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a guest
Sep 20th, 2014
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  2. on walk on blue wool:
  3. set {team-blue.%player%} to false
  4. set {team-red.%player%} to false
  5. if player has stone axe and iron axe:
  6. player is in "world"
  7. make player execute command "/join blue"
  8. wait 5 tick
  9. if {team-blue.%player%} is true:
  10. make player execute command "/blue"
  11. else:
  12. if {team-red.%player%} is true:
  13. make player execute command "/red"
  14. else:
  15. send "blad!"
  16. teleport player to spawn
  17. else:
  18. teleport player to spawn
  19. send "&7&l[&4BF&7&l] &aMusisz posiadać cały osprzęt aby grać!" to player
  21. on walk on red wool:
  22. set {team-blue.%player%} to false
  23. set {team-red.%player%} to false
  24. if player has stone axe and iron axe:
  25. player is in "world"
  26. make player execute command "/join red"
  27. wait 5 tick
  28. if {team-red.%player%} is true:
  29. make player execute command "/red"
  30. else:
  31. if {team-blue.%player%} is true:
  32. make player execute command "/blue"
  33. else:
  34. send "blad!"
  35. teleport player to spawn
  36. else:
  37. teleport player to spawn
  38. send "&7&l[&4BF&7&l] &aMusisz posiadać cały osprzęt aby grać!" to player
  42. command /blue:
  43. executable by: player
  44. trigger:
  45. loop all players:
  46. display board named "&a&lDeathMatch" to loop-player
  47. make score "&c&lCzerwoni" in board of loop-player to {}
  48. make score "&9&lNiebiescy" in board of loop-player to {}
  49. move display of loop-player to sidebar
  50. set player nametag to "§9%player%"
  51. equip the player with a leather helmet
  52. dye player's helmet blue
  53. equip the player with a leather tunic
  54. dye player's chestplate blue
  55. equip the player with a leather leggings
  56. dye player's leggings blue
  57. equip the player with a leather boots
  58. dye player's boots blue
  59. set {team-red.%player%} to false
  60. set {team-blue.%player%} to true
  61. teleport player to {}
  62. set {inventory.%player%} to serialized inventory of player
  63. wait 1 second
  64. set {god.%player%} to true
  66. wait 3 second
  67. set {god.%player%} to false
  68. set {death.%player%} to 0
  69. set {kill.%player%} to 0
  70. stop
  72. command /red:
  73. executable by: player
  74. trigger:
  75. loop all players:
  76. display board named "&a&lDeathMatch" to loop-player
  77. make score "&c&lCzerwoni" in board of loop-player to {}
  78. make score "&9&lNiebiescy" in board of loop-player to {}
  79. move display of loop-player to sidebar
  80. set player nametag to "§c%player%"
  81. equip the player with a leather helmet
  82. dye player's helmet red
  83. equip the player with a leather tunic
  84. dye player's chestplate red
  85. equip the player with a leather leggings
  86. dye player's leggings red
  87. equip the player with a leather boots
  88. dye player's boots red
  89. set {team-red.%player%} to true
  90. set {team-blue.%player%} to false
  91. teleport player to {}
  92. set {inventory.%player%} to serialized inventory of player
  93. wait 1 second
  94. set {god.%player%} to true
  95. wait 3 second
  96. set {god.%player%} to false
  97. set {death.%player%} to 0
  98. set {kill.%player%} to 0
  99. stop
  106. command /join <text>:
  107. executable by: player
  108. trigger:
  109. if arg 1 is "blue":
  111. if (size of {*}) is equal to (size of {*}):
  112. add player to {*}
  113. broadcast "&3%name of player% &adolaczyl do druzyny &9niebieskich" to "world"
  114. set {team-blue.%player%} to true
  115. set {team-red.%player%} to false
  116. send "&9&l%{}% &f&l- &4&l%{}%"
  117. else:
  118. if (size of {*}) - (size of {*}) is equal to -2:
  119. add player to {*}
  120. broadcast "&3%name of player% &adolaczyl do druzyny &9niebieskich" to "world"
  121. set {team-blue.%player%} to true
  122. set {team-red.%player%} to false
  123. send "&9&l%{}% &f&l- &4&l%{}%"
  124. else:
  125. if (size of {*}) - (size of {*}) is equal to -1:
  126. add player to {*}
  127. broadcast "&3%name of player% &adolaczyl do druzyny &9niebieskich" to "world"
  128. set {team-blue.%player%} to true
  129. set {team-red.%player%} to false
  130. send "&9&l%{}% &f&l- &4&l%{}%"
  131. else:
  132. if (size of {*}) - (size of {*}) is equal to 1:
  133. add player to {*}
  134. broadcast "&3%name of player% &adolaczyl do druzyny &9niebieskich" to "world"
  135. set {team-blue.%player%} to true
  136. set {team-red.%player%} to false
  137. send "&9&l%{}% &f&l- &4&l%{}%"
  138. else:
  139. if (size of {*}) - (size of {*}) is greater than or equal to 2:
  140. add player to {*}
  141. send "&aNiestety druzyna &9niebieska &ajest pelna. Zostajesz przeniesiony do &cczerwonych&a!"
