
AlexanderGrey - Life after Life (unfinished)

Feb 22nd, 2015
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  1. >You’re sitting alone at lunch, eating a jelly sandwich.
  2. >Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, but you know for a fact that you’re going to spend it alone, just like every other year.
  3. >Not that you mind, though. You don't even celebrate Valentine's day, like how some people do. It's not like it's too uncommon.
  4. >The decorations are already up at Canterlot High.
  5. >As you sit there and periodically look over at all of the couples in the cafeteria, you catch someone sit down in front of you out of the corner of your eye.
  6. >You look forward to find Twilight sitting right across from you at the table.
  7. “Hi, Twilight.” You greet her, confused as to why she sat down where you are, since she doesn’t know you very well.
  8. >”Hi.” She says to you as she makes a quick glance back at her friends at another table. “Um, can I ask you something?”
  9. >They gesture her to continue whatever she’s doing.
  10. “Sure.”
  11. >”Do you… have someone as your Valentine yet?”
  12. >In silence, you stare at Twilight as she patiently awaits your response with a warm smile on her face.
  13. >It’s unclear what it was about what she just asked you, but something within the nature of that question sends a subtle shock through you. And to your surprise, it is not nervousness. It’s some sort of recollection of… something.
  14. >Twilight stares back at you, silently waiting for you to answer her question. Until she asks you her question again.
  15. >”Um… well?” She repeats. “Do you have a valentine yet or not?”
  16. >There it is again. That shock that now caught you off guard a second time.
  17. >But this time, you can tell exactly why this question is causing you to feel so uneasy… but in a way that’s completely new to you.
  18. >It’s the fact that it was Twilight who asked you this. Bringing up the very thought of having a lover while in her presence seems to re-awaken something.
  19. >A subtle sensation of nostalgia promptly washes over your mind. It engulfs you with curiosity as you’re plunged into deep thought.
  20. >Are you subconsciously remembering Twilight from a time long ago? It feels much longer than you’re normally comfortable with. In a past life, perhaps.
  21. >It’s difficult to piece together; you can’t quite put your finger on it.
  22. >This feels like trying to remember a dream, but not being able to recall any of the details. Except, it unrealistically feels like it's more than a dream.
  23. >The surprise recurrence of a memory takes you back to a scenery that flashes through your mind. Numerous trees, coating tall mountains. But that’s not what strikes you the most.
  24. >Something makes you unrealistically sure that you had resided within this place with Twilight ages ago.
  25. >You ask your memory for answers, but nothing else enters you mind at all.
  26. >There's no way these thoughts could be real.
  27. >”Are you okay?” Twilight asks you. "You seem tense."
  28. >It’s only now that you realize that you’ve been staring into space for over thirty seconds.
  29. “Oh, um, I’m fine. And no, I don’t have one.” You reply.
  30. >Twilight smiles.
  31. >”Oh, cool.” She says before pausing for a minute.
  32. >She looks down for a second, and then back up at you. Her mouth opens, but nothing comes out at first. But after a couple of seconds, she finally asks you something you never thought you would hear from her.
  33. >“So, um… I was wondering… would you like to be my Valentine tomorrow?” Twilight asks, smiling a bit awkwardly.
  34. >At first, you can't even think of an answer. You've never prepared for being asked a question such as this one, let alone be asked this by a girl like Twilight.
  35. >There's no way this can be real. And even if it is, there's no doubt that you're going to screw everything up anyway. You have no idea how to date someone or even act around other people.
  36. “Nah. I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day.” You respond.
  37. >”Oh…” Twilight hesitantly replies with a dejected expression. “Okay. Well, thanks anyway.”
  38. >She gets up and goes back to her table while you continue eating your sandwich. You catch a glimpse of her sitting with her friends and shaking her head to indicate that her proposal didn't go through. She doesn't seem at all upset, however.
  39. >At least, she doesn't appear to be upset. But there's no way to be absolutely sure. There never is.
  40. >Lunch eventually ends with all of the students getting up from their seats and leaving for class. But in your seat you remain just a couple of minutes longer. Smothered by your creeping remorse.
  41. >It is only after it is too late that you realize that you have made a terrible mistake.
  42. >You do not see Twilight or any of her friends for the rest of the day. If you had a chance to tell her that you changed your mind, you would have taken it.
  43. >...
  44. >In your room you're sitting at your desk looking at your history textbook.
  45. >As you flip through your textbook in a half-hearted attempt to study for the upcoming test, something possesses you to turn to the table of contents.
  46. >You're already on the right chapter, but your lack of focus has caused you to take more interest in exploring the other chapters instead.
  47. >This is why you fail.
  48. >In the table of contents, you spot a section that briefly describes South American History. You turn to the indicated page and begin trying to read through it.
  49. >After a couple of minutes, you give up on reading and decide to just look at the pictures instead.
  50. >Upon noticing a picture of the ancient wonder Macchu Picchu, the same shock that struck you before returns. It's as though someone tapped you on the shoulder and told you that there is a connection to be made with this.
  51. >Examine the surroundings in the picture, only to feel a notion that it looks strangely familiar to you. Memories are trying to barge their way in, but they're not strong enough to be recalled.
  52. >There's something that had happened before, but you just can't remember it.This makes you feel rather upset that you cannot even obtain any form of closure on this.
  53. >As you reflect the events of today, thoughts about Twilight re-enter your mind.
  54. >What happened at lunch is the very first thing that comes up, as it is the most recent and also the most crushing memory.
  55. >In addition to this, the thing you were just trying to remember feels a lot closer whenever you try to connect it to Twilight. Whatever it is, it involved her to a great extent.
  56. >Did you know Twilight in a past life? How is that even possible, let alone provable?
  57. >These hazy thoughts must be resurfaced now, as you cannot focus on anything else until you are satisfied with whatever you may find.
  58. >You focus on them, thinking about a possible time before you were yourself. Something must come up eventually.
  59. >At least a memory from your own current life that you can use to verify that your imagination is just exaggerating things.
  60. >But after a couple of minutes of thought, you discover that what was whispering into your curiosity was something a lot more real than just an exaggeration.
  61. >Little by little, a flashback fades into your head, slowly building a scenery that you gradually remember.
  62. >As you imagine how you could possibly confront Twilight once again tomorrow, you try to figure out what’s making you want to do so this badly.
  63. >Even if you wanted to deny it, it would still be true. You just know it, now: you have had past lives, and Twilight was in at least one of them.
  64. >Throughout many different times in history, you and Twilight have met eachother before, similar to how you have now.
  65. >It all began several thousands of years ago, much longer than any organized civilization had ever come to be on Earth.
  66. >The location was somewhere in the lands that would one day be Peru in the very distant future. But in your first time alive, barely so much as even tribes have formed.
  67. >Long before the Spanish Conquerors, long before the Incas, long before the Chimor and Aymara people, long before the Huari and the Tiwanaku people, long before even the Nazca and Chavin people. Just before Agrarian Society itself flourished into full swing.
  68. >These lands during these times was the setting in which Twilight had first entered your life. And you don’t recognize her because of her name. It’s more so a sort of vibe that you felt whenever you were around her or thought about her. This was all you ever had to go on at this time.
  69. >Neither of you had names or even had a language to speak. You simply communicated through actions.
  70. >Nor did you officially live in tribes; just existing as wanderers who live wherever they can find shelter. Eating fruits from trees and drinking rainwater. Borderline animals, almost similar to the Neanderthal, but still fully evolved humans.
  71. >You remember how you were before you met her. Always willing to move to a new spot to live if there wasn’t enough water where you already were, or perhaps for some other reason.
  72. >There was never really a time you had ever considered staying in one place until you had come across this girl.
  73. >…
  74. >…
  75. >The forests are extremely hot and humid during this time of year. Living conditions have proven to be irritable because of this.
  76. >Back when you lived under the parents and family who raised you, the older ones in the group would be in charge of food, water and shelter.
  77. >But everyone had eventually split up, either because they grew up and began accumulating their own food, or they had separated for some other reason.
  78. >Only relatively recently have you grown enough to be able to hunt your own food. You are a young man, now.
  79. >Just a few days or so ago, you had left your current sanctuary to take refuge from a group of jaguars that began grazing a little too close to you.
  80. >If it were only one, you would have been able to manage and eventually make a meal out of the wild cat. It’s quite unfortunate that there being one wasn’t the case.
  81. >You migrate through many trees in search for another location that provides adequate shelter from the heavy rain that often pours down from the sky. Make sure to keep a few fruits with you so you don’t starve to death during your search for new shelter.
  82. >As you search, you pass by a few fellow nomads. Some of which travel in groups of several men and women of varying ages.
  83. >They’re friendly to you, offering for you to join them if they had enough food to support you along with the others.
  84. >From time to time, you would join them. And it was rather comforting to know that you weren’t the only one in these forests.
  85. >The first group you joined was one with two females and three males, including you. It was nice settling down with them for a while.
  86. >For numerous days on end, the group would go around collecting fruits and other sources of food nearby and later return to an area at the bottom of a small cliff.
  87. >There were a few trees above you, so not only did they provide some shelter, but also sent down streams of rainwater for the group to drink.
  88. >In short, you made yourselves at home fairly quickly.
  89. >During your time with this group, you spend a few moments picking food together and periodically wandering around in pairs, enjoying the nature.
  90. >It is always at least really warm in these forests, and the rainfall is constant. You've grown up with this, so it's nothing you're not used to.
  91. >As a matter in fact, the only thing any of you wear is a small tarp around your waists. Even the females.
  92. >Though you never quite find it that extraordinary that their breasts are always hanging out in the open. You've never been in a society where women cover their breasts, so you're simply used to seeing them all the time. It's nothing special to you.
  93. >Of course, the men and women in your group don't hesitate to encourage sex every now and then. It's still perfectly natural when you're all there together and almost naked all of the time.
  94. >The largest male was approached first, of course. One of the girls was sitting with him in a field at first, but ended up backing him up against a tree and pulling his tarp off.
  95. >It was inevitable after that.
  96. >As you wait for one of the females to come to you, the other man gets his fair share as well with the other woman. But it's possible that they have already been doing things before they found you.
  97. >This isn't too much of a problem, however. Based on what you've seen before, mates tend to switch around sometimes. At least, that's what you've seen some other people do when you were younger.
  98. >And you were right.
  99. >On one rainy night, the first woman that you confirmed for having sex with someone walks up to you. Neither of you speak, she just comes up to you and sits beside you on the side of a hill under a tree.
  100. >The rain made you both soaking wet, so both of your tarps are nearly sliding off, making it a lot easier for at least one of you to be come aroused enough to be in the mood.
  101. >Look at her for a little bit, examining her properties. The shine from the rain accents her feminine form nicely.
  102. >Scoot over to her and put your arm around her. After a moment or so, you begin to feel around her body with your hands. This is an indication that you desire sex at the moment, almost like an ancient pick-up line.
  103. >It gets the sexual thoughts into other's head, causing them to slip into the mood. And since there's no organized society or cultural values, this is ultimately the go-to method.
  104. >As you begin to grope her round breasts, she returns the gesture, feeling you back to show that she shares the same desire as you. It's official, now.
  105. >In practically no time, the two of you lie down together and grab eachother's tarps.
  106. >Your excitement heightens as you realize that you're finally going to do this. Under your tarp, you feel yourself become hard. This has happened before, and usually, you would masturbate when no one else was around because of this.
  107. >Despite your full staff, your tarp is still pulled down with ease. You have no idea how this can be a bad thing.
  108. >The light blue girl stares at your member for a few seconds, seeming disappointed. She then stands back up and wraps her tarp back around her.
  109. >You give her a confused look.
  110. >The girl points at your dick and frowns, showing some form of disapproval. You have no idea what is wrong.
  111. >Stand up with your dick still pointing forwards and try touching her again. Maybe she just wasn't immersed into the mood enough.
  112. >As your hands caress her again, she looks over to you with a now pitiful look. She can see that you're still trying, despite somehow proving to be undesirable to her.
  113. >She faces you and hugs you, trying to console you for this mystery issue that interrupted the moment. She then looks into your eyes and shakes her head.
  114. >You look down at your penis and back up at her, still wondering why she suddenly doesn't want to mate with you.
  115. >The girl closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, grabbing your dick and beginning to stroke it.
  116. >There's still a lot of confusion as to why she's okay with doing this, but won't have sex with you.
  117. >Eventually, she keeps rubbing you until you cum onto the ground. And then after that, she gives you one last sympathetic hug and walks away.
  118. >This was the most embarrassing night of your whole life, and you don't even know why. Well, at least you didn't find out why until the next day.
  119. >...
  120. >It's about mid day when you're in a nearby river, bathing yourself. You left your tarp in the grass.
  121. >At first, you appear to be completely alone until the other two guys from your group join you. They removes their tarps and enter the water as well.
  122. >It's actually wise to always stick together due to the things in the forest that could prove dangerous to anyone who strays.
  123. >But as the other two men bathe, you can't help but notice something about them. Their dicks are much larger than yours. Almost twice as big.
