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Apr 9th, 2020
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  2. -tempalteId [int]
  3. -huntingZoneId [int]
  4. -id [int]
  5. -isUnionSkillCoolTime [bool] **maybe is part of cooldownGroup?**
  6. -shapeChangeTo [int]
  7. -useSkillWhileReaction [bool]
  8. -useSkillWhileAirReaction [bool]
  9. -useSkillWhileBulldozer [bool]
  10. -isEvadeType [bool]
  11. -name [wstr]
  12. -linkSumonSkillId [int]
  13. -timeRate [float]
  14. -stRecoveryDelay [int]
  15. -pvpAtkRate [float]
  16. -type [wstr]
  17. ** if type == "charge" -> Normal charge-type skills are no longer used. (Once treated as NORMAL) **
  18. -nextSkill [int]
  19. ** if type == [switch, stone, instance, drain, evade, combo_instance, connect, moving_skill, charge] **
  20. -mustHaveInstanceTarget [bool]
  21. ** if type == [instance] **
  22. -switchSkill [int] [if type == "switch"]
  23. -switchInfo [int] [if type == "switch"]
  24. -directComboSkill [int]
  25. ** if type == [combo_instance] **
  26. -despawnKind[array] [int]
  27. ** if type == [despawnsummone] **
  28. -isSpiritBuff [bool]
  29. ** if type == [despawnsummone] **
  30. -isDropItemByDespawnSkill [bool]
  31. ** if type == [despawnsummone] **
  32. -movingSpeedRate [float]
  33. ** if type == [movingdefence] **
  34. -triggertype [int]
  35. ** if type == [triggeritem] **
  36. -directComboSkill [int]
  37. -category [int CSV]
  38. -changeDirOnSkillEnd [default, dir][wstr]
  39. -changeDirMethodOnSkillEnd [default, dist][wstr]
  40. ** if changeDirOnSkillEnd == [dir] **
  41. -needWapon [bool]
  42. -canUseOnCombatMode [bool]
  43. -canUseOnRide [bool]
  44. -enterCombatStatus [bool]
  45. -hitDamageAdjust [bool]
  46. -ignoreDefence [bool]
  47. -ignoreDefenceRate [float]
  48. -allDirectionDefence [bool]
  49. -adjAtkByNpcHp [bool]
  50. -adjAtkByTargetHp [bool]
  51. -adjAtkByOwnerHpType [int]
  52. -adjustAtkByOwnerStRateType [int]
  53. -damageType [range,mele]
  54. -keepMovingCharge [bool]
  55. -keptMovingCharge [bool]
  56. -overChargeShot [bool]
  57. -noChargeAbnormalityId [int]
  58. -ignoreAttackSpeed [bool]
  59. -ignoreDamageAdjust [bool]
  60. -canUseOnReaction [bool]
  61. -adjustHeight [int]
  62. -mountAbnormality [int]
  63. -ignoreShield [bool]
  64. -breakInvincible [bool]
  65. -preserveHitDirection [bool]
  66. -ignoreAir [bool]
  67. -pushtarget [push, stop, pass, pushall]
  68. -moveKeyRootMotionControl [bool]
  69. -applyDistanceDamageRate [bool]
  70. -abnormalityOnShot [int]
  71. -abnormalityOnShotProb [float]
  72. -abnormalityOnShotInvokeTime [int]
  73. -abnormalityTargetIsOwner [bool]
  74. -projectileDamageAdjust [bool]
  75. -attackRange [float]
  76. -attackRangeMin [float] []
  77. -attackRangeMax [float] []
  78. -aiRotateThreshold [int] []
  79. -broadcastClearCooltime [bool]
  80. -clearTransformData [bool]
  82. -mustMountFlyingVehicle [bool] **to check if present **
  84. -vehicleId [int, CSV] ** if type == "custom" **
  86. -Aggro
  87. -offensiveSkill [skillId]
  88. -aggroWhenStart [int]
  89. -ModifyCooltimeCondition
  90. -mobSize [mobSize enum]
  91. -rate [float]
  92. -method [int] [passive likke method maybe]
  93. -Combo
  94. -startTime [int]
  95. -endTime [int]
  96. -comboStartTime [int]
  97. -comboEndTime [int]
  98. -bonusAbnormality [int]
  99. -disAbnormality [int]
  100. -activationAbnormality [int]
  101. -ShortTel
  102. -dist [float]
