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Mar 31st, 2015
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  1. # This determines the command prefix when there are conflicts (/name:home, /name:help, etc.)
  2. name: Essentials
  3. main: com.earth2me.essentials.Essentials
  4. # Note to developers: This next line cannot change, or the automatic versioning system will break.
  5. version: TeamCity
  6. website:
  7. description: Provides an essential, core set of commands for Bukkit.
  8. authors: [Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, Brettflan, KimKandor, snowleo, ceulemans, Xeology, KHobbits, md_5, Iaccidentally]
  9. commands:
  10. # afk:
  11. # description: Marks you as away-from-keyboard.
  12. # usage: /<command> [player]
  13. # aliases: [eafk,away,eaway]
  14. # antioch:
  15. # description: 'A little surprise for operators.'
  16. # usage: /<command> [message]
  17. # aliases: [eantioch,grenade,egrenade,tnt,etnt]
  18. back:
  19. description: Teleports you to your location prior to tp/spawn/warp.
  20. usage: /<command>
  21. aliases: [eback,return,ereturn]
  22. # backup:
  23. # description: Runs the backup if configured.
  24. # usage: /<command>
  25. # aliases: [ebackup]
  26. # balance:
  27. # description: States the current balance of a player.
  28. # usage: /<command> [player]
  29. # aliases: [bal,ebal,ebalance,money,emoney]
  30. # balancetop:
  31. # description: Gets the top balance values.
  32. # usage: /<command> <page>
  33. # aliases: [ebalancetop,baltop,ebaltop]
  34. # ban:
  35. # description: Bans a player.
  36. # usage: /<command> <player> [reason]
  37. # aliases: [eban]
  38. # banip:
  39. # description: Bans an IP address.
  40. # usage: /<command> <address>
  41. # aliases: [ebanip]
  42. book:
  43. description: Allows reopening and editing of sealed books.
  44. usage: /<command> [title|author [name]]
  45. aliases: [ebook]
  46. # break:
  47. # description: Breaks the block you are looking at.
  48. # usage: /<command>
  49. # aliases: [ebreak]
  50. # broadcast:
  51. # description: Broadcasts a message to the entire server.
  52. # usage: /<command> <msg>
  53. # aliases: [bc,ebc,bcast,ebcast,ebroadcast,shout,eshout]
  54. # bigtree:
  55. # description: Spawn a big tree where you are looking.
  56. # usage: /<command> <tree|redwood|jungle>
  57. # aliases: [ebigtree,largetree,elargetree]
  58. # burn:
  59. # description: Set a player on fire.
  60. # usage: /<command> <player> <seconds>
  61. # aliases: [eburn]
  62. clearinventory:
  63. description: Clear all items in your inventory.
  64. usage: /<command> [player|*] [item[:<data>]|*|**] [amount]
  65. aliases: [ci,eci,clean,eclean,clear,eclear,clearinvent,eclearinvent,eclearinventory]
  66. # condense:
  67. # description: Condenses items into a more compact blocks.
  68. # usage: /<command> [<itemname>|<id>|hand|inventory]
  69. # aliases: [econdense,compact,ecompact,blocks,eblocks,toblocks,etoblocks]
  70. compass:
  71. description: Describes your current bearing.
  72. usage: /<command>
  73. aliases: [ecompass,direction,edirection]
  74. # customtext:
  75. # description: Allows you to create custom text commands.
  76. # usage: /<alias> - Define in bukkit.yml
  77. # delhome:
  78. # description: Removes a home.
  79. # usage: /<command> [player:]<name>
  80. # aliases: [edelhome,remhome,eremhome,rmhome,ermhome]
  81. # deljail:
  82. # description: Removes a jail.
  83. # usage: /<command> <jailname>
  84. # aliases: [edeljail,remjail,eremjail,rmjail,ermjail]
  85. delwarp:
  86. description: Deletes the specified warp.
  87. usage: /<command> <warp>
  88. aliases: [edelwarp,remwarp,eremwarp,rmwarp,ermwarp]
  89. depth:
  90. description: States current depth, relative to sea level.
  91. usage: /depth
  92. aliases: [edepth,height,eheight]
  93. # eco:
  94. # description: Manages the server economy.
  95. # usage: /<command> <give|take|set|reset> <player> <amount>
  96. # aliases: [eeco,economy,eeconomy]
  97. enchant:
  98. description: Enchants the item the user is holding.
