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- ::Cleans an Android Studio project folder to prepare for archiving or sharing
- ::Based on the work of Daniel Fowler:
- ::
- :: Save as "prepare-for-export.bat" and put the script in root of your project.
- :: Execute by double-clicking on the bat-file.
- @ECHO off
- @for /f %%a in ('2^>nul dir "%FOLDER%" /a-d/b/-o/-p/s^|find /v /c ""') do set n=%%a
- ECHO %n% files in project folder. Cleaning...
- ::Removing Gradle code, it's added back in on import
- rmdir .gradle /s /q
- ::Removing IDE files
- rmdir .idea /s /q
- @del *.iml /f /s
- @del
- ::Removing build folders, will be recreated
- rmdir build /s /q
- rmdir app\build /s /q
- ::Removing Gradle Wrapper, will be added back in on import
- ::rmdir gradle /s /q ::keep the wrapper, to avoid gradle version mismatches.
- ::Removing git ignore files
- del .gitignore /f /s
- ::Remove libs folder
- rmdir app\libs /s /q
- ::Remove ProGuard rules
- del app\ /f
- ::Remove test code
- rmdir app\src\androidTest /s /q
- rmdir app\src\test /s /q
- ::Clear Read-only attributes
- attrib -R *.* /s
- @for /f %%a in ('2^>nul dir "%FOLDER%" /a-d/b/-o/-p/s^|find /v /c ""') do set n=%%a
- ECHO Done!
- ECHO %n% files remaining.
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