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Jan 15th, 2016
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  1. [12/01/2016 11:44:14] Bastian Selonke: the whole background story is: sumrak gave permission to a guy called lappihuan over a year ago. also, he gave permission to another guy called aggro, as lappihuan wanted to create a complete new version from scratch, with new terrain ect. i dont know how and why, but aggro was somehow incorporated with gamersinc and they were added to the skype group. then gamersinc added this axios child. lappihuan, axios, frank and me were working on the same thing. then axios left gamersinc. i think they had opinion differences. then lappihuan and axios had trouble, because axios wanted to make it "his" thing only, as you can now see on armaholic. basically, axios was not really doing anything. most of the time, it was lappihuan with teamviewer on axios computer. i dont know exactly what happened, but they seem to have a fight with each other. and lappihuan checked with sumrak how the current permission situation is. axios of course never had rights, so lappihuan did not want to continue working with axios (or by teamviewer on his computer, lol). when we have asked axios what he has to say about the situation, he started faking chatlogs and leaked the files. he lied to everyone and banned everyone and everything. then he posted some halfway true stories on reddit. now he released "his" version, which - i guarantee - has at least 100 bugs in there under his name. also without permission by all the others involved. just another horrible story when 16-year olds are involved.
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