
Golden Sun x SVE Crossover Chapter 01

Mar 19th, 2016
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  1. >You saw a new, hyperactive blond girl, weirdly dressed and hovering a wand with her hand.
  2. >Since your curiosity always gets the best of you,, you tried using mind read on her….and hooo boy, was it a bad idea.
  3. >Aside the mental rape backlash you got from trying to read her mind, she immediately discovered you're an adept.
  4. >Oh man you are so fucked…..maybe? Mom said under no circumstances anyone should knew you were the child of an adept, plus she even didn’t know you were indeed an adept, so maybe it is worse….or better?
  5. >You tried your best to wipe put the blood from your face, while at the same time you struggled to get on your feet.
  6. >Guess this is the right time to play the fool game, though you stuttered a little "M-Mr. Adept? Whaaat?".
  7. >The blond hyperactive girl saw you with a grin while closing her eyelids a little "Oh come on Mr. adept you totally wanted to see inside my head, but you should have just asked whatever you want to know, since it would have been waaaaaay easier, besides I'm Mewni royalty, which means I'm have magic within me to counter that without to having to do anything."
  8. > "I did actually see a glimpse of your mind though…." You mumbled and took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself "*Ahem* I guess we started with the left foot……the name's Anon".
  9. >The over hyperactive girl introduced herself in the same fashion, pose and magic as with Marco Diaz "I'm a magical princess from another dimension, Star Butterfly!".
  10. >By the way, the rainbow got on fire…again, though it seems to love doing that, meaning the rainbow thing, not the fire hazard.
  11. >You coughed a little just to be sure you weren't bleeding from your mouth as well, all good it seems.
  12. >"Princess…huh…well I guess I should get going…." , by the way, awesome bullet dodge….better start running as soon as possible.
  13. >Though you couldn’t actually start running since she moved in front of you and start happily talking " Oh please! Just tell me what type of adept are you! I must know"
  14. >You couldn’t believe she actually grabbed your hands and started moving them up and down " ….".
  15. > You could see stars beaming through her eyes as she spoke "Oh my gosh! I'm gonna be the the envy of all the princesses! An actual Adept! If my mom saw you she would be blabbering the "Get his seed inside you in this moment" ….whatever she meant with that but again Oh my gosh!".
  16. >" Seed" it’s the only sound you could make at her comment.
  17. >It took an instant to process that mainly because you felt something inside you the moment she grabbed your hands as toys.
  18. >Well…actually to things inside you, that were rising until you felt them both in each of your shoulders "Oh no…not now no….".
  19. >At the moment you said that, the blondie stopped shaking your hands and stopped. Mostly because two little things actually popped out from your shoulders.
  20. >"Are those…djinns…DOYOUACTUALLYHAVEDJINNS, ohgodohgodohgodohgodohgod!!!!! They are super cute , can I touch them, please!? PLEASE!?" said the overjoyed and drunk in happiness girl, while jumping a little.
  21. > "Oh damn…" you sighed in defeat "All right just…wait a minute".
  22. >You applied raw psynergy in your hands, turning them in white, and used them to actually penetrate yourself, gently grabbing the djinns inside you, in a mummy-like pose to actually grab them, since they were still in your shoulders.
  23. >While you grabbed them you thought why your djinns actually reacted to her, but again she said she is a magical princess.
  24. > "Probably her magic" you mumbled as you took out both djinns from your body, and opened your hands so she could actually see them.
  25. >"Just be very careful, and don’t do any sudden movements or they could attack you……Gust, Breeze she just wants to know both you".
  26. >As you started talking both Jupiter djinns stared at you, and then turned to see star out of curiosity, moving their respective heads a little.
  27. >The girl actually stopped moving and reached them gently, just to star patting their heads.
  28. >You could actually see and listen her struggling not to make sudden moves, gently tapping both djinn's head, and saying in a very low voice "Too cute….to cute….must fight…urge to hug…".
  29. >You reacted instantly, and while you didn’t took away your arms in a rush, it did startled her the speed you took to withdraw them "Ooook that’s enough….".
  30. >She awww with a mildly sad face "No fair, I almost hugged them".
  31. >You both saw the little djinns hop a little and you immediately caught something in your mind. More precisely a message from them since they had they own psynergy.
  32. >"Aw come on! We hardly talk to anyone" Gust said as he flapped it's wings a little.
  33. >"Yeah that girl seems really into us!" Zephyr said as he jumped a little.
  34. >"I know you 2 both….you only want trouble, besides we are her friend so you will see her pretty soon". Probably, anything to keep them calmed. Boths djinns complied and fused with you again.
