

Apr 2nd, 2019
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  1. mode con lines=29
  2. mode con cols=40
  3. color 0a
  4. @echo off
  5. set count=0
  6. set total=0
  7. set totalp=0
  8. set ver=1.0 pre alpha
  9. set clk=10
  10. set a=0
  11. set b=0
  12. set c=0
  13. set d=0
  14. set e=0
  15. set f=0
  16. set g=0
  17. set h=0
  18. set i=0
  19. set j=0
  20. set k=0
  21. set l=0
  22. set m=10
  23. set n=10
  24. set o=10
  25. set p=10
  26. set q=10
  27. set r=10
  28. set s=10
  29. set click=1
  30. set chicken=0
  31. set dog=0
  32. set man=0
  33. set upd=0
  34. set math=6
  35. set cheat=2147483647
  36. set adm=1
  38. :start
  39. cls
  40. if %adm%==1 goto main
  41. @echo.
  42. call :C 0a " Welcome"
  43. @echo.
  44. call :C 0b " To"
  45. @echo.
  46. call :C 0c " Batch Clicker
  47. @echo.
  48. @echo.
  49. @echo.
  50. call :C 0a " Q/q"&call :C 0b " = "&call :C 0a "Quit"
  51. @echo.
  52. call :C 0a " M/m"&call :C 0b " = "&call :C 0a "menu"
  53. @echo.
  54. call :C 0a " buyp"&call :C 0b " = "&call :C 0a "buy Pointer"
  55. @echo.
  56. call :C 0a " buyb"&call :C 0b " = "&call :C 0a "buy batch file"
  57. @echo.
  58. call :C 0a " buyh"&call :C 0b " = "&call :C 0a "buy human"
  59. @echo.
  60. call :C 0a " buym"&call :C 0b " = "&call :C 0a "buy macro"
  61. @echo.
  62. call :C 0a " buyn"&call :C 0b " = "&call :C 0a "buy botnet"
  63. @echo.
  64. call :C 0a " -"&call :C 0b " = "&call :C 0a "click"
  65. @echo.
  66. call :C 0a " H/h/?"&call :C 0b " = "&call :C 0a "Help"
  67. @echo.
  68. call :C 0a " reset"&call :C 0b " = "&call :C 0a "Reset game"
  69. @echo.
  70. call :C 0a " upgrade"&call :C 0b " = "&call :C 0a "upgrade all"
  71. @echo.
  72. call :C 0a " H/h/?"&call :C 0b " = "&call :C 0a "Help"
  73. @echo.
  74. @echo.
  75. @echo.
  76. @echo.
  77. call :C 0a " By"
  78. @echo.
  79. call :C 0b " TWIG"
  80. @echo.
  81. call :C 0c " 15"&call :C 0a "/"&call :C 0c "09"&call :C 0a "/"&call :C 0c "15"
  82. @echo.
  83. call :C 0d " Version"&call :C 0a ":"&call :C 0f "%ver%"
  84. @echo.
  85. pause
  87. :main
  88. cls
  89. @echo total clicks(%total%)
  90. @echo total points(%totalp%)
  91. @echo.
  92. @echo clicks(%a%)
  93. @echo pointers(%b%)
  94. @echo batch files(%c%)
  95. @echo humans(%d%)
  96. @echo macros(%e%)
  97. @echo botnets(%f%)
  98. @echo.
  99. @echo pointer price(%m%(clicks))
  100. @echo batch file price(%n%(pointers))
  101. @echo human price(%o%(batch files))
  102. @echo macro price(%p%(humans))
  103. @echo botnet price(%q%(macros))
  104. @echo ?/h for help
  105. @echo.
