
Snake in the Grass by Havoc (MHuman x FSeviper)

Jul 1st, 2014
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  1. Snake in the Grass
  2. by Havoc
  4. “It is a man’s own mind, not his own enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways.”
  5. -Buddha
  6. ------
  7. I slithered through the forest, weaving my way through the trees and through the tall grasses. I was following a scent that I had been tracking for days. Rage was in my heart, and vengeance, too, for I knew that when I found the eventual source of the scent I would find my target. Only four days ago my home, my nest, had been invaded. My eggs, every single one of them, broken on the rocks and smashed, never to be hatched. Such a crime was unforgivable, and even if it had been, my kind is not one to forgive. A Seviper never forgets, and we never cease bearing a grudge against those who have wronged us, no matter how long our life may last.
  8. I knew what I was looking for. The smell was an unforgettable one, one that my mother passed down to me, and her mother to her, and her mother to her, on and on through generations of my ancestors. For my enemy was an old enemy. I was looking for the Zangoose which had so callously ransacked my home while I was out hunting for food.
  9. Soon I tracked the scent to a place that the humans call Fallarbor Town. The area was surrounded by volcanic refuse, ashes and cold, black rock that threatened to foul my senses of smell and taste. I knew that I had to remain on my guard. I had traveled this area once before, and there were predators such as Skarmory that might like to make a meal of me. The age of eleven years, however, had not been achieved by being careless. I took every precaution, hiding in the thick undergrowth and covering myself with a gray blanket of volcanic ash whenever I sensed danger. In this way, I was able to slither and slide through the dangerous territory, making it to the human town with little difficulty.
  10. Once I was through the ashes, the scent came to me again as clear as a clean, flowing stream. It was dark, and the moon was covered by a layer of clouds, but I could see as well as if it had been daytime. Another advantage that my kind enjoys over most predators and prey alike. With nighttime surrounding me, I was free to go wherever I wished, as few humans were around to bother me.
  11. But I had only one place to go, and soon my scent glands led me to a squarish structure on the outskirts of the town, one of the queer constructions that humans call a “house.” The house was small, as human homes go, with two small stories. I could see dim, flickering light coming from a window in the upper story. Whoever was inside might be awake. I would have to be careful not to make too much noise, and to do my best sneaking.
  12. And then, as I got closer to the house, I saw it. My quarry. A young female Zangoose was lying in a patch of soft grass near the back door to this house, apparently asleep and oblivious to my presence. My tail blade quivered as my tail trembled with excitement, my tongue flicking out of my mouth to taste the air, wondering if this was too good to be true. But no...a careful look at this impudent girl told me that she was in a deep sleep. I would only wake her if I were careless, and I planned to be quick and anything but.
  13. I approached the smaller, white-furred pokémon, looking her over. I could smell the scent of my eggs clinging to her fur, and the venom flowed to my fangs and tail as my desire for vengeance rose. My tongue was going faster and faster, tasting the air in a frenzy as my anxiousness rose within me.
  14. But what was this I smelled? This scent was new, and it didn’t belong. It was not the smell of a pokémon, but the smell of a human. Quickly, I looked around, peering into the night to try to find the source of the alien smell. My eyes pierced the darkness, but nothing could be seen that looked out of place. I returned my gaze to the Zangoose, realizing that the smell must be coming from her. I sniffed closer, cautiously bringing my snout closer to her body. She shivered a little in her sleep, but did not wake.
  15. Bringing my tongue out, I gently tasted along her body, but could sense nothing out of the ordinary until my tongue got nearer to her hindquarters. There, the stench of humanity grew to epic proportions. I flicked my tongue over her genitals, and smiled to myself. So, this foolish girl was giving herself to a human. That must mean that she was a pet, the property of whatever human inhabited this house.
  16. Slowly, a plan began to unfold inside my snakish head. This young girl had stolen something precious to me, so what better way to get back at her than to appropriate something precious to her? I restrained a hiss of laughter, retreating from the Zangoose. Now I would just have to find a way into this house...
  17. Fortunately, gaining entry was not as hard as it could have been. I had observed humans going into houses before, and I knew that I would not be able to use a door. A Seviper’s coils, after all, are not designed for operating doorknobs. I circled around to one side of the house, and found a window. Lifting my tail blade, I carefully wedged the point underneath the lower edge of the window, prising it up. After that, it was a simple matter of using my tail to slide the window all the way open. The window was just low enough for me to lift my head through. I slipped inside, managing to squeeze my body through and into the house.