  103. -ChargingStageList ** if type == "moving_charge" **
  104. -costTotalHp [int]
  105. -costTotalMp [int]
  106. -costTotalSt [int]
  107. -withAbnormalId [int]
  108. -movable [bool]
  109. ** if withAbnormalId > 0 && !movable -> [An abnormal state cannot be assigned to a fixed moving charge skill. ] **
  110. -ChargeStage [array]
  111. -duration [float]
  112. -costMpRate [float]
  113. -costHpRate [float]
  114. -costStRate [float]
  115. -shotSkillId [int]
  116. ** skillTemplate.chargeDurationOrTotalDuration += duration **
  117. -Interval
  118. -time [int]
  119. -costMpRate [float]
  120. -costHpRate [float]
  121. -costStRate [float]
  122. -addAttackBonus [float]
  123. ** [] **
  124. -OverChargeConnectSkill
  125. -redirectSkill [int]
  126. -prevSkillCategoryCondition [CSV]
  127. -Projectile ** if type != "userslug" && type == "projectile" **
  128. -destroyWhenHit [bool]
  129. -lifeTime [int]
  130. -forceReturn [bool]
  131. -despawnDist [int]
  132. -despawnAbnormalityList [int, CSV]
  133. -type[default, capture]
  134. -Drain ** if type == "drain" **
  135. -maxDrainGauge [int]
  136. -draingGaugeExpireTime [int]
  137. -backSkillId [int]
  138. -DrainBack ** if type == "drain_back" **
  139. -gaugeToMpRate [float]
  140. -Summon ** if type == "summon" **
  141. -summoneeType [bonfire, feudalLordFlag]
  142. -summoneeId [int]
  143. -Charm ** if type == "charm" **
  144. -charmId [int]
  145. -charmCategoryId [int CSV]
  146. -isForceCharm [bool]
  147. -charmRadius [int]
  148. -charmDuration [int]
  149. -targetType [all, me , party]
  150. -Firewood ** if type == "firewood" **
  151. -effectTime [int]
  152. -Gamble ** if type == "gamble" **
  153. -gambleBoxId
  154. -EventSeed ** if type == "eventseed" **
  155. -eventSeedId [int]
  156. -Mount
  157. -vehicleId [int, CSV] [max 2]
  158. -vehicleLinkSkillId [int, CSV] [max 2]
  159. -ConnectSkill ** if type == "connect" || type == "change" **
  160. -redirectSkill [int]
  161. -AddConnectSkill [array]
  162. -redirectSkill [int]
  163. -categoryCondition [int, CSV]
  164. -prevCategoryCondition [int, CSV]
  165. -period [int]
  166. -chanceSkillProb [float]
  167. -chanceSkill [int]
  168. -AddAbnormalityConnectSkill [array]
  169. -redirectSkill [int]
  170. -abnormalityId [int]
  171. -notConnectCategory [int, CSV]
  172. -AddCrestConnectSkill [array] ** mutual exclusive with AddCrestConnectSkill **
  173. -redirectSkill [int]
  174. -crestId [int]
  175. -Dash ** if type == "dash" **
  176. -speed [float]
  177. -cancelable [bool]
  178. -withAbnormalId [int]
  179. -dashRedirectSkill [int]
  180. -dashFailSkill [int]
  181. -mustHaveTarget [bool]
  182. -followTarget [followOnce, follow, none]
  183. -Ai ** if type == "ai_work" **
  184. -workId [int]
  185. -Evade ** if type == "evade" **
  186. -redirectSkill [int]
  187. -abnormalityId [int]
  188. -InverseCapture ** if type == "inversecapture" **
  189. -shotSkill [int]
  190. -Counter ** if type == "counter" **
  191. -counterSkill [int]
  192. -startTime [int]
  193. -endTime [int]
  194. -distance [int]
  195. -isPressSkill [bool]
  196. -canCounterProjectile [bool]
  197. -maxEnemy [int, default=5]
  198. -exceptionalSkillCategory [int CSV] [max 21]
  199. -rangeAngle [float, degree]
  200. -PushShield ** if type == "movingdefence" **
  201. -distance [int]
  202. -time [float]
  203. -CatchBack ** if type == "catch_back" **
  204. -dir [default = none(back), front, center, user]
