
ucu timeline

Aug 28th, 2019
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  1. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Shared\Python36_64\python.exe" "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm Community Edition 2018.1.2\helpers\pydev\" --multiproc --qt-support=auto --client --port 3765 --file D:/Code/Git/cactbot_cn/util/ -f unending_coil_ultimate.js -t cn
  2. pydev debugger: process 18684 is connecting
  4. Connected to pydev debugger (build 181.4668.75)
  5. # Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate)
  6. #
  8. hideall "--Reset--"
  9. hideall "--sync--"
  11. 0 "--Reset--" sync /:Removing combatant 至尊巴哈姆特\. Max HP: 13751450/ window 10000 jump 0
  13. ##### TWINTANIA #####
  14. ### Twintania P1: 100% -> 75%
  15. 0.0 "Start" sync /:战斗开始!/ window 0,1
  16. 7.0 "--sync--" sync /:双塔尼亚:26A8:/ window 12,12 # plummet cast
  17. 8.0 "垂直下落" # damage
  18. 11.0 "旋风" # start of cast bar
  19. 17.5 "火球" # damage, 6.5s after marker
  20. 24.0 "死刑" # end of cast bar
  21. 28.5 "垂直下落" # damage
  22. 30.5 "旋风" # start of cast bar
  23. 37.0 "火球" # damage, 6.5s after marker
  24. 40.0 "--push--" #MISSINGTEXT
  25. # TODO: Make this loop back to 24?
  26. # 43.5 "You're Slow Death Sentence"
  28. ### Twintania P2: 75% -> 45%
  29. 48.5 "液体地狱 x5" duration 5
  30. 53.0 "魔力炼成" sync /14:26AE:双塔尼亚/ window 30,15 # start of cast bar
  31. 60.0 "液体地狱 x5" duration 5
  32. 70.5 "死刑" # end of cast bar
  33. 74.5 "魔力炼成" # start of cast bar
  34. 79.0 "旋风" # start of cast bar
  35. 88.0 "垂直下落" # damage
  36. 93.0 "液体地狱 x5" duration 5
  37. 101.0 "--push--" #MISSINGTEXT
  38. # TODO: Make this loop back to 53?
  39. # 101.5 "You're Slow Generate"
  41. ### Twintania P3: 45% -> 0%
  42. 113.0 "液体地狱 x5" duration 5
  43. 113.5 "魔力炼成 x2" sync /14:26AE:双塔尼亚/ window 10,20 # start of cast bar
  44. 121.0 "火球点名 x5" duration 4.5
  45. 128.0 "火球" # damage
  46. 135.0 "死刑" # end of cast bar
  47. 140.0 "垂直下落" # damage
  48. 143.0 "魔力炼成 x2" # start of cast bar
  49. 147.2 "旋风" # start of cast bar
  50. 155.5 "垂直下落" # damage
  51. 157.5 "液体地狱 x5" duration 5
  52. 162.5 "魔力炼成 x2" # start of cast bar
  53. 170.0 "火球点名 x5" duration 4.5
  54. 177.0 "火球" # damage
  55. 184.0 "死刑" # end of cast bar
  56. 186.0 "以太失控 狂暴"
  59. ##### NAEL #####
  60. 200.0 "天崩地裂" sync /:诸神黄昏:26B8:/ window 200,0
  61. 205.5 "陨石流 x4" # damage
  62. 209.5 "陨石流 x4" # damage
  63. 212.0 "月华冲" # damage
  64. 214.5 "巴哈姆特之爪 1" # first hit
  65. 231.0 "月环 + 光束/钢铁" duration 8 # rp text -> ~2nd mechanic
  66. 235.5 "雷翼 x2" # explosion
  67. 240.5 "死亡宣告 x2" # debuffs
  68. 243.0 "火球 (1)" # explosion
  69. 243.5 "救世之翼 x2" # first puddle
  70. 248.5 "巴哈姆特之爪 2" # first hit
  72. 258.0 "火球 (2)" # explosion
