
Circus Freak Chapter Three

May 25th, 2012
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  1. >And that's where she falls asleep.
  2. >Curled up in a ball on your lap.
  3. >Looks like you're sleeping in a sitting position tonight, lest you wake her up by moving too much.
  4. >Good thing you have your back against a wall.
  5. >Outstretching your arm, you reach for Scootaloo's blanket.
  6. >You cover the young pegasus with it.
  7. >Closing your eyes, you let your head drop.
  8. >Scootaloo's soft purrs lulls you to sleep.
  9. >Your sleep went undisturbed that night, no dark vision or troubling nightmares.
  10. >Only peaceful rest.
  13. >You wake up, the purple and orange ball still snoring lightly against you.
  14. >Still as adorable as yesterday.
  15. >But right now, you need to move and get some blood back into your legs.
  16. >How are you supposed to do this without waking the sleeping filly?
  17. >Looking around, you try to devise a plan.
  18. >Your eyes fall on the pillow.
  19. >Maybe you could try to...
  20. >Using your hands, you move yourself closer to the pillow.
  21. >You place your legs on it, positioning Scootaloo right above the bag of fluff.
  22. >Slowly, you uncross your legs, letting the little pegasus sink to the pillow.
  23. >Once the filly's safely lowered on it, you stand up.
  24. >Success!
  27. >You leave the little cabin.
  28. >Questions start to pop in your mind.
  29. >'Did you really mean what you said yesterday?'
  30. >'Do you really want to settle in this town?'
  31. >'Should you just run away while you still can?'
  32. >You easily climb in one of the nearby apple tree and lay down on one of the branches.
  33. >No... You're done running.
  34. >You grab one of the fruits hanging around you.
  35. >Tired of this shit. Tired of the fear of being captured again.
  36. >Holding the apple with your teeth, you climb higher in the tree.
  37. >From up there, you can gaze at the town.
  38. >You found a nice place to settle. Small town and the residents look nice enough.
  39. >Looking back at the tree house, you can see Scootaloo through a window.
  40. >Even if some of them are a tad weird.
  41. >Her words come back resonating in your head.
  42. >Big brother.
  45. >You jump down of the tree, determined.
  46. >Leaving the orchard, you cross a bridge and stop at the edge of the settlement.
  47. >'Is this the right thing to do?'
  48. >You look around and try to remember a way back to the residential district.
  49. >Ignoring the stares of the occasional pony that crosses your path, you navigate the street to your destination.
  50. >You have no idea, but you don't really care.
  51. >You make your way to a house and knock on the door.
  52. >After a few seconds, the sound of hoofsteps can be heard.
  53. >For the first time since you came to this world, you're in control of your life.
  54. >A very sleepy looking mint-green pony appears in the doorway.
  55. >"...Jack?"
  56. >There's no backing out now.
  57. "Morning Lyra, remember that proposition you had for me yesterday?"
  58. >All signs of weariness vanish from her in an instant.
  59. "Well, I accept-"
  60. >A high-pitched screech nearly bursts your eardrums.
  61. "-under one condition."
  64. -Scootaloo POV-
  66. >You slip back into consciousness after a great night of sleep.
  67. >And you notice that something's different.
  68. >The ground is not warm and comfortable like it was when you fell asleep.
  69. >It's fluffy and soft.
  70. >Which is not bad in itself, but it would mean that...
  71. >You sleepily open your eyes.
  72. "Oh..."
  73. >The pillow.
  74. >Yesterday's event must have been a dream.
  75. >Wouldn't be the first time you had one like it.
  76. >Dejectedly, you gather the blanket and pillow.
  77. >You bring them back to the closet.
  78. >Closing the door, you sigh heavily.
  79. >"Hey Kid."
  80. >You flip around at the sound of the voice.
  81. >It's Anon!
  82. >He's sitting in the window frame.
  83. >"What's got ya down?"
  84. >You perk up.
  85. "Nothing!"
