
Kolulu Bell: Chapter 7 Danny Boy

Jul 26th, 2016
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  1. Lori and Kolulu were eating some instant roman. Lori then saw the logo on the news paper. "Kolulu, look!" She called to her mamodo. Kolulu turned to her and looked at the new paper. "Whaooooooo~ The Shemira Statue. It's coming to Mochinoki City. A 300 year old work of art" Kolulu said. "I read books about this statue. But why here?" she continued.
  3. "That's a good question. But it'll be fun to watch" Lori said. Kolulu kept a smile on her face. She then thought if she can go with Zatch.
  6. In Kolulu's mind.
  8. They were at the museum, looking at the Shemira Statue. "Wow!! It's amazing, Zatch!" Both Zatch and Kolulu were having laughs. "It sure is great!" Kolulu has her hands behind her back. "Hey, something wrong Kolulu?" Zatch asked. She shook her head and showed a yellow tail to Zatch. The blonde mamodo went glee. He grabbed the yellow tail and turn to Kolulu. "Wow, thanks Kolulu, you're the best!" he said happily.
  10. Kolulu giggled to how happy Zatch is.
  13. Kolulu's imagination end
  15. Kolulu would really love to go to this museum with Zatch. Kolulu's Training and search for her dark double could always wait though.
  18. While inside a limo, there was Danny and Goldo. "Now you won't disappoint me will ya, Danny Boy? I told them what a good well behaved young man you are. Quiet and obedient" the old man said to describe the teen mamodo, but they were not his persona. Those descriptions were making Danny feel sick, so he opened the window and vomited outside.
  20. "Alright, alright, that's enough of that. I don't know why I bother. Just behave yourself, Danny Boy" said Goldo. Danny placed a hand in his chest. "Will you stop calling me that, I'm not a kid!" Danny said head strong. But the old man smirked. "You could'a fold me, you certainly act like one" Goldo insulted.
  22. Danny grunted and raised his fist at his book owner. "Listen you-" "You need to learn some respect for your elders" he interrupted. He up his book and raised it up. "Maybe I were to toss this book away?" Goldo threaten. "No no! Nope" Danny paniced. "You're the man, MR.Goldo! Whatever you say. I respect you big time!"
  24. "Smirk" The old man smirked. He grabbed his cigar to smoke. "Just remember why you're here. The Shemira Statue is priceless! So it's your job to guard it, so keep on your toes!" he explained. Danny groan. "Don't worry, I like to see anyone try and snatch it while I'm on the job" Danny said sarcastically. He looked at the briefcase that contained the Shemira Statue. "Human. I'll never why they care so much about a piece of junk like this anyway? It's nothing but a big hunk of rock, you can't do anything with it" Danny continued.
  26. Goldo flicked the dust of the cigar. "It's called art. It has the power to deeply move and inspire people" the old man explained. "So, I won't allow you to belittle something so wonderful. Do you understand me?" He continued to Danny. "Nevermind, all you need to know is that I'm intrusting to you. You should take pride in that" Goldo reminded Danny. "Yeah, babysitting a hunk of rock, it's the proudest day of my young life" Danny signed.
  28. Kolulu was making her way to the Mochinoki Museum, just to see the Shemira Statue. "I wonder if they open soon? I just got to see this statue!" She said in glee and then ran off. As she was getting to her pace, she looked up close where the fish burger stand would be, seeing Zatch and Danny fight. "Zatch?" Kolulu walked up close to see what's going on.
  30. "Errahhhh!!" Danny got his punch launched at Zatch, but he blocked it, surprising Danny. She was awe in the face. She was not sure if she should stop this. Zatch struggled with Danny, so to get out of this, he grabbed Danny and threw him to the tree. As the snow hair mamodo recovered quick, he went in and gave Zatch a lariat punch to the neck. After getting sent flying, the blonde mamodo got up, just in time for Danny to chase after him, but he caught Zatch in a choke hold.