  124. >It was at this moment when you realized why the other woman didn't want you. It's pretty obvious at this point. In shame, you slowly emerge from the water and wrap your tarp back on.
  125. >The two guys gesture for you to come back in, trying to be friendly. But you turn around and show them what you're upset about.
  126. >They look at it and then each compare it to their own. They then give you mixed responses.
  127. >But you still leave anyway, going in a different direction from where the shelter had been set up. You're not comfortable with the idea of staying around these people after this most recent experience.
  128. >No, you need to find new people who won't care if your dick isn't as big as those of the other males. You've already gotten used to moving around before, so leaving and looking for a new home isn't new to you.
  129. >If anything, they won't miss you. Your absence will just mean a little bit more food for them anyway.
  130. >You spend the rest of the day and the following day searching for yet a new place to set up shelter. Back to the life of a vagabond.
  131. >Through the next portion of the forest, you pass by a couple more groups. But none of them have enough food to give you if you join them.
  132. >Continue through massive amounts of trees and bushes until you finally find a spot right between two trees just as the sun is setting.
  133. >Exhausted, you go to sleep and plan to continue in the morning. You know that you should reach something soon.
  134. >And you were right again.
  135. >After waking back up in the early morning and traveling for a little bit more, you spot the tops of mountains through the trees.
  136. >You had seen smaller mountains before, but none that rise this tall. The very appearance of these sudden mountains fascinates you and beckons you to venture into them.
  137. >...
  138. >And your train of thought is faded into haziness again as you try to think more about the mountains. You try to find a way to make sense of this.
  139. >This is way too details to just be your imagination. At least something similar must have happened in order for this to have entered your thoughts.
  140. >But you can't let this whole thing absorb you either. You need to come back to your senses and figure out how you're going to confront Twilight tomorrow at school and make this up to her.
  141. >Studying is definitely not going to be an option, since you can't focus. Besides, it's already past three in the morning. You'll just study in study hall before history class.
  142. >You sluggishly crawl into bed, hoping to somehow get yourself to have a dream about the things you thought of today to help clear up the things that were still left empty.
  143. >As the night goes on, you find yourself having difficulties sleeping. There is too much concern in your head about how things could have gone with Twilight for you to simply be satisfied.
  144. >On top of this, you can't stop asking yourself why there were all these detailed... memories. The fact that these things suddenly appeared into your head is making this a lot more awkward than it needs to be.
  145. >This keeps you up longer and longer. It's very inconvenient.
  146. >Hours pass, and your ears are soon assaulted by the drone of your alarm clock. You're not even sure if you got any sleep at all.
  147. >Agitated, you undergo your usual morning routine. After a little bit less than an hour, you're on your way to school.
  148. >The thoughts bully your mind yet again, never ceasing to spark your desire to decipher their secrets, if there are any secrets at all.
  149. >In the back of your mind, you keep hold of the possibility of these thoughts simply being fragments of your imagination. You would love for this to be true so you can put it out of your mind already.
  150. >You need to study, for pete's sake.
  151. >Last night's study session derailed into some delusional proclamation that you somehow knew Twilight in a past life, which you don't even completely believe is true. You really did let your encounter with Twilight yesterday get the best of you.
  152. >It's messing up your focus, and now you need to make up for it if you want to do remotely well on that test.
  153. >Study hall is first period, and the history test is second period. You have your textbook with you and at the ready.
  154. >Walk into the school to immediately notice the Valentine's Day decorations lining the main hallway. They're pretty much everywhere you look.
  155. >Like every other year, you are hit with a slightly bitter feeling when seeing this. But it feels worse this time, since you actually had a chance to have Twilight as your Valentine.
  156. >And like the fool you are, you turned it down. What on earth were you even thinking yesterday to say no to a girl like Twilight?
  157. >The strength of your feelings overpowers you. You need to go talk to Twilight right now and tell her that you changed your mind. It's the least you can do.
  158. >Not only will talking to her give you a second chance, but it will also help you take your mind off of what happened yesterday and settle your thoughts, which are apparently going wild over Twilight right now.
  159. >The thoughts won't leave you alone; you just need to know more. It doesn't even feel like you have a choice in the matter.
  160. >You know exactly where she hangs out with her friends before school starts. It's in the senior hallway right outside their homeroom.
  161. >It wasn't uncommon for you to see them hanging out there. And it doesn't take you long to get over there, either.
  162. >Upon walking over to that location, you do indeed see Twilight and her friends standing there, talking to eachother.
  163. >Take a deep breath as you plan what you're going to say. The less you know what to say, the worse this is going to feel.
  164. >Walk up to them, just close enough for them to notice you. As they spot you, they become quiet and all hesitantly greet you.
  165. >At least you're not the only one who feels uneasy about what happened yesterday, but it's hard to tell whether that's good or bad.
  166. "Hey, Twilight." You begin but trail off, walking up to the group. "Um..."
  167. >She stares at you, probably confused why you came to talk to her this time.
  168. >"What is it?" She asks you after some silence.
  169. "Well, the thing is... about yesterday."
  170. >Twilight's expression does not change. She likely already knew this is what you wanted to talk to her about.
  171. "I... didn't really know what I was saying yesterday. I mean... I wasn't kidding when I said that I don't normally celebrate Valentine's Day. But, I was too quick to answer you based on that, and..."
  172. >"Oh..." Twilight replies. "I see, I guess."
  173. >She looks back at her friends. Applejack shrugs as Rarity gestures Twilight to go ahead and continue with you. They probably aren't sure how to respond to this either.
  174. >"So... what about that?" Twilight continues, probably already aware of what you're about to ask.
  175. "Well... I guess it just comes down to the fact that... it wouldn't really hurt at all to give Valentine's Day a shot. And I kinda though that... if you didn't already find another guy..." Your ramblings fade into silence as you run out of appropriate words to deliver.
  176. >"No, wait. It's okay. I still don't have a guy as my Valentine yet." Twilight informs you. "I mean, you probably know why."
  177. "Yeah... um, I'm kinda sorry about that."
  178. >"It's okay, it's okay. I'm cool."
  179. >Twilight's blushing now.
  180. >"So..." She begins again as her friends begin to smile widely behind her.
  181. "Heh, yeah. So... what do you say?" You finally bring out. "You wanna give it a shot?"
  182. >Giggles can be heard behind Twilight. Rainbow Dash walks up to Twilight.
  183. >"Well, Twi? What do you say?" Dash repeats your question.
  184. >Twilight smiles at you and nods slightly.
  185. >"Sure. So... you'll be my...?" She shyly asks.
  186. "Yup. I'll be your Valentine, Twilight." You verify.
  187. >"Awww!" Pinkie Pie exclaims from the group of friends behind Twilight.
  188. >Twilight steps forward and gives you a quick hug. Her friends seem a bit riled up because of all of this.
  189. >"Um... thanks." Twilight adds. "You know, for like, coming back and doing this. It really means a lot to me."
  190. "You're welcome." You reply.
  191. >It means a lot to her; she really did care a lot about all of this. You can only imagine how crushed she must have felt when you said what you said yesterday.
  192. >The two strongest things you're feeling right now is your love for Twilight and your hate for yourself. Both are felt with a burning passion.
  193. >"So... what do you want to do today?" Twilight asks you.
  194. >...
  195. >Oh, no.
  196. >Not once have you ever considered what you would actually do with her. You never though you'd get past the point of asking or being asked.
  197. "Well, I kinda have a history test to study for right now. So I think it would be better if we did something later on."
  198. >"Oh, you do?" Twilight asks, suddenly sounding very enthusiastic. "I can help you study, if you want! I wouldn't mind."
  199. "Really? Like, it's probably something you wouldn't be too familiar with."
  200. >"Oh, don't worry about it! I'll read through whatever you need to read through and pick out all of the important parts. Trust me, I'm good at this."
  201. "Oh, okay."
  202. >"Yeah. It'll be kinda like a date, right?"
  203. >You blink a couple of times.
  204. "Um... yeah. Of course." You say to her. "So... I'll be in the auditorium during 1st period. That's where my study hall is. Is that cool?"
  205. >"Great!" Twilight concludes. "See you there!"
  206. "Yup. See you there..."
  207. >She walks off with her friends beside her. You stand there in the same spot, basking in the wake of what just happened.
  208. >You don't even jump up and down in excitement. Just stand there is pure relief that you actually did it. You went back to Twilight and got her to be your Valentine.
  209. >As the late bell rings, you rush on off to class.
  210. ~
  211. >Study hall.
  212. >You pick the seat you want to sit in and sit down in it.
  213. >Opening your book, you try to find the page you were on last. You can't even remember if you actually started reading the chapter that you were supposed to.
  214. >As you search, a thought crosses your mind. Twilight still doesn't even know what your test is about.
  215. >You have to be honest with yourself, you're probably going to fail that test no matter how hard you study or who helps you. It's a sad truth, really.
  216. >If anything, you just want to look at more pictures from the section on ancient South America. With Twilight being there telling you all of the key facts about those places while you also feel that strange... nostalgia at the same time.
  217. >Even just imagining it, it feels simply sublime. You'd rather do that than study for some test that you're going to fail anyway.
  218. >Just hearing her voice reading the things to you, really...
  219. >At this moment, you have officially given up on trying to do well on the test. The fact of the matter is, you just can't help it anymore.
  220. >This whole thing you just started with Twilight actually feels more important. You are fully aware that's just your feeling talking, but you don't care anymore. There will be other tests.
  221. >You suddenly can't wait for Twilight to come over to the auditorium. Sit in your seat and periodically eye the doors, checking for when your Valentine arrives.
  222. >Right after the beginning of class, Twilight walks through the doorway.
  223. >Immediately remember to be cool around her. There's no way you'll allow yourself to screw this up.
  224. >Twilight sits in the seat next to you and asks you which chapter you had been asked to read. You tell her that it was the section on South American history.
  225. >It honestly feels a little painful to lie to her, but you must keep in mind that this lie does not hurt her in any way.
  226. >After turning to the first page of the chapter, Twilight begins reading the entire section paragraph by paragraph.
  227. >The sound of her voice as she reads is music to your ears. The minutes go on as Twilight reviews the entire chapter with you. And as all of this is taking place, you hold absolutely no regret for making this decision.
  228. >You also take a few notes a she reads about the different peoples and cultures, not because you would need to study them for a test, but because you legitimately want to learn more about these things. And Twilight is the one who is pretty much teaching you.
  229. >Nothing else but reading and writing takes place during the study session. Twilight even looks happy to have been given the opportunity to read all of these pages out of a textbook for you, especially since she loves to read.
  230. >Both of you are genuinely enjoying this greatly.
  231. >Twilight finishes the last paragraph and you finish writing down the last of your notes.
  232. >"Well, that's it I guess. I hope this helped you get all of the information you needed for this." Twilight tells you.
  233. "Thanks again, Twilight. I'd be totally lost without you."
  234. >Twilight giggles.
  235. >"Well, you know... it's actually quite funny that you were studying this particular subject." Reveals Twilight.
  236. "Oh? Why's that?" You ask, now completely comfortable.
  237. >"Well... the thing is. There's a reason I wanted to ask you what I asked you yesterday." Explains Twilight. "Recently, I have been doing some research on the Inca Empire and related subject. I don't know why, but there was something... really interesting about it that stood out to me. I just find it relevant, somehow."
  238. "...Really?"
  239. >"Yeah. And if that wasn't enough. Every time I would start reading about the topic, I would think about you for some reason. I mean, I don't even have any idea how my mind randomly connects you with South American culture every time I think about it."
  240. >You are dead silent.
  241. >There's no way she just said that. There is no possible way that you just heard her say that.
  242. >"I know... sounds kind of silly, huh?" Twilight continues. "Anyway, I have also been thinking about who I wanted to ask to be by Valentine this year recently, too. And since you kept crossing my mind, you're the first person I thought to ask. I always tend to wait until the last minute to ask someone, and all the guys are usually taken by then."
  243. >You have to say something.
  244. "That's just... incredible." You gasp.
  245. >"Say... if you feel up to it, we can both go to the library after school today and you can join me as I do my research. Does that sound cool?"
  246. >Hesitate for a second.
  247. "I'd... love to. And it is a... date, right?"
  248. >Twilight blushes again as she smiles in response to your question.
  249. >"Of... of course, it's a date! You're my Valentine."
  250. >It warms you so much to hear her say that. Everything she has said to you in the last 50 minutes or so just keeps getting better and better.
  251. "Awesome..." You say, almost stuttering. Almost.
  252. >"So... I guess I'll see you after school, then." Twilight says to you as she gathers her stuff. "It'll be so fun. You and I on a date at the library..."
  253. "I... can't wait..."
  254. >"Me neither." Twilight bids with a cute chuckle. "Bye."
  255. "Bye." You respond as you wave her off.
  256. >And just like that, she was gone again. Leaving you to let out a long sigh and sink into your seat.
  257. >This is a dream come true. All of those things that you had felt and thought about. The past life with Twilight, the connection to South American history, everything.