  86. >Anon hops down from the windowsill.
  87. >Rustling your mane with his paw, he presents an apple to you.
  88. >"Breakfast?"
  89. >You take the fruit and start munching.
  90. >"Sorry I left this morning, I had important stuff to take care of."
  91. >"But now, I have a surprise for you!"
  92. >You lift your muzzle from the apple.
  93. "Shrprife?"
  94. >You swallow your bite.
  95. "A surprise? For me?"
  96. >"You bet, kid."
  97. "AWESOME!"
  98. "What is it?"
  99. >Anon cracks a grin.
  100. >"Wouldn't want to ruin the surprise now, wouldn't we?"
  101. >"I don't have it on me anyway. If ya want it, you'll have to follow me to Ponyville."
  102. "What are we waiting for!?"
  103. >You shove the rest of your fruit in your mouth.
  104. "Letsh go!"
  105. >Anon's grin grows to a hearty laughter.
  106. >"Heh, I like ya Kid! Filled to the brim with energy!"
  109. -A few minutes later-
  111. "Hey Big Bro, where're we going?"
  112. >"Can't tell ya, that would ruin the surprise."
  113. >He picks you up in one of his arm.
  114. >"Which reminds me..."
  115. >He covers your eyes with his free paw.
  116. "Hey! What gives?"
  117. >"SorryWouldn't wa-"
  118. "Yeah yeah. 'Wouldn't want to ruin the surprise.'"
  119. >You can hear him chuckle above you.
  120. >"Don't worry, we're almost there."
  121. >After a few more seconds, you hear knocking in front of you.
  122. >You recognize the light creaking of door hinges.
  123. >A stifled giggle to your left.
  124. >Light shushing from above.
  125. >Hoofsteps below.
  126. >Another door opens.
  128. >Wait... What's that smell?
  129. >...Pancakes?
  130. >"Surprise!"
  131. >The paw covering your eyes moves away.
  132. >You're in a kitchen.
  133. >You can see a huge stack of pancakes in the middle of the table.
  134. >There's a green mare excitedly hopping up and down on your left.
  135. >On your right, another mare, this one looking at you with a kind smile.
  136. >You turn back to Anon, wide-eyed.
  137. "The surprise is pancakes! AWESOME!"
  138. >Anon drops you on a chair.
  139. >"Not really. Well, kinda."
  140. >"Let's just say the the breakfast is part of the surprise."
  141. >Anon and the two mares come sit with you at the table.
  142. "What's the surprise then?"
  143. >"I'll tell you later, for now, let's just enjoy the pancakes."
  144. >Darn, you really wanted to know it.
  145. >But, oh well. Breakfast!
  146. >"This is Bon Bon, she's our chef this morning."
  147. >The tan mare puts part of the pancakes tower in your plate.
  148. >Bon: "Don't be shy, eat as much as you want."
  149. >Anon: "And this is Lyra! She's the one to thank for the second part of the surprise."
  150. >Lyra: "Hope you'll like it!"
  153. >Second part? There's a second part!?
  154. >You can hardly contain yourself!
  155. "What'sparttwo?Isitwaffles?Ormaybeit's-"
  156. >Anon's paw keeps you from bouncing around on your seat.
  157. >Anon: "Breakfast. Pancakes. Eat."
  158. >You calm down a little.
  159. >And fall face first into your plate.
  160. >Bon: "You weren't kidding when you said she might be hungry."
  161. >You can hear Lyra giggling over the sounds of your voracious eating.
  162. >You lift your head and see that everypony is looking at you, smiling.
  163. "What?"
  164. >Anon: "There's something on your face."
  165. "Where?"
  166. >Anon: "All around here."
  167. >He's circling his face with a paw.
  168. "Oh! You mean right..."
  169. >You reach for your plate.
  170. "Here!"
  171. >A pancakes flies directly to his face.
  172. >He takes it off with a short laugh, then eats it.