  99. usage: /<command> <enchantmentname> [level]
  100. aliases: [eenchant,enchantment,eenchantment]
  101. enderchest:
  102. description: Lets you see inside an enderchest.
  103. usage: /<command> [player]
  104. aliases: [echest,eechest,eenderchest,endersee,eendersee,ec,eec]
  105. essentials:
  106. description: Reloads essentials.
  107. usage: /<command>
  108. aliases: [eessentials, ess, eess, essversion]
  109. exp:
  110. description: Give, set or look at a players exp.
  111. usage: /<command> [show|set|give] [playername [amount]]
  112. aliases: [eexp,xp]
  113. # ext:
  114. # description: Extinguish players.
  115. # usage: /<command> [player]
  116. # aliases: [eext,extinguish,eextinguish]
  117. feed:
  118. description: Satisfy the hunger.
  119. usage: /<command> [player]
  120. aliases: [eat,eeat,efeed]
  121. # fly:
  122. # description: Take off, and soar!
  123. # usage: /<command> [player] [on|off]
  124. # aliases: [efly]
  125. # fireball:
  126. # description: Throw a fireball.
  127. # usage: /<command> [small|skull]
  128. # aliases: [efireball,fireentity,efireentity,fireskull,efireskull]
  129. # firework:
  130. # description: Allows you to modify a stack of fireworks.
  131. # usage: /<command> <<meta param>|power [amount]|clear|fire [amount]>
  132. # aliases: [efirework]
  133. gamemode:
  134. description: Change player gamemode.
  135. usage: /<command> <survival|creative|adventure> [player]
  136. aliases: [adventure,eadventure,adventuremode,eadventuremode,creative,eecreative,creativemode,ecreativemode,egamemode,gm,egm,gma,egma,gmc,egmc,gms,egms,gmsp,egmspgmt,egmt,survival,esurvival,survivalmode,esurvivalmode]
  137. gc:
  138. description: Reports memory, uptime and tick info.
  139. usage: /<command> [all]
  140. aliases: [lag,elag,egc,mem,emem,memory,ememory,uptime,euptime,tps,etps,entities,eentities]
  141. # getpos:
  142. # description: Get your current coordinates or those of a player.
  143. # usage: /<command> [player]
  144. # aliases: [coords,egetpos,position,eposition,whereami,ewhereami,getlocation,egetlocation,getloc,egetloc]
  145. give:
  146. description: Give a player an item.
  147. usage: /<command> <player> <item|numeric> [amount [itemmeta...]]
  148. aliases: [egive]
  149. # god:
  150. # description: Enables your godly powers.
  151. # usage: /<command> [player] [on|off]
  152. # aliases: [egod,godmode,egodmode,tgm,etgm]
  153. hat:
  154. description: Get some cool new headgear.
  155. usage: /<command> [remove]
  156. aliases: [ehat,head,ehead]
  157. heal:
  158. description: Heals you or the given player.
  159. usage: /<command> [player]
  160. aliases: [eheal]
  161. # help:
  162. # description: Views a list of available commands.
  163. # usage: /<command> [search term] [page]
  164. # aliases: [ehelp]
  165. # helpop:
  166. # description: Message online admins.
  167. # usage: /<command> <message>
  168. # aliases: [ac,eac,amsg,eamsg,ehelpop]
  169. # home:
  170. # description: Teleport to your home.
  171. # usage: /<command> [player:][name]
  172. # aliases: [ehome,homes,ehomes]
  173. ignore:
  174. description: Ignore or unignore other players.
  175. usage: /<command> <player>
  176. aliases: [eignore,unignore,eunignore,delignore,edelignore,remignore,eremignore,rmignore,ermignore]
  177. # info:
  178. # description: Shows information set by the server owner.
  179. # usage: /<command> [chapter] [page]
  180. # aliases: [about,eabout,ifo,eifo,einfo,inform,einform,news,enews]
  181. invsee:
  182. description: See the inventory of other players.
  183. usage: /<command> <player>
  184. aliases: [einvsee]
  185. item:
  186. description: Spawn an item.
  187. usage: /<command> <item|numeric> [amount [itemmeta...]]
  188. aliases: [i,eitem,ei]
  189. itemdb:
  190. description: Searches for an item.