  258. >What Twilight had just told you has confirmed it all.
  259. >It was real. It was all just as real as it had felt. And now you know for a fact that she felt it too.
  260. >This is the best feeling in the world.
  261. >Before you can fall asleep so you can at least dream for the remainder of the period, the bell rings and interrupts your thoughts. But that's okay.
  262. >The bell is the signal that life goes on, and that everything that is unfolding shall now continue. And that you can now leave the auditorium and be with Twilight somewhere else. She's waiting for you.
  263. >As you leave and go into the hallways, you can only think one thing about the past life that you are now completely sure had existed.
  264. >You must find out more about this. You have to know more. It can't end where it is now.
  265. >You need to meet Twilight.
  266. >Second period history of course kicks off right away with the test. You don't even have any time to skim your notes over right before the papers are handed out.
  267. >But it's not like you would have done so, anyway.
  268. >Spend the entire period staring at the packet that was handed out, half-heartedly trying to guess the answers. Your mind does so much but focus on the test.
  269. >You honestly just want the period to end now so you can at least daydream in peace.
  270. >The period drags on and on with the test. Some students finish early and sit in their seats, waiting for the rest to finish so socialization can commence once more.
  271. >It's not worth keeping this test on your desk if you're not going to try with it anyway. Close the packet and stand up to turn the test in.
  272. >The teacher gives you a disappointed look as she sees that you barely filled out half of the test. You just slide it onto the top of the rest of the tests. She knows that you know what you're doing.
  273. >The rest of history class goes by in about 15 minutes or so. One student finishes his test at the very last second.
  274. >The bell rings and everyone takes their packed supplies and leaves the room. As you pass through the doorway, you swear you can hear the teacher call your name. She's clearly concerned with your performance on the test.
  275. >But there's no way she can prove that you heard her.
  276. >Exit the room and speed-walk down the hallway, pretending not to notice your name being called. It's not like she's going to go through the trouble of following you throughout the school.
  277. >This school day needs to end already. You just want to meet up with Twilight so you both can go on what is officially a date.
  278. >You eventually make it to your next class. Computer literacy.
  279. >This class is something you already greatly excel in; you're almost a borderline expert when it comes to computers. You can easily afford to sleep through just one class, as you sit in the back row anyway.
  280. >Sit at your computer station and rest your head on top of your crossed arms on the table. In seconds, you close your eyes, not having gotten any sleep last night.
  281. >Sleep takes you much more quickly than you realize.
  282. >Before you know it, you're back in your own thoughts. Witnessing the things that currently dominate your mind.
  283. >...
  284. >Living in the mountains has turned out to be much better than you had hoped. The air is still really warm, but a breeze that flows through the environment sweeps in sometimes to slightly cool things down.
  285. >The bottom of the valleys below always get the warmest, where you usually spend most of your time. There is plenty of fruit to eat and water to drink that flows down in streams from higher up. The mountains also shield you from a good portion of the weather as well.
  286. >And the best part of this is, there are tons of other people here, too. There must be at least hundreds living in these mountain valleys.
  287. >You constantly switch from group to group, spending fair amounts of time with numerous fellow natives. There are people of all ages here; some children, some your age, some middle aged and even one or two elderly ones that you notice.
  288. >After a while, it seems like every last one of these people are all part of the same group. If anything, a group this large can count as a tribe.
  289. >Though you begin to make yourself at home here, you keep in mind that it is best for you to avoid intercourse with anyone.
  290. >After what had happened back out in the forests, you would never want to have an embarrassing experience like that again.
  291. >But it doesn't take long for at least one of the other females to start acting amorous around you.
  292. >There's one occasion when you're sitting on the side of a ledge, and a pink girl walks up to you with... certain thoughts in her head.
  293. >Similar to the light blue girl before, this girl has a well shaped body with breasts that seem to point forward as they hang from her chest.
  294. >You know that once this girl sees what lies under your tarp, she'll see the great flaw in you. And there's a chance that she might mock you. Just because the first girl was nicer, doesn't mean that there aren't any out there who condemn your lack of length or size.
  295. >The girl stands right in front of you and grabs on to your arms. You don't really want to be rude, so you go along with whatever she's suggesting.
  296. >She takes your hands and presses them onto her breasts. She rubs them around with her own hands guiding yours at first, but she then lets go and you're doing it on your own.
  297. >Even though you're used to seeing topless girls all the time, it still gets you every time once you make physical contact.
  298. >Damn hormones and human nature.
  299. >You're trying not to encourage intercourse with this girl, for your own personal reasons. But now she's caused you to slip into the mood. There's no stopping yourself at this point, and the fear of being mocked dies down in the face of aroused confidence. You just can't help yourself.
  300. >Return the signals and pull the girl closer to you, feeling her soft and fleshy body. The girl smiles at you and reaches down past your waist. She reaches under your tarp, wraps her fingers around your hardening member and pauses.
  301. >Her hand being under the tarp makes it unravel like a small towel and fall to the ground. The girl backs away slightly with her hand still holding on to you.
  302. >She looks down at the small dick that hangs in her grip. The girl can't believe what she's seeing and feeling.
  303. >You smile awkwardly, hoping that she's not going to mind.
  304. >Seconds pass, and the pink girl momentarily begins to laugh. She lets go of your still hard member and leans against a tree as she tries to hide her giggling.
  305. >A cloud of shame hangs over you as your confidence is vanquished once more. You step down from and lean against the ledge you were sitting on and slide down until you're sitting on the ground.
  306. >You're not crying, but you do feel a little close to tearing up. After the girl is done with her small fit of laughter, she walks back over to you.
  307. >She starts to put her arms around you, but you try to push her away. She doesn't let go of you and you end up pushing on her chest.
  308. >This girls boobs are about the same size as the last one's, round and perky.
  309. >Because of this, you don't very much feel like making the pink girl go away and at least let her hug you, since she's trying to show some type of affection.
  310. >Then, the girl suddenly grabs your dick again and starts rubbing your shaft, just like the last girl had. She looks at it with a now amused expression, probably curious to see if it actually works.
  311. >It feels good, but you can't help but feel that you're missing out on something, here.
  312. >In a feeble protest, you look at the girl and point to your dick. Then you lift up her tarp and point to her crotch, signifying that you want to put it inside of her there.
  313. >The girl smiles and chuckles some more. She then shakes her head and continues to rub one out of you.
  314. >Feeling defeated, you turn to the side as you cum so none of it gets on you.
  315. >Over the next five minutes or so, the girl pulls your head close to her chest, making cooing sounds as though you are a puppy or something.
  316. >She's trying to cheer you up. In a way, apologizing to you.
  317. >Despite this feeling good as well, you're still left with a largely unsatisfying feeling. It haunts you.
  318. >There's probably not a single female out there who's going to take you seriously if you ever want to actually have sex with them. You've been cursed with half-sized manhood.
  319. >Your only hope at this point is to find a girl with much lower standards than the rest.
  320. >The pink girl eventually leaves you alone, hoping that you don't feel too bad from what just happened.
  321. >...
  322. >More days pass, and you try to ignore and forget the embarrassing things that had happened. It's best that you try to avoid becoming intimate and just live life as it is.
  323. >You spend time playing and running around with some of the other males. They tend to like going halfway up the mountains and jumping from rock to rock. It's fun, to say the least.
  324. >Follow around a group of three, which is a group of four if you include yourself. The four of you start going higher up the mountain than any of the others usually would.
  325. >Upon feeling a bit of a rush from being up so high, you all decide to leave behind the people at the bottom and see if there's anything interesting on the other side of the mountain. It's not like any of you have any belongings to leave behind anyway, and you can always eventually come back over if you feel like it.
  326. >Feeling adventurous, your four journey to the top of one of the mountain's lower ridges and peer over to the new valley below.
  327. >There are more people over there, but there seem to be a little bit less of them there than the place you just left. But you see this as a good omen, in a sense that it could mean that there's more food to go around.
  328. >Venturing down the mountainside, you all draw near the groups of people in the valley. You're almost at the bottom when you hear a noise behind you.
  329. >The four of you turn around to find an orange girl with swirly red and yellow hair kneeling on a ledge behind you. It isn't often that you see a girl with two completely different colors in her hair.
  330. >The light blue girl from the forest had blue hair, with darker blue stripes, but still blue.
  331. >The pink girl from the side of the mountain you just left had pink hair, slightly darker than her skin.
  332. >Among your people, it is commonly believed that women with multi-colored hair are sacred and deserve the most food, shelter and mates.
  333. >All of you automatically become interested in this girl.
  334. >She stands up as you boys approach her, not having expected to see you up here. Her hips are wide, and her abdomen is shaped like an hourglass, showing that she has child bearing hips.
  335. >Sensing the interest from her unexpected company, the orange girl moves her long red and yellow hair away from her chest. Of course, her breasts look almost exactly how you would have pictured them.
  336. >After a while, all of the females' chests look the same to you. It all just seems to run together after seeing the same type of thing all of your life. You wouldn't exactly be opposed to going for something at least a little different than the usual perky rack that each girl has.
  337. >The other guys are instantly struck by her figure, while you stand there and begin reconsider why people actually like the human body in only some certain forms.
  338. >Two of the guys approach the girl on either side and gently grab on to her arms. They then stroke her hair and begin touching her, showing that they're intimate.
  339. >The third guy starts over to join them, gesturing you to come along. He's inviting you to be part of the fun as well, since the four of you have practically become friends, now.
  340. >But you decline, showing this by beginning to walk away from the beginning action.
  341. >The other guy looks at you, confused. At this point, you might as well just show him why you are turning this down. You face him and lift your tarp up so your manhood is in clear view.
  342. >The guy's eyes widen. He's shocked to discover how much smaller your penis is compared to his own. There's no way he could have expected something like this.
  343. >But instead of laughing, he steps beside you and puts a hand on your shoulder. You both face towards the small tribe in the valley.
  344. >The other guy pats you on the back, which somehow reveals that he actually sympathizes with you. However, the guy can never empathize with you.
  345. >He then extends his arm and gestures towards the people in the valley. You look at him and then towards the tribe in the valley.
  346. >The guy pats you on the shoulder once more and lets out an assuring grunt of encouragement, still pointing his arm towards the valley.
  347. >It doesn't take long for you to figure out that he's trying to tell you that there are many more females over there. And that you should go over there and try with someone else other then just give up. He knows that if you joined in with the orange girl, you would look embarrassingly small in comparison to the others, so finding another girl is your best option.
  348. >You look over to the other two guys and the orange girl. The guys are already completely nude, and you can clearly see that they are easily larger than you. They're touching her all over her body and pulling at her tarp, liking what they see and feel.
  349. >The third guy pats you on the shoulder once more and smiles at you. He looks over at the valley, turns back to you and nods.
  350. >Strangely enough, this makes you feel a lot more confident. You wave goodbye and leave the scene just as the three guys lie the now nude orange girl onto her back.
  351. >Personally, you don't care enough to stay and watch, even though it would have been a pretty interesting thing to see. You're too focused on finding yourself a place where you won't very much be judged. It's been your top priority for days, now.
  352. >You go down to the valley and eventually join the people who live there.
  353. >...
  354. >Over the next couple of days, your time in the mountains has improved. It's not like you want to leave and go back to the forest again. Environmentally-wise, you like the mountains more.
  355. >The people you spend time around are generally kind to you. They offer you food whenever you need it and often stay near you so you're not alone that much.
  356. >They welcome newcomers.
  357. >It would actually be a little sad if you decided to leave again and migrate somewhere else. These people seem to like having you around.
  358. >As the days go on, you begin to make friends again. Both male and female. They usually just sit around with you all day and don't really do anything, but you are still in a group nonetheless.
  359. >But still, you try your best to avoid making any contact with the females this time. You now know that becoming intimate with any of them might cause problems for your reputation with them.
  360. >The only thing anyone wears at all is a single tarp around their waist, so it might help you a little bit more if you refrain from looking in anyone's directions as much.
  361. >However, everyone seems to just be cool with everything and hang out with eachother. You all share food and enjoy the nature around you, living life as it is.
  362. >But then everything changed one day, when you were alone going on a quick walk.
  363. >Venturing through a few thickets of trees, you come across a small stream. Curious to see where it leads, you follow the direction that the water flows.
  364. >Many minutes pass, and you finally find yourself arriving at a small opening in the trees that gives way to a pond. As you emerge from some bushes, you notice a pebble being skimmed across the surface of the water.
  365. >Upon looking to where the pebble came from, you spot a light purple girl with a pink stripe in her hair. The colors in her hair instantly catch your attention and interest.
  366. >As you begin to walk over to the girl, you notice something... different about her.
  367. >It's her chest. There doesn't seem to be... much there at all. And judging by this girl's height and facial structure, she's definitely at least your age. You've never seen anything like this before.
  368. >You slowly approach the purple girl. Once she notices you there, she immediately drops the next pebble she was going to throw and crosses her arms to cover her chest.
  369. >She doesn't want you to see it.
  370. >A little puzzled by this, you sit down next to the girl. She keeps her hands over her chest with shame in her eyes.