  73. 260.0 "离子 + 月环/钢铁" duration 8 # rp text -> ~2nd mechanic
  74. 261.0 "雷翼 x2" # explosion
  75. 268.0 "救世之翼 x3" # first puddle
  76. 270.0 "死亡宣告 x3" # debuffs
  77. 280.0 "雷翼 x2" # explosion
  78. 284.0 "火球 (3)" # explosion
  79. 288.5 "巴哈姆特之爪 3"
  80. 292.5 "冲 + 月环/钢铁" duration 8 # rp text -> ~2nd mechanic
  81. 305.5 "火球 (4)" # explosion
  82. 306.0 "死亡宣告 x3" # debuffs
  83. 307.5 "雷翼 x2" # explosion
  84. 308.0 "救世之翼 x3" # first puddle
  85. 325.0 "凶鸟尖喙" # end of castbar
  87. 330.0 "标记 1" # symbol appearing, lasts 7 seconds
  88. 334.5 "标记 2" # symbol appearing
  89. 339.0 "标记 3" # symbol appearing
  90. 342.0 "爆破俯冲 #1" # puff under dragon for dive
  91. 343.5 "--untargetable--" #MISSINGTEXT
  92. 346.0 "陨石/冲 或 冲/光束" duration 3 # first mechanic -> second
  93. 346.5 "爆破俯冲 #2"
  94. 351.0 "爆破俯冲 #3"
  96. 353.5 "巴哈姆特之爪 4" # first hit
  97. 365.0 "随机连招" duration 8 # rp text -> ~second mechanic
  98. 376.5 "随机连招" duration 8 # rp text -> ~second mechanic
  99. 392.0 "凶鸟尖喙" # end of castbar
  100. 395.0 "巴哈姆特之爪 5"
  102. 408.0 "百万核爆 狂暴"
  105. ##### BAHAMUT #####
  106. 500.0 "第七灵灾" sync /:至尊巴哈姆特:26D1:/ window 500,0 # damage
  107. 503.0 "灵灾之炎" # damage
  108. 508.0 "灵灾之焰" # damage
  109. 511.0 "--targetable--" #MISSINGTEXT
  110. 517.0 "核爆吐息" # animation
  111. 524.7 "平击" # end of castbar
  113. ### QUICKMARCH
  114. 528.5 "--sync--" sync /14:26E2:至尊巴哈姆特/ window 30,10
  115. 532.0 "进军的三重奏"
  116. 534.5 "--untargetable--" #MISSINGTEXT
  117. 540.5 "旋风冲" # end of cast
  118. 544.0 "大圈" # appearing
  119. 545.3 "百万核爆" # damage
  120. 549.5 "集合" # damage
  121. 547.5 "风暴之翼" duration 7 # tether -> tornado
  122. 552.0 "大地摇动 x3" # damage
  124. 557.5 "核爆吐息" # animation
  125. 565.0 "平击" # end of castbar
  127. ### BLACKFIRE
  128. 569.8 "--sync--" sync /14:26E3:至尊巴哈姆特/ window 70,10
  129. 573.2 "黑炎的三重奏" # end of castbar
  130. 579.0 "液体地狱 x5" duration 4.5
  131. 582.0 "热离子光束" # damage
  132. 582.5 "旋风冲"
  133. 589.0 "超新星 x4" duration 5
  134. 590.5 "集合" # damage
  135. 591.5 "塔" # disappearing
  136. 592.5 "--sync--" sync /14:26D6:至尊巴哈姆特/ window 100,10
  137. 598.0 "十亿核爆" # end of cast bar
  139. 608.0 "核爆吐息 1" # animation
  140. 610.0 "核爆吐息 2" # animation
  141. 612.0 "核爆吐息 3" # animation
  143. ### FELLRUIN
  144. 621.0 "--sync--" sync /14:26E4:至尊巴哈姆特/ window 130,10
  145. 624.5 "灾厄的三重奏" # end of cast bar
  146. 629.2 "冲月环连招" duration 8 # rp text -> second mechanic
  147. 641.5 "风暴之翼" # damage
  148. 642.2 "以太失控" # damage
  149. 643.5 "--sync--" sync /14:26D6:至尊巴哈姆特/ window 30,10
  150. 645.5 "陨石流" # damage
  151. 649.0 "十亿核爆" # end of castbar
  153. 655.0 "核爆吐息" # animation
  154. 663.8 "平击" # end of castbar
  155. 669.5 "核爆吐息" # animation
  157. #### HEAVENSFALL
