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Apr 22nd, 2018
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  1. There is a reason we all do what we do in this world. Sports, video games, StarCraft 2. Whatever it maybe we all have a reason and my reason for playing Starcraft 2 is just so one day I might get the chance to play against team Incredible Miracle, not only are they my favorite team in StarCraft 2 they have inspired me to better my self in all aspects of my life. Some people say a person across the ocean cannot change your life. Incredible Miracle has changed mine and given me a means to keep going and improving my self. I dedicate my self to watching team Incredible Miracle in every instance I can. Every GSL, GTSL, MLG, and any event which I can view a stream of any Incredible Miracle player playing the game I watch. I only wish I could have gone to a MLG to meet a player from Incredible Miracle but I am in the United States Coast Guard and cannot fit it into my schedule. Each time Incredible Miracle wins a match, event, tournament. I get so happy as if it was my own family member playing. I thank Incredible Miracle for every moment I spend watching StarCraft 2, actually giving me a reason to play, a reason to wake up for a new day finish work and do something when I get home and not just sit alone in the dark.
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