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SP Pastebin - LoA OP x SP OP Mk 3

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Jul 25th, 2020
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  1. Can I manifest my SP?
  2. Yes. Circumstances don't matter. There are an infinite number of universes where you have your SP and all you need to do is to switch your state into the state of having. (State = state of mind, attitude, belief etc).
  4. How do I do it?
  5. The only aim of techniques is to deliberately rewire your subconscious mind to believe that you are with your SP. That's it. There are no special techniques, but there are techniques that fit some people better than others.
  6. SATS - State akin to sleep. Before sleeping at night, or before a nap, relax into a Theta/Alpha brainwave state or just get super relaxed to the point where your thoughts have slowed down and you can move but you dont want to. Lethargy. Then imagine a scene, in first person, with you and your SP together. Not a text message or an event in between. Let that be figured out by God or Source or whatever you want to call it. If you want to be married to them, imagine feeling a wedding ring while being next to your SP in bed. Whatever feels natural. If you have a dominant sense, focus on that first and foremost and if you can, build up to other senses but it's not necessary. Just make sure to place yourself in the scene and get so lost in it that you feel like "holy shit! This is real". Whatever sense you use to get the feeling of reality is discretionary and doesn't really matter. Another tip is make sure the implication of the scene is a sustainable feeling. People imagine an exciting scene and then complain within a few days that they can't feel it anymore. Remember when you got a new phone or shoes? You were probably excited. But it quickly wore off and when you came to terms with having it, it was just a common thing, you still loved wearing them or using the phone but you weren't excited about it anymore. That satisfaction of knowing the "feeling it real", and this is a much more sustainable feeling, and much easier to identify with. Not feeling a scene much anymore is actually usually a good sign. The long term love your SP has for you and vice versa isn't constant excitement or anything like that, it's being happy and content knowing you have them.
  7. Instead of SATS you can script, or affirm, but you can't just do it mindlessly. You have to feel them to be true. Be in the relaxed state and really feel the statements to be true. If having a completely true feeling is hard at first, keep doing it, but you might want to try incrementally changing beliefs. If you're feeling unlovable and you try to go to "I am loved and wanted" and it's not working, try doing something like "I'm proud of myself" or "I'm a good person" before moving onto "I am loved and wanted." If you can do "I am loved and wanted" and feel it - good on you.
  9. I feel bad at the start. Is this bad?
  10. Not at all. Work through the emotions. LoA isn't an excuse to repress and supress your emotions. Feel them, cry, eat ice cream, do whatever it takes to just feel the emotions and let them flow through you and do their work. When you're in a better head space, that's when you can begin manifesting your SP. Trying to rewire your brain while emotions engulf you in crippling pain will only reinforce that they are not there with you. It'll feel like you're covering a bad smell with thick fragrance, which doesn't really work. You need to just work through it. Especially for the men out there who like to compartmentalise and "man up", you gotta just feel it. Trust us - a good cry or two helps out a lot.
  12. What can I do to fix my mental diet?
  13. Just keep doing SATS. Your thoughts come from your state of mind. Poor thoughts do not come from a rich mindset. Fix the state, not the thoughts. That's my personal opinion. Once you keep repeating SATS and change the state of mind (i.e. from wanting to having) a mental diet will automatically kick in because most of your thoughts regarding the matter change. If you are in the state of being alone and trying to change every thought, it's a slow and painful way to rewire the subconscious mind because you're doing it through your conscious mind. It's best to do SATS or affirmations while in a relaxed state, which will change your state of mind, and therefore the thoughts that come from it. Be persistent.
  15. How do I make this easier on myself?
  16. Get off social media. This is probably the biggest one.
  17. Go outside, even just for a walk.
  18. Find a hobby.
  19. Stop being blackpilled about stuff.
  20. Get to know yourself better. Find what you like to do. Become an enthusiast about something. Can be anything ridiculous, just be honest with yourself about what you like.
  22. Should I work on myself?
  23. Yes. Self love isn't necessary but it sure helps and makes the process faster. It's like a battle, you can win it on your own but having good logistics helps you and your troops out immensely.
  25. What can I do to change my beliefs?
  26. SATS (State Akin to Sleep)
  27. Affirmations in the relaxed state
  28. Scripting in the relaxed state
  29. Anything which is in the alpha/theta state, with a feeling of it being real, is a brilliant way to rewire your subconscious mind.
  31. But my situation is different...
  32. That's fine. It probably is. But circumstances don't matter. Don't worry about past circumstances, third parties, or anything else. Keep it simple and just focus on the end. If you must focus on the past, revise them so it's positive through SATS or another technique.
  34. How long will it take?
  35. Varies, and there's no set time limit. That being said, it will come the fastest way possible. It may seem long sometimes but just live in the end and dwell therein until it comes.
  37. How do I get over insecurities and fears?
  38. Get a hobby, take care of yourself, know yourself. All fear is rooted in some kind of uncertainty. When you know yourself there are no fears. You can own yourself and in today's world, being yourself is what makes you different. Also, as stated earlier, incrementally changing those beliefs of yours might help as well.
  40. Can I change my SP's personality?
  41. You don't change them. You just switch to a universe where your desired version of your SP exists. Same method, just imagine an action implying they are the version you like. Like is said - anything is possible, so you can have your ideal relationship provided you change your beliefs to it being real. Their "ideal personality" already exists.
  43. What if two people want the same thing?
  44. They both win in their own subjective realities. You win in yours, they lose in yours. They win in theirs, you lose in theirs. Don't worry about conflict. At all.
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