
Reverse Sword Style

Jun 16th, 2018
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  1. [bc]Fighting Style
  2. [BC] Reverse Sword Style
  3. [bc] Zatoichi Style
  5. [cb]Description
  6. [c]The reverse sword style is a fighting style utilizing any blade, whether its two swords, one, or a knife, it makes not difference. The reverse sword style is the act of holding the blade backwards, usually pointing along the users arm.
  8. [cb]Uses
  9. [c]The negatives to this form of sword wielding is clearly that it reduces reach, making it seemingly an inferior method of blade wielding. This style is usually a quicker, more speedy style then the standard use of swordplay, as well as it conserves much more space than the regular uses, which usually includes swinging, but in smaller spaces and pinch situations, this style is faster naturally and more conservative.
  11. [cb]Extra Notes
  12. [c]Any 1ss or 2ss ability on the skill tree can be done with this style as well, just for this style in particular, it takes more skill and is harder than any other, the attacks from the main skill tree are usually much weaker and not as effective, but thinner and faster as a turnout.
  14. [c]This style does not have a skill tree, it rather is just a varient and uses the regular sword skill tree, these are just recommended attacks and techniques.
  17. [cu]Zasenshi (Backwards Stab)
  18. [C] This maneuver is fairly simple, by extending the place the opposite way of the opponent, the user can bring it back at an extremely fast rate, stabbing down into the opponent like a knife into a rack of meat.
  20. [C] Zategata (Reverse Penetration) This ability is not the standard slash in this position, the user is mostly slashing horizontal with this maneuver , known as a technique to put intense wear on armor, mostly used to cut through metal of the same or lower material, yet not harm the person inside until a later time. In depends on which direction this style is being sent to say if its to piece or slash.
  22. [C] Zatafuni (Reverse Decapitation) You are now able to put the blade in a reverse, horizontal position, strike at the hand of your opponent, striking down even further to cut their hand off, and then stabbing your opponent in the chest. This attack is very viable due to the way another sword user holds their blade, giving you the edge in combat.
  24. [c] Testupa (Earth Parry) Using the ground, are reverse blade user’s blade is always facing the sky of the horizon when using a parry, a switch of the positions so that your hand made its way into the earth for a complete block no matter your strength is the strongest way to use it.
  26. [c] Zatumi (Backwards Rollover) This skill is used when clashing a user holding a sword normally, the user would guard switch, taking their blade while crashing and rolling the blade under, so the opponents place is caught by your blade, but your blade can freely penetrate the opponent.
  28. [c] Aitenue (Continuous Switch) The main skill and knowledge of this style is knowing when it is time to switch back into a regular stance, this style is predictable and can only be used best in mix up attacks.
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