  191. usage: /<command> <item>
  192. aliases: [dura,edura,durability,edurability,eitemdb,itemno,eitemno]
  193. # jails:
  194. # description: List all jails.
  195. # usage: /<command>
  196. # aliases: [ejails]
  197. jump:
  198. description: Jumps to the nearest block in the line of sight.
  199. usage: /<command>
  200. aliases: [j,ej,ejump,jumpto,ejumpto]
  201. # kick:
  202. # description: Kicks a specified player with a reason.
  203. # usage: /<command> <player> [reason]
  204. # aliases: [ekick]
  205. # kickall:
  206. # description: Kicks all players off the server except the issuer.
  207. # usage: /<command> [reason]
  208. # aliases: [ekickall]
  209. kill:
  210. description: Kills specified player.
  211. usage: /<command> <player>
  212. aliases: [ekill]
  213. # kit:
  214. # description: Obtains the specified kit or views all available kits.
  215. # usage: /<command> [kit] [player]
  216. # aliases: [ekit,kits,ekits]
  217. # kittycannon:
  218. # description: Throw an exploding kitten at your opponent.
  219. # usage: /<command>
  220. # aliases: [ekittycannon]
  221. # lightning:
  222. # description: The power of Thor. Strike at cursor or player.
  223. # usage: /<command> [player] [power]
  224. # aliases: [elightning,shock,eshock,smite,esmite,strike,estrike,thor,ethor]
  225. list:
  226. description: List all online players.
  227. usage: /<command> [group]
  228. aliases: [elist,online,eonline,playerlist,eplayerlist,plist,eplist,who,ewho]
  229. # mail:
  230. # description: Manages inter-player, intra-server mail.
  231. # usage: /<command> [read|clear|send [to] [message]|sendall [message]]
  232. # aliases: [email,eemail,memo,ememo]
  233. # me:
  234. # description: Describes an action in the context of the player.
  235. # usage: /<command> <description>
  236. # aliases: [action,eaction,describe,edescribe,eme]
  237. more:
  238. description: Fills the item stack in hand to maximum size.
  239. usage: /<command>
  240. aliases: [emore]
  241. # motd:
  242. # description: Views the Message Of The Day.
  243. # usage: /<command> [chapter] [page]
  244. # aliases: [emotd]
  245. msg:
  246. description: Sends a private message to the specified player.
  247. usage: /<command> <to> <message>
  248. aliases: [w,m,t,pm,emsg,epm,tell,etell,whisper,ewhisper]
  249. mute:
  250. description: Mutes or unmutes a player.
  251. usage: /<command> <player> [datediff]
  252. aliases: [emute,silence,esilence]
  253. near:
  254. description: Lists the players near by or around a player.
  255. usage: /<command> [playername] [radius]
  256. aliases: [enear,nearby,enearby]
  257. nick:
  258. description: Change your nickname or that of another player.
  259. usage: /<command> [player] <nickname|off>
  260. aliases: [enick,nickname,enickname]
  261. # nuke:
  262. # description: May death rain upon them.
  263. # usage: /<command> [player]
  264. # aliases: [enuke]
  265. # pay:
  266. # description: Pays another player from your balance.
  267. # usage: /<command> <player> <amount>
  268. # aliases: [epay]
  269. # ping:
  270. # description: Pong!
  271. # usage: /<command>
  272. # aliases: [echo,eecho,eping,pong,epong]
  273. potion:
  274. description: Adds custom potion effects to a potion.
  275. usage: /<command> <clear|apply|effect:<effect> power:<power> duration:<duration>>
  276. aliases: [epotion,elixer,eelixer]
  277. # powertool:
  278. # description: Assigns a command to the item in hand.
  279. # usage: /<command> [l:|a:|r:|c:|d:][command] [arguments] - {player} can be replaced by name of a clicked player.
  280. # aliases: [epowertool,pt,ept]
  281. # powertooltoggle:
  282. # description: Enables or disables all current powertools.
  283. # usage: /<command>
  284. # aliases: [epowertooltoggle,ptt,eptt,pttoggle,epttoggle]
  285. ptime:
  286. description: Adjust player's client time. Add @ prefix to fix.
