
Butterscotch and Milf part 2

Oct 16th, 2014
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  1. >"So I looked straight at 'em and I was all like..."
  2. >every stallion at the table focused on the contorted face that Rainbow Blitz made
  3. >then all of them erupted into hearty laughter that filled Sugarcube corner
  4. >they were slamming their hooves on the table and Bubble Berry rolled on the floor laughing
  5. >as their hysterical fit died down, Dusk spoke up
  6. >"Did that really happen, Blitz?
  7. >"Oh yeah dude, that's why I'm not allowed at the spa anymore!"
  8. >Dusk broke into laughter again
  9. >"It's true. The mares there told me that he is banned." Elusive chuckled
  10. >AJ wiped his eyes and said "We can't take yah nowhere, can we?"
  11. >Dusk finally calmed his laughter
  12. >"Oh, tonight has been great!"
  13. >all the ponies around him agreed with his statement
  14. >Dusk sighed, slightly sad that his great party was going to have to come to a close eventually
  15. >"OH OH OOH!"
  16. >the pink stallion jumped from the floor
  17. >"For such a great night, We need a great picture to remember it!"
  18. >Dusk smiled at him
  19. >"That's not a bad idea, Berry."
  20. >"ooh! I'll get the camera, you all figure out which pose you want to strike!"
  21. >the pink stallion said, then zipped away
  22. >"Hey, so uh, where's Butterscotch?"
  23. >the group started to look around the table
  24. >their timid friend was unaccounted for
  25. >"Don't worry dudes, I'll go fetch 'em"
  26. >Blitz flapped his wings and took off
  27. >scanning the establishment, he eventually spotted the pink and yellow of his friend
  28. >sitting alone at a table in the corner
  29. >except...
  30. >there were two ponies standing next to him, talking to him
  32. >as Blitz headed towards his friend, he noticed that it was two mares talking to him
  33. >Two cute mares
  34. >aw lucky...
  35. >when the stallion neared his friend, the two mares started to walk off
  36. >one of them looked kind of sad
  37. >"It's alright if he doesn't want to dance with us..." one said to the other as they passed Blitz
  38. >Blitz checked out the booty as they walked away
  39. >as a wise stallion once said,
  40. >Noice.
  41. >the yellow stallion had his head hung low, a half-eaten piece of cake beside him
  42. >he was looking into his cup of punch, his long hair hanging over his eyes
  43. >Butterscotch was deep in thought as his friend landed next to him
  44. "i'm sorry, but i don't really want to dance, if that's ok..."
  45. >he sighed out
  46. >"Aw come on! Not even with me?"
  47. >Scotch nearly jumped out of his chair and spilled his punch
  48. >he put his hoof to his chest to try to quell his rapidly beating heart
  49. >"I'm just kidding, dude. I'll do a lot of stuff for you, but dancing ain't one of 'em. Unless..."
  50. >Scotch had a look of shock on his face
  51. >"Nah, I'm joking"
  52. >Scotch still looked shocked
  53. >Blitz noticed that his friend had been acting weird the last little bit
  54. >he knew Scotch was gonna be a wallflower
  55. >but not this bad
  56. >he seemed...
  57. >more standoffish than usual
  58. >and he hadn't said a word since they left his house
  59. >"Dude?"
  60. >Butterscotch's wide eyes stared at him
  61. >"Dude."
  62. >the timid stallion gulped
  63. >"What's up dude?"
  64. >his question was met by mumbles from the yellow pegasus
  65. >"Dude, you know you can tell me what's bothering you."
  66. >Blitz said as he threw a hoof over Scotch's shoulder
  67. >the yellow pegasus mumbled again
  68. >"C'mon man. Lay it on me!"
  70. >Butterscotch just stared at Rainbow Blitz
  71. >panic slowly creeping into his body
  72. >How do you tell your best friend that his very mom...
  73. >and you, on their couch...
  74. >where he probably naps sometimes...
  75. >and she was on your...
  76. >with her mouth...
  77. >just thinking about it caused the shy stallion's loins to stir
  78. >no. it was bad that he did that with her
  79. >but she did start it
  80. >he should have just said no to her and stood in the middle of their living room
  81. >...but it felt so good
  82. >is that what it was like?
  83. >could every mare do that?
  84. >"Butterscotch, let me know what's bothering you."
  85. >that snapped the yellow pegasus back to reality
  86. >his best friend's voice
  87. >the son of the mare that just a little bit earlier was all over his privates
  88. >her very son that she loved very much, and-
  89. >Scotch's jaw started to tremble
  91. >the panic was making itself at home in Butterscotch now
  92. >"Scotch?"
  93. "y-y-ye- wwhat ii-is it, Blitz?"
  94. >"What is it with you, dude?"
  95. "I-i-i, uh... I c-can't..."