  18. Once I was inside, I went still and quiet, listening and smelling for anything that might signal an alarm. My sensitive smell receptors could detect a recently cooked meal, the fragrance of soap, and the scent of the Zangoose who was sleeping outside, all of which was buried under the heavy musk that humans seemed to have. The smell was neither pleasing nor displeasing, just very strong.
  19. When I was satisfied that my intrusion had not been detected, I began to follow the scent of the human, seeking him out. I went through the house, wherever doors did not confound my search, and soon came upon a staircase. The staircase was difficult to get up, having a smooth carpet over it. My scaly body was constantly slipping and sliding along it, but with a little time I managed to make my way up to the second floor. A short hallway was there, with two doors on each side. One of the doors was cracked, and from inside this door was shining the strange, flickering light that I had seen from outside the house. I made straight for this door, my motions making no sound on the smoothly carpeted floor.
  20. Peering inside the room, I was gratified to see that my search had not been in vain. On an elevated piece of furniture, which must have been some sort of bedding, I could make out the form of an adult human male. The light that I had seen was coming from a strange box that was sitting on another piece of furniture, on which was flashing odd moving pictures. It was obvious that the box was no threat to me, so I dismissed it and returned my attention to the human. He was asleep, or seemed to be, at least. Carefully, I butted the door open a little with my nose, and paused to look for a reaction. There was none.
  21. Bolder now, I nosed the door open fully and went into the room. I approached the bed, and brought my head up to the human’s level. His face was towards me but his eyes were closed. For a few minutes, I merely studied his face. He was young, like his harlot of a Zangoose. I wondered what he was dreaming about. Probably her.
  22. I looked down at the rest of his body, but it seemed to be covered by something flat and soft. Taking one edge of the thing in my fangs, I dragged it down the bed, removing it from his body. When I looked back at him again, I saw that he was not clad in clothes, as most humans that I had observed were. His naked body was hairless, and it looked flimsy when compared to my muscular coils.
  23. I wondered for a moment what I would do if the human woke up during what I had planned. He would wake up to see a long black-and-purple serpent with yellow markings looming over him, sporting, I am quite proud to say, some impressive fangs. Would he try to run, or would he be frozen in fear? I halfway hoped that he would try to run. It would make the finale all the more satisfying.
  24. For now, I kept most of my body on the floor of the room. I did not want to cause a disturbance on the bed until I absolutely had to. Moving my upper body down to the end of the bed, I turned my attention to where my business was: the space between this human’s legs.
  25. I must confess that when it comes to mating, male Sevipers are less than impressive when it comes to taking care of the pleasure of the female. That was why I felt just the smallest of hints of excitement when I beheld the penis that this human possessed. I have since learned that he was rather average for a human, but at the time it was larger than anything I had seen before. I suppose it goes to show that even in vengeance, the darkest of the arts, pleasure can be found.
  26. I flicked my tongue out, allowing it to just barely brush his malehood. He shivered in his sleep, perhaps having his dreams take a different turn as I tasted him for the first time. I have never relished the smell of human beings, but this one was a little different. I could tell that he had recently washed, and of course taste is always a bit different than smell. His skin had a tangy flavor to it, and one that was not at all unpleasant. I rather enjoyed it, actually. Even a Seviper enjoys the flavor of the exotic, after all.
  27. Letting more of my tongue out, I wrapped it around his cock. The reaction was immediate, and blood coursed into the organ, making it swell in my tongue’s grasp. I always like a male who can perform well. It seemed as though this human would be adequate for the task.
  28. We Sevipers have a very dexterous tongue, for snakes, and I began to curl and swirl mine around his length. Before long, he was satisfyingly hard, and I lowered my mouth to where my tongue was. I was very careful to banish the venom from my fangs. It would not do, after all, to accidentally nick my plaything before I was finished with my fun. Slowly, savoring the moment, I took his penis into my mouth. His whole body trembled and his hips raised to meet me as his body reacted to the warm moisture of my maw.
  29. A smattering of saltiness leaked out onto my tongue as the first bits of precum dribbled from the tip of his erection. I sucked, greedily slurping it down and swallowing. It tasted wonderful, and I wanted more of it. I knew that getting it would not be hard. Males are the same, regardless of species.
