
Kiss x sis

Jun 15th, 2015
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  1. Camellia worked diligently with the plant between her hands, shaping its flesh and molding it to her desires even as behind her the soft clink of armour announced her sister’s presence as Lorelei entered their shared room with her treasured pet. Soft leaves of various colours carpeting the ground in a lush tapestry which bespoke of its inhabitant’s origins.
  3. “Lori, you’re late.” She spoke, prompting response from her twin.
  5. “I had patrol duty with Eric and then Mama-Talitha stole me away for some practice together. She wants me to learn more assassination techniques... but I’ve been thinking I might be a bit more useful if I acted as an air attack leader. I took some time to go looking for more Griffins. They seem too really like me, if we ever get hollow sisters, I could probably train some to ride with me.” The blonde elf spoke to her pink haired counterpart, lightly tossing her hair behind her ears. “It was pretty nice, and productive. And besides, we need to be prepared for when the Boss needs us. We’ve gotta get strong enough to stand next to him and be worthy. You should come out into the field more often sis.”
  7. “Look at you, all responsible. To think that you used to be the shy one.” Camellia smiled over her shoulder, looking back from the plants which she held between her fingers. “But no, I mean I go out in the field with you guys from time to time for the hollows, but I have important work to do otherwise.”
  9. “You were just always overly bold sister mine.” Lorelei sniffed, then let her expression gentle itself into a small smile. “I understand though... I just miss you out there with me.”
  11. “Well, there’s something to be said for just taking what you desire.” She spoke licking her lips gently as she did. “In fact... In fact, to speak of desire and responsibility... I’ve been working pretty hard too. A reward would be nice, very nice.”
  13. It was almost surprising how little, and yet how much the world had changed now that they’d grown.
  15. Two little girls against the world it had been as they ran across the lengths of the caverns learning it’s ever nook and cranny, gaining experiences in interacting with its many denizens. Even now Camellia smiled as she remembered fondly the chipped stone of the area in which she and her sister enjoyed playing not barely weeks ago. Everything was suddenly just a bit smaller than before, the world of the cave having shrunk as they grew.
  17. Truth was, they’d simply outgrown it, and yet somehow that didn’t bother either of them in the least, for what they’d left behind in sheading the last vestiges of childhood was nothing in comparison to the world which had been waiting for them here at the very cusp of adult hood.
  19. Tier two.
  21. Cami smiled. It had seemed almost as if childhood had lasted forever, the tasks of the Flesh shaper had been difficult work, but they had been the quests which she’d gravitated too, she’d always wanted to be like her ‘father’, commanding and in control, and practice with her own skills had become something so natural to her that it only breathing came easier. Every day she practiced her dominating Gaze on the prisoners as part of her daily routine.
  23. Already she’d begun a surveillance project, encouraging the growth of the hardiest vines which she could all across the interior walls, some of the vine would be outright unable to take the lack of sunlight in the cave, but she’d already planned on how to compensate for that, pushing it ever so slowly to grow enormous leaves where ever it emerged out into the sun, enough to provide for the rest of the plant. And whatever left over, she would tend to it directly with vitamany and transmutation. She’d cribbed as much as she could from Uncle Lial, though she still could hardly make it work properly on anything which wasn’t a natural born plant, and even that was only while wearing the Warpstone circlet which Boss-Dracca had had made for her and her sister as youths.
  25. Still the alterations were proving to be successful, giving her a hardy plant specimen which could serve as a monitoring system for her. She was indeed proud of this particular project. Especially since it also gave Mama-Dahlia greater access to the rest of the lair, and gave the lair a bit more of an exotic feel to it. She’d even tried getting some of her vines to grow into the crystal formations which littered the entire area to some mixed but ultimately pleasing results.
  27. The troll who worked tirelessly reshaping the dungeon had at first been a bit skeptical as to the project, but eventually she’d managed to get him to come around to the idea. The toughest part of the whole thing had been working with Mama-Dahlia to develop a spell that would work alongside of her own plant empathy for a more complete monitoring capability, she still had yet to fully work out all the bugs.
  29. Still, she couldn’t help but feel proud of what she’d managed to achieve thus far, pushing herself to be worthy, just as her sister had been. She couldn’t help but feel herself deserving of a little... reward. Or rather a very large one.