  32. Now Kolulu was getting crossed with Danny. She has seen this long enough. She ran to him and gave Danny a shoulder punch to push Zatch off his grip. When Danny got up, he growled at the girl that did it. Kolulu dusted Zatch off. "Zatch, you OK?" Kolulu asked. "Yeah, I think so. Thanks, but I could'of hold him off" Zatch said. "Sure you would" Kolulu giggled.
  34. "What are you doing, helping that thing?!" Danny ranted at Kolulu. "Don't you know that's a mamodo?! Get out of here before you get hurt" Danny tried to warn her, but due to Kolulu's lack of lines on her face and has no book owner with her, Danny is unaware she's a mamodo too. Kolulu turned to Danny and walked to him. "I don't know why you attacked him, but surely picking on him is not the way. We should shake hands on it" Kolulu quoted.
  36. Danny continued to rant. "Picking on him?! He was gonna sneak on me! I had to get ready when that happens!" "Well the way I see it, you act childish, so clearly you are immature" Kolulu exclaimed to him. "What was that!?" Danny growled. Kolulu turned her head to not face. "I kinda think you be better off picking on someone your own size" Kolulu said calmly. Danny started to burst a vain. He didn't care if she's a little girl or not. "OK, that does it! You just asked for it!!" You tried to punch Kolulu, but she stopped it with her finger tips like she's a kung-fu master. "Huh?!" Danny was surprised to how this girl did it. Only a mamodo would be capable of doing that.
  38. "Look, I normally don't like fighting, so please don't make me have to do this. Otherwise I might have to do this" Kolulu warned as she started to grab his finger and twisted it. "Guuaaaahhhhhh! Oooowwwwww! oowwww oowww oww!" Danny screamed in agony, it cause him to pop his eye balls out and tear from Kolulu's incredible strength. Not to mention it's humiliating for a little girl kneeling for her. "I should also let you know, I also know some tricks to twist your finger joints, so if I were you, I leave say sorry to Zatch" She warned and started to close his middle and distal joints together, making it hurt worse.
  40. He scream some more. "OK OK OK! I'm sorry started to beat you up for no reason! Now please let go, you're breaking my finger!" Danny cried. So Kolulu smirked and let him go so Danny can heal his finger up, while crying on how it hurt. "Now, to be fair about this, we only wanted to see the Shemira Statue, that's all" Kolulu explained to herself and Zatch. "Yeah, what she said!" Zatch said to agreement with Kolulu. Suddenly Danny stopped crying. "Wait that's what all this is about? You just wanna see that stupid?" Danny asked. "Yeah, what's wrong with that?" Kolulu replied to him.
  42. "Nothings wrong with it, except it doesn't open until a day after tomorrow and the tickets are completely sold out, so you two are like out of luck" Danny explained the bad news. Kolulu was surprised and Zatch was shocked from hearing the bad news. "Ohh, I understand" Kolulu said with a sadden tone with understanding. "Completely sold out?" Zatch cried. "Ahh huh" Zatch sat down, crying. "Nooo! It can't be, I have to see it!" Zatch continued to cry. It was getting funny to Danny. "Man you're just as bad as the humans" Danny joked and continued to laugh at two wallowing mamodos.
  44. Kolulu had her face invisible when she lowered her head down, while Zatch was chattering his teeth in sorrow and anger. "Hey, it's not nice to laugh at people, you know" Zatch said. Danny continued to laugh at Zatch. He watched the blonde kid's teeth chatter. "OK OK, kid, sorry. You just look so..look so" the snow hair mamodo stuttered. He turned to Kolulu, not wanting to get a painful experience from her again. "Oh nevermind" Danny went in his bag and got the burgers out. "Here, you really want some of these? Go ahead" Danny offered to Zatch and Kolulu. "You really mean it?" Zatch asked.
  46. Danny smiled to the mamodo kids. They stopped looking sad from Danny's sudden kindness. "Sure, no sweat, I didn't pay for'em anyway" He said kindly. Kolulu then started to smile in glee. "Thank you!" Kolulu accepted Danny's offer.