  35. >You just awkwardly laughed a little, while Star saw you guessing why you stopped talking for a while, ignorant of the psynergy chat you just had. "We don’t want them to rain havoc inside the school….it's already bad you know I'm and adept…..and I don't mean it that way, mom told me that anybody from here….or anywhere else shouldn't discover I'm the son of an adept, and an actual adept as well….guess she meant from another dimension when she said "anywhere else". ".
  36. >"By the way what that "getting the seed of an adept" you mentioned earlier?".
  37. > "Oh! That! Well adepts are very rare in almost any dimension, since they have vast magic stamina, I guess my mom means getting the seed to that power!" she stop for a moment, just to chew her wand while making a "I'm thinking too much" face.
  38. >You face palmed as you heard her answer "You didn’t get the seed inuendo? I just.…whatever, you indeed answered my question…..".
  39. >"Can I ask you another question? " You took a big breath and immediately dropped to your knees in a begging position , you even surprised her with this stunt "PLEASE , please don’t tell anyone or your mom that I'm an adept, PLEASE!!!!!!".
  40. >She backed up a little, but took you by your hands and pulled you enough to be standing up again once more "Oh wow, I didn’t know it meant a lot for you….".
  41. >She made a wide, but sincere smile that put you at ease a little "Sure no problem, but at least can we be friends? Pretty please?".
  42. > "Friends?" This was getting so weird and so fast, yeah you could make a conversation with girls with no issues, but you never had a genuine female friend.
  43. > "S-sure….no problem, thanks anyway" you sighed in relief.
  44. >"Yaaaaay!" She shouted while jumping a little.
  45. >Star jumped for a while, until she realized she hadn't let go you hands and laughed a little "Oh sorry, here have your hands".
  46. >You sighed again, this time with no remorse at all "Wow…what a day….it has been crazy, I'm already beat up, time to go home…for sure this time".
  47. >Star reacted when you said "home" , you could swear she had a pair of ethereal cat ears above her head "About home, do you have any idea where is the home of the Diaz Family, I will stay with them while I'm on earth".
  48. >You try not to, but you actually slipped a couple of laughs "No way….oh boy he is gonna have very interesting day. Yeah…Star ,was it? Sorry I'm very bad with names. I know were the Diaz family lives, in fact they are my neighbors, I live in front of their house….come one I'll get you there, and in the way can I ask you more questions? You are free to ask me other questions as well".
  49. >Star hopped happily with you answer and started walking at your side "Yaaayyy! More adept secrets for me! And I already have my first earth friend as well!"
  50. >You couldn't believe this day, from utter despair to a calm walk to your home with a magical princess in just a few minutes, but it was weird, you haven't felt this well in a while, sure you talked with your classmates once in a while, but having an actual friend felt really good.
  51. >You couldn’t help but to smile as you approached the school gate.
  53. Meanwhile…..
  55. >Janna couldn't believed what she just saw.
  56. >After classes she walked quickly to see why her secret crush, Marco Diaz, was summoned by the principal.
  57. >She knew he wasn't in any kind of trouble since he was the safety kid, and besides she knew him from quite a while, and he would never get into trouble.
  58. >She saw Diaz in the distance, but saw him next to a blond girl, and decided she should see them from inside a bush, to overhear their conversation.
  59. >While she got inside a near bush and popped up her head just a little, she saw Marco running from the girl, probably because there was a rainbow on fire above her head.
  60. >Any other person would had been startled by that, but not Janna-she actually find that amusing.
  61. >Janna also say another boy a few meters back from the blond girl, just in her blind spot.
  62. >"Is that…Anon? What is he up to?" Janna thought, she didn't know him well, he was somehow reserved, and was the only one that could elude her ninja skills, since "stalker skills" sounded just to rude.
  63. >Since she was hiding back from both of them, she saw the boy making a almost invisible purple sphere in his hand for and instant. That triggered Janna's instinct, reaching her Smartphone and reading it to take a video.
  64. >When she started recording, she saw the boy on his knees, bleeding from every orifice from his head "What the hell happened?".
  65. >She saw through the screen from her phone the blond girl approaching happily to the boy, and saw the boy entering to a terror state.
  66. >After some talking from both of them she was shocked what her phone was recording.
  67. >In a flash the boy took out two little purple thing from within him.
  68. >The weirdest part is that the blond girl was super happy and not startled at all by this.
  69. >"Anon what are you…?" She mumbled, and noticed a small SD card icon flashing on her phone.
  70. >"Rats…memory is full" she thought, while sliding her finger to stop the recording and saving the file.
  71. >After she finished she saw both of them were far up to the school entrance.
  72. >She finally got out of the bush, while trying to make sense of what she just saw.
  73. >Instead of being startled or annoyed of not knowing what just happened she started grinning.
  74. >"Anon you just got way more interesting….suddenly Marco is not the only one worth…"investigating".
  75. >She walked from the school quickly to her house, wanting to spend her afternoon checking the video over and over again.
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