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Dec 14th, 2019
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  1. Math (Ludens, Iceborn, Visage, Zhonyas, Rabadons)
  2. PBE Sylas:
  3. 90 + 75 + 120 + 50 (Conq) + 60 (Transcendence) + 50 (Potion) = 445x1.4 (Rabadons) = 623 AP
  4. (300 + 623*1.2)*1.3 = 1361.88 Heal
  5. 1361.88/4.8 = 283.725 HP/s
  6. 283.725 * 0.6 = 170 HP/s
  7. AA = 1.1*112 + 0.2*623 = 247.8
  8. Q = 320 + 623 = 943
  9. W = 265 + 0.85*623 = 794.55
  10. E2 = 280 + 623 = 903
  11. Q + AA = 943 + 247.8 = 1190.8/3.6 = 330.78 Dps
  12. W + AA = 794.55 + 247.8 = 1042.35/4.8 = 217.08 Dps
  13. E1 + AA + E2 + AA = 0 = 247.8*2 +903 = 1398.6/6 = 233.1 Dps
  14. 330.78 + 217.08 + 233.1 = 780.96 Dps
  15. VSing a 150 MR opponent = 100/(100+150) = 0.4 dmg modifier
  16. 0.4*780.96 = 312.38 Dps
  17. 0.15*312 = 46.9*0.6 = 28.1
  18. Total HP/s = 170 + 28 = 198 HP/s
  20. Release Sylas:
  21. W heal = (190 + 623*0.35)*2 = 816*1.3 (visage) = 1060.93 HP
  22. 1060.93/7.2 = 147.35*0.6 = 88.4 HP/s
  23. E shield = 180 + 623*0.9 = 740.7 HP
  24. 740.7/6 = 123.45 HP/s
  25. Total Effective HP/s = 88.4 + 123.45 = 212 HP/s
  27. Mundo HP (Sunfire + Warmogs + Gargoyles + Visage + Thornmail):
  28. 425 + 800 + 450 + 250 = 1925 = 1925 + 2095 = 4020 HP
  29. Mundo ult costs 25% current HP. Assuming he uses it at around 50% hp, it takes: 4020 * 12.5 = -502 HP
  30. -502/12 (duration of ult) = -41HP/s
  31. 0.0833*4020*1.3 = 435.5 HP/s
  32. 435.5*0.6 = 261 HP/s
  33. 261-41 = 220 HP/s
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