  287. usage: /<command> [list|reset|day|night|dawn|17:30|4pm|4000ticks] [player|*]
  288. aliases: [playertime,eplayertime,eptime]
  289. # pweather:
  290. # description: Adjust a player's weather
  291. # usage: /<command> [list|reset|storm|sun|clear] [player|*]
  292. # aliases: [playerweather,eplayerweather,epweather]
  293. r:
  294. description: Quickly reply to the last player to message you.
  295. usage: /<command> <message>
  296. aliases: [er,reply,ereply]
  297. realname:
  298. description: Displays the username of a user based on nick.
  299. usage: /<command> <nickname>
  300. aliases: [erealname]
  301. recipe:
  302. description: Displays how to craft items.
  303. usage: /<command> <item> [number]
  304. aliases: [formula,eformula,method,emethod,erecipe,recipes,erecipes]
  305. remove:
  306. description: Removes entities in your world.
  307. usage: /<command> <all|tamed|named|drops|arrows|boats|minecarts|xp|paintings|itemframes|endercrystals|monsters|animals|ambient|mobs|[mobType]> [radius|world]
  308. aliases: [eremove,butcher,ebutcher,killall,ekillall,mobkill,emobkill]
  309. repair:
  310. description: Repairs the durability of one or all items.
  311. usage: /<command> [hand|all]
  312. aliases: [fix,efix,erepair]
  313. # rules:
  314. # description: Views the server rules.
  315. # usage: /<command> [chapter] [page]
  316. # aliases: [erules]
  317. seen:
  318. description: Shows the last logout time of a player.
  319. usage: /<command> <playername>
  320. aliases: [eseen]
  321. # sell:
  322. # description: Sells the item currently in your hand.
  323. # usage: /<command> <<itemname>|<id>|hand|inventory|blocks> [-][amount]
  324. # aliases: [esell]
  325. # sethome:
  326. # description: Set your home to your current location.
  327. # usage: /<command> [[player:]name]
  328. # aliases: [esethome,createhome,ecreatehome]
  329. # setjail:
  330. # description: Creates a jail where you specified named [jailname].
  331. # usage: /<command> <jailname>
  332. # aliases: [esetjail,createjail,ecreatejail]
  333. setwarp:
  334. description: Creates a new warp.
  335. usage: /<command> <warp>
  336. aliases: [createwarp,ecreatewarp,esetwarp]
  337. # setworth:
  338. # description: Set the sell value of an item.
  339. # usage: /<command> [itemname|id] <price>
  340. # aliases: [esetworth]
  341. skull:
  342. description: Set the owner of a player skull
  343. usage: /<command> [owner]
  344. aliases: [eskull, playerskull, eplayerskull, head, ehead]
  345. socialspy:
  346. description: Toggles if you can see msg/mail commands in chat.
  347. usage: /<command> [player] [on|off]
  348. aliases: [esocialspy]
  349. spawner:
  350. description: Change the mob type of a spawner.
  351. usage: /<command> <mob> [delay]
  352. aliases: [changems,echangems,espawner,mobspawner,emobspawner]
  353. spawnmob:
  354. description: Spawns a mob.
  355. usage: /<command> <mob>[:data][,<mount>[:data]] [amount] [player]
  356. aliases: [mob,emob,spawnentity,espawnentity,espawnmob]
  357. speed:
  358. description: Change your speed limits.
  359. usage: /<command> [type] <speed> [player]
  360. aliases: [flyspeed,eflyspeed,fspeed,efspeed,espeed,walkspeed,ewalkspeed,wspeed,ewspeed]
  361. sudo:
  362. description: Make another user perform a command.
  363. usage: /<command> <player> <command [args]>
  364. aliases: [esudo]
  365. suicide:
  366. description: Causes you to perish.
  367. usage: /<command>
  368. aliases: [esuicide]
  369. # tempban:
  370. # description: Temporary ban a user.
  371. # usage: /<command> <playername> <datediff> <reason>
  372. # aliases: [etempban]
  373. # thunder:
  374. # description: Enable/disable thunder.
  375. # usage: /<command> <true/false> [duration]
  376. # aliases: [ethunder]
  377. time:
  378. description: Display/Change the world time. Defaults to current world.
  379. usage: /<command> [day|night|dawn|17:30|4pm|4000ticks] [worldname|all]
  380. aliases: [day,eday,night,enight,etime]
  381. # togglejail:
  382. # description: Jails/Unjails a player, TPs them to the jail specified.