  48. While setting at the bench, they were eating their fist burgers. "So, what's your name guys?" Danny asked. "Zatch, Zatch Bell" the blonde mamodo introduced himself. "I'm Kolulu, a friend of Zatch. And you also met our friend, Ponygon" said Kolulu as he was enjoying his fish burgers. "Well, it's nice to meet ya, I guess, I'm Danny Boy-" He introduced himself, but messed up on that. "Ohh did I say that out loud? It's just Danny" He continued and patched his small problem. Zatch got finished with the fish burger. "OK, Just Danny" Zatch said.
  50. Kolulu turned to Danny with a confused look. "Say, how come you know so much about the statue, Danny? Do you work at the museum or something?" The pink hair mamodo girl asked. "No way, girl, no way. I'm the dude that's responsible for bring it here" Danny explained to himself. Zatch started to smile in glee. "You brought the statue here? You mean it's really yours?" Zatch gasped and jumped to Kolulu and Ponygon. "Can you believe, guys, the owner of the statue, right here in person" Zatch proclaimed. The little horse nodded and Kolulu giggled. "I know, I never knew that odds of meeting the owner would be swell" She again giggled.
  52. Danny now started to blush for no reason. "It's not all that great" Danny exclaimed. Kolulu and Zatch looked at Danny in cheerful awe. "You're not gonna kiss me, are ya?" Zatch got cheery again. "Man, that's so cool!" Zatch said. Danny then stoppedand smiled again. "Hey, listen guys, if you really want to see the statue that much, I'll show ya" Danny stated. Kolulu gasped in happiness. "You mean it?" She asked. "Sure" The teen mamodo replied. "More exciting then a six foot tall yellowtail" Zatch whispered. "Yeah well whatever, follow me" He said as he walked off. "Right! Come on Ponygon" Zatch quoted and so Ponygon followed. "Meda Meda" Kolulu walked along to join the fun.
  54. When they went inside, Kolulu gasped as they saw Mr.Goldo tied up. "What's this?!" Zatch screamed in shock. "What happened Mr.Goldo?" Danny asked. The old man groaned and got back up. "Where in blazes where you!? They stole the statue! Come on! Quick, We got to get it back! he continued and finished. "Oh right, how do we do that?" Danny questioned. "Not to worry" Danny turned to see Zatch with his Volcan 300, he started to make it imitate a robot to get the play robot box toy to speak. "With my mega hyper ultra sensitive scent detector, I can track the evildoers to their hide out"
  56. This made Kolulu giggled at Zatch's playfulness. Danny and Goldo were weirded out from that. "Am I mistaken? Or is that a talking snack box?" Goldo proclaimed. But Zatch continued to play around his snack box robot. "Negative, I am the prototype super unit, vulcan 300" They were not sure how they should react. All they do is go awe in weirdness.
  59. While they all searched, Zatch sniffed them out like a dog. "These tracks are fresh. They're right around here" Zatch. He raised his head up and saw the ship. "Up board that ship?" Danny asked. Goldo had the binoculars on as the saw the ring leader. "Yes, that's the ring leader of the gang. "Whao, way'ta go, Zatch" Danny praised to him. Zatch smirked proudly to himself. "Yes very impressive. I hope some of your Resourcefulness will rub off on Danny Boy" Danny growled at Goldo, but turned back to the ring leader.
  61. When Lori got back from school, she opened the door to find Ponygon trying to say something to her. But say meda doesn't quite help her get to what he's saying. "Umm, Sorry, but I can't understand you without knowing what you are saying" She said to the horse mamodo. But then she saw a piece of paper. "Huh?" Lori grabbed it and read it.
  63. 'Lori, we need your help. Get Kiyo with you. A group of thugs stole the statue, so we got to get it back. You can find us at the harbor where they are about to set sail in. Please, I need you' By Kolulu.
