
What's the point of posting to a /blog/ on your money site?

Jun 3rd, 2020
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  1. What's the point of posting to a /blog/ on your money site?
  2. I see a ton of money sites that have a /blog/ section with a bunch of informational articles. Then I see some money sites that have no /blog/ or informational articles, just massive pillar content money articles (5k+ words).
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  14. What is the point of having a /blog/ section of your website? Does it help with SEO at all?
  16. If I have a section of my website dedicated to exercise machines, should I post my short article about "5 benefits of exercise machines" to my exercise machines category? Or to the blog?
  17. A blog opens up your ability to post fresh topical content to your site. it will also drive traffic, more topical relevancy, build an audience, #socailmentions, and authority. It can definitely help your SEO efforts assuming you don't keyword cannibalize yourself to death. Some sites follow a silo structure, which can be very powerful. it all depends on your needs and desires.
  18. A blog provides something for Google to index it's also great for traffic and shareable links.
  20. I spend a lot of time talking to people; I run webinars and teleseminars (more software and systems), and I create digital information products consistently.
  22. All that said, I still have time to enjoy myself each day and pace myself.
  24. My day always begins with morning coffee masterminds with my husband, who is also my business partner… so sometimes, I even mix business with pleasure.
  26. It’s the laptop lifestyle, and if you can keep things balanced in your life and your business like I think I do… it’s a beautiful thing!
  28. Connection: Website | Facebook
  29. 05. Lorraine Reguly - Wording Well
  30. 05-36-lorraine-reguly-time-management-expert-roundup-traffic-crowI generally get my allotted work done for the day before I enjoy the pleasures of life. I also take time off when I am in need of a break. Working from home allows me to have such freedoms. However, discipline plays a huge role, too.
  32. Due to the many responsibilities, I have with running two blogs and business (in addition to caring for a family and taking care of my health), I have learned to apply several strategies to find a good work-life balance.
  33. What's the point of posting to a /blog/ on your money site?
  34. This include:
  35. 1. Prioritizing tasks.
  36. 2. Creating a schedule.
  37. 3. Being realistic and allowing for flexibility.
  38. 4. 5. Incorporate leisure and “down time” into EACH DAY.
  39. 5. Remembering to be social.
  40. 6. Doing weekly and monthly reflections to see where I need to improve, what strategies are working for me, and making revisions where necessary.
  42. I also do not measure success by the dollar amount I earn. Instead, I base it upon my personal, overall happiness with my life!
  44. Connection: Website | Twitter
  45. 06. Minuca Elena - Minucaelena.Com
  46. 06-18-minuca-elena-time-management-expert-roundup-traffic-crowI’m a 24-year-old full-time blogger. I’m not married and I don’t have any children yet, so my main focus now is growing my online business and increasing my brand.
  48. It’s very important to set your goals right and fight to achieve them. I often hear people that say they have a certain target, but fail to achieve it because they are distracted by silly things – playing games like Pokemon Go, partying or watching movies.
  50. You are probably wondering what the meaning of life is if you can’t have some fun, but you always have to think of a higher purpose. If you work hard now, in a few years you can have the car and the home of your dreams and travel wherever you want.
  52. Bloggers have the potential to earn lots of money from their online activity, but few do. All because they aren’t willing to make the necessary sacrifices.
  54. Connection: Website | Twitter | Facebook
  55. 07. Lilach Bullock - Lilachbullock.Com
  56. Lilach-BullockBalancing a blog and all that it entails – writing, posting and promoting new posts – can often take a lot of time and impede on your personal life. In my experience, the best way to make sure you’re always on top of your blog is to be very organized. I always plan my blog posts well in advance with an editorial calendar and write them as soon as I can, as well as upload them to the site.
  58. Then, when it’s time to publish a post, it’s all ready in drafts, and I can quickly get to promoting it as soon as it’s out there. Promoting can also go fast if you’re organized – I’ve done it so many times now, that I can do it all quickly and efficiently, but in the beginning, I had a list of all the things I needed to do.
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