

Jan 13th, 2015
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  1. You snort derisively.
  3. The soft skinned female continued to insist upon her way, as if you felt the need to hide from some paltry force of the annoying beasts. Granted you had been avoiding the things for a while now, annoying that they are, you’d already decided to stop playing with them if they weren’t going to respect your space.
  5. “I am sleepy.” You announce, your eyes meeting hers with an imperious blaze even as you inform her. “You will have solved this nuisance by the time that I have decided to awaken. Now point me to your sleeping chamber, and be quick about it.”
  7. “Ah... That way, now please just go.” She pointed, adjusting the instruments which covered her eyes absently with the other hand.
  9. “Do not presume to command me Elf. I will go as I please. Bring me things bright and shiny. The brighter the better. Place them about me where I sleep.” You throw over your shoulder as you ignore all else and stalk away, wondering your way into her small cove.
  11. Hmm... a strange place, a bit too dark for your tastes, but you quickly work out how to solve this, as you locate the light sources of the room and force them to emit as strongly as you possibly can, as simple set of tweaks and twists which are even less trouble than having decoded the speaking apparatus of the elves.
  13. Briefly you allowed the worry of betrayal to settle unto your mind for a moment, and then banished it with the memory of awe which came from your elf. Yes yours, you’d claimed her and this space now, and it was quite a comfortable place.
  15. With the proper lighting it was a cozy space, you’d grow out of it soon enough but for now it was nicely sheltered, the flesh walls smoothed with enamel extrusion, leaving a single square of soft yet firm flesh exposed and covered in more of the squares of cloth to boot. None as soft and fuzzy as the one which you’d appropriated earlier, but still it would serve your purpose.
  17. Slowly you would find your way beneath the covers and allow your body to drift into sleep.
  20. }[*]{
  23. Whatever it was that had shown up at her door had peaked her curiosity.
  25. So the security forces were hunting it... not really a big deal in her book, she’d had made her share of freespawn in her day, not like it wasn’t the routine for the most part. The worse of it was always that initial moment before you figure out whether or not the guy who made it was sensible enough to put in an aversion to eating elf, or attacking anything with an elf shape as part of its programming, or if said programming had been warped by the conflicting and competing magics which had been woven into its existence.
  27. This, however was something even more unique. It claimed to be a dragon. That alone wasn’t anything big, no there had been plenty of well programmed freespawn which had made some patently ridiculous claims in the past. Usually though after the claim and a set of well put together responses, their social capabilities tended to find their way into hickups and blockades which gave away the lack of true driving intellect within them.
  29. This thing had encountered no such difficulties, was composed of magics and materials in a manner which she’d never seen nor dreamed before, and had essentially bypassed all of her own personal passcodes to the apartment and even her ear piece what seemed like without an effort.
  31. A mystery. Either a hoax so elaborate that she needed to find the source, or the real deal. The tales of fire and dread, of death from above and below that still found their way round the play yards, and told by the care keepers.
  33. Dragon.
  35. This was far too good an opportunity to waste. Well, first she’d need to get rid of the guards, not too difficult, she was after all head of a research and development cell, they’d mostly come to check up on her because of that rather than any thought that the creature had actually come here.
  37. And so without a second thought, she opened the door.
  39. Completely forgetting the towel which she no longer wore.
  42. <>===={[----------------------(+)----------------------]}====<>
  44. You awaken.
  46. A good deal of time had passed since your slumber, instinct tells you days. A nice rest if you do say so yourself. Refreshed, and ready for anything which the new dawn might throw at you within this wretched hive.
  48. You feel stronger.
  50. About your surroundings you look, eyes glancing over the glowing paraphernalia which surrounds you with a sense of satisfaction. Your minion had been true to her word, and had obeyed your commands as was proper.
  52. You would have to think of rewarding her some time.
  54. Carefully you trudge your way out of the room, and into the wider living space, where your elf stands, studiously mixing something, which the now faint voices of your ancestors tell you is a brew known as ‘tea’.
  56. You wonder briefly if it’s any good as you consider what to do now.
  58. “Oh, you’re awake. I was almost afraid that you weren’t alive any more, considering how deep that sleep of yours was.” The elf smiled; turning then reaching down to run her fingers across that sensitive place beneath your horns. “I can’t say I expected to lose the use of my bed for a couple of days, but I guess that’s the sort of thing that happens when a dragon comes over. I hope you don’t mind, but I grabbed one of those looser scales on your back for testing a day or two ago for some tests.”
  60. You aren’t quite sure how you feel about that...
  62. “Oh and I hope you like the glow sticks. Either way, security’s back down from high alert. Still I’d keep out of sight if I were you.”
  64. Hmm, useful. The hornets had settled back down in their nests. Good.
  66. You would need to decide what next to do.
  69. [Event End: Dangerous Birth]
  73. Encounter XP shared:
  74. Combat XP shared:
  78. What will you do?
  79. [] Write in
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