  31. “Camellia. You’ve got that look on your face again sister.” Her twin, Lorelei spoke softly, the big griffon which she took everywhere with her trailing behind, barded in thick mythil armour which clanked as it moved.
  33. “What look? Cami asked with a lit of insincere innocence.
  35. “That one right there. You’re looking more like Mama-Dahlia more every day.” The quieter twin leaned against her griffin, stroking just behind its ears as she cooed softly to it. Her own armour clinking against its barding.
  37. Camellia merely smirked, then rose from her work to flounce nearer to her sister. “Why thank you sis! I wonder if I’ll look as great with babies in me too...”
  39. A blush flushed across the Lorelei’s tender cheeks. “... sometimes…”
  41. “Oh don’t be like that Lori, I know you’re thinking the same thing too. You’re hungry for the same ‘reward’ that I am. I know you too well sister, even if you don’t let your desires be heard too often.” She grinned, throwing arms about the shy elf’s armour clad shoulders, as she pulled her sister into an intimate hug. Lips brushed against one long sensitive ear as the bolder of the two gave it a gentle kiss.
  43. Lorelei simply blushed harder, looking away from her sister to stare at the nearest patch of dirt, then quietly spoke. “You’re just teasing me again... did you want my blushes for a reward?”
  45. “You’re just too easy Lori. I wouldn’t call you a reward.” Camellia giggled, then nipped her sister’s ear playfully. “But just because I like to tease doesn’t mean I wouldn’t go through with it.”
  47. Lorelei felt her ears grow hot as the warmth of her sister’s tongue slipped across the nibbled ear, hot, soft and light. “Then why don’t you?” Her voice was strained, even to her own ear’s as she complained of her sister’s caress.
  49. “Because you silly Air-brain, you just always clam up and never ask.” The sensual elf princess allowed her hands to roam at her sister’s sides, fingers firmly gripped upon her shapely behind, harden with the exercises which she’d begun taking part in, then gently massaged. Camellia smiled, here they were, grown up, and the shy little stick that was her twin sister was now growing into a tough young woman.
  51. Lorelei gasped. “... oh... why are you so good at this?” She moaned, the question tumbling from her lips unbidden.
  53. “I practice with Mama-Dahlia all the time, she’s been giving me lessons since we both evolved.” Her sister spoke sensuously, sliding softly her trailing touch against the firm musculature of her now more active twin. “She’s taught me a few things she picked up from playing with Mama-Talitha. And even let me practice on the prisoners… You know, the Singer girl really has quite the pair of lungs on her. Mama gave me turns a few turns with her.”
  55. Camellia smiled, pulling back from her sister’s ear as she placed their noses tip to tip, the leaned back just enough to nip the end of her sister’s nose, with a sweet little kiss. Lorelei’s blushing had only grown ever more incandescent.
  57. “... you… and Mama-Dahlia? But what about Bo…” The blonde elf all but yelped in surprise.
  59. Her sister took advantage of the moment, pressing her lips against the Cloudborne’s own in a sudden surge of passion, silencing all protest as Camellia expertly molded lips and tongue, sliding, licking, and suckling at her sister’s tender flesh. Nibbling teeth edged across the tenderly swollen lip in joy, then began to trail downward, across a sensitive jawline, as her trailing tongue licked its way downward towards the nape of her neck.
  61. “Lori…” she whispered against her sister’s flesh. “You know the game we used to play.”
  63. Lorelei drew in her breath sharply, hands finally moving from their inert position to grasp her sister by the waist as she answered. “Yeah Cami... We used to pretend what it would be like to be the Boss’ brides. Not like we actually knew what it really meant. We were just kids playing games.”
  65. Camellia’s fingers combed down gently though her sister’s blond hair, shorter than her own hanging pink locks to keep it out of the way while riding.
  67. “I think, I’ve decided. I don’t want to just play games anymore…” Camellia whispered as she tightened her grip pulling back her sister’s neck to expose her throat to a coming barrage of nibbles, licks, and butterfly kisses. “... I want you to come with me. For Our reward.”
