up and discovered the change that was made to her. She discovered that she was no longer the same fox she was for thousands of years, but a new being with hands and feet, but she was different than a human because she still had her pointy ears and not one, but nine tails from her back side. She was so confused about it all, but she was more curious about the transformation than enraged about it. Fortunately, the transformation didn't require her to retrain on how to talk or walk, as the magical energy gave her that knowledge as it took over her body. Without her fur, she was a lot colder than normally was, and even wrapping herself with her tails wouldn't do anything. She got the idea to put on the robes to cover her body, and she fled from there.
  9. Ahri arrived in a small town just outside the forest she was just in. This was a town that she would spy on quite often, but now that she was part human she would be able to communicate with them. At first the towns people where afraid of her and locked themselves in their rooms, Ahri didn't seem to notice why all the people were missing though. When she walked through the main road of the town, she tried to smell out the place, and knew there were people there; but didn't know exactly where they were. Her curiosity insisted that she explore the town, even if all the people were not inside. She would try to go into the homes, but they were all locked, and she was surprised that no one was there. She was harmless during her exploration and seemed to pose no threat, the worst she did was go to the market and just start eating some of the fish hanging out.
  11. After a few hours of exploring around the town, she was seen as harmless to the people of the town. Some people left their homes to try to interact with Ahri. They were still afraid of her, but they understood that they were not a threat. In a somewhat panicked voice, they informed her that she was a monster known as Gumiho which is known to seduce people so that she could kill them and steal their life energy in order to live longer and become more powerful. While legends and myths have been exaggerated, the fact that Gumihos killed people to live longer was truth. Ahri denied that she did any of those things, but the people didn't want to listen to the fox girl. Although she didn't commit the crime yet, she would need to do so eventually in order to keep her current form. They told her that she could stay the night in an old warehouse, but would need to leave the next morning, due to the fact they were still afraid of what the legends had said.
  13. Curled up within her nine tails, the fox girl fell asleep with the moonlight shining in through a broken window on her. She was excited about her new life and was happy to be a part of this new world. After being a fox for a thousand years, things start to get a bit boring. She was thinking about what the villagers said to her, and thought that if this legend was true, that if she needed life energy that she would need to kill people for their life essences in order for her to survive. When Ahri woke up the next morning and left for another village. She traveled around different towns and even a city. A few towns had the same reaction as the first one, some of them welcomed Ahri; but they couldn't deal with her lack of proper socialization so they kicked her out, and one of them chased her down trying to capture her. After a few weeks of traveling around, she started to notice that she was wearing down. She didn't have a lot of energy and spent most of her time sleeping.
  15. She felt like there was something escaping her, and this was that life essence. Ahri remembered what the legend said about her kind, and decided to try it out. She then hid behind a few trees next to one of the roads and waited for someone to pass through. She didn't really know how to lure in a human just yet, so she tried many different things. At first she started tapping on the trees; the next she started making animal sounds, but that didn't do anything for her. She eventually found a method of luring people to her, and that was by singing a song she once heard a human sing a long time ago, but once she lured someone to her, she didn't know how to absorb or kill. She attacked the person, but was only able to leave a few scratches on their face.
  17. After a night of failures, Ahri was left alone in the woods again. She was frustrated that she didn't know how to kill in this form, and even more frustrated that she could possibly lose this form, and possibly her life. As a fox, she would only kill when she needed too, but in this human form it felt like she could just eat the stuff she stole from the markets, but she would soon need to kill to keep her form up. During her frustration though, she was able to summon up her magic through one of her hand gestures. She summoned up a spirit fire in her hand, and let it go; she watched as it floated around her and then vanished away. Amazed with the blue fire she summoned, she tried to recreate the move, and she was able to do so again, but this time she tried to control it a bit more; which she was able to do. She took the spirit energy and tried to hold onto it better, but failed.
  19. While she was discovering and practicing her new abilities, a woman came through the woods because she heard the noise. This woman saw the magic fox girl and saw her use her magic. She was amazed at the magic and was lured to it. Without a second of thought, Ahri said "gotcha" and threw her spirit fire right at the woman, killing her right away. However, unlike a normal death, her body just turned to dust as her life energy started to absorb into Ahri. Unlike the first time though, instead of being intoxicated by the magic, it gave Ahri a magical high which made Ahri feel so alive, but soon she would crash somewhere in the woods.