  96. >Blitz leaned in a bit closer
  97. >"Scotch, you know you can tell me anything. And remember all the secrets I've told you?"
  98. >that was true.
  99. >Scotch knew all of Blitz's secrets
  100. >every deep dark secret the blue pegasus had
  101. >what made him cry
  102. >what broke his heart
  103. >even why he couldn't keep a marefriend
  104. >it's because he was the fastest stallion around
  105. >in more ways than one
  106. >even his most secret secret...
  107. >the one that could never get out
  108. >and that meant that keeping this a secret was out of the question
  109. >"So go ahead, dude" Blitz said to him
  110. "okay"
  111. >Butterscotch took a deep breath
  112. "Its about your mom"
  113. >he barely squeaked out
  114. >"Oh. She's a nice mare, isn't she?"
  115. >Blitz said with a smirk
  116. >"You ain't jealous of my mom or anything, are you? Cause I can't share her with you."
  117. >Scotch was trembling in fear
  118. >It's now or never
  119. >he closed his eyes
  120. >took a breath
  121. "Blitz, your mom kissed me."
  123. >Butterscotch held his eyes closed
  124. >anticipating some repercussion from his friend
  125. >he'd probably hate him forever
  126. >"Dude, I was there."
  127. >Scotch felt his stomach drop
  128. >"It's fine. She kissed me on the cheek too, remember?"
  129. >oh
  130. >the yellow pegasus let go of a breath he didn't know he was holding
  131. >"I think she just did it to mess with me. That's why she hugged us so long. She's been messing with me a lot lately..."
  132. >Blitz half-mumbled the last part of that
  133. "No, I..."
  134. >should he tell?
  135. >without hesitation, he made his decision
  136. "Blitz, she really kissed me."
  137. >Scotch whispered
  138. >the blue stallion just stared at him
  139. >"Like..."
  140. "On the lips. she got on top of me on your couch and used her tongue."
  141. >Butterscotch snapped his eyes shut again
  142. >anticipating a hoof to the face
  143. >but it was better for him to tell the truth
  144. >he had lived a full, young life
  145. >done what he wanted to
  146. >took care of animals
  147. >he had a great circle of friends, at one time
  148. >probably not any more though
  149. >and at least he had kissed a mare
  150. >but he didn't get to get married and have special cuddles time with a sweet little mare
  151. >but that's okay
  152. >Butterscotch sat still
  153. >any second now...
  154. >the anticipation was killing him
  155. >maybe Rainbow Blitz would show some mercy and only leave him with an inside-out face
  156. >Scotch would have to move to the middle of the Everfree forest then and live in a cave
  157. >maybe he could become an urban legend...
  158. >or maybe Blitz was going to grab him and fly high in the sky and throw him into space
  159. >space was pretty...
  160. >or maybe Blitz had flown away, to get a flying start for a sonic-rainboom-powered hoof that would erase Butterscotch from existence
  161. >...
  162. >Butterscotch opened an eye
  163. >and saw Rainbow Blitz sitting there
  164. >no hoof reared back
  165. >just sitting there, in front of him
  166. >with a sad, yet confused look on his face
  168. >"Dude, I-"
  169. >Rainbow Blitz eyes were slowly glancing around
  170. >" this some kinda joke? I'd expect this from, like Bubble, not you..."
  171. >Scotch hesitated for a moment
  172. >Blitz could take a prank, but he wasn't' good with mom jokes
  173. >the rainbow pegasus was known to give the hoof to any stallion that talked junk about his mom
  174. >Butterscotch took a breath
  175. "No."
  176. >the timid stallion snapped his eyes shut again
  177. >still waiting for some kind of repercussion
  178. >the two sat in silence for an extremely long second
  179. >"r- really dude?"
  180. "Y-y-yeah..."
  181. >Scotch still hadn't opened his eyes
  182. >he was on the verge of tears, waiting for his friend to start yelling at him
  183. >or... hit him...
  184. >...
  185. >anything
  186. >"Scotch."
  187. >oh no
  188. >here it comes
  189. >Butterscotch was biting his tounge
  190. >wait no don't do that
  191. >you don't want to bite it
  192. >whenever he...
  193. >"...dude"
  195. >Butterscotch squeaked
  196. >"Its okay, dude."
  197. >here it comes...
  198. >wait
  199. "...what?"
  200. >"I, uh, it's okay"
  201. "y-your'e not gonna h-hit me?"
  202. >"I...Why would I do that?"
  203. >Butterscotch opened his eyes in surprise
  204. >Rainbow Blitz looked sad
  205. >very sad...
  206. "...but I, It's just, um, your mom and me..."
  207. >Blitz held up his hoof and Scotch's voice trailed off
  208. >"Scotch, I've known you forever, man. I know you're not the type to force yourself on somepony..."
  209. >that was true
  210. >Butterscotch was no... well, no Rainbow Blitz
  211. >wait, no. it wasn't right to say that...