  205. -condMin [int]
  206. -condMax [int]
  207. -condition [none, air,weakPoint]
  208. -CatchThrow ** if type == "catch_throw" **
  209. -throwSkillId [int]
  210. -Defence
  211. -mpCostOnSuccess [int]
  212. -damageApplyRate [float]
  213. -minimumDamageRate [float]
  214. -damageReduceValue [int]
  215. -perfectDefenceForAllies [bool]
  216. -allDirection [bool]
  217. -superArmor [bool]
  218. -superArmorId [int]
  219. -noPush [bool]
  220. -defencePvpAttack [bool]
  221. -blockOnceBreakInvincibleAttack [bool]
  222. -adjustCooltimeWhenBrokenByBreakInvincible [float]
  223. -adjustCooltimeWhenBrokenByIgnoreDefence [float]
  224. -breakShieldDistance [int]
  225. -brokenByBreakInvincibleAbnormalityId [int]
  226. -brokenByIgnoreDefenceAbnormalityId [int]
  227. -CriticalSuperArmor [array]
  228. -startTime [int]
  229. -endTime [int]
  230. -minimumDamageRate [float]
  231. -attackDamageRate [float]
  232. -abnormalityId [int]
  233. -reflectMaxDistance [float]
  234. -Resistance
  235. -startTime [int]
  236. -endTime [int]
  237. -miniRes [float]
  238. -basicRes [float]
  239. -basicIncRes [float]
  240. -damageRes [float]
  241. -addResA [float]
  242. -addResB [float]
  243. -addResC [float]
  244. -addResD [float]
  245. ** BasicRes must be greater than 0 [id =% d huntingZoneId =% d templateId =% d] at [% s] **
  246. -Bulldozer
  247. -duration [int]
  248. -speed [float]
  249. -maxWidth [float]
  250. -widthRatio [float]
  251. -Precondition
  252. -coolTime [int]
  253. -coolTimeResetProb [float]
  254. -modeChangeMethod [int]
  255. -minLevel [int]
  256. -nocTanCount [int]
  257. -innerCool [bool]
  258. -ExclusiveAbnormality[array CSV]
  259. -kind [int]
  260. -BattleFieldRanker
  261. -theLeastRank [int]
  262. -Cost
  263. -itemId [int]
  264. -itemConsumeCount [int]
  265. -isItemCountSkill [bool]
  266. -mp [int]
  267. -hp [int]
  268. -anger [float]
  269. -hpRate [float]
  270. -stRate [float]
  271. -st [int]
  272. -nocTan [float]
  273. -noCostSkill [bool]
  274. -guildCoin [int]
  275. -ItemList[array]
  276. -id [int]
  277. -count [int]
  278. ** The cost @ hp value must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than 2.1 billion. **
  279. ** Hp and hpRate cannot be set at the same time as skill casting costs. **
  280. ** hpRate must be less than 1.0 **
  281. -Property
  282. -movingWithAbnormalId [int]
  283. -criticalRate [float]
  284. -checkCritical [bool]
  285. -skillPendingType [disabled(default), immediateCancel, rearCancelOnly, rearCancel, superCancel]
  286. -abnormalMultiHitAdjustId [int]
  287. -afterDefenceSuccess [none, onlyAfter][bool]
  288. -isItemSkill [bool]
  289. -Anger
  290. -attackUpRate [float]
  291. -ActionStages [array]
  292. -HitInvincible
  293. -startTime [int]
  294. -endTime [int]
  295. -exceptionalSkillCategory [int CSV]
  296. -Cancel
  297. -frontCancelEndTime [int]
  298. -rearCancelStartTime [int]
  299. -rearCancelEndTime [int]
  300. -moveCancelStartTime [int]
  301. -Pending
  302. -startTime [int]
  303. -endTime [int]
  304. -NoReaction
  305. -startTime [int]
  306. -endTime [int]
  307. -ChangeDir
  308. -changeDirMethod [int]
  309. -changeDirMaxAngle [short]
  310. -MoveCylinderList [array]
  311. -startTime [int]
  312. -id [int]
  313. -desc [wstr]
  314. -radius [float]
  315. -height [float]
  316. -locDistance [float]
  317. -locAngle [float]
  318. -locZ [float]
  319. -HitCylinderList [array]
  320. -startTime [int]