  173. >On the other side of the table, Lyra lifts a cupcake in each of her forehooves and puts one of her hind legs on the table.
  174. >Lyra: "FOOD FIGHT!!!"
  175. >Anon grabs a banana and starts to peel it.
  176. >Just as Lyra is about to launch her pastries, a tan hoof slams against the table.
  177. >Bon: "NOPE! You won't be making a mess in this kitchen as long as I live!"
  178. >Lyra: "Party pooper..."
  179. >A banana squishes itself against Bon Bon's face.
  180. >Everypony at the table turns to Anon.
  181. >He's wearing the most sheepish of grins.
  182. >It is suddenly hidden by a splash of whipped cream.
  183. >Anon licks it off and burst in a boisterous laughter.
  184. >Anon: "What about the kitchen?"
  185. >Bon: "I wouldn't worry about the kitchen if I were you."
  186. >She readies another spoon full of cream.
  189. >Food.
  190. >Food everywhere.
  191. >There's not an inch of this kitchen not covered in various sorts of cake, cream or fruit.
  192. >Lyra is grumbling while scrubbing the floor.
  193. >Bon Bon is making her clean up because she lost the breakfast war.
  194. >You were mostly untouched by the flying food, using Anon to protect yourself.
  195. >He, on the other hoof, really looks like a clown.
  196. >There's frosting all over his face and strawberry jam on his nose.
  197. >Bon Bon just brought you a pair of towel so that you could clean yourselves.
  198. >Anon: "Are you ready for the second part of the surprise?"
  199. "AM I?!"
  200. >He finishes removing his condiment make-up.
  201. >Oh, he's picking you up.
  202. >AGAIN.
  203. >...not that you mind.
  204. Where're we going now?"
  205. >Anon: "Right here."
  206. >He opens a door leading to...
  207. >A mostly empty room.
  208. >The only thing in there, is a bed.
  209. "So Lyra gave us old furniture? That's great!"
  210. "You think you could bring it back to the clubhouse alone?"
  211. >Anon chuckles.
  212. >"You don't seem to understand."
  213. >You tilt your head in confusion.
  214. >"Welcome home, Kid."
  218. -Anon's perspective, an hour ago-
  220. >L: "What about Bruce? Or Ash?"
  221. "Groovy. But no."
  222. "I already told you, my name is Anonymous now."
  223. >L: "Ugh! Fiiiiine."
  224. >Bon Bon sighs.
  225. >B: "Can we just talk about what you came for?"
  226. >L: "Oh right! What's that condition you mentioned earlier?"
  227. >Now, you're going to need tact.
  228. "Well, uh, there's this little group of filly I met yesterday."
  229. "Nice kids, but I found out that one of them is homeless and without family."
  230. "And I was wondering if I could bring her with me to live here for a while?"
  231. >Smooth.
  232. >The two mares look pretty surprised, but while Lyra still has that usual cheerful smile of her on her face, Bon Bon looks concerned.
  233. >B: "You want to WHAT?"
  234. >Can't say that you're surprised by that reaction.
  235. "Look, I know this wasn't part of the deal."
  236. "But I can't let this kid live alone in a treehouse, can I?"
  237. >Bon Bon sighs and rub her temples.
  238. >B: "No. You can't."
  239. >L: "Then what's the matter Bonnie?"
  240. >B: "Lyra, honey, having a filly live with us is a lot of responsability."
  241. >L: "Like?"
  242. >B: "We need to find room for her, Anon's already taking your old bedroom."
  243. "That's not a problem, she can share the room with me. I don't mind sleeping on the ground until I find better."
  244. >B: "Well..."
  245. >Bon Bon looks a little embarrassed as she speak her next sentences.
  246. >B: "With two new mouths to feed, I'm afraid you're going to need to find a way to get some bits."
  247. >B: "We're not exactly rolling in bits right now and we can't really afford to pay everything for you two."
  248. >That's going to be harder. Who would hire a circus freak like you?
  249. >No matter, you'll find a way to get bits.