  212. "she... she kinda forced herself onto me..."
  213. >Blitz held his hoof up again
  214. >"Dude, I don't care if you and my mom... kissed, but I don't want to hear about it..."
  215. >Butterscotch sighed in relief
  216. >at least he wouldn't have to go into detail about it
  217. >...or about what else she did
  218. >Butterscotch felt an ache in his groin
  219. >"but can I tell you something, man?"
  220. >Blitz had a worried look in his eyes
  221. "S-sure"
  222. >"My mom's been acting weird lately."
  224. >Scotch hesitated for a moment before asking
  225. "Weird... like how?"
  226. >Butterscotch didn't know much about being a mom, but he was sure that you shouldn't start kissing your son's best friend
  227. >or, well, do what they did...
  228. >Scotch lowered his head slightly at that thought
  229. >"It seems like she's being real... protective of me lately."
  230. "W-what makes you say that?"
  231. >"She's always giving me hugs and kissing my forehead all the time. Like, whenever I get home or leave."
  232. "Well, she is your mom. Moms are supposed to give hugs."
  233. >Blitz sighed
  234. >"But not real long hugs. Like, long enough to be awkward, long."
  235. "oh..."
  236. >"She's only been doing that recently. She used to just give me quick hugs before I went out."
  237. "um, Is that all?"
  238. >"Well, uh..."
  239. >the blue stallion leaned in closer to the yellow stallion
  240. >in a considerably softer tone, he said to him
  241. >"The other night, I woke up... and I was just laying there, in my bed, and well... um..."
  243. >Butterscotch watched Blitz nervously swallow before continuing
  244. >"she was just standing there, like, beside my bed, and... well..."
  245. >Blitz leaned in slightly closer
  246. >"...she was staring at me."
  247. "um..."
  248. >the yellow stallion's eyes grew slightly wider
  249. >that was kind of weird
  250. >really weird
  251. >and it'd be scary for any pony to watch you while you sleep
  252. "a-are you sure she wasn't,um... sleep-walking?"
  253. >"No, I don't think she sleep walks. And I think I saw her eyes open"
  254. >Scotch had become nervous at the thought of that
  255. "i-um, did she, um... do anything?"
  256. >"Nah. She just stood there. For like ten minutes, And she didn't move, and I didn't move."
  257. >Blitz scratched his head for a moment
  258. >"Well, wait..."
  259. >Scotch backed up a bit
  260. >"She did pet my head right before she left."
  261. >okay now this is full on weird
  262. "Have you, um, talked to her... about this?"
  263. >"Nah."
  264. "m-maybe you should."
  265. >"well, what would I say?"
  266. >the stallions stared at each other
  267. >"Mommy, were you watching me sleep?"
  269. >Butterscotch thought for a moment
  270. "have you, um, just talked to her in general?"
  271. >"huh? Yeah, we talk. Sometimes."
  272. "Have you, um, spent time with her lately?"
  273. >Blitz furrowed his brow in thought for a few seconds
  274. >he had been spending a lot of time away from home lately
  275. >but he did spend time with his mom too
  276. >"Yeah, She made cookies the other day and we talked for a while and ate cookies."
  277. >Blitz stared at his friend
  278. >"Scotch, where are you going with this?"
  279. "oh, um, Is she... sad?"
  280. >"Sad?"
  281. >the blue stallion raised an eyebrow
  282. >"She doesn't seem sad to me. She was pretty happy while baking the other day. When I showed up, she was shaking her tail."
  283. >Blitz felt a small bit of blush grow on his face as he questioned if he should have told his friend about that or not
  284. >"Why would she be sad?"
  285. "Well, um, when I started taking care of animals and moved out to my own house, my mom got sad."
  286. >"But I'm not moving out. Anytime soon..."
  287. "I know, but my mom was sad because I was getting big and growing up. And she acted a little weird for a little while. Maybe your mom is the same way."
  288. >"Oh. You may be on to something, Scotch."
  289. "I go visit my parents every now and then and it makes them happy. So, um, just go talk to her sometime."
  290. >"Ya know, That's a good idea."
  291. >Blitz got up from the table
  292. >"We're gonna go talk to her now."
  294. >Butterscotch smiled at his friend
  295. >well, that's nice of him...
  296. >wait, WE?
  297. "um, you want me to go... with you?"
  298. >the yellow pegasus didn't know if he could face Blitz's mom again so soon
  299. >"Yeah dude. I need you there with me. I'm no good at this stuff."
  300. "But, um, What about Dusk? and his party?"
  301. >"eh, it'll be ok. I'll tell him we got something important to do."
  302. >Blitz was headed toward their group of friends
  303. "um... what about..."
  304. >Butterscotch slowly followed behind his friend
  305. >"Oh yeah! We still got a picture to take, dude!"
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