  371. >You sit next to her in silence for a minute or two. She looks over to you as she continues to cover herself. You smile back and put your arm around her.
  372. >There's something particular about this girl. You feel like you really want to get to know her.
  373. >The girl looks at the ground as you rub your hand up and down her shoulder. But she doesn't move away from you.
  374. >In an attempt to try to get her to come out of her shell, you work your hands under her arms and toward her chest. She tries to turn away from you, but doesn't appear to be very willing to resist.
  375. >After a second or two, you cup her breasts in your hands, feeling them with your fingers. They are just big enough to be able to be felt, but they're still small.
  376. >You begin gently squeezing them as you pull yourself even closer to the girl. Your bodies are now right against eachother.
  377. >After feeling what your doing to her, the girl slowly moves her arms down, allowing you to feel around on her even more. She looks shocked, in a state of disbelief regarding the fact that a guy wants to become intimate with her.
  378. >She widens her eyes at you as you continue to massage her body. You start putting your hands everywhere on her, getting a good idea of how this girl feels.
  379. >The purple girl starts letting out short sighs and becomes slightly red in the face. She watches you touch her body, still in disbelief that this is actually happening. Then she looks up to your face and starts to smile.
  380. >After another moment, she touches you back, further establishing the intimacy between you two. It's beginning to happen.
  381. >But she still looks rather confused as to why you like her so much. So, you decide to show her why.
  382. >Lift up your tarp and reveal to her the size of your manhood.
  383. >She looks at it once, and then takes a look at her own chest. As she looks up to your face, she slowly begins to tear up, still smiling. She wraps her arms around you and holds you tighter than anything has ever held you before.
  384. >You smile back at her and begin to caress the lower sides of her body.
  385. >The light purple girl gradually leans back, facing up from the ground. She raises her arms up and slightly arches her back.
  386. >You plant your hands onto her breasts and start to gently squeeze them once again.
  387. >The girl inhales sharply and shuts her eyes as you feel her, absorbing every single touch you deliver onto her. As you keep sliding your hands up and down the front of her body, tears of joy fill up the girl's eyes.
  388. >Position yourself on top of her, hovering over her on your hands and knees. You then show your affection by lowering yourself and resting the side of your face on her chest. Rub your cheek along her smooth skin as her breathing raises and lowers your head.
  389. >The small breasts as warm against your face, and they still have just enough volume to feel like a soft pillow. This girl is absolutely blown away by the love you are giving her right now. She's never felt a guy act this intimate with her before.
  390. >And the thing is, you literally just met this girl. But, you are more than glad that you have.
  391. >You suddenly feel the girls hands reaching under your tarp to feel what has now become hard underneath. Her fingers search around for a second or two before finally finding it and grabbing on to it.
  392. >Without any effort at all your tarp falls off, revealing everything. The girl wraps her fingers around your shaft and starts to play with you.
  393. >The simple playing momentarily turns into her rubbing your shaft back and forth. This whole routine is all too familiar to you, and you want to see if you can take this further, especially with this girl.
  394. >Begin reaching down to her waist and pulling at her tarp, which feels like it's tightly wrapped on. The girl notices you do this, and helps you get the small cloth off of her. She loosens it for you and you pull it away from her body.
  395. >This was the first time a girl actually let you get this far.
  396. >You slowly spread her legs and stare in awe at her nether region. Slide your hands up and down her inner thighs, making her feel a tingling a little bit.
  397. >After taking in the beauty of her womanhood, you move your hips inward, pressing your manhood against her and into her.
  398. >She sighs as she feels you enter her, arching her back again in response to feeling your member slide its way inside.
  399. >It feels so warm inside of her. And her walls are incredibly soft as well. This feels better than you had imagined.
  400. >Doing what you have seen some of the other wanderers do in the past, you begin thrusting your hips back and forth. The ecstatically good feeling inside of the girl's womanhood is multiplied with each movement.
  401. >She puts her arms around you and pulls the top half of you closer to her. You lean in and give her a long kiss on the lips.
  402. >She kisses back, holding you even tighter as you passionately hump her as she lies on her back. Kissing you as she feels you give her your love from on top of her.
  403. >You've never felt this great for as long as you can remember. And you can tell that this girl hasn't either. She starts happily sobbing as you kiss her again, sliding her hands all over your back as she embraces you. She welcomes you and welcomes what you're doing to her.
  404. >Take one of your hands and wipe away the tears that are now beginning to stream down her face. The girl moans in happiness as you thrust into her just a little bit faster.
  405. >She's gazing straight into your eyes, in a trance of passion. She has the widest smile on her face, and the most fulfilled look in her sparkling eyes. There was never a time when you saw someone so happy, let alone happy to be with you.
  406. >Just by the look on her face, you can tell that this girl now feels something for you. After what you've done for her, she's now falling in love with you.
  407. >She was seen as undesirable until you came along. Just you you had in your situation.
  408. >This is her. This is the one. That one girl that you can have empathy with, and understand her as she understands you.
  409. >At this point, you don't even want anyone else. The fact that both you and here have these... natural shortcomings is a sign that you two belong together.
  410. >And you want to belong together; you wouldn't want it any other way.
  411. >Your train of thought is interrupted as you finally enter your climax. You hump as hard as you are able to. The girl begins moaning loudly in response to this. Encouraging you to keep going.
  412. >Then, you feel it come out. Your cum leaves you and enters her.
  413. >Both of you freeze as this occurs, not even thinking of anything to do during this moment other that simply experience it and do nothing more.
  414. >And then you softly fall on top of her. Falling onto her as you fall in love with her.
  415. >You then roll off of her and lie next to her.
  416. >The two of you are breathing heavily. Holding onto eachother as tightly as you can and keeping your lips together, not wanting to let go any time soon.
  417. >The connection has been solidified.
  418. >You lie on the ground with her for the rest of the day.
  419. >...
  420. >After that one fateful day, your life was never the same.
  421. >Every time you had the chance, you would venture back into the woods and look for the light purple girl with the pink stripe in her hair once more. You would always go to the same pond, sometimes waiting there until she shows up.
  422. >She would often come to the secret spot with you as well, from wherever she lives. She would meet you there whenever you were there at the same time. You both would greet eachother by removing eachother's tarps and hugging, encouraging intimacy right away.
  423. >You two would then get right to having sex with eachother. You would sometimes stay on the dry land, other times, you two would go into the water.
  424. >Over the next couple of weeks, sex becomes a daily activity for you and this purple girl. You do it just about as often as you eat. And you both love it so much.
  425. >The happiness that each of you have found is unmeasurable. The longer you see this girl, the more you want to stay in this spot in the mountains for the rest of your life.
  426. >You keep seeing her day after day. After day. After day. And so on...
  427. >After a while, there comes a point where you two sometimes choose to sit at the edge of the pond after having sex. She sits there with you with her arm around you, sometimes staring at the clouds. Sometimes sleeping.
  428. >This was the high point in your life.
  429. >However, this high point promptly fades away after something happens one day. Something like this couldn't have possibly entered your mind until it actually takes place.
  430. >You arrive at the lake like you would every day, and the girl wasn't there. This doesn't seem like a problem at first, so you just sit there and wait for the girl to return once again.
  431. >But on that day, she never did. You wait there for the entire day, becoming more and more worried as the hours go on. You end up hesitantly accepting that she simply wasn't able to arrive this day and return to your small tribe.
  432. >You hope that the girl would be there tomorrow, she must be. She must be at least a little conscious of the fact that you would be worried about her. Right?
  433. >But upon you returning and waiting the next day, she is still nowhere to be seen. At this point, you are beginning to become upset.
  434. >Try to calm yourself down, but her absence is just too much for you to handle. Spending time with this beautiful girl is what would get you through the day.
  435. >She has to come back, you have to try again.
  436. >But day after day, you keep coming back to find that she has not returned. It isn't long before your concern reaches its breaking point.
  437. >After several days of the girl not being there, you finally decide to begin venturing into the wilderness to try to find her. You remember the general direction she would usually go in after you each said your goodbyes for the day, so you try your best to retrace her path of travel as you enter the trees in a direction you haven't gone before.
  438. >You find yourself dashing through the trees, desperately searching for the girl that you don't want to lose until the day you die.
  439. >But this is all you can remember. Whatever happens next, you have either repressed or just can't seem to fish it out of your preconscious mind.
  440. ~
  441. >The bell at the end of class wakes you back up. It's time to leave and go to the next place you're supposed to go.
  442. >You quickly check your pants to see if you had a wet dream during any part of that. Though, being in a dark room really helps.
  443. >To your surprise, there is no moisture there at all whatsoever.
  444. >Pick all of your things up and exit the classroom. Maybe at some point later today, you'll have another chance to sleep. And once you have another chance to sleep, you'll have another chance to dream.
  445. >Through each of your classes, you try to obtain a way to find solitude. You've got a date tonight, by the way. Might as well get in as much sleep as you can.
  446. >...
  447. >The school day eventually ends. But not without the heavy tax that you must pay that is spending the time in your classes.
  448. >But it's finally over and you can at last relax yourself.
  449. >All of the students storm out of the school, some in pairs. Everyone is leaving to go home and most likely celebrate Valentine's day somehow.
  450. >You, however, wait at the front of Canterlot high for Twilight to come walking out with her friends. The obligation to fulfill still stands, as you must join Twilight on her date as her Valentine.
  451. >There's no sense in stopping after making it this far.
  452. >In minutes, Twilight walks out of the school alongside Sunset. They spot you as you wave to them. As they walk over to you, Twilight smiles at you and waves back.
  453. >There it is, you're feeling it again. That same feeling when you visualized the girl from the pond. That same overpowering connection to her presence that you simply cannot pretend isn't there.
  454. >But you don't show these feelings, of course. Everything is internal at the moment, that's the way it usually is.
  455. >"Hi." Twilight humbly greets you. "So... are you ready?"
  456. "Yup. I have all of my books and everything packed up. Ready when you are."
  457. >"Sweet. So, I guess..." She begins. "Are we riding in your car or mine?"
  458. >Twilight's probably just as nervous as you are. You can hear it in her voice. In a way, it comforts you to know this.
  459. "Your car... I suppose. I wouldn't really know the directions to the library anyway."
  460. >Sunset smiles over at Twilight. She's absolutely touched by what she's seeing unfold.
  461. >"That's okay. I know all of the shortcuts." Twilight explains. "Come on. I'll drive us over."
  462. >You nod and start to follow her in the direction of her car.
  463. >"I think... I'll leave you two alone for today." Sunset adds as she stays in the spot she's standing in. "You two have fun!"
  464. >She waves you two off as Twilight points out which car is hers. The doors are unlocked and you get inside.
  465. >You are then driven off and down the road to wherever the library's supposed to be. There are a few turns here and there, but you and your date make it there in less than fifteen minutes.
  466. >During the car ride, neither of you speak. Everything that either of you had planned to say was to take place in the library itself. You don't know about Twilight, but you don't even have that mane thing in mind to say at all. Just a couple of phrases that you think won't embarrass you.
  467. >"Here we are." Chimes Twilight as she pulls into a parking space.
  468. >The doors are opened and the two of you step out. You walk beside eachother up to the front doors of the library, only to find them locked.
  469. >Twilight stares at the doors, seeming a bit troubled by this.
  470. >"What? It's... closed?" She softly complains. "But... I was so sure it was going to be open today!"
  471. >You take a closer look at the sign on the door.
  472. >[Valentine's Day hours: 8AM to 3PM]
  473. >The place has closed early for Valentine's Day.
  474. >Checking the time on your mobile phone, you discover that it is about 3:30PM. You and Twilight have just missed the library. However, after reading the times for all of the other days, you find that the library will be open until 7PM tomorrow.
  475. >"Well... that sure is unfortunate, huh?" Twilight says to you.
  476. "Wow. It sure is."
  477. >"And I was really looking forward to doing this! I don't know why they can't just stay open for at least another hour or something."
  478. >Twilight looks down a a little bit of disappointment.
  479. >"I'm sorry about all this." She apologizes. "Do you... just want to go do something else? I know it won't be as interesting, but I'll agree to it."
  480. "Eh, I don't know..." You respond. "I was looking forward to this too. Probably just as much as you were. I mean... I really wanted to do this."
  481. >You really, really did.
  482. >Twilight thinks for a moment.
  483. >"Well... they are open tomorrow..." Says Twilight. "I'm not sure what your stance on this is, but... would you like to just go tomorrow instead?"
  484. "Um... I guess so." You agree. "But, aren't we at least going to do something today?"
  485. >Twilight puts a hand on your shoulder.
  486. >"I didn't really want to do anything else." She explains "It wouldn't really feel as special if it wasn't that."
  487. >You stare at her.
  488. >"Don't worry, we'll just do it tomorrow. Alright?"
  489. "...Okay. If that's what you want..."
  490. >You suppose that this is the ideal way to go, if both of you agree that this is what you want to do. This should give you a better chance to well prepare yourself, anyway.