  250. "I'll... I'll figure something out."
  251. >B: "If this filly really is alone, she needs someone to educate her."
  252. "What?"
  253. "Don't you have schools in this town?"
  254. >Bon Bon brings a hoof to her face and shake her head.
  255. >B: "Of course we have schools, that's not what I meant."
  256. >B: "She's still a foal, right?"
  257. >You nod.
  258. >B: "Well, proper parenting is important at that age."
  259. >Oh. Yeah, didn't think about that.
  260. "Is it?"
  261. "I mean, I grew up without parents for last half of my life."
  262. "And look how well I turned out!"
  263. >Yeah. Real convincing there, buddy.
  265. >You sigh.
  266. "You're right, but can't I do it?"
  267. >Bon Bon raises an eyebrow.
  268. >B: "And what do you know about raising a filly?"
  269. "...Fair enough."
  270. >L: "Oh come Bonnie."
  271. >Lyra, who stayed silent for the last few minutes, lost her smile and is looking slightly annoyed.
  272. >L: "You sound like you don't want to help this foal."
  273. >B: "That's not it, it's just that if we're to do this, I'd rather be fully prepared."
  274. >L: "You're being overly anxious again!"
  275. >B: "And you're too impulsive!"
  276. >L: "Humdrum!"
  277. >B: "Airhead!"
  278. "Ladies, please! This is important."
  279. >B: "Right..."
  280. >L: "Sorry..."
  281. >The room falls silent for a minute.
  282. >You all just sit still and look at each others
  283. >Finally, Bon Bon breaks the silence.
  284. >B: "Alright."
  285. >B: "Even though I think we should think this more thoroughly, it wouldn't be fair for the young one if I were to make her wait any longer because I'm overthinking the smaller details."
  286. >Lyra perks up a little.
  287. >L: "You mean..."
  288. >B: "Yeah, bring the kid over. We'll deal with the problems as they come up."
  289. >You smile and start to make your way to the front door.
  290. "Right away!"
  291. >L: "Oh! One last thing Anon."
  292. >You stop and turn your head towards her.
  293. >L: "What's her name?"
  294. "Scootaloo."
  298. -Back to present time-
  300. >Well, she certainly took the news pretty well.
  301. >You think so, at least.
  302. >The filly jumping on the bed and screaming 'Yesyesyesyes' over and over again really hints that way.
  303. "Come on Kid, don't break the only furniture we own.", you say laughing.
  304. >With one last jump she hops high then flutters down in your direction, wings flapping like a humming bird.
  305. >She wraps her forelegs around your neck and presses her head against it.
  306. >"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou-"
  307. >You smile and return the hug.
  308. "You know, it's really Lyra and Bon Bon you should thank."
  309. "It's their home we'll be living in, after all."
  310. >You can feel her nodding against you.
  311. >She soon breaks the hug and bolts towards the kitchen.
  312. >"She looks like a really nice filly."
  313. >You turn to face Bon Bon.
  314. "Yeah..."
  315. >"Listen, I'm sorry I seemed reluctant to the idea earlier."
  316. "No, it's fine. I -was- asking you to adopt a foal you don't even know."
  317. "I'm just glad that I came to ask you about it and that you two accepted."
  318. >"You did good, Anon. It wa-"
  319. >Scootaloo comes back into view with a light trot.
  320. >S: "I found aunt Lyra cleaning the kitchen, but I couldn't find-"
  321. >She notices the mare next to you.
  322. >S: "AUNT BON BON!"
  323. >And with that she's already doing this pony hug thing, where the lean against each others and nuzzle with the side of their heads.
  324. >B: "A-Aunt?"
  325. >Bon's face is an hilarious mix of confusion and 'heart melting from adorableness'.
  326. >S: "YEAH! Just like Anon said to me!"
  327. >S: "Family's about who you like and about ponies supporting each others!"
  328. >She turns her head towards you.
  329. >S: "Right big bro?"
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