  21. She woke up the next morning, and wanted to do it again. The feeling of getting life energy off of someone made her feel so good, that she couldn't resist doing it again. Besides, there wouldn't be any harm in doing this, she thought. She started to become clever to her luring and charms, getting more tactical and advanced. Instead of just hiding in the woods while singing, she would lure them to her using her body and the legend that surrounds her. She would use peoples words against them, and find out there personal secrets in order to get them to come to her.The more she did it, the more pleasure she had, but at the same time she started to become more human like in nature. Soon she started to doubt herself, weather taking peoples lifes away was the right thing to do. She would stop in the middle of the seduction and not go through with the killing, or she would do the act and feel so bad about it, usually fleeing away from the town, and claiming to never to return to it.
  23. There was one night that made her realize what she was doing was wrong, and was just cruel to other people involved. She tried to seduce a boy into following her into the woods, to where she would take his life essence, but she just couldn't pull herself to do it. She didn't even question it at this point; she just fell down onto the ground outside the boys house and started crying. She realized that her actions were terrible and that another person’s life was valuable. She didn't even care about her pleasure she got from doing it, or the fact she needed it to keep her form. She just sat there outside the house for hours just crying out there. The boy noticed her and alerted the authorities who soon captured her. Ahri didn't even resist or notice she was caught.
  25. Ahri woke up the next morning in her jail cell, and it wasn't the best condition either. She didn't want to be locked away in some dirty old jail cell for the rest of her who knows how long life. It was her fox mindset that made her kill, not her. She was left in the room, but decided that it’s best for her to escape. The clever fox girl seduced one of the gaurds into leaving her out, but she did not take his soul away from him. After that she fled to a town not too far away from where she was at, in hopes to find someone to help her, someone that understood her, and didn't want to find punishment for her. To them she was a witch and she realized it, but she didn't want to be seen as that anymore. She wanted to experince life, and not destroy it anymore.
  27. The fox girl fled to a city, where she knew a lot of people would be. People paniced about her, but some people didn't seem to mind "Oh she is in daylight, what is the worse she could do". She found the busiest part of the town and expressed that she was lost and didn't know what to do. No one payed her any attention until she started tearing up a bit, and showed this wasn't some kind of trick to lure people into her and that she was sincere. She was begging anyone for help, and how she wished to fix her mistakes and find a way to change it. She didn't know what else to do, as she wasn't an expert on human socialization just yet.
  29. Authorities would eventually catch up to her, but they didn't find the gumiho alone. Instead she was talking with some wise Ioanian mages. They were interested in the fox girls story and wanted to know more about her. The mages insisted they come with her, and that there would be no harm done to the fox girl. The mages were known to be strong, so when they asked for Ahri to be pardoned, for at least right now they listened to them. The mages took the fox girl to a shop and walked her through the back doors. They then revealed about what they knew of the fox legend and that she did need the energy in order to live. However the method she was one of many ways to create life senescence for her. They said that she would have to let go of the 'pleasure' she gets from taking the full amount of life essence from someone, but in the end would make her more like a human and less of a monster.
  31. The mages then listened to Ahri's side of the story. She had a lot to say, and was able to keep her emotions stable while she told her side of the story. The mages listened and understood that the amount of destruction she caused in Ioania was pretty devastating. Taking the lifes of innocents usually results in exile, but because Ahri is seen as some kind of monster to them, the death sentence may be looked into. Ahri paniced as dieing is not something that she wanted to do. She was told she could live forever as a Gumiho, but only a year and a half? It seems kind of a waste.
  33. With that, they told her that there was a way she could avoid the maximum punishment, and redeem herself. She would need to repay her debt and maybe even find a way to bring back the lifes of the ones she stole away. She thought that would be impossible, but who knows what this magic is capable of. Without any question to what her 'redemption' was, she accepted and agreed to try and repay her debt. The powerful mages said they would do all the work to pardon her, but for now it would be best to go as far away from the west side of Ionia as possible. They gave her a ticket to out of town where she would meet up with a group of scientists and researchers who are studyign Ioania's myths and legends. They have been working on the Gumiho's case for over a year now, ever since Ahri came to be apart of this world.