  65. Lori was surprised. So she went to Kiyo's house. He got to his door and opened it. "Lori? Why are you here?" Kiyo said. "Kiyo, we got to get to Mochinoki Harbor! Some goons stole the Shemira Statue! Kolulu gave me this message to find here" Lori explained to Kiyo.
  66. "Well good, because Zatch's is all doodles. I can't even understand them!" Kiyo stated as he showed it to Lori. "Anyway, let's get going" Kiyo continued. So they ventured off and with Ponygon.
  68. As Kolulu, Zatch, Danny and Goldo got inside the ship, they got to the metal door, leading them there. "That's it. The trail leads in there" Zatch said. "Time for the anvil of steel!" Danny said and pounded his fist. "This is no fight of yours, kids. I don't want you getting hurt, so why don't you run along" Goldo warned them to keep them safe. "You got to be kidding, and miss something as exciting as a ten foot yellowtail?" Zatch exclaimed. "Huh?" Goldo was not sure what he was getting at. "He means the statue" Kolulu explained for Zatch. "And besides, I've come too far to see this statue, and I want to see it now" Kolulu continued.
  70. "Don't worry about these two. They are mamodo, and tough ones too" Kolulu and Zatch looked up to Danny. "And besides, if things get really gnarly, I can always protect you with my spell. I got a radical spell, guys" Danny proclaimed. "I can spit lighting out of my mouth" Zatch said, sounding tough. "I also have a battle form" Kolulu stated. "Cool. But I'm talking about something totally radical spell" Danny gave a thumps up. " In the mean time, stand back, guys"
  72. Danny got to the door and kicked it to the goons. "You're gonna get it now!" The teen yelled and punched one of the crooks. "Get him!" The ring leader ordered as they shoot at Danny, but blocks the shooting with the steel door. "You guys better stay behind here 'till I wrap this thing up" Danny stated to them "Okay" Zatch said. "Alright, but watch yourself, Danny Boy" Goldo said his name again. "Danny! For the last time, just Danny!" He yelled and jumps in frustration. They shoot at him again, but he punched them down to the ground
  74. "Fire! Fire!" The face museum director ordered his men again, but as they shot their guns, he dodges them all. "Hahahaha!" "Grrr... This kid's too fast!" One of the crooks said, and Danny made way and started beating them up. Kolulu and Zatch looked out. They were impress on how they fight. "He's Amazing! And he hasen't even used his spell yet!" Zatch thought to himself. Kolulu also had thoughts to herself about Danny. "It's amazing how a short range fighter can take out gunmen. Danny sure knows his stuff. Wish Lori was here so I can show him how it's done"
  76. "Man, there's no stopping this kid!" The assistant exclaimed. "Oh, yes there is!" The ring leader begged to differ. The gunmen surround Danny in a circle. "Now! Fire!" He ordered as his men shoots Danny. "Ahhh!" He screamed in agony and falls over. Both Zatched and Kolulu gasped to seeing Danny hurt. "He's been hit!" Kolulu stated. Zatch turned to Goldo "What are you waiting for? Why don't you use his spell book?" Zatch commended.
  78. "Ha-ha-ha! So much for him!" The leader said. But it was early too soon. The old man's book started to glow. 'Jioruk!' He chanted it. Danny's body glowed and the men stood back from him. Zatch and Kolulu were surprised to seeing him get back up. As he gets up, he wipes off all of the bullets.
  80. "That better not... leave a mark..." Danny hoped for the better after taking a few shots form them.
  82. Kiyo was riding on a bike, while Lori started running to find Zatch and Kolulu.
  84. "No thanks to Zatch to desipher that wacky note he left me! I wish he was smart like Kolulu!" Kiyo quoted. "We have to get there soon! Who knows what they could be getting into while we arn't around!" Lori stated on the thoughts.
