
Cult of Inimel

Jun 29th, 2014
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  1. Basic summery
  2. >A group of magicals make up their own religion and Goddess/have a fictional non-real goddess and work together to make her real.
  3. >Uses tzimiscesque flesh sculpting to assemble vessel for the goddess/improvements to worshiper (with the unworthy/nonbelivers as raw materials if needed).
  4. >Masquerades as a sort of a new age cult
  5. >Has atleast enough success to start drawing power from Goddess
  6. >Different factions in cult may have different goals (I.e. Some want to make the goddess, some want to become gods, some want to fuse everyone like Seele, ect..)
  7. >Heavily based on historic mystery cults, presents a publicly palatable front but the higher you go the more you learn about it's real beliefs
  9. General overview
  10. Goddess name: Inimel
  11. Titles: The Beautiful One, The Radiant Lady
  12. Alignment: ?E
  13. Cult symbols
  14. A mirror shaped to look like a female hourglass. Unassuming and pedestrian, and it has some deeper meaning as you are reflected in the goddess, both foreshadowing your eventual absorption into her and how you are 'bettered' and made more beautiful through her
  15. Domains
  16. Beauty, fleashsculping, peace
  17. Origin of the Religion:
  18. The Father Franklin was talking with Baroness Odette Betenos and they somehow come to discuss the concept of mortality and the unstable nature of human flesh. They decide that the only way to save humanity would be if they had an actual spiritual leader. They also think that this would be the best way to personal power. However their research quickly shows that there is no quick or guaranteed way a single mortal can ascend. So they start studying if a being made from several mortals can. At this point they start looking for like-minded individuals of great personal power. First they recruit the bard and shortly after the inventor of fleashweaving once they explain their goals to him, Judith Navah joins sometime later.
  19. Goals of the religion: To physically and spiritually merge the founders and selected of their high priests to holistically form a goddess who is the exact image and personality of the one the religion has created. It is the ultimate self-fulfilling prophecy. When this happy event occurs, the cult leaders believe the goddess will be able to rally all followers openly, and they can throw off all pretenses and openly embrace the fleshcrafting. Each of the cult leaders and some of the high priests who are ambitious enough believe that their will and mind will be the strongest, and will control the goddess. All except Father Franklin who believes the only way to salvation is for all of them to merge into a new being, a new form of life.
  20. Structure of the cult:
  21. Main council is the five founders. Below them are various high priests, all initiated into the secrets of the cult and promised a place in the new world order, but not taught all the secrets of the art. They can flesh-shape and assist in creating the goddess, but not supplant the cult leaders. Under them is the rank of priest. They are told a partial version of the religion's gospel and fervently believe fleshcrafting is good and believe one day all humans may unite in wisdom, but don't know this is an actual plan of the leadership.
  22. The priests are the main practitioners, each operating a parish or congregation. Under them are the acolytes, recruited from the most passionate worshippers. They are taught fleshcrafting by the priests, and happily help out with religious activities in assisting roles (lab assistant, choir singing, ritual dancing, whatever). They can range from passionate nutjobs to truly benevolent people who swallow the healing line. Only those who demonstrate sufficient unscrupulous natures can advance upwards.
  23. Below the acolytes are the believers, the followers. They don't know the religion's true goals at all, nor do they know that the fleshcrafting has a dark side. They may be too naive, too ignorant or simply misled. They come from all walks of life, as the promises of eternal beauty, life and health appeal to everyone, especially when the religion can demonstrate a much more reliable success rate.
  24. Notable members
  25. Core Members
  26. Disillusioned priest, Father Franklin
  27. Formerly priest of god of healing suffering from a skin disease, Father Franklin lost faith after many years of service seeing how cruel people can be to each other and how he was forbidden from healing his deformity. After trying everything to bring peace, he joined/formed/whatever the cabal as a sort of 'final solution', to bring all of humanity together as one (sort of a fantasy Singularity) and end suffering. When the goddess is formed, he believes he will be in control of her and will be able to use her powers as he wants. He often absorbs cultists to keep his skin pristine and clean.
  29. Narcissistic, magically gifted noble, Baroness Odette Betenos
  30. High Treasurer for the cult, additionally she’s in charge of managing all the little people underneath her and making sure things run smoothly. The second cable member after Franklin contacted her to finance the cult. W1ants immortality but not lichdom, seeing it as a dead end.
  32. Unnamed bard, very good at working PR
  33. The cult’s face, originally an aging musician whose talents were fading who was offered to join the cult because he was already be pretty well known and had a reputation as being good with people, the price for his loyalty was the chance for eternal youth and a return of his abilities.
  34. He also writes a lot of the cult's texts. Propaganda leaflets, posters, supposedly "ancient" holy texts that have miraculously been re-found. He's often in charge of putting a spin on the inner circle's ideas to "sell" them to the worshippers.
  35. Basically, he's the cabal's face. He may not be the guy who the most publicly seen but he is the guy doing the most to sell the cult to the masses.
