
F1 Anon - Chapter 29

Dec 20th, 2015
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  1. Formula 1 Anon - Chapter 29
  6. >Often, you wonder what it would be like to be out of the world spotlight for at least one day.
  7. >It's got to be nice, you think. Not having a large number of individuals knowing what you did or who you had lunch with.
  8. >Here you are however; Anonymous, world class Formula One driver. Busting into the appeal hearing of fellow competitor Spitfire, whom crashed the shit out of you, and saved her from certain doom.
  9. >That made headlines. Not just locally either. The entire, fucking, world. What Celestia stated afterwards about the change in how penalties will be handed out from now on just fueled the interest. No longer will they be so harsh.
  10. >"Why does this attention surprise you though?" You ask yourself. You drive a hypercar on television for a living. By nature you are a god damn celebrity. This is just the way it is for you.
  11. >The simple life just seems attractive after dealing with so many dick shitting interview requests. Those get old QUICK.
  13. >Because of all this, sometimes a lazy day is in order; and guess fucking what. Today, the Monday before the Grand Prix, is going to be that day.
  14. >You aint doin SHIT today. Participating in the final Grand Prix is not an option for you any longer, so you can afford it.
  15. >Even though Rainbow is going to be in the race, she decided to join you in your plans today. Her excuse being that shes driven Ponyville Circuit so many times with you that she'll be ready for this weekend no matter what. Which is a solid excuse.
  16. >The both of you must have done 4 digits worth of laps there in preparation for this season. Way back before EquineRing opened up for testing.
  18. >Hearing the front door of the library opening from your room, you get up and make your way down the hall. The door closes as Rainbow Dash, back from the store, floats over to the table setting down a couple six packs. One being cider, the other an interesting looking ale.
  19. "Whats this?" You say, taking an ale bottle from the pack and inspecting it.
  20. >"I dunno." Dash says. "Never seen it before. Thought it would be fun to try something new."
  21. "Looks crafty. What if it sucks?"
  22. >"That's what the cider is for. Just so were not stuck with something that tastes like blechhh."
  23. >Makes sense. If it tastes anything like paint thinner, that shit is going in the garbage immediately.
  24. >Dash walks over to one of the cabinets in the kitchen and grabs two glasses as you take a seat. She eyes them to make sure they're spotless while she comes back.
  25. "Whoa, we're drinking now? It's only noon."
  26. >Quirking an eyebrow, Dash says "... And?"
  27. "Fuckin. Okay, I guess we're drinking now." you say, shaking your head.
  28. >With the flick of a hoof, Dash pops the caps off both bottles at the same time.
  29. "That was neat as shit."
  30. >"I know right?" Dash replies.
  31. >She pours yours first. Holding the glass at an angle getting as much of a frothy head as possible.
  32. >You take the glass after she finishes and look at it through some light. Nowhere near an amber but its not light either. Might be good.
  33. >After Rainbow pours her own, you both tap your glasses together for a toast.
  34. "To a lazy day."
  35. >"Here here."
  36. >...
  37. >...
  39. >...What the fuck is this shit?
  41. >The ale still in your mouths, you look to each other unsure at exactly what the hell you're drinking.
  42. >Reluctantly, you gulp down your mouthful and shiver in response. Dash however just lets hers fall out of her mouth back into the glass.
  43. >"This tastes like pool water mixed with laundry detergent." Rainbow says, sticking her tongue out.
  44. "Shit tasted like feminine hygiene products. Fuck."
  45. >"*snort* What the fuck Anon?" Dash says, laughing.
  46. >At the top of the stairs, Twilight steps out from the upper story room holding a letter.
  47. >"Hey guys, I just got a letter fr- You're drinking now!? It's only Noon!"
  48. "Well we were going to but this ale is shit."
  49. >"Complete waste of 10 bits." Rainbow adds.
  50. >"How unfortunate. Listen, I just got a letter from Celestia requesting both of you to come to Ponyville Circuit for a televised announcement later today. You guys don't need to be intoxicated."
  51. >Oh for fucks sake. So much for your lazy day.
  52. >"Televised announcement? Whats going on Twilight?" Rainbow asks.
  53. >Twilight walks down the stairs as she answers.