  87. Back at the shipment boat, one of the crook get frightened from seeing Danny rising back up. "He's a zombie!" Danny punches him as more machine gun shoots up. Zatch and Kolulu were amazed from the spell that could heal Danny back together. "Yes, it's an impressive spell, isn't it? Now you know why I waited so long to use it" Goldo stated.
  89. Danny kicked away at the crook. Kolulu and Zatch could only watch as he continues to fight. "As long as we have this spell book, no matter what happens to Danny Boy, no matter how serious his injuries" As he explains, Danny dashed to the gunmen while blocking the bullets. Then in a flash, he kicked away at the gunmen. "He can be revived, good as new" As the old man finished explaining, he went back and chanted the spell again. 'Jioruk!' When the spell used again, he healed back up and continued to punch away at the thugs.
  91. Kolulu and Zatch had to admit, that really was radical. "That really radical!" Kolulu exclaimed. "Indeed" said the old man. "My Danny Boy may not have the fancy fireworks of some other mamodo, but when you're invulnerable, who needs them" The old man continued. They were awe in amazement. However, they didn't encounter on having someone coming behind them. "So that's his secret!" Zatch and Kolulu turned to see the ring leader with a gun at Goldo's head. "You better get that kid of yours to behave, old man" He threaten. "Leave'em alone! I said-" Zatch never got the chance to finished as he got kicked away from the face museum director. "Zatch!" Kolulu yelled in worry. "Hey that hurt!" Zatch groaned.
  93. "OK, enough fun and games, punk. You may be immortal, but he isn't!" The ring leader showed he had Goldo in his clutches with his gun. "That's right, time'em up! Ha-ha-ha-ha!" Danny was frozen in fear to losing his book owner. So he stand down. "You win!" He said. The old man growled at the teenage mamodo. "You worthless young good for nothing!" Zatch was a little confused there to who he is mentioning. "Who, Danny?" Zatch asked. Kolulu face-palm. "Your job was to get the shemira Statue at any cost! Don't you dare let me down. Danny Boy!" Goldo yelled at Danny at his poor job.
  95. "Old man, I'm warning you!" The leader of the goons threaten again. But Goldo smirked at the face director. "Mr.Goldo" Kolulu called to him for his safety. "Well are you gonna get it back? Or are you just gonna stand there and let those crooks get away with it!?" Danny was a little struck from his statement. He sacrificing his life for a statue. "Maybe it's too big a job for you, is that it? Babysitting a hunk of rock! You say you're not a kid, well here's your chance to prove it! Danny Boy!" Danny gasped to what the old man proclaimed to Danny.
  97. Goldo then had the gun up his head to let the leader decide what to do with him. "Stop worrying about me! I don't matter! The statue is priceless, irreplaceable, I'm worth nothing!" Goldo continued. "It's just a statue, don't!" Zatch said trying to help the old man. "No Zatch. That statue is too special. So special that not even your life is saving for" Zatch saw Kolulu tearing. "If the thugs get away with it, how can people see this wonderful statue? Without it, humans will never be able to admire it's beauty" Kolulu stated. "She's right, Zatch. People will never again be able to see it or feel it, or be inspired by it's beauty. People need art as much as the air they breath. Without art, there is no life" After proclaiming these words, Danny started to remember about when Goldo said about belittle something so wonderful.
  102. "I won't allow you to belittle something so wonderful, do you understand me!?"
  106. Danny was too emotional to choose between life of his book owner or the priceless artifact. "But, yeah but, if I have to choose between it and you" Danny couldn't think of other words pro describe on how to save one or the other, so he growled. "That's what I'm trying to tell you, there is no choice! Go on! Go! Go!" Goldo begged as he got the gun closer to his head. Danny screamed in flustration to making a decision. But then suddenly 'Zaker!' Zatch shoots the director with his lighting, him screams in pain. Then also came. "Zeruk!' Kolulu transformed into her battle form.