  106. set /p input= Choice:
  107. if /i %input%==menu goto start
  108. if /i %input%==q goto end
  109. if %input%==q* goto rainbowext
  110. if /i %input%==h goto help
  111. if %input%==? goto help
  112. if /i %input%==m goto start
  113. if /i %input%==- goto click
  114. if /i %input%==buyp goto clicker
  115. if /i %input%==buyb goto chicken
  116. if /i %input%==buyh goto dog
  117. if /i %input%==buym goto macro
  118. if /i %input%==buyn goto bot
  119. if %input%==CheatA set /A a=a+%cheat%
  120. if %input%==CheatB set /A b=b+%cheat%
  121. if %input%==CheatC set /A c=c+%cheat%
  122. if %input%==CheatD set /A d=d+%cheat%
  123. if %input%==CheatE set /A e=e+%cheat%
  124. if %input%==CheatF set /A f=f+%cheat%
  125. if /i %input%==upgrade set /A upd=1&goto upgrade
  126. if /i %input%==reset set /A a=0&set /A b=0&set /A c=0&set /A d=0&set /A e=0&set /A f=0&set /A totalp=0&set /A total=0&set /A m=10&set /A n=10&set /A o=10&set /A p=10&set /A q=10
  127. goto main
  129. :click
  130. set /A a=a+1
  131. set /A total=total+1
  132. set /A totalp=totalp+1
  133. set /A a=a+(b*11)+(c*120)+(d*1300)+(e*14000)+(f*150000)
  134. set /A totalp=totalp+(b*11)+(c*120)+(d*1300)+(e*14000)+(f*150000)
  135. @echo click
  136. goto main
  138. :clicker
  139. if %a% gtr %m% goto clickerT
  140. goto main
  142. :clickerT
  143. set /A b=b+1
  144. set /A a=a-m
  145. set /A m=(m+%math%)
  146. if %upd% gtr 0 goto upgrade
  147. goto main
  149. :chicken
  150. if %b% gtr %n% goto chickenT
  151. goto main
  153. :chickenT
  154. set /A c=c+1
  155. set /A b=b-n
  156. set /A n=(n+%math%)
  157. if %upd% gtr 0 goto upgrade
  158. goto main
  160. :dog
  161. if %c% gtr %o% goto dogT
  162. goto main
  164. :dogT
  165. set /A d=d+1
  166. set /A c=c-o
  167. set /A o=(o+%math%)
  168. if %upd% gtr 0 goto upgrade
  169. goto main
  172. :macro
  173. if %d% gtr %p% goto macroT
  174. goto main
  176. :macroT
  177. set /A e=e+1
  178. set /A d=d-p
  179. set /A p=(p+%math%)
  180. if %upd% gtr 0 goto upgrade
  181. goto main
  183. :bot
  184. if %e% gtr %q% goto botT
  185. goto main
  187. :botT
  188. set /A f=f+1
  189. set /A e=e-q
  190. set /A q=(q+%math%)
  191. if %upd% gtr 0 goto upgrade
  192. goto main
  194. :upgrade
  195. if %a% gtr %m% goto clickerT
  196. if %b% gtr %n% goto chickenT
  197. if %c% gtr %o% goto dogT
  198. if %d% gtr %p% goto macroT
  199. if %e% gtr %q% goto botT
  200. set /A upd=0
  201. goto main
  205. :end
  206. mode con lines=6
  207. mode con cols=25
  208. color 0F
  209. @echo.
  210. @echo thankyou for playing
  211. @echo xx
  212. @echo TWIG
  213. @echo.
  214. pause
  215. cls
  216. @echo next time you
  217. @echo quit try q*
  218. PING -n 1 -w 25 >NUL
  219. exit
  221. :rainbowext
  222. mode con lines=6
  223. mode con cols=25
  224. color 01
  225. @echo.
  226. @echo thankyou for playing
  227. @echo xx
  228. @echo TWIG
  229. @echo.
  230. PING -n 1 -w 10 >NUL
  231. color 02
  232. @echo.
  233. @echo thankyou for playing
  234. @echo xx
  235. @echo TWIG
  236. @echo.
  237. PING -n 1 -w 10 >NUL
  238. color 03
  239. @echo.
  240. @echo thankyou for playing
  241. @echo xx
  242. @echo TWIG
  243. @echo.
  244. PING -n 1 -w 10 >NUL
  245. color 04
  246. @echo.
  247. @echo thankyou for playing
  248. @echo xx
  249. @echo TWIG
  250. @echo.
  251. PING -n 1 -w 10 >NUL
  252. color 05
  253. @echo.
  254. @echo thankyou for playing
  255. @echo xx
  256. @echo TWIG
  257. @echo.
  258. PING -n 1 -w 10 >NUL
  259. color 06
  260. @echo.
  261. @echo thankyou for playing
  262. @echo xx
  263. @echo TWIG
  264. @echo.
  265. PING -n 1 -w 10 >NUL
  266. color 07
  267. @echo.
  268. @echo thankyou for playing
  269. @echo xx
  270. @echo TWIG
  271. @echo.