  491. >And so, you and Twilight get back into the car and you are driven back to the school, where your own car is. The car ride back from the library goes exactly how the drive to the library went. Neither of you speak until you reach your destination.
  492. >It's clear that she can't think of anything to say to you, as you can't think of anything to say to her. Your nervousness is neutral.
  493. >After making it back to Canterlot High, you both get out of the car and stand together in the parking lot.
  494. >"So, I'll see you at this exact spot tomorrow at around 12 noon. That sound alright?" Proposes Twilight.
  495. "Yes. I'll be here."
  496. >"Nice. Well, anyway... I still really liked the time we spent together today. Even though it didn't really last that long."
  497. "It's fine. It'll last longer tomorrow, since it will be the weekend." You tell her. "So... tomorrow?"
  498. >"Tomorrow." Twilight confirms with a smile.
  499. >You pause for a moment, trying to think of one last question to ask, if there are any at all.
  500. "But..."
  501. >"Hm?" Twilight asks you. "But what?"
  502. "Well, like... it won't be Valentine's day tomorrow." You point out.
  503. >Twilight smiles warmly as she hears you say this.
  504. >"That's okay." She replies, stepping closer to you. "I know."
  505. >She pulls you in for a hug. You accept, putting your arms around her as she does the same to you.
  506. >This is amazing. Twilight is still willing to go on a date with you, even though it won't be Valentine's day anymore.
  507. >She will still want to anyway.
  508. >After the hug ends, you two stand facing eachother for a few seconds. Twilight looks at the ground, twirling her hair.
  509. >"So, it's still a date?" She asks.
  510. >You couldn't be more excited about this.
  511. "Yes. It is, Twilight."
  512. >Twilight smiles at you again and steps forward to hug you again. You accept again, embracing her back.
  513. "Um, we already hugged, Twilight."
  514. >"Oh, I know. You're just really... sweet. That's all."
  515. >You're not complaining.
  516. "Okay."
  517. >"But you do promise that it will still be a date, right?" Twilight asks again, face to face with you.
  518. "Yes. It's a date. I promise."
  519. >"Aw, than you so much!" Twilight squeals before planting a quick kiss on your cheek, freezing you in place. "See you tomorrow!"
  520. >Twilight skips off to her car, gets in and drives off. You don't move, you stand in the same place, trying to hold on to what just happened for as long as you can.
  521. >There's no doubt about it now. There's definitely something that Twilight sees in you, as there is something that you see in here.
  522. >You find it hard to come to terms with but... she actually cares. Somehow. Some way.
  523. >Eventually, you collect yourself and gather the stamina to drive yourself home.
  524. >You need to sleep early tonight so you wake up early enough tomorrow to get yourself into good condition for Twilight. You must prepare.
  525. >Once you make it up to your room, you immediately lie down onto your bed. Drifting to sleep in minutes.
  526. >You can't wait to see what happens next in the mountains.
  527. >...
  528. >The large patches of trees become more distant behind you as you stray further and further from the pond.
  529. >Everywhere you are physically able to go, you search every corner. There are so many crevices in the landscape where she could be. So many places you haven't looked yet.
  530. >A lot of time goes by as you search for the purple girl with the pink stripe in her hair.
  531. >There are plenty of other people living in these mountains. You pass by them about every fifteen minutes or so, receiving questioning looks from them as they wonder why you're frantically searching for someone or something.
  532. >All you can do is ignore them; they are not your top priority.
  533. >The terrain is extremely rugged and hard to pass through. It takes a good amount of time and energy just to get to the top of one mountain so you can search from high above. But you manage to continue doing this all the way into the time when it begins to darken outside. It probably would have been a good idea to turn back when the sun was higher in the sky. But you don't want to give up.
  534. >As the sky darkens, it becomes a lot harder to see around you. But your sheer desperation overpowers your reasonable side and pushes you further and further into the unknown.
  535. >The search continues as twilight slowly fades the daylight's sky to night. You look up at the sky and and think of her. The sky's color right now almost perfectly resembles the color of her smooth skin that you miss so much.
  536. >She must be out there. Maybe she's looking at the same sky right now, seeing exactly the same thing you're seeing.
  537. >Just the very existence of this possibility makes your heart feel like bursting. She's so close if you think about it this way.
  538. >There's no way you'll make it back to your current tribe at this point. You don't even have any idea how you'll get back to where you were.
  539. >But at least you can be sure that it's impossible for the girl to one day arrive at the pond and find out that you're not there anymore.
  540. >She definitely would have come back at least five days ago. Something has clearly happened that was out of her control.
  541. >Your frantic search becomes a lot sloppier and simplified. You would spend a couple of minutes briefly staring into the shadows before taking off in a random direction and keep running for a good ten minutes until stopping and skimming your surroundings again.
  542. >At this point, it would be impossible for you to see her in this darkness. It's almost pitch black, now.
  543. >You're exhausted, now.
  544. >As your legs finally give out from running around all day, you fall to your knees with tears in your eyes. You can feel your heart slowly splitting apart as all hope withers away from you. You have no idea where you are or what to do next.
  545. >The empty blackness surrounds you as your sobs fill the air. Somehow, you're sure that you're not near any of the other people at the moment; you stopped seeing other people hours ago.
  546. >Loneliness keeps you from returning to your feet. Defeated, you lie down on the ground.
  547. ~
  548. >In a cold sweat, you jolt up your body. The bedsheets are heated up to a point far beyond your comfort zone. It takes you a second or two to recollect your mind and wipe the tears from your face.
  549. >Dreams are not supposed to affect you like this.
  550. >But you cannot ponder on it now, you have a date to prepare for. Stepping out of bed, you work your way over to the bathroom so you can shower.
  551. >The morning goes halfway by with you grooming yourself and making yourself as presentable as you possibly can. It's only a study date, but you can't help the fact that you're too worried about how it might go.
  552. >She told you to meet her at noon. Being late is not an option for you either. Rare opportunities like this one do not come as often as you would have liked.
  553. >You make it out the door just in time to be able to make it to the school.
  554. >Twilight's car in already in a parking space as you pull into the parking lot. You pull into the space right next to her car.
  555. >As you get out, Twilight smiles and waves at you while waiting for you to walk over and get into her car. Enter on the passenger's side and buckle up.
  556. "Hi, Twilight." You greet her. "I brought the textbook like you asked."
  557. >Hold up the book and face the front of it towards her.
  558. >"Oh, great! I'm sure that the topics it covers will be consistent with what we find in the library." Conveys Twilight.
  559. "Yeah... lucky us."
  560. >"Well, buckle up. Here we go."
  561. >The car pulls out and starts over to the library after you fasten your seatbelt. Twilight seems eager enough about this to be sure to not waste any time.
  562. >This car ride is silent as well.
  563. >After making it to the library, you and Twilight exit the car and walk up to the building. The doors open, and you go inside.
  564. >Twilight walks over to one of the back tables of the library and sets her belongings down next to a chair. You follow her with your book in your hands.
  565. >"Okay, so here's a brief summary of what I've read so far." Twilight says, opening one of the books to begin flipping through the pages.
  566. >You're sitting right next to her, watching her look for a good spot to start explaining her findings to you. There are sticky notes all over the pages; literally at least one on every page. She's really dedicated to studying this stuff, as though it truly means something to her.
  567. >After picking the section she wants to start at, Twilight begins reading it to you. She starts off reading the paragraphs word for word and nothing else, but soon finds herself evaluating her notes and pointing out some key terms and ideas that she found interesting.
  568. >Intrigued by this, you ask for a pen and paper so you can take notes. And Twilight is always prepared. She hands you a small spiral notebook and a pen.
  569. >Twilight continues reviewing her study to you. Write down a good portion of the things she's saying, fascinated by her approach on the subject.
  570. >At the same time, you listen for anything that sounds like it could familiarize you with your current state of mind. Twilight is going over what she found out about the Agrarian Societies that had existed in the region several thousands of years ago.
  571. >Just like you had hoped, it takes you back to something that perfectly fits the things that you had previously imagined. The trees and mountain slopes appear in your head, almost surrounding you.
  572. >Look over at Twilight.
  573. >A wave of thankfulness washes over you. After the vision you had last night, you are so relieved to have Twilight right here by your side, reading her notes to you.
  574. >She reflects her ideas so gracefully, and seems very focused when it comes to highlighting important factors in the reading material.
  575. >You're so interested in everything she's saying, it's like this whole thing opened up a series of doors for you and now you can't stop thinking about the things that she can't stop reading about.
  576. >The notes that you take quickly fill up the pages. It's a good thing that the pen you're using doesn't look like it's going to run out of ink any time soon.
  577. >Twilight pauses for a moment and looks over at the notes that you wrote down. She widens her eyes at the notebook and smiles at you.
  578. >"Wow... you sure jotted down a lot, there." She says to you.
  579. "Thanks. I guess I just think this is really cool. Say, how many notes do you have?"
  580. >"Oh, me? Um... I think mine are quite a bit more than what you put down so far."
  581. >Twilight reaches into her backpack and pulls out a larger notebook. She opens it and flips through it to reveal pages upon pages on paragraphs, sketches, lists, tables and other observations.
  582. >Her work pretty much has passion written all over it.
  583. >"Just to be clear, not all of this is recent. I've kind of been feeling some kind of connection with the ancient South Americans for quite some time, now. And well... I guess I... got a little carried away. I know it's weird."
  584. "What? Nah, it's not weird, Twilight. I'm impressed by what you've written ever since... whenever you started this."
  585. >"Aww, thanks! I'm impressed by how much you've written in the last thirty minutes. You're really getting into it." Compliments Twilight.
  586. "Yeah. I guess I am. Thanks, though."
  587. >"Well, I suppose that makes two of us." Twilight says with a chuckle. "You're a good note taker. I'm glad you came over here with me to join."
  588. "I'm happy to be here." You reply. "Oh, and I really enjoyed your list from chapter two. Is there one you made for chapter three?"
  589. >"Of course. Let me flip over to it."
  590. >The two of you continue going back and forth and on and on about these varieties of ancient cultures that fascinate you more than they should. She reads and analyzes the next couple of chapters with you while you organize a lot of your notes to become consistent with hers.
  591. >The enthusiasm is strong in both of you, and Twilight notices this. After about another 45 minutes, she lets you scoot closer to her so you can read from the book she brought alongside with her.
  592. >It is still a date, after all. And you're both doing what Twilight wanted to do.
  593. >Both of you read the books and your notes together, adding and editing things as you go along. She tells you about how the ancient people lived before the dawn of the ancient South American native empires. You go over what it would be like to live in those times, and how one would manage to cope.
  594. >Oddly enough, you get the notion that the description of this lifestyle feels familiar to you. This notion gives you a sense of hope, whispering to you that everything you envisioned actually happened.
  595. >You feel an urge to ask Twilight if she feels the same way. If there's anything that could make this moment even better, it would be hearing her tell you that she is feeling the same thing that you are feeling.
  596. >But the moment is perfect as it is. Twilight is right here in the chair next to you, establishing a connection that you used to only dream of. And in a way, you can feel certain enough that Twilight does feel what you're feeling.
  597. >Just look at all of the effort she has put into this. There's no way that she doesn't care about this in the same way you do. There's something that she's trying to figure out, and if anything, it has something to do with you. You're sure of it.
  598. >You and her continue reading, getting deeper and deeper into the content of the textbooks, and also into the moment. This goes on for what feels like hours. There is actually so much material to cover, mostly because of the amount of content that Twilight had brought over.
  599. >And then, without either of you realizing it at first, you each have put one arm behind the other's head. The chairs are right up against eachother, now virtually serving as a two seated bench.
  600. >After a couple of minutes, Twilight notices this as well. After she finishes the current paragraph, there is a long pause.
  601. >You look at eachother, starting to blush a little, but neither of you pull away.
  602. >There's nothing wrong with this, you're just getting a little comfortable.
  603. >Eventually, she comes to terms with the feeling and gradually continues reading with the reddishness still on her face. Her voice a quite a bit softer, now. More comforting and welcoming to you. A voice of a girl who is settling down and enjoying a moment she is spending with someone.
  604. >This is the high point of your date. And you love it so much.
  605. >The ice is finally broken, and remains broken for the rest of your day at the library with Twilight.
  606. >...
  607. >You are dropped off at the school parking lot. Twilight steps out of her car with you to say goodbye for the day.
  608. >"Thank you so much for doing this. It was so amazing. I have to say that I've never really felt that immersed into something before." She tells you. "You're such a sweet guy. This was easily the best date I've ever been on."
  609. "I feel the same way. I'm... really glad we did this."
  610. >"Yeah."
  611. "So... I guess that's it, then."
  612. >Twilight lowers her head and looks over to you, hesitating for a second.
  613. "Is something wrong?"
  614. >"Well... I..." She admits to you. "This doesn't really have to be... It, it."
  615. >Is she really doing what you think she's doing?
  616. >"What I'm trying to say is... maybe we can... do this again?"
  617. "Do you really want to?"
  618. >"Yes. I'm sure. I really liked spending time with you, especially reading with you. I guess I liked it so much that I want to do it again."