  30. Holding my head still, I started stroking his length rapidly with my long serpent tongue. Glancing over at the human, I could see his mouth opening. A long, low moan came from him, voicing the pleasure that he had to be feeling even in sleep. My senses picked up the pulse of his heartbeat through his cock, in my mouth. His heart was quickening as I pleasured him with my skilled tongue, and my heart started racing, too. Even though I was here for other purposes, I couldn’t help but become aroused by having a virile male in my mouth.
  31. I slowly began to rub the end portion of my tail against his carpet, sliding my ventral slit along the soft fibers. My body was reacting to the situation, my insides moistening and softening for mating. I began to wonder how far I could take this. Up to now I had only planned to use my mouth on him, but as I grew more and more aroused I desired more.
  32. The human moaned loudly, and I hissed in pleasure as my slit opened up to allow my moist inner flesh to touch the carpet. He was close to his climax, and I was increasingly desperate for mine. I ground my cloaca on the floor, making more noise than I probably should have. If I had been a little more alert, I would have felt him beginning to stir. But I was too engrossed in what I was doing, and I allowed my attention to lapse. His cock tasted too good in my mouth, on my tongue, and I was too focused on giving myself pleasure on the floor.
  33. My revelry was interrupted when the human gasped. My head was shaken as he kicked away, and his motions pulled his penis from my mouth, my tongue dragging out a little ways as it clung to him. He scrambled from the bed, his eyes open wide and his mouth open. Disbelief was etched across his pale face.
  34. It was at that moment that I felt a slight twinge of fear. The fear was irrational, of course. One strike from my long body and my tail blade would be embedded in his gut, sending poison through his body and eliminating the threat of discovery. But already he was making for the door, backing away from me as his jaw hung slack, too startled to yet make a noise. Just another few seconds and he would be out the door, on his way to alert the Zangoose sleeping on the grass below.
  35. But then my cool, snake mind prevailed. This human, like all humans, was weak. He was male, bound by his body’s physical needs and desires. Even now, I could see that he was still painfully erect, his cock standing out straight from his body. It throbbed with his pulse, jerking as rhythmically as it had been in my mouth. The light from that strange box glinted off of the saliva that coated his member, and even as I watched I could see him slow his retreat to the door, hesitating.
  36. I smiled a snakish smile, full of glee and understanding for the thoughts going through his head.
  37. As scared as he was, as confused as he was, he still wanted me.
  38. Moving my coils sensually, in a way that would make even the most jaded member of my species quiver in excitement, I slid up onto his bed. I presented my underbelly to him, showing him what only moments ago had been grinding on his carpet. I saw his eyes move along the length of my body, stopping as his gaze came to a spot a few feet from the very end of my tail. Where his eyes fell, he could see my ventral slit, open and showing the flesh that lay within. A swollen, glistening gash of pink nestled in a scaly sea of black.
  39. The human licked his lips, his eyes flicking up to mine. I gave him no response other than to flick my own tongue out. I could still taste him, the musk of his sexual excitement permeating the air in the room. He was ready, and I was ready. All that remained was for him to return to his bed, climb on, and make the final commitment to the sexual bliss that both he and I desired. He did not make me wait for long.
  40. Slowly, the human returned, crossing the floor to the bed and getting up onto it. I waited for him to make his move, wondering what he would do first. It was...a delicious sense of vulnerability, one that I don’t often allow myself to feel. A shaky hand came out, touching my smooth belly and moving down. I hissed softly as his fingertips finally brushed over me, tracing around the opening to my cloaca. He brought his hand up, rubbing two fingers together and slowly pulling them apart, watching as a strand of my sexual fluids hung in the air. I would wager that the pitiful girl downstairs had never been as ready for him as I was.
  41. He looked up at my face, giving me the first really good look at his. His hair was dark, and his eyes were a shade of poisonous green that made my tail quiver. Not a bad-looking creature by any standards. I flicked my tongue out, brushing the tip of it over his cheek. A concession to tenderness that I followed up with a dangerous hiss, just to let him know that he was beginning to try my patience.
  42. The young man took the hint, moving further down on the bed to get in a good position. He lifted one leg over my body, rising up so that he straddled me, with his cock perfectly alined along the center of my underbelly. I shifted myself to get a better view, twisting so that he could clearly see his target.
