
Old Faction Guide for Crocks FAYZ RP #2

Feb 19th, 2015
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  1. Faction and NPC Guide to Crock's FAYZ RP
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  3. Coates Academy: One of the main places of occupation within the FAYZ. During the first day of the incident, the school had been seized and peacefully taken over by the jocks and bullies of the place. During the first month of the FAYZ, the facility was invaded and eventually conquered by "In Blood and Bonds" mainly taken over by the Coyotes under the guidance of Varick. However, many of the school's most noticeable figures had with a little help from Perdido, taken the school back and reasserted Jared's reign and protection over the remaining students although a lot had left the campus to head to Perdido where they believed they'd be safer.
  5. Known Player Characters:
  6. Dexster - Fox
  7. Monica - Rosie
  8. Norm Biggs - Jacob
  9. Harold - Doorbuttz
  10. Adrian - Gabe
  11. Varick - Gabe
  13. Known Important NPC Characters:
  14. Jared - The Leader of Coates obviously. Before FAYZ he was the representative of the school's Senior class, in charge of all clubs and extracurricular activities and one of the star members of the school's football team. He also went to states on the school's behalf for Chess during his earlier years in the school. Now, he's the charismatic and what some might say 'deranged' leader of the Academy and has subjected the jocks and bullies under his command. He can arguably have what some might consider the strongest power within the FAYZ, having complete and devastating telekinesis.
  16. Cyclops - Not part of the football team but one of the school's many assholes who were recruited by Panda and Jared to help secure their position as leaders of the grounds. During the second day in the FAYZ, it was revealed he could shoot lasers out of his eyes and a lot of the other jocks got a kick out of that. He was the one that first started the tradition of giving kids nicknames that reflect their powers. Panda coined him 'Cyclops' and Jared and Cookie followed suit getting the whole school to do it. Wanting a position of power, Jared relented and put him in charge of the school's food situation and the cafeteria. Running it with a keen eye, to make sure no one tries to raid the kitchen/freezer and making sure everyone gets the same dosage of food a day, he usually chills in the cafeteria reading adult magazines which he has taken a keen interest in lately. It's rumored that anyone who brings him a porno or snitches on someone that has one, will get an extra serving of food for the week. As you can imagine he's gotten quite the collection. He's an average looking kid, not to cute not to ugly. He work's out a lot so he has defined arms and chest and likes to keep his hair short. He usually wears a pair of cool looking shades that hides his eyes which have taken a peculiar look thanks to his mutation. Part of what many kids in Coates have donned "The Big Three". These Three are considered to be the kids with the strongest three powers other then Jared in Coates and are his go-to-guys whenever he needs someone to fight.
  18. Panda - He is the "Big Bully" of Coates. Unless you yourself was an asshole like Panda or friends with Jared, you can assume Panda has made you cry at some point or another. A bit dimwitted himself, he's large and has a scrunched up face on behalf of his asian heritage. Earned the name 'Panda' a while back from Jared. Arriving at Coates around the same age during their younger years they quickly hit it off becoming friends. While originally heading towards the tops of the football program with Jared, he got caught with some narcotics during his sophomore year and that ended that dream and started him down the path of being a butt. Of course once the FAYZ started he was the second after Jared to get his power. His super strength is mindbending, and of course almost shat himself at the idea of being tight with Jared again after seeing his old friend being so well liked and successful. Also considered part of "The Big Three" he acts somewhat as Jared's personal bodyguard/muscle and basically intimidates the fuck out of anyone that gets near him.
  20. Cookie - The last member of Coate's "Big Three". He can arguably be the only person who is considered better at the school's various sports then Jared. Built like a machine, Cookie's jacked and just as charming and good looking as his best friend Jared. Jared, Cookie, and Panda had arrived at the school together and had been friends since. While preferring to keep to sports and not as big as academics as Jared was, he's just as popular if not a little more than Jared. He's definitely more out going and social. It was no surprise that when the FAYZ started he was the third to get his power which proved just as powerful as the other members of the Big Three. Being able to shift the earth around him as he likes, he's already proved countless times that he's reliable in a fight.