  108. Without warning, she came in and beaten the goons up. when she was done with some, "Huh?" Danny was amazed in shock to Zatch and Kolulu's spells unleashed. "Kiyo!" Zatch turned to Kiyo and Lori. "where you been?" Lori smirked and smiled. "Sorry it tookus along time, but we're here" Lori said. "Wow! That's some pretty cool spells" Danny said impressed and frighten at the same time. Lori and Kiyo turned to the goons with unhappy expressions. "Let's go Zatch!" Kiyo said, "Kolulu, time to get to work!" Lori too her turn to getting their mamodos ready.
  110. "You bet!" Zatch replied to Kiyo. "On it!" Kolulu replied to Lori. 'Zaker!' 'Zerusen!' Zatch shot his lighting and Kolulu shot her rocket fist to finish off the final blows.
  112. After that, sometime later, they got the Shemira Statue back. When it opened they were admiring the beauty of the statue. Zatch and Kolulu gasped in amazement to seeing this statue. "Unbelievable, it's really here" Kiyo said from looking at it. "I know, it's more amazing in person than on paper" Lori said. " Well guys, what do you think? Do you like it" Danny asked. Kolulu looked at Danny with so much glee. "It's the most amazing works of art I've ever seen!" Kolulu said excitingly. "Well uh, it's not a 10foot yellow tail, it's OK" Zatch stated.
  114. "Not a whaaaaaaaa?" The old man was shocked to what Zatch said. Kolulu face-palmed at his statement. Kiyo and Lori laughed like it's a joke. "Really Zatch?" Kolulu exclaimed from Zatch's statement. "Well you see, he has this thing about-" Danny never got the chance to finished when Goldo interrupted. "Nevermind, skip it! Huh, kids today. Goldo proclaimed.
  116. So all of the other goons were getting arrested. While the others were having their laugh. "Ahh forget him, how about we go get some seafood or something" Danny asked. "Yeah, great!" Zatch agreed. "Can I come along?" Kolulu asked. Kiyo and Lori were having their laughs. "Guess they finally got a new friend" Kiyo said to Lori. "I know, it's really good to have Kolulu again, even as she was able to control her-" Lori wanted but she couldn't. Not when the true reason Kolulu was able to control her powers was because Kolulu's separation with her double. "Still thinking about that double, huh?" Kiyo placed his hand on Lori's shoulder. She turned to him with a confused expression. "Hey, when me and Zatch find her, we'll let you know what we did" Kiyo finished .I'm just glad Kolulu's got some sense out of ya, cause Danny Boy is no use as a god" Goldo stated. Just then, Danny was shocked, then Danny growled "Give me a break you old grouch! That guy just took you hostage!" Danny yelled. "Exactly and I still never lost track to what's important"
  118. Danny continued to growl, but then they heard noises. "Hey stop him!" The leader escape from the cops and was driving a tanker. Sorry, I'm out of here" The leader laughed and drove the tank truck at them. But they got out of the way, and then the Tank crashed on the car where the statue and Danny's book was at. The large stone that the truck was hold was about to smash both Danny's book and the statue. "Oh no, the statue!" Danny said worried, so Danny ran to the car. "Danny Boy, what are you doing!?" Goldo called to him in worry. Danny managed to stop it. "Danny!!" Zatch, Kiyo, Kolulu and Lori all called to him in union. He continued to struggle. "Zatch, we got to help him!" Kolulu stated.
  120. "No guy, you can't, not that way" Danny said, "Even with your with you strength Kolulu, I can't hold this thing much longer So it's up to you guys ti destroy it! One of you guys got to use your projectiles spells!" "But, you'll get caught in the cross fire!" Lori said. "Yeah, if they blast it, it'll blast you too!" Kiyo said his turn. "Don't worry about me, I'll be alright! Do it, hurry!" Danny responded. "If this thing falls, the statue will be smashed into pieces!" Danny continued. "He'll be OK, he's like invulnerable!" Zatch said trying to life up some spirits. "Zatch! He's only invulnerable because of the spell!" Kolulu stated the truth. "She's right! And the spellbook is in that car too!" Goldo restated from Kolulu's explanation. "Oh no!" Zatch looked at the spellbook inside. "Well what's everyone staring at? I'm just protecting the statue, that's all. Just doing my job like you wanted, Mr.Goldo. But I can't do it forever! So hurry up, guys, blast this thing!" Danny finished.