  321. -id [int]
  322. -desc [wstr]
  323. -radius [float]
  324. -height [float]
  325. -locDistance [float]
  326. -locAngle [float]
  327. -locZ [float]
  328. -StageList [array]
  329. -changeDirToTarget [bool]
  330. -changeDirToTargetMax [int]
  331. -variableLoopMax [int]
  332. -attention [bool]
  333. -notAffectMotionRateByAbnormal [bool]
  334. -movable [bool]
  335. -Property
  336. -adjustAnimToTarget [LockOn, RangeLockOn, MoveToDest, Bulldozer]
  337. -AnimSeq [array]
  338. -animMotionId [int]
  339. -animSet [wstr]
  340. -animName [wstr]
  341. -duration [int]
  342. -rootMotionXYRate [float]
  343. -animRate [float]
  344. -bAnimLooping [bool]
  345. -loopingRate [float]
  346. -TargetingList [array]
  347. -piercingDamageDecreaseRatio[float]
  348. -adjustTargetingPos[notUse, toTarget, toTargetWithGeo]
  349. -multiShoot [bool]
  350. -Targeting [array]
  351. -id [int]
  352. -alwaysSecondHit [bool]
  353. -secondHitRemote [bool]
  354. -doNotSecondHit [bool]
  355. -type [normal_hit,second_hit,super_armor,super_armor_reflect,defence,condition_hit,counter,delayed,pushShield]
  356. **additional or simmilar types in the DC are mapped tho these types as they are only client side**
  357. -method [normal,collect,rangelockOn,useCollected,spiritAttack,spiritFollow,spiritUseSkill,spiritStandBy,object,marked]
  358. **additional or simmilar types in the DC are mapped tho these types as they are only client side**
  359. -condition [none, flyend, forcehit] ** if Targeting.type == "condition_hit" **
  360. -delayTime [int] ** delayTime = time if Targeting.type == "delayed" **
  361. -broadcastArrow [bool] ** if true sends S_INSTANCE_ARROW **
  362. -mpBonusType [int]
  363. -hpBonusType [int]
  364. -stBonusType [int]
  365. -aggroWhenTargeting [int]
  366. -hpBonusOnlyMe [bool]
  367. -mpBonusOnlyMe [bool]
  368. -stBonusOnlyMe [bool]
  369. -showMpBonus [bool]
  370. -spreadTargetAttack [bool]
  371. -spreadTargetHpDiff [bool]
  372. -spreadTargetMpCost [bool]
  373. -abnormalityOnHit [int]
  374. -abnormalityOnHitProb [float]
  375. -criticalRate [float] [defauilt (Property.criticalRate)]
  376. -targetMoveTypeIsStop [bool]
  377. -variableLoop [bool]
  378. -abnormalityWhenKill [int]
  379. -applyCooltimeOnHitSuccess [bool]
  380. -changeTarget [all, allExceptMe, allpcExceptMe, allPcIgnoreSpirit, allExceptParty, allIncludeVilliger, enemy, ally, allyExceptMe, allyOnDeath, allyVilliger, party, partyExceptMe, partOnDeath, raid, raidExceptMe, raidOnDeath, me, pvp, enemyOrPvp, ignoreSpirit, noneUnion, exceptAll, hpImmediate, mpImmediate, allImmediate]
  381. -changeTargetZPosRate [float]
  382. -ignoreHitInvincible [bool]
  383. -interval [int]
  384. -until [int]
  385. -loopingEnd = 0 [int, localVariable]
  386. ** if interval > 0 **
  387. ** { **
  388. ** until/= timeRate **
  389. ** if until == -1 { until = 88888888 } //infinitely looping **
  390. ** else { **
  391. ** loopingEnd = until - Targeting.time **
  392. ** if(!loopingEnd && type != "projectile") { Invalid targeting looping time interval } **
  393. ** if (delayTime > loopingEnd && type != "projectile") { Invalid targeting looping time interval } **
  394. ** } **
  395. ** } else { loopingEnd = 0 }**
  396. -appearDistance [int] ** maybe for projectiles **
  397. -applyCooltimeOnLockOnFail [bool]
  398. -appearCheckDistance [int]
  399. -SummonAiInfoList [array]
  400. -workerId [int]
  401. -aiId [int]
  402. -workId [int]
  403. -Cost