  22. Spidey - Not a bully or jock but a rather likable freshmen within Coates. On the third day of the FAYZ, he woke up half-way transformed to a spider person with six arms, six eyes, and a pair of spider like legs extending from the small of his back. Of course he went to Jared and Jared's gang who embraced him for his look and mutation and offered him into their ranks. Since then he quickly abandoned his old school-mates preferring to glutton himself with the other jocks and bullies in the teacher and faculty building. He hasn't been seen much until recently.
  24. Flash - My Boy Flashhhh. Another young'in that's part of Jared's crew, he was on the PeeWee Football team for the academy and on the second day it was discovered he could run super fast. Of course the boys nicknamed him 'Flash' and after some debate he ended up being the lobby man for the faculty building, usually spending all his time behind the lobby desk where he is subjected to playing various computer games on a gaming PC brought down there or watching a movie.
  26. Angel - During the first days of the FAYZ when Jared was running everyone by Cyrus, Angel was revealed to have large angelic white feathered wings sprout from his back! He wasn't really close with the other members of the football team but after he got his mutation he soon rose to become quick friends with the others, especially Flash. He had a special harness thrown together by some arts and craft kids that 'volunteered' to help out.
  28. Bear - Another animal mutation. Wasn't one of the jocks but just an outclassed kid. Soon started to grow bear attributes and found that Jared and his gang were much more accepting then the average Coates kid who resented those who got powers. 10 foot tall, muscular, covered in fur, claws, fangs. yay
  30. Mikey - One of the few jocks that weren't blessed with a power. Instead he's more known as being the well liked 'class clown' and is a total spaz. He also happens to be somewhat of a psychopath. He's the only jock that's actually fired upon kids on campus and was known for the brutal act of blowing off a kid's knees during the second day of the FAYZ. With his wild ginger hair and a set of wild eyes and a fast mouth he's another well known kid throughout the school.
  32. Zach - Mikey's partner in crime. Blond spiked up hair. Way more mellow them Mikey. Like Mikey he has no apparent powers but due to their previous friendly relationship with Jared and Cookie they ended up being Jared's top go to guys when the Big Three weren't available or there was a matter to small for them.
  34. Cyrus - Jared's smaller nephew and arguably one of the most important kids in the Fayz. Being 9 he isn't that aware of what's been going on around the place, but Jared soon found that his nephew had the power to unlock people's powers and read and analyze them at a touch. After the first few days, where he made sure every jockey/bully under him had their power unlocked if they had one, no one else has seen the little guy. Some word has been leaked from the faculty building that the kid can now see and tell if kids have powers just by sight now. Where Jared's been hiding him or having him do remains unclear.
  36. Bug - A younger kid, 14 who was known throughout the school as a snitch and a compulsive pervert. Often attempting to sneak into the girls dorm to get a peek at them changing and stuff. He's recently disappeared from campus and the few friends that he had were worried enough to go to Jared and ask if he knew anything. Jared replied by telling them that Bug actually had a pretty useful power and was now working for him on top secret missions. Oo joy.
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  38. Perdido Beach: The largest settlement in the FAYZ. During the first day of conflict, several blocks of houses were lit aflame due to adults and parents disappearing while using the oven or stove. The second day, several fights broke out within the town resulting in more than five dozen deaths. It got so bad, twelve of the older kids in the town had banded together and robbed the gun store which had previously been-untouched by the other kids. Armed they brought the fighting to a stop and put themselves up as the Town's Council for the duration of the FAYZ. They confiscated the gun-shops ammunition and guns and did what they could to keep the fighting to a minimum. When Jared came to negotiate he put together a list of rules and regulations to keep the town's mayhem at bay. Since then there have been little fights or incidents and almost every kid over the age of five in the town is armed at all times of the day. Drinking and Smoking is rampant as well as other fire-arms being toted around by kids who had the weapons in their house before the incident. The Church which had originally been used as a prison was converted to the council's meeting chamber and by a suggestion from Jared, three council members were in the building at all times of the day rotating in and out to deal with problems brought to them by kids. Since the council's set up they've detained some kids who were to violet to stay in town within the town's jail-house as well as any kids shown to have the "gluttony" mutation because of their violent eating patterns. This was also where Jared first coined the term FAYZ. Since he started calling it that, the name has become popular and is what people use to describe the area within the barrier which has become common knowledge to most people in Perdido.
