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Jun 22nd, 2017
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  1. Controlling The Future
  4. Welcome. I have encountered an older being of myself, and his state of being. He is from his own galaxy, like ours, but even more complex. I am writing this to inform you about the future. This is about your future and my future, of the future. We are currently manufacturing the future, by today's technology. We are controlling our future by moving things around. We move around our breath, we move around our body. We move around our actions, thoughts, and emotions. We move around our beings. From the past, we have found new patterns of our senses. We are creating the future.
  7. This is a very important message, so please sit back and attain what I am about to reveal. Our species is one, which is undetermined. We must learn how to create the future. We are currently evolving around our planet, not realizing how we make the future. We must learn how to move our bodies, with knowing it. We must learn how to move our thoughts, our feelings, our beings, right now. We can face a positive a future, or we can face a negative future. As we see the future, we are still here. Only in the now, and right here, can we construct our future. I'm going to talk about our potential future and how we should activate our future.
  10. We have currently seen some natural disasters, like earthquakes in Haiti, Argentina, and explosions of energy. These could be the generation of the disasters. We are just like the earth, and the earth is just like us. The earth makes the future, as we make the future. To effect the future, the earth has to effect the future, by moving things around. So either we can make the future, or the earth can make the future. We can make the future, here, by moving things around, now. If we let the earth make the future, we will create a physical destruction, with natural destruction.
  13. We must stop this situation, and start with the now.
  16. Things can be thoughts. Things can be emotions, physical thoughts, they can be our energy. We can move around the system of government, our economy, and communities, we can find the earth moving around. We can find how we can produce the future, right here, and this is the message we must understand. We need to take control of the future, we need to move around the system of government, we need to change our economy. We must not be capitalistic. Together, right now, move things around to make the future. Let us move our thoughts, our feelings, and let them move ourselves, and the future. So it can move our economies, our environment, and our communities. We can create a harmonic place. It can be spiritual state. Let us take control of this galactic Hell.
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