  35. They sent her off to go find the researchers, the mages did there end of the deal and was able to get Ahri pardoned. They wanted to see what Ahri is capable of doing after she is 'domesticated' to the world, and truly wanted to give her a second chance. The elders of Ionia agreed with them, but they wanted the mages to be responsible for Ahri's needs to make sure she doesn't bring harm to any innocent Ioanian again. They agreed to these terms, even if there wasn't a solution for Ahri just yet. They would have to hope she finds a new source of pleasure and a new way to obtain the essence in a way that doesn't harm the rest of the world.
  37. Ahri took her ticket and left to the east side of Ionaia. Its where she originally grew up, but its been so long since shes been to these parts of the woods, about 500 years or so. She was still feared by the people around her, and was a bit shy. When she arrived at the place the mages told her to go to, there was a group of people waiting for her that welcomed her in. They were a group of researchers who would take in the fox-girl. They have been researching Ahri and the Kumiho's story ever since she arose a year ago. They brought her to their home and fed her right away.
  39. Oddly enough, this town also seemed a lot more welcoming to Ahri. The researchers said that they made sure to put in a good word for Ahri before she came in. Sure there were a few un trusty people, but at the very least they didn't hide in their homes all day and night. Ahri was given her own house right next to one of the researchers. It wasn't much, it was just a renovated barn house that was rebuilt to be more like a house, but it would be perfect for the fox girl. Although there were a lot of worries and troubles with Ahri, she felt like she could focus on them and truly become humanized now.
  41. The researchers came up with a solution to the life essence problem, and found many ways to take life essence. They found that Ahri didn't really need that much in order to get her going through the day, and that she could borrow small amounts of life essence from others. As long as the persons soul was strong, their life essence would be restored. Ahri learned she could give her own life essence to others as well, in a way to heal them and even revive them. She was confused about how to do this all, but it gave her hope in redemption. Still though, she will miss the pleasures she got from getting a full amount of life essence from a person. The scientists made a bitter potion that should help Ahri with getting her need of Life essence. The bitter elixir was made of some exotic flowers, a pinch of salt, a bit of water, and would needed to be mixed by Ahri's magic fire. The drink was biter and was no pleasure at all, but it did fix up the need to steal the life out of others.
  43. Ahri would find new ways to get life essence, and it never felt as good as taking it from a living human, but it was enough to keep her alive. The artificial life essences were mostly bitter and at first would give her headaches and make her dizzy, but she got used to these negative side effects. She now lives on the outside of an Ionian city towards the east, where she gets closer to being 'normalized' every day. She likes to bathe under the waterfall, get drunk off of Ionias drinks, eat noodles, get in on the latest gossips, and of course have a little bit of fun with the people that pass through the town.
  46. Jᴏɪɴɪɴɢ Tʜᴇ Lᴇᴀɢᴜᴇ﹕ In hunt for new champions for the League of Legends, the council of the League looked to Ionia. They were looking around for a new set of champions from their state, but no one budged. It was hard to find those in a peaceful nation to volunteer for combat. There were rumors about a fox girl in the western parts of Ionia, but they appeared way too later. They were able to sniff out the address of where the fox girl lived though from the mages that rescued her in the first place. Instead of traveling to the other side of the state, they sent in a letter to the address for Ahri. It invited her to join the League, and she would be able to have pleasures without punishment and be able to fight for grand rewards.
  48. In the letter in stated she would have to move away from the new town she settled in, and would need to be a fighter. She at first declined, but there was something about it that made her interested in it. There wasn't any information on how long this contract lasted, or why they needed her to join. After many letters of persuasion, Ahri joined the League to give it a try. Although there was one condition she was able to make out of it, that the League eventually agreed on. There was the condition that she would only be with the League for three months at a time, twice a year. She would spend six months at her home, and then six months in the league every year until she was not needed any more.