  40. Player Characters:
  41. Allumini - Allumini
  42. Nam - Dink (Deceased)
  43. William - Puppet
  44. Jaeger - Zack (Deceased)
  45. Jace - Auvyo
  46. Luzma - Irf (Deceased)
  47. Lao Tsung - Theo (Deceased)
  49. Known NPC Characters:
  50. Alyssa - One of the twelve council members, and one of the three council members first met by a player. She was one of the kids who realized that things were getting bad within the town and suggested that they should stop the fighting by threat. Deemed "Alyssa the Genius" by other kids in the town she is usually the one coming up with ideas and methods to keep the kids in Perdido Beach under control. That is when she's not documenting and recording everything that is happening on her laptop which she carries everywhere. It is rumored that she has the ability to tell if someone is lying or telling the truth, as well as look into other kid's minds and find out the truth herself.
  52. Edildio (Deceased) - Commonly refereed to as the "Wetback" for his Hispanic decent. When all hell broke loose, he was the one who had to point the guns and order kids to stop or he'll shot. He has also been the one to peacefully round up the gluttony kids and bring them to the jail-house where he often stays and talks to them within their cells. He is rumoured to be one of the only council member without powers and is the only one that carries a gun with them at all time. Usually a sawed off he took a liking too. Unfortunately he died at the hands of one of the San Jose kids.
  54. Charles - One of the Twelve Council Members as well and one of the three Ivan's group first encountered when they reached Perdido Beach. Before the FAYZ he was usually un-liked for being a "snitch" and when the fighting broke out he stuck to smarter and braver kids for protection, which led to him going along with their plan to loot the gun-store and him becoming a council member out of sheer-luck. He usually doesn't offer much help to the council and when he's not working with them he shows off his ability to switch gravity on and off of people and areas.
  56. Capt' - Another one of the Council Members. Before the FAYZ, he was known as the dim-witted proficient bully of the Perdido Beach High-school. Once shit started going down he had set himself up with his ass-hole pals and had taken over the school. In the process he ended up protecting a large number of kids from the fighting that ensued for the first few days of the FAYZ. When Alyssa and the others came up with a plan to end the fighting they came to Capt' and asked him and his lackies to help them. Capt' of course agreed cherishing the idea of holding a gun. With his help they shot down or imprisoned the kids that were causing all the ruckus and Capt' in the long-run was accepted into the council. He has many devoted kids that look up to him for his role in ending the fighting and protecting the school. Of course, other kids worry about him being on the council for his bully tendencies and his ass-holeish nature. He's tall enough and not very built. At the start of the FAYZ, Charles had come to him often and would offer Capt' gifts. One of these gifts was a iron-capped Viking helmet which the Capt' accepted and branded as his trademark item. Around that time he took to having everyone inside the school call him "Captain, or Capt" for short. He now has the Viking hat painted all over the high-school building which he has claimed as "his territory". Many dwell in it at night under his watch. It's where he usually stays when he is not on Council duty in the church. He has also taken to drinking in recent days. He has the ability to become a living taser. By touching a car-battery which he keeps on him at all time he has the ability to shock and stun other people on contact or from long distance
  58. Brittany - Again, another Council Member. Before the FAYZ, she was a relatively nice girl. No one really had any beef with her and she was genuinely well-liked. She was always close friends with Alyssa, so when things hit the fan they sort of stayed together. She was openly against the idea of looting the gun-store at first but as things worsened in the town she succumbed and agreed to the plan joining Alyssa and the others in setting up the council and bringing things under control. There is also talk of her not having any powers along with Edildio. She spends most of her time in the Day-care where the town's young people are kept when she's not on council duty.