  43. When he started sliding himself inside of me, I felt an intense satisfaction that immediately developed into exquisite pleasure. I was so moist, so deliciously sopping with sexual excitement, that he sank in to the hilt very quickly. The entry of his penis into me made a sinfully wet sound. I squirmed with the thrill of it, relaxing to accommodate him. I was built with much thinner things in mind, but the wondrous pleasure of being stretched by his human cock was divine.
  44. He groaned when he was fully buried within me, and I could feel him twitching inside of my depths. He lowered his body so that he was lying along mine, rubbing his skin against my smooth scales. I brought up the rest of the end of my tail, bringing it between his legs and coiling it around his waist, holding him in place. From here on, the work would be mine. Even if the human wanted to move himself, I had decided to give him a treat and teach him what a skilled and experienced Seviper could do to her partner.
  45. I squeezed down on him with my inner muscles, holding him like a vice. He gave a hissing moan, biting his bottom lip and looking me straight in the eyes. I returned a snakish smile, holding back my own noise of pleasure. My entire canal was alive with tingling feelings, every twitch that I made causing my nerves to fire off. I was enjoying this royally, like the queen that I knew I was.
  46. A rippling movement followed the initial squeeze, moving along his length from tip to root, and so back again. I’m sure it felt to him as though a hundred tiny hands were stroking along his erection. Like my tongue, only three times as pleasurable. The muscles on his rear bunched up as he fought my tail, trying to thrust, but I held him close, keeping him from making any moves. He was forced to remain still as my vaginal walls masturbated him, coaxing his pleasure along.
  47. My head was beginning to spin as the feelings inside of me grew to a fever pitch. My whole body was quivering, the middle portion of my coils writhing as we mated. In the back of my head, I was resolved that this would not be my last experience with a human cock. He was so much bigger than anything I’d had before, and his member was pressing against every pleasure center inside of me, bringing me closer and closer to my greatly needed climax. I kept squeezing and stroking my insides against him, hissing aloud now as my fluids leaked out around him, dripping down to the sheets in liquid trails that ran over my black scales.
  48. When I could take no more, I clamped down on his length, squeezing with all of the force that I could manage. He pushed up, throwing his head back, and I felt him explode within me. His hot, thick seed coated my insides, filling up my womb and warming my belly. I gave a long, low cry of bliss as my own orgasm overtook me, my vaginal walls rippling along him and milking even more of his semen from him. So much flowed into me that it began to seep out of my slit, running down my body to mingle with the pool of my fluids that had collected on the bed. I stroked his waist with my tail, keeping contact with him all throughout, awash in feelings of ecstasy as we both rose to the peak and began to come down.
  49. The poor human collapsed on top of me, exhausted from his foray in deviance with his satisfied queen. Predictably, like any male, he was soon asleep again, worn out. It was a pity. I would have liked to have gone another time or two, but he couldn’t help possessing his own species’ weakness. After taking a few minutes to savor the warm feelings of happiness, and to catch my breath, I gently rolled my body to the side. His softening member slid out of me, a goodly amount of mixed fluids gushing out. With him off of me, I slipped off of the bed.
  50. I looked at the human as he lay there. All in all...he had not been an unworthy mate, even if his stamina left something to be desired. I took the bed covers in my mouth, dragging them back over his body. I pondered what his thoughts might be when he woke up again. Were his sheets not soaked with the leavings of our union, he might possibly have thought it just a dream. Would he be horrified at what he had done, or would he look on the memory favorably? I hoped it would be the latter. As I quietly made my exit from his room and moved down the stairs to the open window I thought that perhaps, sometime in the future, I might again make a visit to this house. A reunion with my midnight lover...
  51. ------
  52. As I slithered away from the house, I heard the satisfying gasp of the Zangoose as she awoke to the fiery pain of my venom coursing through her veins. I turned my head back to look, my tongue flicking out as I watched her struggle to her feet. Her eyes flicked down, looking at the cut that had been caused by my tail blade dragging along her leg as I’d passed. She gave me a pitiful, distressed look, and then she stumbled forward, falling onto her face on the ground as her life expired. I turned away from her, slithering off into the night, my thirst for vengeance quenched.
  53. *Ssssssssssssilly girl...Never crossssssssss a Sssssssseviper...*
  54. ------
  55. “Revenge is an act of passion; vengeance of justice. Injuries are revenged; crimes are avenged.”
  56. -Samuel Johnson
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