  272. PING -n 1 -w 10 >NUL
  273. color 08
  274. @echo.
  275. @echo thankyou for playing
  276. @echo xx
  277. @echo TWIG
  278. @echo.
  279. PING -n 1 -w 10 >NUL
  280. color 09
  281. @echo.
  282. @echo thankyou for playing
  283. @echo xx
  284. @echo TWIG
  285. @echo.
  286. PING -n 1 -w 10 >NUL
  287. color 0a
  288. @echo.
  289. @echo thankyou for playing
  290. @echo xx
  291. @echo TWIG
  292. @echo.
  293. PING -n 1 -w 10 >NUL
  294. color 0b
  295. @echo.
  296. @echo thankyou for playing
  297. @echo xx
  298. @echo TWIG
  299. @echo.
  300. PING -n 1 -w 10 >NUL
  301. color 0c
  302. @echo.
  303. @echo thankyou for playing
  304. @echo xx
  305. @echo TWIG
  306. @echo.
  307. PING -n 1 -w 10 >NUL
  308. set /A count=count+1
  309. if %count% gtr 4 goto end
  310. goto rainbowext
  312. :c
  313. setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
  314. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  316. :colorPrint Color Str [/n]
  317. setlocal
  318. set "s=%~2"
  319. call :colorPrintVar %1 s %3
  320. exit /b
  322. :colorPrintVar Color StrVar [/n]
  323. if not defined DEL call :initColorPrint
  324. setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
  325. pushd .
  326. ':
  327. cd \
  328. set "s=!%~2!"
  329. :: The single blank line within the following IN() clause is critical - DO NOT REMOVE
  330. for %%n in (^"^
  332. ^") do (
  333. set "s=!s:\=%%~n\%%~n!"
  334. set "s=!s:/=%%~n/%%~n!"
  335. set "s=!s::=%%~n:%%~n!"
  336. )
  337. for /f delims^=^ eol^= %%s in ("!s!") do (
  338. if "!" equ "" setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
  339. if %%s==\ (
  340. findstr /a:%~1 "." "\'" nul
  341. <nul set /p "=%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%"
  342. ) else if %%s==/ (
  343. findstr /a:%~1 "." "/.\'" nul
  344. <nul set /p "=%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%"
  345. ) else (
  346. >colorPrint.txt (echo %%s\..\')
  347. findstr /a:%~1 /f:colorPrint.txt "."
  348. <nul set /p "=%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%"
  349. )
  350. )
  351. if /i "%~3"=="/n" echo(
  352. popd
  353. exit /b
  356. :initColorPrint
  357. for /f %%A in ('"prompt $H&for %%B in (1) do rem"') do set "DEL=%%A %%A"
  358. <nul >"%temp%\'" set /p "=."
  359. subst ': "%temp%" >nul
  360. exit /b
  363. :cleanupColorPrint
  364. 2>nul del "%temp%\'"
  365. 2>nul del "%temp%\colorPrint.txt"
  366. >nul subst ': /d
  367. exit /b
  369. :help
  370. cls
  371. @echo.
  372. @echo.
  373. @echo.
  374. call :C 0a " Q/q"&call :C 0b " = "&call :C 0a "Quit"
  375. @echo.
  376. call :C 0a " M/m"&call :C 0b " = "&call :C 0a "menu"
  377. @echo.
  378. call :C 0a " buyp"&call :C 0b " = "&call :C 0a "buy Pointer"
  379. @echo.
  380. call :C 0a " buyb"&call :C 0b " = "&call :C 0a "buy batch file"
  381. @echo.
  382. call :C 0a " buyh"&call :C 0b " = "&call :C 0a "buy human"
  383. @echo.
  384. call :C 0a " buym"&call :C 0b " = "&call :C 0a "buy macro"
  385. @echo.
  386. call :C 0a " buyn"&call :C 0b " = "&call :C 0a "buy botnet"
  387. @echo.
  388. call :C 0a " -"&call :C 0b " = "&call :C 0a "click"
  389. @echo.
  390. call :C 0a " reset"&call :C 0b " = "&call :C 0a "Reset game"
  391. @echo.
  392. call :C 0a " upgrade"&call :C 0b " = "&call :C 0a "upgrade all"
  393. @echo.
  394. call :C 0a " H/h/?"&call :C 0b " = "&call :C 0a "Help"
  395. @echo.
  396. @echo.
  397. @echo.
  398. pause
  399. goto main
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