  69. Breathlessly Lorelei whispered. “Our reward… but will the Boss want to give it?”
  71. “We’ll just have to make it His reward as well.” The bolder twin grinned hungrily, so much so that her sister shivered at more than her gently insistent touch. “So what do you say we slip into his room and reward ourselves with the best treasure on his pile?”
  73. Lorelei leveled her gaze against that of her rapacious sister, the pressure of her stare making her own heart beat rapidly, thud, thud, thudding in her chest, knowing exactly what her twin meant.
  75. “The biggest treasure of them all... the Boss himself.”
  77. “Yes.”
  80. {[][][][][][][][]}
  84. In his Lair the great beast slept, scales the colour of royalty, spikes of silver and platinum.
  86. He was magnificent. Just as much as the first time they’d seen him, his body smaller, though so were theirs. And now as they approached, walking the shadows into the room so as not to disturb, the Elf maids giggled their way over to the mighty dragon, seeing to entice and seduce him as was the only proper course to take. They moved almost as one, silken skin exposed as they approached, pressing themselves up against his slumbering form, Camellia taking the lead as always she had, to gently trace her fingers down into the creases between his scales, to touch the more tender skin beneath in gentle trailing motions.
  88. Lorelei on the other hand began her own assault, with her mouth, kissing gently the eyelids of their still sleeping boss, even as he began two twitch with light grunts of pleasure at their opening assault. Lightly she worked her way across his head, searching for good spots to touch and caress, finding one eventually at the soft skin just behind his horns, an erogenous zone, where the nerves were packed and the skin was thin, her tongue and lips working at the sensitive surface, leaving the dragon to shift his bulk, squirming slightly at the pleasure which was being generated.
  90. Camelia smiled. The last shift causing the beautiful dragon to expose his underbelly slightly, just enough that her hand would find its way beneath his rear leg, working towards the softest skin which she could find, at the junction between it and the plated scale, working her way slowly toward the sheathed glory which she saught, her head going down, to kiss the peaking tip of his solid arousal.
  92. “A pleasant surprise to awaken to.” The very air about them rumbled to life. “Camellia? Lorelei? What are you doing in my chambers? Beyond the obvious?”
  94. “Service my lord.” Camellia lifted her head briefly to speak, before lowing herself once more to her liege’s length, lips put too work once more on its tip as she drew it out from the sheath.
  96. “What my sister means to say is Boss… we came to give ourselves to you. In hopes that you’d honour us as you have our mother.” The blonde sister spoke, her gentle strokes and licks behind the horns stirring him almost as much as her sister’s work between his legs.
  98. “You little minxes... how did you even get past Sybil? Or even Lucia for that matter?” His voice came out a purr as he luxuriated in their skilled fingers and lips.
  100. “My lord, we thought it Improper to simply approach without warning those who share your bed. It was a surprise for you and you alone.” Lorelei spoke once again, her lips free from encumbrance, even as her sister struggled to fit as much cock in her mouth as elvenly possible. The boss was a far too huge for her to properly engulf however, leaving a disappointed mouth licking at the sensitive slit in consolation.
  102. “I see. I suppose if you’ve consulted Sybil already, I might as well make use of your service.” The dragon’s voice trailed lazily, as he turning himself over just enough to give greater access to his mighty girth, the huge cock sliding out from its sheath until it had already surpassed the length of Camellia’s forearm, and kept on growing.
  104. Both girls stopped for the moment, eyes glued to the enormous tool for which they both hungers, doubts beginning to fill their minds at their ability to please such a column of flesh. Mama-Dahlia, they knew, was a special case, her body literally made for sex with anything, they however weren’t sure that they could stretch themselves so far as to please their lord as he was.
  106. Doubt trickled into the minds of both Elf Maidens as they licked their lips at the sight. No one had thought to warn them of the task which they’d decided to take on.
  108. “Did you not come here to serve?” The boss’ voice woke them from their reverie, as they looked back towards his face in unison. “You will be rewarded as you wished when you came, no harm to befall you by what is mine. But first, prove your ingenuity to me and Serve!”
  110. His every word was their command as the twins moved together to obey the Lord of their dreams, deciding wordlessly as they communicated their vector of attack. Almost as one the girls began, Lorelei lifting the column of flesh with gentle fingers as she pressed herself against it from one side.
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