  404. -ProjectileSkillList [array]
  405. -ProjectileSkillProjectileSkill [array]
  406. -projectileType [none, floating, land, react, summon, connect, chain]
  407. -id [int]
  408. -flying [bool]
  409. -needAbnormalityId [int]
  410. -interruptShotAbnormalityKind [int]
  411. -needPassive [int]
  412. -excludePassive[bool]
  413. ** if (flying) -------- **
  414. -flyingSpeed [float]
  415. -flyingDistance [float]
  416. -acceleration [float]
  417. -velocityType [none, constant, acceleration, reduction]
  418. ** if (velocityType && acceleration <= 0.0) { Acceleration Value Error } **
  419. -detachType [default(fixed), locate, target]
  420. -detachDistance [float]
  421. -detachHeight [float]
  422. -shootAngle [float]
  423. -chaseTarget [bool]
  424. -shootAngleBase [none, spawner]
  425. ** ----------------- **
  426. -AreaList [array] ** Only one Area accepted in dash skill **
  427. -Area [array]
  428. -minRadius [float]
  429. -maxRadius [float]
  430. -ignoreAdjustment [bool]
  431. -rangeAngle [float]
  432. -offsetDistance [float]
  433. -offsetAngle [float]
  434. -minHeight [float]
  435. -maxHeight [float]
  436. -setRangeHeightToGround [bool]
  437. -ignoreLos [bool]
  438. -isPvpArea [bool]
  439. -pierceDepth [int]
  440. -type [all, allExceptMe, allpcExceptMe, allPcIgnoreSpirit, allExceptParty, allIncludeVilliger, enemy, ally, allyExceptMe, allyOnDeath, allyVilliger, party, partyExceptMe, partOnDeath, raid, raidExceptMe, raidOnDeath, me, pvp, enemyOrPvp, ignoreSpirit, noneUnion, exceptAll, hpImmediate, mpImmediate, allImmediate]
  441. -evadeByJump [bool]
  442. -backAttackDecisionIsUser [bool]
  443. -purpose [byType, attack, notAttack]
  444. -selectMethod [dir, dist, reverseDir, reverseDist, hpLess, hpMore, random]
  445. -maxCount [int] **Only one maxCount accepted in dash skill**
  446. -forceSortingBySelectMethod [bool]
  447. -aggroWhenNonOffensiveSkillHit [int]
  448. -ignoreDefence [bool]
  449. -enterCombatStatus [bool]
  450. -TargetCondition
  451. -levelUnder [int] ** if (levelUnder == 0) { levelUnder = 127 } **
  452. -levelOver [int]
  453. -abnormalityId
  454. ** if (abnormalityId) **
  455. -abnormalityIdInvokedByMe [bool]
  456. -prevCheckAbnormalityId [bool]
  457. ** ----------------- **
  458. -exceptAbnormalityId [int CSV]
  459. -abnormalityKind [int CSV]
  460. ** if (abnormalityKind) **
  461. -abnormalityInvokedByMe [bool]
  462. -prevCheckAbnormalityId [bool]
  463. ** ----------------- **
  464. -exceptAbnormalityKind [int CSV]
  465. -category [int]
  466. -reactionType [none, mini, basic, add, air]
  467. -secondHitByReactionType [none, mini, basic, abnormal, air]
  468. -secondHitByAbnormalId [int]
  469. -weakPoint [int]
  470. -weakPointMax [int]
  471. -weakPointMin [int]
  472. -Condition
  473. -creatureTemplateId [int]
  474. -huntingZoneId [int]
  475. -hpRateUnder [float]
  476. -mpRateUder [float]
  477. -Effect
  478. -atk [float]
  479. -variance [float]
  480. -MpDiff
  481. -value [int]
  482. -bonusValue [int]
  483. -bonusClass [wstr, class CSV]
  484. -method [add, rate]
  485. -HpDiff
  486. -value [int]
  487. -bonusValue [int]
  488. -bonusClass [wstr, class CSV]
  489. -method [add, rate]
  490. -StDiff
  491. -value [int]
  492. -bonusValue [int]
  493. -bonusClass [wstr, class CSV]
  494. -method [add, rate]
  495. -AngerDiff
  496. -value [int]
  497. -bonusValue [int]
  498. -bonusClass [wstr, class CSV]
  499. -method [add, rate]