  61. Rachel - A council member as well. She had few close ties with any of the other council members before the FAYZ, and only ended up becoming a council member by chance. She'd had overheard Alyssa, Edildio, and Brittany planning to raid the gunshop and had opted to join them in return for a seat of power. Of course they obliged, and during the first day of fighting in Perdido, it was revealed she had the power to make things go up. Could be something as small as a penny flying from someone's wallet or an entire building uproot off the ground and go soaring in any direction she pointed it too. She gave the punk-rocker and metal kids somewhere to call home in Perdido, after a lot of them lost their homes in the fires. That place being the junk-yard she also hosts nightly fights where kids can come and blow off some steam. While she had bargained to join the council she wasn't really that interested in keeping the peace within the town. She's openly voiced her distaste against Jared and the whole of Coates while the rest of the council had seemingly already accepted him as an ally. Dyed Purple hair, multiple piercing and tattoos, black clothing, chains, the whole nine yards with her.
  63. 'Doc' aka Shannon - Council Member, and the town's sole doctor. Before the FAYZ, she was the bookish type and was on her way to skipping her senior year of school and heading off abroad for medical studies. She had been close friends with Alyssa and had known Rachel, Edildio, and Brittany throughout her high-school career. It's even been rumored that at some point she had been tutoring Capt, and he had developed a long-standing crush on her. When shit went down, she was with the other council members when they took control and stopped the rioting and fires. While she hasn't been able to actually help with any of the actual fighting, she did find her place as the town's sole dedicated physician. She used the council's "guard" to loot the nearby hospital and move a lot of equipment and gear to the large underground space below the church where she takes care of the injured. Her power came in to play a few days into the FAYZ, when one of the kids she was taking care of tried to attack her. Apparently, she had the ability to cause herself to be irresistibly attractive/charming or however you want to put it to anyone she wants to the point that they were unable to do anything other then stare at her helplessly when she needed them too. While she was already pretty good-looking, it only helped to promote kids to not try to fuck with her.
  65. Arnold - Another council member, and one of the more well liked ones other then the late Edildio. He had been friends with Edildio before the FAYZ, but wasn't really big on the whole social scheme in town. Only during the initial chaos, did he step up showing he was made of sterner stuff. Once part of the council and things were under control, he was walking throughout the town when he came upon the untouched McDonalds. Finding it was just recently re-stocked he put on the uniform and discovered that he had a skill for running the store alone! So when he's not standing in at the council's meeting place, he is usually running the store making sure everyone gets served at the place. During the fighting, it was discovered he had impenetrable skin, when a bullet bounced off his face. He's black, whoop.
  67. Marro - Pronounced "Marrow", he's one of the two Real brothers, along with Franco Real. The both of them, council members and originally natives from Hawaii, they had transported to Perdido early on during their senior school year where they both hit it off with Edildio becoming close friends with him before his passing. Marro made a disturbing name for himself during the initial days of the FAYZ, when it was shown that he had the ability to generate and release lava from his body.
  69. Franco - The year younger brother of Marro and the youngest kid on the council. While he does join in his brother's passion for wearing hawaiian shirts he prefers his button up as opposed to Marro who keeps his open and shows off his bare chest and what not. He was present when Marro was putting an end to the fights during the first two days of the FAYZ but did little much to help himself. He's the more laid back and studious of the two and his power is that he can stop things and then let them continue at the force/speed/velocity or whatever that they were continuing before he stopped said thing or person in a direction at his choosing.
  71. Riley - Shannon/Doc's Boyfriend. He usually doesn't participate much in the council as he only got the role through her. He has the power to look like someone's worst fear.