  54. >"She didn't say. But seeing as you are the current Championship leader, and Cloudsdale Weather Racing is at the top of the team points standings, it's probably something important."
  55. "Should we head that way now?" you ask.
  56. >"We can. Might be a good idea actually. Get your racing suits on as well. You're gonna need to wear those while on camera." Twilight responds.
  57. >"Alright. Let me put our cider in the fridge, and let me throw THIS lame excuse for an ale away before we go." Rainbow states.
  58. "Good idea."
  59. >Fuck whatever the hell that was. Wasn't the worst drink you've ever had but it was up there. Fucking craft beers sometimes, goddamnit.
  60. >Anyway. Time to get suited up and head on over to the track you guess. Thrusted back into the spotlight yet again.
  63. ---------
  66. >Okay. EBC sport, the Ponyville Herald, AND the Foal Free Press are here. Just what in the hell has Celestia got going on?
  67. >The letter sent to Twilight stated to avoid the main facility entrance at all possible. You can see why. If you're seen by any of these journalist ponies, you will not be left alone.
  68. >"Right there is where we need to go." Twilight states pointing to a side door far away from all the news commotion.
  69. >Rainbow, Twilight, and yourself make it over to the door unnoticed. Once inside, Celestia and Luna are there to greet the three of you.
  70. >"Thank you so much for agreeing to come help with this." Celestia says as you all walk down the hall towards the garages on pit lane.
  71. "You're welcome Celestia, but, what exactly are we helping with?"
  72. >"Yeah." Rainbow adds. "What's this big announcement?"
  73. >"There is not just one announcement today." Luna states. "There will be two."
  74. >Wow. Two? You start to get the feeling that today might be huge.
  75. >"Okay then. What are the announcements?" Rainbow asks again.
  76. >Celestia opens the doors out of the main facility. She leads you to the foot bridge over the circuits racing surface, answering as you all cross over to pit lane.
  77. >"Well, the lesser announcement will be next seasons schedule in detail. The big one though..."
  79. >You then see it, but you can't really believe it.
  80. >Sitting further down on pit lane is an open wheel race car. Cloaked in fabric.
  82. "We're doing a car reveal today aren't we?"
  83. >"Correct, Anonymous." Luna says.
  85. >Holy fuck! The Princesses are constructing new cars now! Shit, these girls move quick!
  86. >Whatever is hiding under that blanket is 100% Equestrian made. Not a copy of your Milton Keynes built vehicle from the UK.
  87. >Sure, your car might have influenced it. But that doesn't take away from the fact that Sunbutt and Moonbutt here have built a car. Probably from the ground up.
  89. >"OH MY GOSH! Is that a new F1 car!?" Rainbow says leaping into the air in excitement.
  90. >"Not F1, no." Tia says.
  92. >What? No, wait. Like. For real? What?
  93. >If this isn't a Formula 1 car. That means... Holy shit. Shes created a new series altogether. You have to ask her anyway to be sure. Because seriously, this is too good to be true.
  95. "Lemme get this straight. That's not a new Formula 1 car for us out there?"
  96. >"Right." Tia says.
  97. "Are we going to be announcing that you've created a new racing series?"
  98. >Tia smiles. "Good guess Anonymous. That is exactly what we are doing today. The reason why you're here, Cloudsdale Weather Racing, is so you two can perform the unveiling of our new junior formula car, the "JF-01". Its series set to start alongside the second season of Formula 1."
  100. >Well, if this is the reason your lazy day got cut short. You don't mind all of a sudden.
  101. "How long has this been in development?" you ask.
  102. >Luna walks past you as she answers. "Since pre-season testing ended 2 months ago."
  103. >"Oh wow. Good job keeping this a secret." you say as you all reach the position of the cloaked car.
  104. >Tia then continues while walking around to the other side of the car. "Since then Anonymous, our team of engineers back in Canterlot took what they learned about your car and made a smaller, slower, yet more streamlined version for younger rising talents."
  105. >Fantastic job Celestia. This is exactly the kind of thinking that will keep this sport alive here in Equestria. Not like it was going away in the first place but still. This is great.
  107. "I can already tell you which young filly needs a chance in one of these things."
  108. >Smiling up at you, Dash says. "I think I know exactly who you're talking about too."
  109. >"And who would this be?" Celestia inquires.