  37. Unnamed Mad Scientist, inventor of the fleashweaving
  38. A man with a thousand yard stare aids the cult because ...well, no one can figure out why he's helping. Closest reason they can figure out is that his motivation can be summed up as why not? It's a challenging project so he'll do it, just don't get in his way when he's busy
  39. He is paradoxically both the most obsessed (It's a new! and interesting! and really challenging problem to solve) and would be the easiest to sway away from the cult (Find something even more interesting for him to work on).
  40. He's not motivated by any sort of belief; just a desire to do pure research, what the rest of the cult does with the results afterwards does not concern him. He'll use the cult if he thinks it can further his research but otherwise he probably wouldn't care about what happens.
  41. He is only working for his vision. In that sense he is the truest to the entire false belief of the cult, because he's unclouded by personal goals.
  42. Fallen female Paladin, Judith Navah
  43. Officially the she’s the head of the temple guards, protecting a peaceful cult in a dangerous world after she was rejected by her god because she grew to consider ugliness (by her standards) to be a sign of evil intent, started persecuting others based on that. Her duties include organizing and training the cultists and making sure their temples are safe. She is also one of the first people to begin to draw power from the growing goddess, uses it primarily to stay young and beautiful forever.
  44. Less well known even among the cult is that she’s also in charge of other matters of “security” like acquiring raw materials, hiding prisoners/abominations, dealing with snoopers, ect
  45. Cult holdings:
  46. Openly, the cult only has a series of beautifully decorated temples in cities and larger towns. These are open for anyone to enter and newcomers and welcomed freely. The inner sanctum of a temple is not open to anyone but the initiated (IE those who are aware of the flesh-crafting aspect). The inner chambers contain rooms where "healing" is performed, rooms where past experiments and "remnants" are kept, and personal offices for priests. Larger temples contain a full-on flesh pit laboratory, handled by a specially trained priest, where subjects can be experimented on and tested for being eligible for further "use".
  47. Many of the cults temple's enjoy some rather attractive architecture and furniture, often procured as thanks from local craftsmen, under the direction of priests. Large statues of the goddess, depicted as a metal-skinned perfectly beautiful woman cradling or protecting others (or the entire world) are common. Larger temples have open-air areas like topiaries or bestiaries, where beautiful animals and plants rove around among pouring water and faint music. What few know is that these beasts (and sometimes the plants) are reshaped enemies or worshippers who have been "blessed" by the priests.
  48. One major holding that only the deeply initiated are aware of is the Cradle. This underground fortress lies under the holdings of Baroness Betenos, on her ancestral grounds. This many-leveled structure houses the cult's main laboratory complex, where fleshcrafting is practiced and refined. At the very bottom lies an enormous, highly protected chamber invisible to scrying. There, in a vast vat of alchemical mixtures lies the immobile form of the goddess, bathed in arcane energies. She is as yet incomplete when the cult is in full swing, and thus her body is still half-formed and missing vital parts. Only the cabal themselves and a few hand-picked minions can go here and see the final glory of their work.
  49. Cult rituals and practices:
  50. The religion preaches and practices beauty, inner and outer such, and urges believers and non-believers alike to strive for perfection. This perfection, of course, ultimately lies in the creation of the goddess, but that is not a truth that the average worshiper knows about. They are only told that one day the goddess will return to the world and remake it, saving everyone.
  51. To prepare for her coming, the cult fights against disease, deformity, poverty and war. All these are preached as being sources of evil, and thus each occasion stamped out is one step closer to perfection. Deformity and disease is fought with ritual fleshcrafting ceremonies, which are fully public except in such cases where the average treatment won't be enough. In cases where the victim will require a more radical procedure, one which might shock the unaware, they are taken to one of the closeted rooms in the temple where they are sedated and given grafts, splices or whatever else is needed. In some cases, the priests already know such a victim is beyond help, and they will tell the grieving relatives that their family member (or friend) sadly passed away. Meanwhile the fleshcrafters take the body and make good use of it.
  52. Exceptions are made in such cases that a priest finds a victim with an unusually strong divine spark. In such cases, they will make up some form of cover story on why the person needs to come with them. If the person is not sick, the priest can offer to initiate them into the deeper mysteries. The person is then sedated and shipped off to the Cradle to be processed and added to the Goddess' form, bringing her closer to completion.
  53. In cases where such victims might be missed, such as important, well-connected people, those who have families present or enemies of the church, sometimes the priest will change the appearance of one of the acolytes to match the abducted person.
  54. The acolyte will then return to the life of the abductee, living their life for a while before faking their own death in some manner. In this way the cult operates somewhat like a doppleganger pack would. Abducted people are shipped off in disguised and sealed wagons to the Cradle, never to be heard from again.
  55. Other than healing sessions, the church also has regular worship hours where believers gather to sing the praises of the Goddess. These are usually filled with song, dance and music, and completed with a finer dinner offered by the church to anyone who needs it. Free food is a mainstay of the larger, self-sufficient temples, for it is an easy way to scan large amounts of potential victims for divine sparks or other useful traits.
  56. Other than this, the church also has regular missionaries visit towns and lands where the cult does not yet have power, or simply preach their religion in the street. Their main goals are to recruit as many as possible, from any layer of society, and thus getting word out to the people is a virtue in itself.
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