

Feb 9th, 2020
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  1. A low rumbling noise echoed along the tunnel.
  2. At first, Batman dismissed it as a subway train on the downtown line. But the noise grew louder and
  3. closer, and Batman was puzzled to realize it was coming from underground—almost directly beneath
  4. his feet. Suddenly the sewer floor began to shake and quiver, as if the earth below were buckling.
  5. Another earthquake? Batman wondered. It can't be. We lined the whole city with seismic detectors
  6. after the last one.
  7. Batman grabbed Ratcatcher by his cuffed hands and dragged him hurriedly aside, throwing them both
  8. against the sewer wall. Just in time...
  9. The ledge was vibrating violently, and small sparks of blue light seemed to seep up through the cracks
  10. between the bricks. Then, with a deafening roar, a patch of floor the size of a manhole cover erupted
  11. as a solid column of blue light burst up from below.
  12. "Look out!" Batman yelled a warning to his prisoner as the column of energy powered its way up and
  13. smashed through the ceiling a couple of yards above them. Debris rained down, and Batman did his
  14. best to shield them both.
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