
Keigo Nakajima - The Birth of Prodigy

Feb 4th, 2016
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  1. [CENTER][SIZE=5][COLOR=#FFD700][B]Keigo Nakajima[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. [COLOR=#d3d3d3][SIZE=3][B]Chapter I: How it all began...[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. It was 5:23 when Kurein heard the sound of a crying, new born baby. Taking a deep breath and adjusting his suit, Kurein made his way inside the room. [COLOR=#D3D3D3]"[B]Congratulations! It's a boy.[/B]",[/COLOR] said the nurse to Kurein as he entered, looking over at his wife and the baby in her hands. Developing a brief smile as he approaches his wife who's holding their first born son. [COLOR=#E6E6FA]"[B]He's so sweet, Kurein-kun[/B]"[/COLOR], said Makino as Kurein approached and hugged both of them.
  6. Looking at the his new born son with the pale skin and dark blue eyes, resembling his own.
  7. [COLOR=#FAEBD7]**"[B]The birth of prodigy, my prodigy[/B]"**[/COLOR]
  8. Those were the only words Kurein could hear repeating in his head, by his own voice while thinking of his sons' soon to come - future.
  10. [COLOR=#FFD700]"[B]But I don't want to![/B]"[/COLOR], Keigo shouted at his father as tears came out from his eyes slowly. The seven years old boy was raised in a strict conditions and terms, assigned by his father. Kurein raising up his right hand and slapping Keigo's right cheek,[COLOR="#FFFFE0"] "[B]Keigo, you need to learn some respect! I'm your father and you will do as I tell you to do![/B]"[/COLOR]. As Keigo's cheek turned red, he turned around while ignoring his father, running to his room.[/CENTER]
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