
Swatting the Roach Ver.2 part 2

Feb 8th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. from /hhg/ Helluva Hotel general #623 and #624
  2. part 1:
  3. ---------
  4. >As you approach the dining hall, you encounter Vaggie pushing the dining cart with the Hotel's breakfasts on them, appearing from the revolving door to the Kitchen.
  5. >You attempt to at least be civil, after functioning on maybe 3 hours of sleep last night.
  6. >'Morning, Vag! How's tricks?'
  7. >She eyes you up with some form of expression and can't place, and then, smiles.
  8. >'Morning. Full English for you, right? Orders from Charlie.'
  9. >'That's the one.'
  10. >You pull the right hand handle of the double doors, and wave her inside.
  11. >'After you.'
  12. >She smirks and pushes the cart.
  13. >'How very chivalrous.'
  14. >You follow her inside the lavishly carpeted room.
  15. >Charlie doesn't particularly like residents sneaking off with their meals to eat in their rooms. Thinks it's anti-social behaviour, or something. One of the first things she said upon your induction.
  16. >So, everyone dines together.
  17. >She is so much like a mother, you think, smirking.
  18. >And there is the lady in question. Deep in conversation with Niffty about something, as she sips her coffee.
  19. >Alastor is sat alongside her, silently brooding things over. You can never tell what he's thinking. Nor what he's eating. It's just a mass of red, soupy... matter.
  20. >Husk is placed across from Alastor, with a bottle halfway down, and grumbling about something. If he wasn't dead, he'd have wasted away his liver a long ago. He seems to only drink alcohol.
  21. >And Angel. The one person you really wish you didn't have to see right now.
  22. >You sit at your place alongside him, place your napkin on your lap, and just manages to take a sip of your water before he starts laying into you.
  23. -
  24. >'What was that about, then Anon? You tearing off into the night like that, ending up in the back of beyond, when I needed you.'
  25. >'There was something I had to do. After what you told me, I couldn't just sit and do nothing!'
  26. >'Get some perspective for god's sake! What do you think you can hope to achieve against him?'
  27. >'Sorry.'
  28. >You shrug.
  29. >'Trade secret. It's for me to know, and for you to find out.'
  30. >'I-'
  31. >He starts to say something but stops himself.
  32. >He just shakes his head.
  33. >'What would I do without you, eh, Anon?'
  34. >THUNK
  35. >'Ow! What was that in aid of?'
  36. >'Boys!'
  37. >You both spin your heads round.
  38. >Charlie is staring.
  39. >'No violence at the tables.'
  40. >'Sure thing, Charlie.'
  41. >Angel shrugs.
  42. >Charlie turns to you.
  43. >You blow out of your nose.
  44. >'Pfft. Fine, 'Mum.'
  45. >You made sure to exaggerate that last word.
  46. >Alastor's silence is broken as he smirks and starts to guffaw.
  47. >'Hehehehe... Very apt, Mr. Anonymous. I should be taking your material down. You could write a joke book with all your dry wit, Hohoho!'
  48. >He dabs the corners of his mouth with a napkin, clearing off some of... whatever it was he was eating, and set his cutlery down.
  49. >You shoot daggers at the demon.
  50. >He smirks back, knowingly.
  51. >The sound of the tuning of a radio accompanies his question.
  52. >'Have you... processed the information I gave to you for our little plan?'
  53. >'Yes I have.'
  54. >'Excellent, my dear fellow. Ah, and here comes breakfast.'
  55. >He licks his lips.
  56. >The plates are all placed in front of everyone sitting by Vaggie, and as she takes her seat, everyone tucks in.
  57. >As you devour your hearty breakfast, Niffty pipes up.
  58. -
  59. >'Just before breakfast, I went to check the briefing room, and someone has been in there.'
  60. >Everyone looks up from their meals.
  61. >'Wouldn't happen to be any of you would it?' Niffty interrogates, eyeing everyone at the table.
  62. >You pipe up, saving everyone from awkward silence.
  63. >'Actually, it was me. Sorry'
  64. >'IT WAS SO DIRTY', she screeches.
  65. >'Not my fault.'
  66. >'I expect a thorough clean by the time I inspect it again, Anon.'
  67. >Chastised by the cleaner. As if this day couldn't get any worse.
  69. >After breakfast, you retire to your room for some rest.
  70. >Lucifer knows you need it.
  71. >Sleep is eluding you, at the moment, however.
  72. >You draw the blinds halfway to block some of the light, and saunter over to the record player you keep in the corner.
  73. >Fishing through the singles, you decide on something... nice, for a change.
  74. >
  75. >With the press of a switch, the record needle lifted from its place, and set itself down on the 7'.
  76. >Within 3 seconds, the dulcet tones of the singer lifted your spirits immensely.
  77. >'We have all the time in the world...'
  78. >You sigh happily.
  79. >'Always liked this one', you thought to yourself.
  80. >You put your arm on the glass of the window, looking out at the city in the early morning light.
  81. >Angel, stood on the corner, chain-smoking, as usual.
  82. >You forgot, it was a Tuesday.
  83. >Tuesdays and Saturdays were his 'corner days' as you called them.
  84. >A car rolled up to the kerb, and the window was rolled down.
  85. >Travis popped his head out, talking to Angel.
  86. >Travis
  87. >Nice guy, you thought.
  88. >For the little you'd spoke to him.
  89. >One of Angie's most prolific customers.
  90. >The concluded their conversation, and Angel hopped into the passenger seat and the car drove away.
  91. >You settled down on the bed, letting sleep claim you.
  92. >As you drift off, you hear the last few lines of a verse.
  93. >'We have all the time in the world
  94. Just for love
  95. Nothing more, nothing less, only love...'
  96. >If only it was that simple.
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