  619. "You mean, like, as a date?"
  620. >Twilight grins and nods her head.
  621. >Having confirmed that you and Twilight are going to keep doing this, you spread your arms and let Twilight embrace you once more. She holds you so tightly, and you hug her back. After about fifteen seconds, you finally let go of eachother.
  622. >"We'll talk on Monday, okay?"
  623. "Yes, Monday."
  624. >Lean in for her to kiss you on the cheek again. But as you expect her lips to make contact with your cheek, Twilight faces your head back forward and plants a single kiss on your lips.
  625. >Your eyes shoot open as you realize what she's doing.
  626. >Twilight then releases you, not saying a word. She turns around and goes back to her car. As she pulls off, she waves to you.
  627. >You flimsily wave back, still in shock in the wake of the fact that she just kissed you on the lips.
  628. >It happened. This has now officially become something beyond Valentine's day. This day has just transformed into the best day of your life.
  629. >Upon revisiting your thoughts, dreams and memories, you are soon going to discover the reason behind your sudden connection with Twilight.
  630. >The roots to the flower that has blossomed today.
  631. >To your delight, the visions that you induce spread throughout your entire weekend.
  632. >You have the rest of the two days off, and plan to assort your time accordingly to the hours and hours you're going to need.
  633. >However, your weekend is unexpectedly extended by a monstrous snowstorm. It's not to bother, since you're in your warm room most of the time.
  634. >It won't be easy to clear out all of the snow that has fallen, so school and work are going to have to wait until the roads are drivable once more. Monday and Tuesday have become snow days, doubling the weekend.
  635. >The good news is, this means that you'll have more time alone. The bad news is that you have no way of contacting Twilight until Wednesday.
  636. >During the date, you both had talked about countless things that you share interest in. Every detail was gone over and you even talked about your personal lives for a little bit. The connection was strong.
  637. >But there's one thing that you forgot. Her phone number.
  638. >You never asked for her to give it to you, as you had assumed that you would just see her on Monday. It's a little strange that she kissed you before being asked for her number, but it really doesn't feel that rushed when you look at the certain circumstances.
  639. >The way that something had suddenly pushed you two together like that somehow overrules the fact that things were kicked off so quickly. You're actually glad that it happened this fast. You would have liked it even more if it had happened sooner.
  640. >However, you'll still have to wait for the rest of the elongated weekend in until you can see Twilight again. It's not going to be the most enjoyable waiting for so long, but perhaps this can serve as your chance to make all of the connections about your past with her to a more effective degree.
  641. >Aware of this, you sleep as much as you can. It is easier to think this way for you, and your focus increases much more as well.
  642. >The dreams are commenced throughout the days through separate, but in-depth periods of time. The sleeping times pieced together, much of the rest of the story comes into view. And the turn it takes is something that you wouldn't have imagined on your own.
  643. ~
  644. >It's fortunate that the bushes and trees here have enough fruit for you to forage and sustain yourself until you can find another tribe. You walk around and collect what you can, while also still searching at the same time.
  645. >Something inside of you prevents you from surrendering, and gives you the stamina and determination to continue. Routinely check behind bushes, around trees, near cliffs, ledges and hillsides.
  646. >There are more groups of people that you pass during the day. Most of them greet you by walking alongside you, offering for you to stay near them and share food with them.
  647. >Some of them you do join for time spans of a day or two, since there's no definite direction that the girl has gone in. You might as well just search anywhere, because to the best of your knowledge, she can literally be anywhere except the pond where she used to meet you.
  648. >The more you travel, the more of the landscape you discover exists. And the larger your world grows. The larger the amount of unexplored places grows.
  649. >The more you have to journey into.
  650. >And it's making you feel smaller and smaller with each new area in the mountains that you discover.
  651. >The place where you had started searching is far behind you now. Even if you had given up, there's no probable way you'll be able to make it all the way back to the tribe you had been settling in.
  652. >You can only move forward and keep trying at this point.
  653. >It would likely take you at least an entire year to search everywhere in this whole part of the mountains. The days are far too short for you to search very much at a time.
  654. >Once the sky begins to get dark, everything on the ground becomes dark as well. And to clearly see anything that might be there is out of the question.
  655. >And when the night is entirely commenced, forget it. The only thing you can see are the stars in the night sky, if there aren't any clouds blocking them. The land is pitch black, making it impossible to see even at arm's length in front of you.
  656. >This is when you sleep and wait until there's enough light to resume your search.
  657. >Wouldn't you know it, a couple of the others periodically join you to help search. There's no way of letting them know that it is a girl that you're searching for, let alone making them understand why you're searching for her. Nobody speaks.
  658. >So, seeing that you're desperately looking for something, the benevolent neighbors do what they can to assist you. They sometimes bring back random objects, hoping that they had completed your task. They bring you bundles of sticks, large leaves, varieties of fruits and even animal bones.
  659. >You solemnly shake your head at them each time, indicating that none of those things are what you wish to find.
  660. >As the days drag on, helpers come and go. You grow more and more tired, but your determination remains just as strong as it was when you began.
  661. >The times during which you consider giving up begin to become more frequent. It's apparent to you that hope is slipping away a little bit more with each day that you haven't found her. And numerous more days pass.
  662. >And with that time, your heart is slowly torn in two. Cracking under the pressure of what horrible scenarios that you play in your mind.
  663. >Searching becomes gradually difficult for you; it's a lot harder to see through the tears in your eyes.
  664. >Plenty more days pass. And then even more.
  665. >It has easily been well over a month by now. And the area you have already searched keeps growing. But the areas you haven't searched grow as well.
  666. >Faith is slowly drained out of you as the urge to let it go creeps up on you. If you haven't seen her up until this point, what makes you think you have any more of a chance now? Is she really gone?
  667. >Even if she was, you have already had the best moments of your life with her. Can't you accept that you've had a good run?
  668. >You shake the thoughts of surrender off as you press on. She means everything to you, if not more than that.
  669. >As your available food starts to become scarce, you grow weak. This search cannot go on forever.
  670. >Finally, the point comes where you simply fall to your knees and let the tears stream down your face.
  671. >You cannot search anymore, it's just no use.
  672. >As you remain on your knees, sadness strikes your heart like a lightning bolt. Remain in the same position for some time, before deciding that you are unable to go on without the girl that had completed you around three months ago.
  673. >Then, you stand up and begin heading towards the nearest cliff you see. It takes about an hour or so to make it over to there, but it is still late morning, so you have time to do what you have finally decided on doing.
  674. >The cliff isn't very tall, so it shouldn't take long to make it to the top. But it's still tall enough.
  675. >You spend the rest of the day making your way to the top of the cliff, trudging you way up there with the last of your energy. The sun is getting close to setting as you stand on the summit, gazing out to the numerous rugged mountains that surround you.
  676. >These lands are beautiful, and you would really hate to leave them so soon. But that girl, that girl was more beautiful than anything you've ever seen. And anything you'll ever see again; you can be sure of that.
  677. >You just can't stand experiencing a time in which you'll never see her again. To connect with someone that much and then suddenly have them indefinitely disappear is too much. You tried to bring the good moments back, but what caused them is nowhere to be found.
  678. >After an hour or two of admiring the landscape, the sun begins to set and the sky changes colors. It's the same color as the girl once more, bearing down on you a tantalizing reminder of how beautiful she was whenever you did so much as look at her.
  679. >The night shall engulf the land soon, but it's not to bother. You'll be asleep soon.
  680. >Finally stand up and walk over to the edge, looking straight down the massive drop to the bottom. It's all going to be over soon; the pain shall cease, and all you'll have is the good memories from the times when you were still happy.
  681. >As you get ready to take the final leap, you notice something in the valley diagonal to you.
  682. >You peer down from your high up location to discover that there is a considerably large amount of people in that valley. There are easily hundreds of them.
  683. >In addition to this, they are all walking in the same direction. And they appear to be carrying belongings with them.
  684. >It doesn't take you long to piece it together; they're migrating. The reason why, you cannot tell. But what you do ponder about is the amount of people down there.
  685. >What are the odds of one of them being the purple girl? It's not like it would be hard to pick her out, due to her body type and distinct color. Plus, these odds are so much higher than they have been for at least the past month.
  686. >Who are you not to make an attempt?
  687. >You suddenly notice the large group of people stop moving. They appear to place their belongings down and settle into their current location. As they do this, the sky grows even darker, causing everything to be hard to see.
  688. >The flock of humans prepares for their hours of sleep.
  689. >This is almost perfect. In seconds, you muster as much stamina as you can and work your way down the shallower slope of the small mountain, keeping a good bearing on the direction of the crowd you wish to join.
  690. >...
  691. >After marching away from the mountain and along the bank of a stream, you pass by collections of two or three people every five minutes or so. These small groups of two or three soon turn into dozens at a time. It's hard to make out what any of them look like, but you can tell that they're there due to their outlines and the sounds that they're making.
  692. >It's already too dark to see any distinguishable details about any one person, but you know for a fact that you're in the group. They surround you, all lying down to rest as the last of the light in the sky fades to blackness.
  693. >A huge weight is lifted off of your shoulders as you lie down near a couple of neighbors and close your eyes. Relief allows you to breathe without tension again.
  694. >There is no more time or energy to do anything else. You sleep.
  695. >...
  696. >You feel a nudge on your shoulder. Slowly opening your eyes, you find that a tall man is looming over you with his hand on your shoulder.
  697. >He smiles at you as you sit up, then points over to a large part of the crowd you had joined, which is walking away from you. Some of them are picking fruits off of the trees and bushes, with plans to eat them later on when they get hungry from walking so much.
  698. >The tall man then walks around you and starts to wake up another young guy who is still asleep right behind you.
  699. >Understanding what is happening, you stand and follow the herd to wherever it is they're going. Look around to find the trees already picked of all of their fruit. But a number of the people are holding some food in their arms, occasionally handing small amounts of it to others.
  700. >Follow the current of people, catching up to the more populous parts and surveying for anyone who has light purple skin. You still need to find her.
  701. >At least searching will go by a lot more easily this time. You jump around to different places in the crowd, looking for the girl that you must find no matter what.
  702. >Many hours pass as you scout the crowd for the girl with the pink highlight in her hair. You figured that it would be easy to pick her out, but the possibility of her not being here at all needles your mind with the fear of that being the reason why you're not seeing her here.
  703. >You wish that there was a way to be more certain. But there's simply nothing else to go on when it comes to this.
  704. >All you can do is just keep searching until you don't have a reason to anymore.
  705. >Like most of the other people before, the individuals in the traveling crowd are genuinely kind to you and offer to help whenever they are a able to.
  706. >Once again, there are those who can see that you are clearly looking for something, and offer to assist. But they cannot truly help you, since they do not have the slightest idea of what to look for.
  707. >But you allow them to participate anyway, since it wouldn't really hurt anyway. Maybe they'll find the girl and ask her to help you, unknowing that it is she whom you are searching for.
  708. >Navigate through the hordes of people, prolonging your search and holding on to any amount of hope you have. It's very possible that she is here. Out of all of these hundreds of people migrating here, one of them could be here.
  709. >These people must have gathered together from all over the lands, and decided to travel together. You just hope that this assumption is correct.
  710. >You study faces, ways of walking, anything that might give away the fact that it's her. A lot of the people give you confused looks, the expressions of strangers.
  711. >It's not like you mind them questioning your motives for frantically searching for something right in front of them. If they judge you, they judge you. You don't need them to think highly of you, as they probably wouldn't have anyway after seeing your shortcoming.
  712. >The first two days, you are unsuccessful in finding the girl with the pink highlight in her hair. When you don't need to worry about food, you search everyone you can. There are a good number of people at least close to the same color as her, but when you get closer, it is easy to tell that it is someone else.
  713. >You can't help but notice the properties of all of the women that you come across in the crowd.
  714. >Unlike your lost lover, their chests are full and perky, and they tend to boast it whenever they get the chance. When they are sitting down to rest, they stretch their shoulders back and push their chests forward, seeing if they can get the attention of any of the males.
  715. >This is getting way too repetitive for your standards. You see female bodies like this all the time, but they don't really seem to affect you.
  716. >If anything, these girls are taking what they have for granted. But it works perfectly, since it proves to draw a good number of guys in their direction.
  717. >But the difference with your girl is: she doesn't have the same thing that would give her an advantage. As you don't have what gives other guys an advantage.
  718. >It's the fact that you and her had the same kind of problems is what made you go so crazy over her, and vice versa. You can tell that your properties had the same effect on her.
  719. >But that's merely what started all of this.
  720. >Just the fact of knowing that she feels that way about you makes you feel only warmer and softer on the inside for her. That's another major part of the reason you keep searching with so much effort.
  721. >You'll never find anyone else like her. And you don't even want to.
  722. >More days of traveling with the crowd go by. Not one of them are the girl you are looking for.
  723. >Surveying by day and sleeping by night, you refuse to give in until you find the girl who you share so much love with.
  724. >In the back of your mind, you feel like it's never going to actually happen. She's never going to turn up, and you're going to die without ever seeing her again.
