

Jul 13th, 2013
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  1. 15:42 -!- Irssi: Starting query in Zandronum with elmo
  2. 15:42 <elmo> ijon
  3. 15:42 <elmo> can i report a user viloation
  4. 15:42 <ijon> wat
  5. 15:43 <elmo> roman's server
  6. 15:43 <elmo> he bans me for no reason
  7. 15:43 <elmo> i dont even play
  8. 15:43 <elmo> and he bans me
  9. 15:43 <ijon> not really my problem
  10. 15:43 <ijon> take it up with him
  11. 15:43 <elmo> but
  12. 15:43 <elmo> he keeps disconnectiong to me
  13. 15:43 <elmo> and hes violating be
  14. 15:44 <ijon> by banning people?
  15. 15:44 <ijon> no, not really
  16. 15:44 <elmo> for NO REASON
  17. 15:44 <elmo> I got the ban msg saying "elmo"
  18. 15:44 <ijon> okay?
  19. 15:44 <ijon> there's no rule about that
  20. 15:44 <elmo> yea but
  21. 15:44 <elmo> its making me mad
  22. 15:44 <elmo> i just want to paly a game
  23. 15:44 <ijon> and it's not our job to police every fucking server on the BE cluster
  24. 15:44 <elmo> and he keeps banning me
  25. 15:44 <ijon> he's on right now
  26. 15:45 <elmo> he wont respond
  27. 15:45 <ijon> well then make your own server
  28. 15:45 <elmo> no
  29. 15:45 <elmo> i thoght admin abuse was not allowed on BE servers
  30. 15:45 <ijon> banning someone is not admin abuse
  31. 15:45 <elmo> ijon
  32. 15:46 <elmo> he banned me for no reason
  33. 15:46 <ijon> oh
  34. 15:46 <elmo> soon as i join
  35. 15:46 <ijon> fucking
  36. 15:46 <ijon> well.
  37. 15:46 <elmo> cant you talk to him?
  38. 15:46 <ijon> *sigh*
  39. 15:46 <ijon> FINE
  40. 15:46 <elmo> ok
  41. 15:47 <elmo> i also want it to between us three
  42. 15:47 <ijon> I honestly don't give a single shit
  43. 15:48 <ijon> 'admin abuse' is doing things like using the servers to compromise the entire cluster's security
  44. 15:48 <elmo> ah
  45. 15:48 <ijon> actively cheating and giving the cluster as a whole a bad reputation
  46. 15:48 <elmo> but to me
  47. 15:48 <elmo> hes fucking around with the server
  48. 15:48 <elmo> i did nothing wrong
  49. 15:49 <ijon> 15:48 <Roman6a> because he's stalking me and a friend for absolutely no reason
  50. 15:49 <ijon> there's your reason
  51. 15:49 <elmo> what?
  52. 15:49 <ijon> 15:49 <Roman6a> also we found out he was using wallhacks, on wdi
  53. 15:49 <elmo> no proof i wallhack
  54. 15:49 <elmo> i don't even
  55. 15:49 <ijon> I
  56. 15:49 <ijon> don't give
  57. 15:49 <ijon> a flying fuck
  58. 15:49 <elmo> know what
  59. 15:49 <elmo> im talking to water
  60. 15:49 <ijon> jenova doesn't care
  61. 15:49 <ijon> water doesn't care
  62. 15:49 <elmo> im still going to talk to him
  63. 15:50 <elmo> nsh
  64. 15:50 <elmo> qent will do
  65. 15:50 <ijon> the hell is he gonna do?
  66. 15:50 <ijon> he's not going to fucking masterban roman6a over this
  67. 15:50 <ijon> that's ridiculous
  68. 15:50 <elmo> i dont want roman to be banned
  69. 15:51 <ijon> qent also has no power over BE
  70. 15:51 <elmo> really?
  71. 15:51 <ijon> he isn't an admin
  72. 15:51 <ijon> so no power
  73. 15:51 <elmo> must be my screen gltiching
  74. 15:51 <elmo> for a second i saw a @
  75. 15:58 -!- elmo [] has quit [Changing host]
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