
OpFuckMohammad -

Feb 10th, 2013
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  1. OpFuckMohammad
  3. Greetings from th3inf1d3l - The Muslim News, at, is alledgedly the only independent monthly Muslim newspaper in the UK. Below is a summary of the dumped tables. One table, your_say, had 47K entries but of the first 1000 rows, 95% was spam so ignored it, not worth the time. The file, located at, contains the dumped tables and columns. Most of the tables contain emails only but, tables customers and customers_backup contain a total of 1600 breached accounts that include email, name, address and phone. Notice all the traitors from the US and UK.
  5. Summary:
  6. DB: public
  7. Table mailing_list.csv: 1770 total 1632 unique emails
  8. Table phpads_clients.csv: 99 total 3 unique emails
  9. Table phpads_clients.csv: 1 total 1 unique pwds 222 blank pwds
  10. Table customers_backup.csv: 1039 total 926 unique emails
  11. Table customers_backup.csv: 1064 total 249 unique pwds 0 blank pwds
  12. Table users.csv: 1 total 1 unique emails
  13. Table users.csv: 1 total 1 unique pwds 0 blank pwds
  14. Table pharmacist.csv: 29 total 1 unique emails
  15. Table phpads_config.csv: 1 total 0 unique emails
  16. Table contacts.csv: 273 total 166 unique emails
  17. Table customers.csv: 1046 total 779 unique emails
  18. Table customers.csv: 1073 total 74 unique pwds 0 blank pwds
  19. Table news_customers.csv: 3 total 0 unique emails
  20. Table news_customers.csv: 3 total 0 unique pwds 0 blank pwds
  21. Table media.csv: 256 total 225 unique emails
  22. 4517 total 3733 unique emails found
  23. 2142 total 325 unique passwords found
  25. web application technology: Apache 2.2.22, PHP 5.3.14
  26. back-end DBMS: PostgreSQL
  28. database management system users [3]:
  29. [*] musnews
  30. [*] musnews_dbuser
  31. [*] postgres
  33. Database: public
  34. [53 tables]
  35. +------------------------+
  36. | brands |
  37. | business_detail |
  38. | business_type |
  39. | categories |
  40. | contacts |
  41. | customers |
  42. | customers_backup |
  43. | events |
  44. | iva |
  45. | mailing_list |
  46. | media |
  47. | news_cat |
  48. | news_customers |
  49. | news_images |
  50. | news_item |
  51. | news_item_20040123 |
  52. | news_item_backup |
  53. | order_items |
  54. | orders_states |
  55. | ordersca |
  56. | orderscc |
  57. | paper_article |
  58. | paper_cat |
  59. | paper_issue |
  60. | pharmacist |
  61. | phpads_acls |
  62. | phpads_adclicks |
  63. | phpads_adstats |
  64. | phpads_adviews |
  65. | phpads_affiliates |
  66. | phpads_banners |
  67. | phpads_cache |
  68. | phpads_clients |
  69. | phpads_config |
  70. | phpads_images |
  71. | phpads_session |
  72. | phpads_targetstats |
  73. | phpads_userlog |
  74. | phpads_zones |
  75. | press_release |
  76. | products |
  77. | products_categories |
  78. | profession |
  79. | reporter |
  80. | sub_news_cat |
  81. | sub_news_item |
  82. | sub_news_item_20040123 |
  83. | survey_election |
  84. | survey_iraq |
  85. | survey_sept11 |
  86. | users |
  87. | your_say |
  88. | your_say_cat |
  89. +------------------------+
  91. @th3inf1d3l
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