  383. # usage: /<command> <player> <jailname> [datediff]
  384. # aliases: [jail,ejail,tjail,etjail,etogglejail,unjail,eunjail]
  385. top:
  386. description: Teleport to the highest block at your current position.
  387. usage: /<command>
  388. aliases: [etop]
  389. tp:
  390. description: Teleport to a player.
  391. usage: /<command> <player> [otherplayer]
  392. aliases: [tele,etele,teleport,eteleport,etp,tp2p,etp2p]
  393. # tpa:
  394. # description: Request to teleport to the specified player.
  395. # usage: /<command> <player>
  396. # aliases: [call,ecall,etpa,tpask,etpask]
  397. # tpaall:
  398. # description: Requests all players online to teleport to you.
  399. # usage: /<command> <player>
  400. # aliases: [etpaall]
  401. # tpaccept:
  402. # description: Accepts a teleport request.
  403. # usage: /<command> [otherplayer]
  404. # aliases: [etpaccept,tpyes,etpyes]
  405. # tpahere:
  406. # description: Request that the specified player teleport to you.
  407. # usage: /<command> <player>
  408. # aliases: [etpahere]
  409. tpall:
  410. description: Teleport all online players to another player.
  411. usage: /<command> <player>
  412. aliases: [etpall]
  413. # tpdeny:
  414. # description: Reject a teleport request.
  415. # usage: /<command>
  416. # aliases: [etpdeny,tpno,etpno]
  417. tphere:
  418. description: Teleport a player to you.
  419. usage: /<command> <player>
  420. aliases: [s,etphere]
  421. # tpo:
  422. # description: Teleport override for tptoggle.
  423. # usage: /<command> <player> [otherplayer]
  424. # aliases: [etpo]
  425. # tpohere:
  426. # description: Teleport here override for tptoggle.
  427. # usage: /<command> <player>
  428. # aliases: [etpohere]
  429. tppos:
  430. description: Teleport to coordinates.
  431. usage: /<command> <x> <y> <z> [yaw] [pitch]
  432. aliases: [etppos]
  433. # tptoggle:
  434. # description: Blocks all forms of teleportation.
  435. # usage: /<command> [player] [on|off]
  436. # aliases: [etptoggle]
  437. # tree:
  438. # description: Spawn a tree where you are looking.
  439. # usage: /<command> <tree|birch|redwood|redmushroom|brownmushroom|jungle|junglebush|swamp>
  440. # aliases: [etree]
  441. # unban:
  442. # description: Unbans the specified player.
  443. # usage: /<command> <player>
  444. # aliases: [pardon,eunban,epardon]
  445. # unbanip:
  446. # description: Unbans the specified IP address.
  447. # usage: /<command> <address>
  448. # aliases: [eunbanip,pardonip,epardonip]
  449. # unlimited:
  450. # description: Allows the unlimited placing of items.
  451. # usage: /<command> <list|item|clear> [player]
  452. # aliases: [eunlimited,ul,unl,eul,eunl]
  453. vanish:
  454. description: Hide yourself from other players.
  455. usage: /<command> [player] [on|off]
  456. aliases: [v,ev,evanish]
  457. warp:
  458. description: List all warps or warp to the specified location.
  459. usage: /<command> <pagenumber|warp> [player]
  460. aliases: [ewarp,warps,ewarps]
  461. weather:
  462. description: Sets the weather.
  463. usage: /<command> <storm/sun> [duration]
  464. aliases: [rain,erain,sky,esky,storm,estorm,sun,esun,eweather]
  465. # whois:
  466. # description: Determine the username behind a nickname.
  467. # usage: /<command> <nickname>
  468. # aliases: [ewhois]
  469. workbench:
  470. description: Opens up a workbench.
  471. usage: /<command>
  472. aliases: [craft,ecraft,wb,ewb,wbench,ewbench,eworkbench]
  473. # world:
  474. # description: Switch between worlds.
  475. # usage: /<command> [world]
  476. # aliases: [eworld]
  477. # worth:
  478. # description: Calculates the worth of items in hand or as specified.
  479. # usage: /<command> <<itemname>|<id>|hand|inventory|blocks> [-][amount]
  480. # aliases: [eprice,price,eworth]
  482. permissions:
  483. essentials.*:
  484. default: op
  485. description: Give players with op everything by default
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