  500. -AggroDiff
  501. -value [int]
  502. -bonusValue [int]
  503. -bonusClass [wstr, class CSV]
  504. -method [add, rate]
  505. -AbnormalityOnCommon [array]
  506. -id [int]
  507. -WeakPointDiff
  508. -addRate [float]
  509. -critAddRate [float]
  510. -count [int]
  511. -AbnormalityOnNoctan
  512. -id [int]
  513. -abnormalityRate [float]
  514. -abnormalityRateForPvp [float]
  515. -timeOverrideSmall [float]
  516. -timeOverrideMedium [float]
  517. -timeOverrideLarge [float]
  518. -timeOverrideUser [float]
  519. -force [bool]
  520. -mobSize [small, medium, large, player, any]
  521. -ignoreDefence
  522. -AbnormalityOnPvp
  523. -id [int]
  524. -abnormalityRate [float]
  525. -ignoreDefence [bool]
  526. -AbnormalityGroupOff
  527. -property [int]
  528. -level [int]
  529. -kind [int]
  530. -type [all, buff, debuff]
  531. -ReactionOff
  532. [empty]
  533. -Rebirth
  534. -hpRecoveryRate [float]
  535. -mpRecoveryRate [float]
  536. -conditionValue [int]
  537. -ReviveNow
  538. -hpRecoveryRate [float]
  539. -mpRecoveryRate [float]
  540. -conditonRecoveryRate [float]
  541. -ResetAggro
  542. -levelLimit [int]
  543. -aggroValue [float]
  544. -TauntAggro
  545. -levelLimit [int]
  546. -TopAggro
  547. -duration [float]
  548. -DropItem
  549. -templateId [int]
  550. -stackCount [int]
  551. -extendPartMember [bool]
  552. -dropDistance [float]
  553. -maxDropDistance [float]
  554. -distanceByCharge [bool]
  555. -noDelay [bool]
  556. -DropUserItem
  557. -abnormalityId [int]
  558. -abnormalityDurationRate [float]
  559. -ConditionAdj
  560. -value [float]
  561. -GuildBuff
  562. -id [int]
  563. -SummonNpc
  564. -templateId [int]
  565. -huntingZoneId [int]
  566. -dir [float]
  567. -baseDir [float]
  568. -distance [float]
  569. -bonusHpRate [float]
  570. -defRatio [float]
  571. -atkRatio [float]
  572. -getAggroFrompc [bool]
  573. -summinKind [int]
  574. -aggressive [bool]
  575. -isTresureFinder [bool]
  576. -ownerAbnormalityId [int CSV]
  577. -hasFixedTarget [bool]
  578. -bombNpc [bool]
  579. ** if (bombNpc) **
  580. -BombNpc
  581. -huntingZoneId [int]
  582. -templateId [int]
  583. -dir [float]
  584. -distance [float]
  585. ** ------------ **
  586. -SummonObjectNpc
  587. -huntingZoneId [int]
  588. -tempalteId [int]
  589. -ChangeNpc
  590. -huntingZoneId [int]
  591. -tempalteId [int]
  592. -SpawnTerritory
  593. -dirMin [int]
  594. -dirMax [int]
  595. -distMin [int]
  596. -distMax [int]
  597. -[array]
  598. -huntingZoneId [int]
  599. -territoryId [int]
  600. -Teleport
  602. -destRange [int]
  603. -spawnRange [int]
  604. -memeberRange [int]
  605. -recallContinent [int]
  606. -recallPos [vec3]
  607. -dir [float]
  608. -DynamicSpawn
  609. -huntingZoneId [int]
  610. -dynamicSpawnId [int]
  611. -PkDeclare
  612. [is pk declare effect]
  613. -StackAccum
  614. -value [int]
  615. -StackExplode
  616. -Damage
  617. -valueMin [float]
  618. -valueMax [float]
  619. -criticalMin [float]
  620. -criticalMax [float]
  621. -aggroMin [float]
  622. -aggroMax [float]
  623. -Abnormality
  624. -valueMin [float]
  625. -valueMax [float]
  626. -durationMin [float]
  627. -durationMax [float]
  628. -invokeProbMin [float]
  629. -invokeProbMax [float]
  630. -SystemMessage
  631. -attackerMessage [wstr default(SMT_THROW_SMILE_FIREWORK)]
  632. -attackeeMessage [wstr default(SMT_THROW_SMILE_FIREWORK)]
  633. -ResetDungeon
  634. -continentList [int CSV]