  73. Terry - A ten year old who was assigned to stand watch on the road in a little diminished shack built by other kids for his use. He usually has a stack of books out there as well as a psp which he plays under the shade provided with the shack. With him at all times is a guns-man armed with a light machine gun in case any wild mutated animals move up from the road. He has heightened senses and can see out for miles past even Coates Academy.
  75. Zedd - Another well known figure of the town. He'd originally been a bully and had a somewhat mutual hate/love friendship with Capt before the days of the FAYZ. He grew up in the upper 'rich people' districts of the town and flaunted his wealth at every chance. Thanks to his size and build, he'd excelled at boxing but never took his talents outside of the town for any competitions. When shit went down, he originally rode with Capt in the school, but after the formation of the council and everyone started getting powers he ditched them and took to the bars where over the course of the next few days, he ranted and complained about how unfair it was that the council not only had the town's main supply of weapons but also had freakish 'mutant powers'. There he discovered quite a few other people shared his views and he got a small group of followers who also hated everyone else with powers and blamed the whole FAYZ thing on them. They've managed to mark one of the town's few bars as their territory as well as the town's opera theatre. Recently, Zedd and a few others were behind the beating up and forcive tattooing of Monica, one of the kids in Coates, prompting Jared to demand the council to bring him to Coates for retribution. So far, Norm who has replaced Edildio as the council's twelfth member as a representative of Coates has yet to take any actions against Zedd. In fact, Zedd's followers are growing in number every day as food gets scarcer.
  76. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  77. "In Blood and Bond": A group that branched off from Coates, when Veis, Rieve, and Eva decided to use the broken gate as an opportunity to leave the school and the oppressive Jared. Originally with a group of like 15 followers, they hiked up the highway and camped at the power plant where they eventually had a run in with some giant vultures, and in the end three giant, communicating Coyotes. There, the three leaders of the group struck a deal with the Coyotes to take the whole pack of starving Coyotes to Coates where they said they could "Eat anyone who wouldn't submit." That went a little more then horribly and half of the Coyote pack ended up dying as well as all there followers except three other kids. After that, the injured Veis, and Rieve were dropped in the desert while Jared felt a bit of remorse and allowed Eva to take a truck and rescue them. Around this time is when they stumbled upon Josette's house, got some rest, made some plans, had a run in with some San-Jose kids, killed all of them and left back to Perdido to get some medical aid.After a narrow run-in with Norm and Alyssa they had re-stocked with supplies and headed back out into the desert. During this time, Veis had been contacted by an alien mind which had led to him leading his cohorts across the desert into an abandoned mine shaft where he was then made to be a somewhat messanger of doom for this dark entity which revealed itself to bte the Gaiaphage. The Gaiaphage had somehow or another made contact with the Pack Leader and had mulitplied the Coyote's numbers into the hundreds region. Giving Veis control of the new enhanced pack, he ordered Veis to go out and kidnap Ventnor, Coate's healer and bring him to the Gaiaphage's cave to build him a body. Veis succeeded and Ventnor had been in the process of building the Gaiaphage a new body until Coates, Perdido, and San Jose came together to rescue Ventnor and seal the Gaiaphage, Varick, Veis, and Ian underground in a collapsed cave.
  79. Player Characters:
  80. Veis - Ting
  81. Rieve - Ting
  82. Evalynn - Gabe
  83. Shun - Rosie
  86. Known NPC Characters:
  87. Pack Leader: The Alpha Male of the giant, semi-sapient speaking Coyotes that thrive in the desert. His whereabouts during the first few days of FAYZ, and even before FAYZ are unknown but, Veis, Rieve, and Eva had encountered him on the fourth day and had managed to convince him and his pack to help them attack Coates in return for food. After seeing half his pack annihilated during the attack, he deserted them in their time of need and ran off back into the desert with his remaining brethren. He seems to be the smartest of the pack and have the best speaking skills. Yay Pack leader!
  89. Gaiaphage: Bringer of Doom.
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