  50. She wanted this condition, because she wanted to learn more about herself and socialize with the Ioanians more, but she also wanted to go into League and learn more about her magic, and also take in the pleasures that are taboo. The league insisted that she could partake on her pleasures, and there would be no long term consequence. With everyone being able to revive and the Leagues minions being nothing more than mindless life essence, there wasn't much guilt Ahri had about it.
  52. Sᴇxᴜᴀʟ Sᴛᴏʀʏ﹕ Even though Ahri doesn't steal the life essence of innocent Ionians any more, she still does like to play with them. She is a master at seduction and can lure almost anyone to come to her. She has even broken the shells of some of the most stubborn people to relax and have some fun with her in sexual ways though, but she still knows some people that just won't break open to her. There seems to be a connection between sex and life essences though, where Ahri can receive a bit of the other persons life essence from just a bit of sexual activity with them, but not enough to hurt them. The life essence that was taken away from the person also seems to grow back in a few months after the encounter they had.
  54. Ahri is not going to get too sexual in the middle of combat, but there are times where she doesn't really care and will start luring in the other champion to herself for some play time. The end result though of this is a more fatal end where she takes all of their life essence and make them re-spawn. Her charming abilities are able to lure just about anyone to her, and while she uses her charms and seduction to get people close to her to attack, she can also use it to hypnotize others for her own desires.
  56. тƖ;ɗя:Ahri was once a fox girl, who one day transformed into a magical fox/human hybrid. She was once without morals, but after a certain amount of time her humanity and morality kicked in and she realized she was a bad girl. The fox girl was sent to jail, but escaped, and then she started looking for help, but no one wanted to help her. A few mages approached her and offered her protection, in return that she redeem herself and pay back Ionia in some way. Then (optional) she was invited to join the League after she settled into her new home in eastern Ionia. She is played as someone who is relaxed, enjoys sitting under the waterfall and eating noodles; but isn't flt out lazy. She is energetic, but looks majestic when she moves. Her attitude with others shares a calm tone as well, but she will say things that messes up with her heads, likes a bit of gossip, and likes to play with the words she says. There are somethings that she does that are a bit unusual for a 'human', but are more fitting for the fox girl.
  57. 【Dynasty 】
  59. Ɗуηαѕту []
  60. The clothing that she wears in the Dynasty skin is a more formal and traditional type of clothing that she wears. There is usually a formal event that is being taken place that would require Ahri to dress in the more conservative robes. These robes are still loose like Ahri's normal clothing, but don't seem to fall down as easily as other clothing does.
  62. 【Midnight 】
  64. Mιɗηιgнт []
  65. Ahri went through a lot of dresses and outfits as she was learning about socialization. The midnight dress isn't the first outfit she wore after the transformation, but it would be one that she would keep on her throughout the winter. The robes she wears are heavier and more fit for the cold (as she had her transformation at the start of winter). Midnight Ahri is found when she first made her transformation to the human world, and lasted for the first three months after she became a kumiho.
  67. 【Foxfire 】
  69. Ƒσxfιяє []
  70. One of the legends says that the fox human will eventually be able to control an element, in the same way they can control the life energy they use. There are many elements that a fox could be destined to learn, fire, lighting, and many more. With fire being one of the most common ones. Ahri was able to unlock her fire powers when she accidently got caught in a fire through an accident relating to her magic abilities. Although no one was hurt, she noticed there was a change in her appearance. Her tails were a bright orange and her hair was a scarlet red. In her fire form she is a lot more powerful, as she has control over life energys and fire. Still she is no master of the fire element and has only began to learn how to use this power.
  72. 【Popstar 】
  74. Ƥσρѕтαя []
  75. The K-Pop Popstar theme of this skin in completely different from her other themes. It doesn't fit in well with her lore and story, and just feels out of place in comparison. This doesn't mean that play around the Popstar Ahri skin is out of question, but chances are the default or the other skins will have priority over Popstar Ahri. When playing as Popstar Ahri, the fox features are apart of her costume, and not attached to her body. I'd rather just play as Ahri in her more fantasy setting than the K-Pop setting.
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