
Ardent Jung Hyerin

May 23rd, 2019
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  1. ≽| I still can't reach you|≼
  2. ❑Username - GlisteningHobi
  3. ❑Password - Black
  4. ❑Lucky number - 3
  6. ≽| every day I would fly to you|≼
  7. ❑Birth name - Jung Hyerin
  8. ❑Other names - Hailey Jung
  9. ❑Nicknames - n/a
  10. ❑Birthdate - 15th May 1997
  11. ❑Age - 22
  12. ❑Faceclaim - Nayeon (Twice)
  13. ❑Backup faceclaim - Yoojung (Weki Meki)
  14. ❑Weight - 47kg (104 lbs)
  15. ❑Height - 164cm (5'5")
  16. ❑Nationality - Korean-American
  17. ❑Ethnicity - Korean-American
  18. ❑Birthplace - Hawaii, US
  19. ❑Hometown - Hawaii, US
  20. ❑Languages-
  21. - Korean (100%)
  22. - English (100%)
  23. - Hawaiian (80%)
  25. ≽| I want to be one with you forever|≼
  26. ❑Personality-
  27. - Confident & bubbly = this side of her is really only seen by fans when she is on stage.
  28. - Energetic = this used to be the case in all aspects of her life but when their maknae died, she completely switched.
  29. - Bitter = ever since their maknae died, she has been very bitter and emotionless.
  30. - Quiet = she does not talk as much as she used to and she only talks to certain people.
  31. - Emotionless = ever since the death of their maknae, she has not really been able to show emotion because she just doesn't really feel anything. She feels emotionally numb.
  32. - Pessimist = she does not really see the good in things and life now.
  33. - Caring = she does care for her members very much but just sometimes finds it hard to show them.
  35. ❑Background- She grew up in Hawaii with her parents and her adopted brother Harrison. Her mum worked as a vet and her dad was a policeman. She never really had any friends in school and was usually found alone listening to music or reading a book. She was extremely close to her family especially Harrison since they were close in age and had similar interests in music and art. It was Harrison that first got her interested in dance and then she decided that she wanted a career in it. For a long time, her dream was to be a dance instructor but when she got to university, she realised her true dream of being an idol because of idols like Ailee, Dara from 2ne1 and many other artists. She found it hard to connect with people, therefore, meaning she never really had any relationships minus her family. She is not very experienced in the area of love because she doesn't know what it feels like to have that type of emotion. She wasn't allowed pets because her parents thought that she would be too irresponsible. When she was with her family, she was very energetic and playful since she was comfortable being around them. Sadly, while she was living on campus in university, her mother died of a heart attack and could not be revived. This was one of the reasons why she is a very closed off person. She found comfort in listening to music by herself and dancing.
  37. ≽|you don't know my heart|≼
  38. ❑Slot - Hear me
  39. ❑Backup slot - Dollar
  40. ❑Love interest - Donghyuk (iKon)
  41. ❑Backup love interest - B.I (iKon)
  43. ❑His personality - He is very chatty around people but when he is alone or only with one person he is a lot quieter. The best time to have an in-depth conversation with him is when he is alone. He has a very strange sense of humour and that can sometimes be quite dark and only certain people find it funny. He can have very major mood swings, one minute being happy and the next minute he is trying to throw a punch at someone, however, he has learnt to control it.
  45. ❑How does she act around him? - She is comfortable around him when he is alone but when his friends are around she gets very uneasy. She has deep conversations which she can't even have with her members. She is able to open up about personal issues with him. She shows a more light-hearted side to her when she is around him.
  47. ❑How does he act around her? - He is very open when he is around her. He is constantly trying to make her laugh since she is always so serious. He always knows the right things to say to make her feel better when she is upset.
  49. What is their relationship like, beginning, middle and end? -
  50. + Beginning; Friends; they had met a once or twice and had interesting conversations when they did.
  51. + Middle; Freinds; they had started talking more especially since the murder was found out because she was curious who he thought murdered her and she needed someone to comfort her. However, she did want to keep a bit of distance since she doesn't know exactly who did it.
  52. + End; (If he is the killer) She storms over to his place and attacks him, needing some of her members and his to hold her back. (If he is not the killer) She distances herself from him since she was so distraught from the news and then they just kind of stop talking altogether.
  54. ≽|you are deep inside my heart|≼
  55. ❑Disliked slots - n/a
  56. ❑How does she feel about the maknae's death? - She is probably the most shaken up by the maknae's death because they were extremely close. Even though there was a bit of an age difference, they still got along perfectly well. Their maknae was one of the few people she could connect with because minus her family, she could never really connect with anyone. She trusted their maknae and would do anything for her. Their maknae felt like a sister to her and she felt that nobody could ever fill that void. She can't stand the fact that she is gone.
  58. ❑What does she think of Starstruck? - She does not hate them but she definitely does not like some of them. She doesn't feel as if she can hate them since she doesn't know exactly who did it. She feels bitter towards them since one of them killed her best friend. She also feels especially weird around two of the members because they seem off whenever she sees them. She finds it hard to trust any of them due to what one of them has done. There is only one member that she can talk to and that is Donghyuk, this is because she feels as if he is the only trust-worthy and honest one.
  60. ❑Message to me - Goodluck with the apply fic. If there is anything I need to improve on, just tell me and I will quickly change it.
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