  725. >But you keep trying still, searching everywhere and everyone you can.
  726. >More and more days pass, again. Your time with the large crowd continues on.
  727. >Follow them all everywhere they slowly migrate. When they get up and move, you do the same. When and where they settle down, you do the same.
  728. >This all has become something close to a norm for you. And you begin to become numb to the process and its patterns. But that still doesn't stop you from wanting to finally see the girl again.
  729. >You shall continue searching until the day you die if you have to.
  730. >One day, you're spending your time doing your usual searching. It had rained the day before, so the ground is fairly wet. You stay on the places of higher elevation and look down at the people, scanning them.
  731. >Nothing too interesting comes into view at first. It's mostly the same people you've seen before, along with a couple of new ones. Members of the group have come and gone over the last week or so. You begin to wonder whether it's either too late, or finally the right time to look here.
  732. >But then something extremely familiar catches your eye. You look past 20 or 30 people or so and spot the back of a girl's head. You barely notice that her long, dark hair has a single pink highlight in it, exactly like how you remembered.
  733. >A shock runs through you as you instantly recognize this unique look. Begin running over to the girl right away, making your way around everyone else who was walking between you and her.
  734. >Once you get to the spot where you last saw her, she seems to have disappeared. You look around, trying to figure out where she might have gone.
  735. >The girl doesn't appear anywhere; you probably need to see over these people in order to spot her.
  736. >Climb up onto the top of the nearest small boulder and stand on its highest point. This automatically attracts a lot of attention from the surrounding people. You won't be up here for long.
  737. >But still, she's nowhere to be seen. Instead, you have just made yourself the center of attention in the middle of this crowd of hundreds upon hundreds of people.
  738. >About twenty more seconds pass.
  739. >With a sigh of disappointment, you climb back down from the small boulder and plant your feet onto the ground. Just as this happens, you feel two arms wrap around you from behind.
  740. >You look down and find that these arms are the same light purple that you remember from so long before. The soft side of a face presses onto the back of your shoulders as it quickly dawns on you that your search has just ended.
  741. >Turn around with the two arms still holding on to you, starting to hear her sob quietly. As you finally face her, it's confirmed that the girl you love is with you once more.
  742. >Hold her back, letting her bury her face into your shoulder. You feel some kind of cloth wrapped around the upper part of her torso, though it doesn't occur to you why that is.
  743. >The girl keeps her grasp on you, far from willing to let go. She apparently didn't have any control over the reason for her leaving. It was most likely because her tribe was migrating as a group to somewhere.
  744. >You two slowly begin to sit down together at the base of one of the larger trees. She gently rests her head on your shoulder that has just been relieved of a massive weight.
  745. >The rest of the herd of humans continues to walk past the two of you. Continue to sit at the base of the tree trunk with your lover as you are left behind.
  746. >If either of you could speak, there would have been so much you wanted to say. But there can't be any words to let all of the built up feelings out all at once.
  747. >She waits with you for the last of the others to disappear into the wilderness. The groups of seven to ten soon thin out to less frequent groups of two or three.
  748. >After about another twenty minutes or so, everyone else seems to be gone, leaving you completely alone with the pink highlighted girl.
  749. >Look down at the second tarp that she is wearing around her body. It's covering her chest, and you've never seen a female wearing anything like this before. They would always walk around bare chested, due to the fact that it is encouraged that females use their breasts to openly display that they are female.
  750. >You've never seen a girl try to hide her chest before, but you know exactly why this one is doing so. Her breasts are nowhere near as big as those belonging to any of the other girls and women her age. And she must have been around other females for a while, now.
  751. >Remember the countless breasts you have seen as you searched through this crowd. They all bounced a little bit with each step the woman took, but those of your lover are unable to do that. There's just not enough there.
  752. >But that's what makes her special to you. She can be imperfect with you, and you honestly wouldn't want it any other way. This is the one for you; you're beyond glad that you've finally found her again.
  753. >You point to the upper tarp on her body, questioning her motives for wearing it. She responds by hovering her hands a little ways in front of her chest and moving them back and forth. She compares where the hands would make contact with the chest if it were one of the other girls and where they do make contact with her chest.
  754. >Because of this shortcoming, the second tarp was seen as necessary. Thus, its existence and usage.
  755. >Everyone's gone, now. The feelings that you have harbored for this girl have been kept inside for so long, now.
  756. >In a matter of seconds, each of you are pulling at the tarps that are wrapped around your waists. You both instantly become intimate and anxious to expose the other.
  757. >Both of the tarps are removed and placed aside. But the one on the girl's chest remains. As you lean against the tree trunk and she positions herself on your lap, you begin to pull at the edges of it.
  758. >But the girl stops you, indicating that she wants to keep it on. You give her a confused look, only for her to respond with the same hand gesture comparing her size to those of other females.
  759. >She presses herself down, causing you to enter her, which throws your mind off of any other thoughts. You sit there as the girl hops on top of you, pleasing you and hoping that this whole experience is perfect for you this time.
  760. >She feels like her shortcoming would ruin the moment, so she is doing what she can to push it out of the way.
  761. >But you need to show her that covering up the things that she sees as flaws isn't going to make this perfect. You want her to be proud of her body and not hide it in a false sense of shame.
  762. >Slide your hands under her tarp, showing that you are in fact interested in the form that she has. She weakly grabs on to your hands to keep them from making her tarp fall off.
  763. >You want to show her that you like the way she is, and that there's nothing she should be shamed about. Like how it was when you first met. But her mentality is too set on avoiding her shortcoming from being exposed and causing her to be humiliated.
  764. >If you can overcome this fear, then so can she.
  765. >She continues moving up and down while you try to unravel the cloth and pull it off. It's working, but her hands are still holding it in place.
  766. >Your erect member won't be able to withstand her inner walls for much longer. They rub and pull your skin up and down the shaft. You're feeling it getting closer to happening, heightening your drive and energy.
  767. >Blushing heavily, the girl knows what you're trying to do, but appears to be too shy to risk anything. But she still goes up and down even faster, hoping the friction on your dick would occupy you.
  768. >Her being on top of you means less work you have to do and more of her sitting in your lap, letting your member stick inside of her as she grinds on it to give you that sensation you love the most.
  769. >You're reaching under the tarp and pulling it in all directions at this point, and her bouncing up and down is helping it fall off more easily.
  770. >As your hands eventually make it to completely cupping her breasts, the girl just holds them in place, realizing that you wanted this. But this still wasn't enough.
  771. >You grab onto the cloth and rip it off from the inside. It needs to be made clear that she doesn't need to wear this. You want her to always be proud of the way she is.
  772. >You leave the girl completely bare, but now nonchalant about how you're going to see her. Seeing that you wanted her like this, the girl lowers your head onto her chest as she keeps working herself on your lap. She's smiling now, remembering how accepting of her you are. You pull her torso right up against your face, openly enjoying and desiring her touch.
  773. >There's nothing she fears about you judging her now. She moves faster, sharpening the tingling on your shaft to show that she is accepting of the moment now.
  774. >You haven't felt this in so long. As her nipples slide up and down your face, you kiss them whenever you're not rubbing your cheek against them. She passionately sighs as she feels how much you want the thing about her that was previously something to hide.
  775. >She rewards you by humping as hard as she can to push you to your peak of excitement. But it takes you a little bit of time to reach the climax, due to the short length of your shaft.
  776. >But this only means that the girl must spend more time working it out of you. The length of your shaft is replaced by the length of time it takes to push it over the edge.
  777. >Both of you cry out in ecstasy as the height of the moment takes effect. Your load is released into her as you hold tight to her, shutting your eyes as your face is half buried into her chest.
  778. >She holds onto your head, stroking your hair as you release everything you've built up into her. She comforts you during your orgasmic trance, letting you know that she's right there with you as time itself seems to freeze around you.
  779. >You missed this feeling so much.
  780. >After the sex, you and her would put your lower tarps back on and lie together on the ground, just like you always would all the way back at the pond. The third upper tarp is further ripped to shreds and deliberately made unusable. Your lover shall proudly go bare-chested.
  781. >You two lie on the ground, often kissing eachother to vent and express even more feelings that you needed to let out. There are no words, as actions are all you have to show anything with. Although, it's not like it isn't better this way.
  782. >The sky begins to turn colors again, and the light purple girl grows weary. She rolls onto her back with her arms spread out while closing her eyes, proposing to fall asleep.
  783. >You let her do so, while you gently caress the smooth surface of her skin, which nearly perfectly matches the color of the sky. As she drifts off to sleep, you give her one last reminder of your love and acceptance for her by kissing her all over her chest as sleep takes her.
  784. >She falls asleep to the feeling of your lips gently sucking on her nipples and kissing her body. Something no other guy would have cared enough to do with a flat chested girl like her.
  785. >But you see her differently than them. And you feel her differently than them.
  786. >Wipe away the tears from your lover's face as she peacefully dreams. At the same time, the environment around you fades to blackness.
  787. >There's no sense in getting up and going anywhere, due to the fact that you cannot see through the darkness.
  788. >Her sweet taste remains in your mouth as you fall asleep with her on the ground.
  789. >...
  790. >And all of these events are the clearer part of what you manage to recollect from your pre-conscience. There are events that occur after this as well, but it feels as though you have repressed them.
  791. >You ponder harder during the times when you're alone, trying to think and decipher why the following events might have been repressed.
  792. >They were supposed to be the happiest moments of your past life, right? You found Twilight again, despite all of the odds that were against you.
  793. >As your mind digs deeper and deeper, you begin to get the sensation that something tragic had happened after your great success and reunion.
  794. >Something horribly, horribly tragic. But you can't seem to make out what it was.
  795. >Keep thinking. Try to piece the rest of this story together.
  796. ~
  797. >Wednesday morning.
  798. >You wake up by your alarm as today is the first day you have back to school. And you still haven't figured out the rest of the beautiful story that you simply must know the conclusion to.
  799. >But, after feeling that there was something horrible that you might have repressed, do you even want to know? You consider just taking what you have now and making that the ending, but you know for a fact that life had still gone on from that point. There is still more that happens. And since you were with Twilight, apparently, you simply must know what it was, good or bad.
  800. >After all, you're meeting her now in your life at Canterlot High. And it greatly stems from whatever had happened during this past life. Who are you not to want to find out what happened?
  801. >But speaking of the life you're living now, you have your own current beautiful story to see the conclusion of. A conclusion that you can actually draw yourself, depending on how the next date goes.
  802. >Although, it shouldn't go too badly; Twilight had already kissed you on the lips on her own terms. That's almost always a good sign.
  803. >After an extremely long weekend, you'll finally see Twilight again in school today.
  804. >Because of your visions, it feels like your time away was much longer than you're comfortable with. You will not take being this close to Twilight at school for granted.
  805. >The odds must have been near impossible.
  806. >You get yourself ready and start off on your way to school, where Twilight awaits you.
  807. >All the way up to the point when you enter the main hallway, you keep yourself bundled up in your winter clothes. The weather is freezing far beyond anything close to what you consider comfortable.
  808. >You automatically begin looking for Twilight. Of course, you know exactly where to go in order to see her, so it's not like this will be any difficult for you. You go over to the same spot where she talked to you before in front of her friends. They are all standing there, just as expected.
  809. >After noticing you waving to her, Twilight walks up to you this time. But that still doesn't stop you from being the first one to speak.
  810. "Hi, Twilight." You confidently greet her, seeing that she's happy to see you again after the long weekend. "You miss me?"
  811. >"I totally did. I wanted to come in here on Monday and see you, but the weather just can't stop changing things." Twilight says to you.
  812. "It's a bit of a pain, I know. I wish there was a way to have seen you at least one time so it wouldn't have had to be so long." You apologetically answer. "And... I'm sorry I didn't remember to ask for your number last time."
  813. >"Oh, it's okay! Don't worry about it. I mean, I guess I forgot too, didn't I?" Twilight points out. "I could have asked you just as easily as you could have asked me."
  814. "Well... you are right. But we still could have texted or something if I had just remembered."
  815. >"It's fine. We both forgot. Besides, we're both here right now, aren't we?"
  816. >Oh, indeed you are.
  817. "Yeah, you're right." You reply, pulling out your phone so you and Twilight can exchange numbers.
  818. >After a little bit more smalltalk, the numbers are finally exchanged and the bell for homeroom rings. Right before you part until the next time, Twilight tells you that she'll meet you in study hall today. She then heads off with her friends, who surround her and giggle a little bit.
  819. >Just like that, you feel so relieved to have seen her again. It may have only been a few days, but it felt much more like weeks or even months. You try not to come under the impression that it had felt like numerous years, since that concept still doesn't seem completely realistic to you.
  820. >You have begun to get used to it feeling like years between the times you see Twilight, but the very idea still makes you feel quite a bit uncomfortable at times. Such amounts of time going by while Twilight is absent from your life is pushing the limits of what you can handle.
  821. >Theres is certainty in your mind that this girl is driving you mad. But... you love it. You love the fact that you're going crazy over this girl; it's such a feeling that makes more sense the more you think about it.