  110. >Rainbow and yourself, in unison.
  112. "Scootaloo"
  113. >"Scootaloo"
  114. *hoof/fist bump*
  116. >"Alright then." Tia states with a smile. "She will be the first one on the list for tryouts."
  117. >Sweet. You just know that girl has some skill in her. Hell, She might even graduate into F1 while you're still racing.
  118. >"There is just one thing though." Luna says. "We haven't been able to come up with a good name for the series yet."
  119. >Celestia continues. "Yes. Nothing we came up with fit well enough. We were hoping you would be able to help us with this as well."
  120. >Well this is going to be easy as fuck.
  121. "Id say, just call it what the F1 feeder series was back where I'm from. "GP2". I mean, we're already using "Formula One". So why not?"
  122. >The princesses look to one another. Luna shrugs and says "That'll work."
  123. >Tia nods. "Very well. "GP2" it is then. Thank you Anonymous."
  124. "Not a problem." You say giving a small informal salute.
  126. >"Alright everyone. Places. Anonymous, Rainbow, take a spot on each side of the car and wait for my signal." Celestia orders.
  127. "What about Twilight?"
  128. >"It's alright Anon." Twilight states. "You guys are the stars of this show. You two do your thing, Ill be over off to the side."
  129. "You sure?"
  130. >Twi nods. "Yeah, don't worry about it."
  132. >With that, Rainbow and yourself quickly get in place and stand at attention, ready for this momentous news conference.
  135. ----------------------------
  140. >"Good afternoon and welcome to EBC world news"
  142. >"Let us quickly go now to Ponyville Circuit where our affiliates at EBC Sport are just now entering the facility."
  143. >EBC Sport takes over
  144. >"Thank you. Were here where Celestia has issued a surprise news conference in the circuits pit lane. It looks like she is getting ready to start the announcement, and by the looks of what is sitting behind her, we can only imagine how big this will be. So we will stay back and let you, the viewers at home, hear and see everything."
  146. >The camera focuses on the scene in pit lane. Celestia standing at a temporary podium with Luna behind and to the side of her. Anonymous and Rainbow Dash from Cloudsdale Weather Racing standing in their racing suits, next to a cloaked vehicle.
  148. >"Thank you all for coming." Celestia starts. "Today, we will be making two major announcements. The first one, being next seasons Formula One schedule."
  150. >Flashbulbs rapidly fire off from cameras capturing the moment. Anonymous and Rainbow Dash can be seen twitching there eyes slightly in response.
  152. >"All three Grand Prix from this year will carry over into the next, and in the same order. However, instead of the Ponyville Grand Prix being the final race of the season. It will be the third, of seven."
  154. >A couple journalists can be heard cheering to themselves in response to this.
  156. >"The four new tracks are as follows in order of scheduled appearance."
  158. "Manehattan Park"
  161. "Trottingham Street Circuit"
  164. "Las Pegasus Raceway"
  167. "And the season finale being held at Canterlot Circuit."
  171. >Each circuit layout was displayed on a screen hanging from the top of the garages. Anonymous can be seen acting what can only be described as perplexed.
  173. >Celestia continues on.
  175. >"With that out of the way, I am very excited to announce this next one. Anonymous, Rainbow Dash, If you would please."
  177. >Both Cloudsdale Weather drivers take hold of the cloak from the front of the car and slowly reveal a sleek, streamlined machine.
  179. >"I am pleased to announce the creation of a new junior racing series, "GP2", which will feed potential new drivers into Formula One."
  181. >The sound of apertures opening and closing at this current moment can only be described as machine gun like. The news broadcast would probably need an epilepsy warning right about now.
  183. >Celestia then motions toward the car.
  184. >"This here, is the JF-01. A car my team of engineers created to display and showcase amazing young driver talent."
  189. >"To all young aspiring drivers out there in Equestria. Tryouts for a seat in competition will take place at EquineRing 3 months from now. We all look forward to seeing you there."
  191. >With that, both Celestia and Luna begin to walk away from the speech podium. The major announcement done.
  193. >The EBC Sport commentator speaks up again.
  195. >"Well I for one am ecstatic with this! Seven Grand Prix next season with a second racing series going along with the big league-ers. I didn't think it was possible, but motorsports in Equestria has gotten even more exciting. We will be back after a short commercial break with further discussion on these developments."