  635. -partyType [SOLO, PARTY, RAID]
  636. -ReputationPoint
  637. -npcGuildId [int]
  638. -incrExp [int]
  639. -incrPoint [int]
  640. -RecallMonster
  641. -groupId [int]
  642. -ToggleServant
  643. -servantTemplateId [int]
  644. -ServantEnergy
  645. -addValue [int]
  646. -ChangeAppearance
  647. [is ChangeAppearance effect]
  648. -Social
  649. -socialMotionId [int]
  650. -pendingTime[int]
  651. -EnterDungeon
  652. -id [int]
  653. -reset [bool]
  654. -enableFlag [bool]
  655. -Transform
  656. -transformTime [float]
  657. ** if(transformTime > 0.0) **
  658. -beginPendingTime [int]
  659. -endPeningTime [int]
  660. -transformHairItemTemplateId [int]
  661. -transformBodyItemTemplateId [int]
  662. -transformBackItemTemplateId [int]
  663. ** ----------------------- **
  664. -ImpactDamage
  665. -damageType [fixed, proportional]
  666. -damageRate [float]
  667. -EventGageDiff
  668. -value [int]
  669. -gageName [wstr]
  670. -RandomSetPos
  671. -delayTime [int]
  672. ** if(RandomSetPos.delayTime > 0) **
  673. -continentId [int]
  674. -posType [absolute, relative]
  675. ** ------------------------------ **
  676. -targetNpcId [npcId]
  677. -centerPos [vec3]
  678. -radius [int]
  679. -Pos [array] ** max 10 **
  680. -value [vec3]
  681. -AbnormalityOff
  682. -id [int]
  683. -stackCount [int]
  684. -kind [int]
  685. -level [int]
  686. -method [int]
  687. -noRemoveWhenExistsStackCount [bool]
  688. -abnormalityRate [float]
  689. -abnormalityRateForPvp [float]
  690. -timeOverrideSmall [float]
  691. -timeOverrideMedium [float]
  692. -timeOverrideLarge [float]
  693. -timeOverrideUser [float]
  694. -force [bool]
  695. -mobSize [small, medium, large, player ,any]
  696. -ignoreDefence [bool]
  697. -classes [class wstr CSV]
  699. -ExceptArea [array]
  700. -minRadius [float]
  701. -maxRadius [float]
  702. -ignoreAdjustment [bool]
  703. -rangeAngle [float]
  704. -offsetDistance [float]
  705. -offsetAngle [float]
  706. -minHeight [float]
  707. -maxHeight [float]
  708. -setRangeHeightToGround [bool]
  711. ** Only one targeting time accepted in case shortTel/dash skill **
  712. ** time min value = 100 if time < 100 -> time = 100 **
  713. ** delayTime = (time < 100 ? 100 : time) - time if Targeting.type != "delayed"**
  714. ** RANGELOCKON targeting is only available for movingSkill **
  715. ** LOCKON targeting is only available for movingSkill **
  717. -RangedCritical
  718. -Heal
  719. -Area
  720. -radius [int]
  721. -occureRate [float]
  722. -effectIncreaseRate [float]
  723. -Abnormal
  724. -Area
  725. -radius [int]
  726. -occureRate [float]
  727. effectIncreaseRate [float]
  728. -KeyState
  729. -State [array]
  730. -skillId [int]
  731. -UserProjectileCurveMove
  732. -isDestGround [bool]
  733. -Projectile ** if type == "userslug" **
  734. -destroyWhenHit [bool]
  735. -explosionDelay [int]
  736. -despawnDist [int]
  737. -userSlugHitSingleTargetMaxCount [int][default=1]
  738. -despawnAbnormalityList [int CSV]
  739. -TargetingList **same as normal TargetingList node**
  740. -Property **same as normal Property node**
  742. ** for type < 29 && Targetings == 0 -> TargetingInfo is a required skill, but it does not exist. **
  743. ** if is npc skill template **
  744. ** all time values will be / timeRate **
  746. ** localVariable = variable that is not in the data but as a product of the data **
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