  122. Zatch and Kolulu were looking scared as to Danny requesting them to do it. "But, if we use one of our spells, we'll not only hit you, but the spell book! We got to think of another-" "You have to" Goldo interrupted Kolulu. They turned to old man crying. "As a favor to Danny" Lori gasped. "You're crazy!" Kiyo shouted. "Don't you see, if we do nothing, it will mean for Danny anyway! The truck crush him and the spellbook!" Goldo reminded. All they could do was watch. Zatch didn't know if he could watch this any longer. "Zatch!!" Danny shouted. "I can't do it! I just can't!" The blonde mamodo said. "Come on Zatch! I'm begging you!!" Danny yelled.
  124. Kolulu started to look back to when she wanted Zatch to burn her spellbook. Crying to the point of losing her friend, she wanted to do the right thing for him. Kolulu pointed her fist at Danny's direction. Lori was able to see what she was aiming for. She too looked back to that day. It haunted her to when she lost Kolulu. She raised her spellbook. "Zerusen!" Lori shouted and cried to the chant. Kolulu got impacted from the launch of her gauntlet fist, shooting at Danny. "Noooo!!" Zatch screamed as he raised hand to stop. But it was too late. The Truck got destroyed from the blast.
  126. Danny took damage from the blast. "Don't worry Zatch, everything's cool now. Thanks Kolulu" Danny exclaimed. Danny had the statue in his hand. "Here you go, Mr.Goldo, the statue is safe and sound" "You did it, but the spellbook" Goldo tried to warn him. Danny's book was burning. "Yeah I know" Danny said. He started disappearing. "Ah well when you gotta go you gotta go," Danny continued. The walked over to the spellbook. "What'are you doing?" Danny asked. Goldo place his hand on it. "No don't!" Danny tried to get him away from it. "You'll hurt your hand!" Kiyo tried to as well. 'Jioruk' Mr. Goldo shouted. Danny fully recovered from his injuries. "Why?" Danny asked. "Because I want you to go back proudly, looking your best," Mr. Goldo said, "I'm proud of you Danny, so very proud." "You're loosing it old man, that's the first time you didn't call me Danny-boy," Danny responded and started to cry in tears of joy. "That's all over with because as far as I'm concern, you're not a boy anymore," Mr. Goldo said.
  128. "Hey pull yourself together, there's nothing to be crying about," Danny said, "Look at me. I lost my shot to be the mamodo king, and I never felt happier. I don't know why." "You did your job well, and now I can finally admit who are. You're my son, Danny," Mr. Goldo said hugging him. Danny didn't know what to think of it. "You're son?" Danny spoke and hugged back. The book was burned to nothing as Danny disappeared with it shock. "Thank you, Dad" Danny said his last words before he disappeared. Zatch raised his hand out to him "Danny?!" Zatch cried. Kolulu hugged Lori, and they ended up crying together from losing him. It brought back that terrible memory again. Kolulu now knew what was life to lose a mamodo friend, who wanted their book to be destroyed for the good of what's important to them.
  130. Flash Back
  132. When Kolulu was disappearing to the Mamodo World. "If the king of our world is a benevolent king, maybe we would've come here and fight each other in the first place" Those were the final words she said.
  134. Flash Back Ends
  136. Goldo looked up in the sky. "No, thank you, Danny. Our time together was all too short" He took his cigar and cried. "But I'll always have the memories, my son. And that's enough, for an old man" After he said his words, he looked back to the memories of him and Danny fishing together. Danny had caught a big one.
  139. Kolulu was back home and was looking at the photo of her, she drop some tears on it. She never wanted to lose good friends that mean dear to her. But right now, she needs to get back to training to find her other half.
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