  142. set {team-red.%player%} to true
  143. set {team-blue.%player%} to false
  144. broadcast "&3%name of player% &adolaczyl do druzyny &cczerwonych" to "world"
  145. send "&9&l%{}% &f&l- &4&l%{}%"
  146. else:
  147. send "error"
  149. if arg 1 is "info":
  150. set {info} to ({} +1) - {}
  151. send "&f&l%{info}%"
  152. if arg 1 is "red":
  153. if (size of {*}) is equal to (size of {*}):
  154. add player to {*}
  155. broadcast "&3%name of player% &adolaczyl do druzyny &cczerwonych" to "world"
  156. set {team-red.%player%} to true
  157. set {team-blue.%player%} to false
  158. send "&9&l%{}% &f&l- &4&l%{}%"
  159. else:
  160. if (size of {*}) - (size of {*}) is equal to -2:
  161. add player to {*}
  162. broadcast "&3%name of player% &adolaczyl do druzyny &cczerwonych" to "world"
  163. set {team-red.%player%} to true
  164. set {team-blue.%player%} to false
  165. send "&9&l%{}% &f&l- &4&l%{}%"
  166. else:
  167. if (size of {*}) - (size of {*}) is equal to -1:
  168. add player to {*}
  169. broadcast "&3%name of player% &adolaczyl do druzyny &cczerwonych" to "world"
  170. set {team-red.%player%} to true
  171. set {team-blue.%player%} to false
  172. send "&9&l%{}% &f&l- &4&l%{}%"
  173. else:
  174. if (size of {*}) - (size of {*}) is equal to 1:
  175. add player to {*}
  176. broadcast "&3%name of player% &adolaczyl do druzyny &cczerwonych" to "world"
  177. set {team-red.%player%} to true
  178. set {team-blue.%player%} to false
  179. send "&9&l%{}% &f&l- &4&l%{}%"
  180. else:
  181. if (size of {*}) - (size of {*}) is greater than or equal to 2:
  182. add player to {*}
  183. send "&aNiestety druzyna &cczerwona &ajest pelna. Zostajesz przeniesiony do &9niebieskich&a!"
  184. set {team-blue.%player%} to true
  185. set {team-red.%player%} to false
  186. broadcast "&3%name of player% &adolaczyl do druzyny &9niebieskich" to "world"
  187. send "&9&l%{}% &f&l- &4&l%{}%"
  188. else:
  189. send "error"
  190. if arg 1 is "spr":
  191. send "&9&l%{}% &f&l- &4&l%{}%"
  192. if arg 1 is "res":
  193. set {} to 0
  194. set {} to 0
  195. send "&9&l%{}% &f&l- &4&l%{}%"
  196. if arg 1 is "del":
  197. set {} to 0
  198. set {} to 0
  199. if arg 1 is "check":
  200. send "ROZNICA %{_roznica}%"
  201. send "RED %{}%"
  202. send "BLUE %{}%"
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