
Discord MSG Cap Fk'd Me

Mar 18th, 2018
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  1. Interesting take on the lore; putting them into a third party role, where they're against both Noxus AND Demacia is good. However, this doesn't tell us too much about her personality, or why she went to the ruins. Did she find it on accident, in some journey she goes on in her mourning? Did she pursue it specifically, after hearing about it? We also don't know much about her background, nor why her uncle was killed.
  3. Her passive is interesting, but it doesn't really sell the concept of "revenge." It's essentially an ability that says "hey, I'm going to go in on you with my burst combo, and if I don't kill you, I'll have my entire burst combo back up again." While the idea of reducing her cooldowns is fine, I feel as though it lacks a bit on the execution front.
  5. The base damage on her R is pretty huge, but that's a semantics thing. What I'm more concerned about is the fact that this doesn't really sell to me the idea of a vengeful girl who has nothing but unending wrath for those who've wronged her.
  7. They're not too engaging, unfortunately; their abilities, besides their ultimate, are very simplistic and straight-forwards, and there's not too many mechanics at play here. You have a dash that's also a root, an AoE cleave that's probably hard to miss because your dash and ulti lets you get on top of them, your point-and-click proc-passive-twice ability-that-also-is-poke, and then your ultimate, which is the most engaging part of their kit.
  9. There's also not much reason for me to pick her over a different Assassin, unfortunately.
  11. Although that entire block is kind of negative, the concept has lots of room for potential, so I'd say don't get discouraged at all by this.
  12. If you want a more specific direction, I'd say to pick one of two things. You could...
  13. - ... Try to go hard into the idea of vengeance and vindication. Try and sell that a bit more than your kit does right now. As of right now, if I removed the names of their abilities, I would have no idea what she's about, and I'd just go "oh some fighter." Doing so will probably lead to an interesting play style and gameplay thematic.
  14. - ... Try to go hard into the specific niche of gameplay you want them to be in. Again, there's not much reason to pick them over a different Assassin (or Malzahar, since they both have single-target lockdown ultimates and magic damage). Once you figure out their gameplay niche, you can base more of their lore specifics off of their abilities and such
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