  158. 673.5 "--sync--" sync /14:26E5:至尊巴哈姆特/ window 170,10
  159. 677.0 "天地的三重奏" # end of castbar
  160. 682.0 "标记出现"
  161. 686.0 "旋风冲"
  162. 689.0 "大圈" # appearing
  163. 693.7 "天崩地裂" # damage
  164. 697.2 "塔"
  165. 700.0 "超新星 x3" duration 3.5
  166. 708.5 "火球分摊"
  167. 707.2 "--sync--" sync /14:26D6:至尊巴哈姆特/ window 30,10
  168. 712.7 "十亿核爆" # end of castbar
  170. 722.5 "核爆吐息 1" # animation
  171. 724.5 "核爆吐息 2"
  172. 726.5 "核爆吐息 3"
  174. ### TENSTRIKE
  175. 734.5 "--sync--" sync /14:26E6:至尊巴哈姆特/ window 200,10
  176. 738 "连击的三重奏" # end of cast
  177. 743 "魔力炼成 x3" # markers
  178. 747.5 "陨石流 (dps)" # first damage
  179. 749 "魔力炼成 x3" # markers
  180. 751.5 "陨石流 (T/H)" #first damage
  181. 754.5 "大地摇动 x4" # markers
  182. 760 "大地摇动 x4" # markers
  183. 767 "--sync--" sync /14:26D6:至尊巴哈姆特/ window 30,10
  184. 772.5 "十亿核爆" # end of castbar
  186. 783.8 "平击" # end of castbar
  187. 787.5 "核爆吐息" # animation
  189. ### GRAND OCTET
  190. 791.5 "--sync--" sync /14:26E7:至尊巴哈姆特/ window 200,10
  191. 795.0 "群龙的八重奏"
  192. 804.0 "奈尔标记"
  193. 809.0 "奈尔冲"
  194. 821.0 "巴哈标记"
  195. 830.0 "双塔标记"
  196. 833.0 "集合"
  197. 834.5 "塔"
  198. 834.5 "旋风冲"
  201. ##### ADDS PHASE: NAEL + TWIN #####
  202. # 900 We shall stand guard as you make ready your divine judgment
  203. 904 "--sync--" sync /:至尊巴哈姆特:26E8:/ window 1000,0
  204. 914 "垂直下落/爪"
  205. 917 "液体地狱 x5"
  206. 923 "魔力炼成 x3" sync /14:26AE:双塔尼亚/ window 30,10
  207. 930 "旋风"
  208. 933 "三黑球"
  209. 947 "旋风"
  210. 958 "百万核爆"
  211. 966 "死刑/凶鸟尖喙"
  212. 970 "垂直下落/爪"
  213. 978 "液体地狱 x5"
  214. 985 "魔力炼成 x3" sync /14:26AE:双塔尼亚/ window 30,10
  215. 992 "旋风"
  216. 996 "三黑球"
  217. 1009 "旋风"
  218. 1021 "死刑/凶鸟尖喙"
  219. 1033 "百万核爆"
  220. 1044 "狂暴" # ???
  223. ##### GOLDEN BAHAMUT #####
  224. 1158 "万亿核爆" sync /:至尊巴哈姆特:26E9:/ window 1200,0
  225. 1189 "--sync--" sync /:至尊巴哈姆特:2707:/ window 1200,0 # Glowing ball
  226. # 1200 Bahamut unleashes his inner rage!
  227. 1203.3 "--targetable--" #MISSINGTEXT
  228. 1209 "无尽顿悟 #1" #sync /:至尊巴哈姆特:26EC:/
  229. 1215 "死亡轮回 #1" #sync /:至尊巴哈姆特:26EA:/
  230. 1228 "百京核爆 #1" #sync /:至尊巴哈姆特:26EF:/
  231. 1247 "死亡轮回 #2" #sync /:至尊巴哈姆特:26EA:/
  232. 1265 "无尽顿悟 #2" #sync /:至尊巴哈姆特:26EC:/
  233. 1277 "百京核爆 #2" #sync /:至尊巴哈姆特:26EF:/
  234. 1298 "无尽顿悟 #3" #sync /:至尊巴哈姆特:26EC:/
  235. 1310 "死亡轮回 #3" #sync /:至尊巴哈姆特:26EA:/
  236. 1327 "百京核爆 #3" #sync /:至尊巴哈姆特:26EF:/
  237. 1348 "无尽顿悟 #4" #sync /:至尊巴哈姆特:26EC:/
  238. 1360 "死亡轮回 #4" #sync /:至尊巴哈姆特:26EA:/
  239. 1378 "百京核爆 #4" #sync /:至尊巴哈姆特:26EF:/
  240. 1399 "无尽顿悟 #5" #sync /:至尊巴哈姆特:26EC:/
  241. 1413 "无尽顿悟 狂暴" #sync /:至尊巴哈姆特:26EE:/
  243. # victory ezpz
  245. Process finished with exit code 0
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