  822. >The slowly unraveling mystery behind all of this still terrifies you to an extent, but you find yourself unable to turn away, eager to see this all the way through to the end.
  823. >Whatever that end may be.
  824. >Study hall eventually comes around and you sit in the same spot as last time. Class is just beginning, so Twilight should be arriving any second now.
  825. >In about a minute, she comes walking through the doors. She's holding the same history book in her hands.
  826. >You smile and wave to her as she comes over and sits down in the seat right next to you. An instant rush blooms within you as she sits right next to you. Just the fact that she's so close to you makes the "funny feeling" become stronger.
  827. >"I brought the book from before. I really want to pick up from where we left off." Twilight proposes. "Would... you like that?"
  828. "Definitely. What ever you want to do, Twilight. I'm up for it."
  829. >She smiles warmly as she hears how willing you are to share this time with her. You can tell that she is absolutely flattered that you accepted her offer to prolong what you two had going on in the library.
  830. >As she opens the book and flips through the pages once again, you place your forearm on the armrest next to hers. The armrests are small, so there is very little personal space that is available to whoever sits there.
  831. >Your arm brushes against her smooth skin. Though Twilight doesn't seem to mind this, she still faintly giggles in response to this. She then takes your arm and directs it over the back of her shoulders, letting you get even closer to her.
  832. >The page where you left off is reached and Twilight begins to almost silently read it, but still loudly enough for you to hear what she's saying. You follow along with her, staying exactly where she is in the paragraph while keeping her close to you.
  833. >Study hall only lasts one class period, so there's no way you two will be able to get too far into the material. At least, nowhere near as how in depth you were last time.
  834. >She reads with you for some more time, getting through about a page every couple of minutes. Since you already have school supplies with you, you take a couple of notes along the way. It's still an impressive amount of casual studying and interpretation, but it still doesn't measure up to how the session at the library was. Saturday was something special, and had changed the course of your connection with Twilight from that day on.
  835. >Before this, you've never even been a slight fan of reading or studying. This girl motivates you to push into that territory, and you're proud of that.
  836. >After reaching the end of the chapter, Twilight decides to stop for the time being, since the class period is almost over.
  837. >In your mind, the sound of a bell interrupting Twilight's soothing voice can only compare to an alarm clock waking you up several hours too early. It's a wise move to end this on its own terms.
  838. >"Okay. So... when's the next time you want to meet up at the library?" Plans Twilight ass she packs her things. "Would you rather do this during the weekend when we have so much more time to do this?"
  839. "I'd love to do it that way. I'll have no problem moving things in my schedule around. And I'll bring everything I can for material."
  840. >"Perfect." Twilight concludes, smiling down at her closed backpack.
  841. >You can't just end this without bringing up how good this is making you feel. The expression of the joy she has brought to you is needed.
  842. "Um, Twilight?" You ask, making sure your tone is too humble to sound pushy.
  843. >"Yeah?"
  844. "I'd say that I like where we're going with this. But, that wouldn't really be enough to describe it."
  845. >She smiles a little bit wider, seeing the mood you're changing the conversation to.
  846. "I... way, way more than like what is happening here. And just spending study hall together and studying just... um..."
  847. >"Isn't enough." Twilight finishes your sentence, taking the words right out of your mouth.
  848. >You silently stare at her in amazement. She knows exactly where you want to take this, and she's not even hesitant to make it clear between you two. She's eager.
  849. >The next minute goes by with neither of you saying anything, only having what was last said to build your current thoughts upon.
  850. >Being in study hall together just isn't enough. There needs to be something more, and both of you want it. Neither of you are saying it right now, but both of you are thinking it, and she's just as aware of this as you are.
  851. >If anything, you don't even need to talk about it right now. You already know.
  852. >The silence between you two lasts all the way through the bell at the end of the class period. After the bell sounds, Twilight shyly waves to you as she picks up her stuff and walks out of the auditorium.
  853. >You deliberately take longer to pack up your things and leave, so saying goodbye and then still walking in the same direction will not be the case in this situation.
  854. >Everything's falling perfectly into place.
  855. >...
  856. >Nothing interesting happens for the rest of the day. Or, at least nothing else seems interesting in the face of what you have going on with Twilight right now.
  857. >Class after class goes by, hour after hour. But it feels longer that simple hours whenever you remind yourself that you're waiting for Twilight to see you again. The time goes by some more.
  858. >The rest of this day does not turn out to be uncommon for how the rest of the week goes. You do periodically say hi to Twilight, but none of the conversations are extended, and that leaves an unfulfilled feeling inside of your heart every time you hear her say "Alright, see you later." to you.
  859. >See you later.
  860. >You soon become hungry for simply talking to Twilight more; you long for her voice and her presence. It feels like you always have.
  861. >Because of this, the school week drags on much longer than the average sluggish week. But you press on and endure it, knowing that you will soon be provided with the opportunity of spending an entire day with Twilight once more. And just one day alone is worth it, at least to you. And perhaps her, as well.
  862. >And so, the time goes by ever so slowly, seeming so much longer than it's true timespans. Hour after hour. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. Life after life.
  863. >The only benefit of the illusion of time extending to these great lengths is the fact that it feels like you have more time to ponder and dream.
  864. >And with that, the story feels like it will have a better chance at reaching the end each time it reasserts itself into your mind.
  865. >And it sinks in, deeply.
  866. >Deeply as you remember more and more...
  867. ~
  868. >...
  869. >The moving tribe has long carried on its slow and controlled journey since you had stayed behind. They have now disappeared over the horizon, possibly to never be seen by you or your lover again.
  870. >But neither of you need them now, as the reunion trumps out all other factors. As long as you both have somewhere to shield yourselves from extreme weather and a suitable supply of food, nothing can possibly make life better.
  871. >She shares an unmeasurable amount of happiness with you as you roam the trees together. You're often holding hands as you walk around, keeping the other close by.
  872. >By the day, you two would wander through the hordes of trees, often migrating to new locations. In a way, you're still exploring.
  873. >There's no reason to stop venturing further into the unknown lands. You were originally doing it to find the purple girl, and the amount of ground you had covered due to your raw determination was beyond impressive.
  874. >But you couldn't help but notice how beautiful the Earth is as you searched. The trees, the grass and the flowers, the rocky edges of the cliffs and rugged mountains. Birds would sing to you all the time, twittering their wordless reminder about how simple and majestic life itself can be.
  875. >Rain would very often pour down from the sky, cooling the two of you off from walking around in the hot environment for most of the day. This would usually be the times you would strip and clean yourselves in the falling water.
  876. >You both always do this together, letting eachother watch every time. There's nothing that either of you need to hide from eachother, the bond you have goes beyond everything else.
  877. >And now, you have found the one you are looking for, but you are still in the same world in which you had desperately searched.
  878. >Now, both you and her live here. Welcome to cut any ties to being in specific locations and wander to beautiful Earth together. The best part is, it doesn't matter where you go next, you will always be together. Traveling at eachother's side as you spend your lives exploring the world around you.
  879. >Every day, you would do this. Enjoying life as it is.
  880. >Every evening, the sky would change colors again. You would look up and see nothing but the color of your lover's soft skin that begs for you to touch it.
  881. >She would remain extra close to you at all times as you pick out a good spot to sleep before it becomes too dark to see. After settling down in a compact and protected space, you two would routinely remove eachother's tarps and feel eachother to induce intimacy every evening.
  882. >After you become fully erect, she lies down onto her back. And you lie down on top of her, entering her as you wrap your arms around her. In the darkening evening light, you thrust back and forth while keeping your position on top of her on the grass.
  883. >You stare into eachother's eyes, despite the fact that it's almost too dark to see anything at this point. The feeling that you just can't live without at this point engulfs you once more. You hold on to her bare body more tightly, thrusting a little bit faster as the minutes go on.
  884. >The climax eventually takes you as you open your eyes to complete blackness. But you can still feel her right under you, her inner thighs rubbing along your hips, her torso expanding and contracting against your body as her warm breath tickles your face. Her luscious lips kissing yours ever so tenderly.
  885. >These kinds of moments happen off and on throughout the night. You stay on top of her the whole time, so you don't get separated in the darkness. Sometimes, you both just lie in the grass and gently kiss eachother as the sounds of nature surround you. Sometimes, the intimacy returns for another round, and you slide your way inside again. It even rains on about half of the nights you spend together, given that it normally rains most of the time.
  886. >You would eventually tire eachother out and sleep together for the remainder of the night. The air is always warm enough to never need to cover yourselves with something.
  887. >In short, life while reunited with the girl you love is everything you hoped it could be. And then some.
  888. >Days and nights like this continue on for more and more of your lives. And as the time goes on, you both reach and discover new places every time. The traveling can go in any direction, and for some considerable distances as well. You would normally stop at an adequate source of food and shelter. Water is already plentiful in this climate.
  889. >Adventurous young lovers lost together in a vast world of magnificence, living and loving life as it is.
  890. >...
  891. >Years of this absolute bliss eventually go by, and you and your lover have a solidified history together.
  892. >It might not have been a terribly large portion of your lives, but still enough for you to have matured at least a little bit. You're both still in your early to mid 20's.
  893. >And yet, after all of this time, your manhood is still just as small as it ever was, and her chest is just as underdeveloped as it ever was. You just knew that you two were going to belong together.
  894. >In addition to this, your adventurous sides are far from worn out yet. Because of this, you both have adapted to the rugged terrain quite nicely. And your traveling has become considerably more daring as the couple of years went on.
  895. >One rainy day, you both approach a wide river on your way over to an interesting looking mountain ridge you had spotted from afar. The river is far too wide and rapid for one to be able to cross with ease. But that doesn't faze either of you.
  896. >You walk up to the edge and pick out the spot that looks the least difficult to cross. It is momentarily decided that you will use a cluster of rocks and logs to cross.
  897. >After a moment or two of hesitation, you get ready to crawl across the trunk of a fallen tree that rises just above the water. Out on an impulse of fortitude, your girl insists that she goes first.
  898. >Eager to see how well she can complete the task, you step back, allowing her to be the first one to cross. She climbs down onto the fallen log and starts sliding along just above the rushing water. The bark is slippery, but she has a good bear hug around the surface.
  899. >As this happens, you start to climb down as well, planning to follow right behind her. But as you perch yourself onto the log, you realize how loose it is under your weight. Meanwhile, the girl is holding on as tightly as she can as waves from the rapids right below her crash into her side every couple of seconds.
  900. >Taking precaution, you get off of the log and climb back up to the grass. After doing this, you start making sounds and gesturing for your lover to join you and just find another less dangerous way across somewhere else.
  901. >Sensing the urgency in your unintelligible yelps and frantic gestures, she decides that finding an easier way is a better idea than crossing here. She turns halfway around and begins scooting sideways on the log back the riverbank on which you stand.
  902. >But in a split second, the log abruptly loosens and the lower half of her body is jolted into the water.
  903. >You position yourself so one foot is on the log and the other is still on land. You reach out your hand, offering something for her to grab on to.
  904. >She's losing her grip on the log very quickly, and only has but a few seconds to hold on. Her tarp has already been pulled off by the heavy currents.
  905. >Continue standing on the edge of the river, reaching out as far as you can, but you're just not close enough. You yell at the top of your lungs as you watch her lose the last of her grip while you can do nothing about it.
  906. >The purple girl screams in terror as she is swept away by the rapids at a high speed. You run alongside the river, staying as close to her as possible as you try to figure out what to do about this.
  907. >But you can only run so fast.
  908. >She is eventually pulled further and further away from you by the current. She keeps desperately calling out to you, hoping you have some sort of a plan to save her.
  909. >You try to keep up as she drifts further and further away. You're running out of breath, almost ready to faint from the exhaustion. At this point, the only way to keep following her at the speed she is going is to jump into the river as well and follow wherever the current leads.
  910. >It's your only hope at this point.
  911. >Without hesitating for a second, you jump in. The rushing water rips your tarp away as you begin to try to swim in her direction. You can barely hear her cries for help over the deafening rapids while trying to follow them. You can no longer see where she is.
  912. >Maneuvering and navigating at the current's mercy, you follow the river. It takes a good number of turns between mountains and through tiny canyons. It's hard to see if there are any splits in the river from your perspective.
  913. >You follow the current for another ten minutes or so, making sure not to tire yourself out to the point where you wouldn't be able to keep yourself afloat. You eventually come to a part of the river where the rapid currents have ceased, and the flow is slow enough for one to escape its pull.
  914. >Pick a side of the river to get out on and exit the water. You're nude at the moment, but finding or making a new tarp will have to wait for now. Your girl is out there somewhere, lost again.
  915. >But you're a veteran in this now. The amounts of land you can search in a mere day should lead you to her in no time. This should not be much of a problem, as you have grown used to this.
  916. >Begin surveying the clusters of trees and bushes. Nothing turns up at first, which is something you would expect. You begin to widen your search, venturing further and further through the valleys between the mountains.
  917. >You found her once, and you can find her again.
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