  200. ---------------------------------
  204. >Okay. Okay. What in the hell. Today suddenly has just taken a turn.
  206. >Was it just you or did the rest of those circuits look EXACTLY LIKE ONES BACK HOME. YET AGAIN.
  207. >This can't be a coincidence. This... FUCKING SUZUKA! MONACO!!!
  209. >There can only be one explanation. Celestia knows where your home is. That has to be it. She can see each track from your home dimension and create them accordingly.
  210. >Seriously, Even the car looked like a goddamn Japanese Formula Nippon car.
  212. >You might just be able to see all your old friends again.
  214. >You motion to Dash as if to say "This way." She notices and you both begin to walk away allowing the journalists and photographers to give full attention to the car.
  216. >With the princesses further down pit lane, Twilight meets back up with the two of you again.
  217. "I need to ask Celestia something."
  218. >"What?" Twilight says as Dash jogs up to your right side.
  219. "Every single track that has been built here, is a perfect recreation of a racing circuit from my home world."
  220. >"Really?" says Rainbow. "So I've been racing on tracks you've raced on since before you came here?"
  221. "Yes Rainbow, yes you have."
  222. >"No wonder you were so good here when this place was first built."
  223. >"Wait." Twilight starts. "How is that possible? Unless... Do you think she knows where your home world is?"
  226. "That's exactly what I'm getting ready to find out."
  229. >You begin to run towards the princesses. Dash, suddenly gets a worried look on her face. Scared of what you might choose to do.
  230. >"Anon! Wait!" Dash says, beginning to run after you.
  232. "Celestia!"
  234. >She stops and turns around to see you running towards her.
  235. >"Anon? Is everything ok?" says Tia as you reach her position.
  236. "I need to ask you something."
  237. >"Yes?"
  238. >You exhale, then continue.
  239. "Before I ask, I want to inform you that all seven tracks you have built to date, are perfect recreations of tracks from my home world. Exact recreations."
  240. >Both Celestia's and Luna's eyes widen at this revelation. Either they know, or they don't. It's time to find out which fucking one it is.
  241. "Are you able to-"
  243. >"ANON!! DON'T!!"
  245. >Dash catches up to the three of you. You look to her and see that she is very worried about this situation for some reason. She then, pleads to you. Beads of tears forming in her eyes.
  248. >"Anon. Don't you dare leave us behind. Don't leave me... please..."
  252. >Oh. Fuck... That just ripped a hole in your heart.
  254. >Regardless, You have to know. You have to know if they have access to your old home. You will not be able to stop thinking about it until you know.
  256. "Dash. Let me just ask this. Please."
  257. >Rainbow just stares at you. Her eyes begging you to not want to go back.
  260. "Celestia. Can you see my old home? Is that how you were able to recreate tracks from Earth?"
  262. >Celestia looks to Luna, unsure of what to say. After a moment, she then turns to you.
  265. >"I don't know what to tell you Anon, but I've never seen your home world. The only thing I can see is that the circuits we've designed in Canterlot, looking like circuits from where your from, is a massive coincidence. I'm sorry Anonymous."
  267. "This is kind of a bit too much to be all a coincidence. Seven tracks Celestia. All from where I hail. I'm sorry but that's hard to believe."
  269. >"Anon." Twilight says. Having walked up to the group.
  271. "What Twilight?"
  273. >"My magic brought you here, and it happened to be a freak event, I know. However, Celestia's magic is so far ahead of mine that it's astronomical. She is a goddess after all. If she says she can't see your home. Then no pony can. It really is just a coincidence."
  275. >Fuck.
  277. >Fucking Fuck.
  280. >You honestly... thought you had a chance to see everyone again.
  281. >Who knows how the hell your original team, let alone the entire racing community back on Earth, are coping with your freak disappearance.
  282. >If only you could let them know you're still alive.
  285. >Cautiously, Rainbow walks up to your side. She begins to speak to you as you rest your hands on top of your head.
  287. >"Anon?" Rainbow starts "Let's go back to the library, ok?"
  288. >You look down to Rainbow and nod, running your hand through your hair as you reply.
  292. "Yeah, ok... I need a drink anyhow..."
  297. --------
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