

Nov 26th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Brad hadnt stopped thinking about their Thanksgiving all weekend. It had made it difficult to get any of his usual work done because his mind was so everywhere. He was concerned for Harrison, but also how this would overall effect Kelsey and Connor, which were his primary concerns. After stewing in his room for the better part of an hour, he finally got up and walked across the building, knocking on Kelsey's door. "Kels?"-
  2. Covet: Kelsey was on the phone with Nancy, she'd been keeping herself busy with upcoming work stuff, with the launch party on Tuesday, and all that came with that event, and finals this week on top of that. Thankfully a couple of her classes she'd been able to take the final early for, opening up her schedule for other things she had going on this week. She had clearly been intentionally distracting herself, because she knew the minute she wasn't busy. She hadn't heard the knock on the door, but Connor who was playing on his leap tablet did, and he got up to open the door for him. // "Hi Dad, Momma's on the phone right now." Connor said, with his tablet in hand still.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Brad looked down at Connor when he opened the door, sendign him a warm smile and reaching his hand out to brush his fingers through Connor's hair. "Alright buddy, I'm just going to come in and wait for her to be done. What are you playing?" He asked as he walked in, taking a seat down on the couch.-
  4. Covet: "I'm playing a counting game with bugs. I have to tap the next number in line so that the frog can stick his tongue out to eat it." He explained, climbing up onto the couch. // Kelsey saw Brad walk in and make himself comfortable with Connor. Giving a quick smile, she tuned back in to what Nancy was saying. "Yep, of course. Everything should be taken care of, and I'll make sure to be there on time. Always. Alright, Thank you Nancy. Have a great night, bye."
  5. Alexithymiaa: -He leaned over so he could look down at Connor's screen, taking in the game and how he was describing it. "Wow that sounds fun. So show me which one comes next?" He asked him, hearing Kelsey sign off on her phone call. He glanced behind him to look over at her, raising his brows. "Finished?"-
  6. Covet: "That one. Then that one, and that one." He said actually getting them pretty quickly. // Kelsey nodded yeah, "Yeah, just making sure everything is in order. By the way I was going to ask you if you still happened to have Evan's contact info, I was going to forward it to Nancy, because she was looking around for some sort of assistant job of some sort, and I figured it wouldn't be working for you, but the pay would probably be almost as comparable."
  7. Alexithymiaa: "Wow, you're so good at this. Look at you." He said with a wide grin, pushing up from the couch and walking over to Kelsey. "What? I'm not going to give her Evan's info. I'm not recommending anyone I wouldn't want working for me."-
  8. Covet: Kelsey crossed her arms, " Seriously... Despite the fact that we put him him a very compromised position, regardless of what he was getting paid, he was fantastic at his job. Going above and beyond what was usually asked. I'm not really sorry if my guilt for my mistakes, is still making me feel responsible for losing his job, and responsible for finding him something as close as possible to what he had."
  9. Alexithymiaa: "Well I can't give him a good reference, so I'm not about to recommend him." He spoke firmly. Glancing back to look at Connor, he lowered his voice to her. "I actually wanted to talk to you. About January."-
  10. Covet: "Well I'm not asking you to give him a good reference. I'm asking you for his information, so that Nancy can interview him for herself, since your view of him is unfairly biased." Kelsey said in a lowered, sharp tone. " What about January?"
  11. Alexithymiaa: "Well I'm sure you have his number then." He said, not wanting to divulge further into the Evan thing because he didnt want to argue. He looked back at Connor again, keeping his voice low. "I think with recent events... that it's not a very good idea if you go to New York in January. I think it might be better if you stay close in case your dad needs something."-
  12. Covet: "Not anymore, because I deleted it after all that happened. Nevermind. I'll just ask Holly about it." Kelsey said rolling her eyes. When she heard what he said, she set her jaw. "I'm not talking about that right now. It's in January, Things can change between now and then." She said then walked past Brad skirting the topic. "Hey Connor, time for you to get jammies on and get ready for bed, okay Kiddo?" // "Okay Momma." He said saving the game and getting up to get his bedtime routine started.
  13. Alexithymiaa: "But aren't you getting plans in order?" He asked her, stopping when she spoke to Connor. He waited a moment, sliding his hands into his jeans. "I'm just trying to make sure we're doing the right thing..."-
  14. Covet: "It's nothing I can't change once it's closer if everything goes wrong." Kelsey said to him, watching Brad. "I thought we had already come to terms that we needed the space, because we have things to work on. Is that not another right thing?"
  15. Alexithymiaa: "Another right, but less important thing." He said quickly, because he would never insinuate their relationship should come before family matters.-
  16. Covet: "Look, I get where you're coming from, but just because last night my Dad came clean about everything, and I'm upset about it, doesn't mean the last, three years of him treating me the way he did, just goes away." Kelsey said trying not to get emotional about it.// Connor got himself changed and then grabbed his toothbrush so he could go brush his teeth. Kelsey followed him out there, intending to take care of some dishes while he got his teeth brushed.
  17. Covet: *Last week
  18. Alexithymiaa: "Kels..." He started, following behind her because he wasnt just going to be left in the room by himself. "That's true, but how would you feel if things didnt go according to planned and you held that resentment until it was too late to accept apologies and forgive?"-
  19. Covet: She waited for Connor to be in the bathroom before she hissed out in a snappy tone, "Then I'll add it to the growing pile of resentments and regrets I've already started. But, I'm not just going to take my Dad's apology at face value, when the only reason he felt he needed to apologize was because he has Cancer!" Kelsey said getting louder, "I don't want a pity apology, because of a life crisis. If this didn't happen, would he have apologized?"
  20. Alexithymiaa: -He took a step back from her, giving her a little space to explode. "I don't know, but does that really matter at this point? I just don't want to see anything bad happen and have it weigh on you. I think everyone is entitled to repent, regardless of their reason why."-
  21. Covet: "You and I both know he wouldn't." She said wiping the tears on her cheek. " Funny how you can be so forgiving to him, but I can't get the same courtesy, regardless of the amount of repenting I do." She said then, turned around to take care of the dishes. "I'm not changing my plans, unless I see he's changed. I don't care how selfish that sounds."
  22. Alexithymiaa: "That's not fair. You are absolutely repenting and I've accepted that. Just because I don't trust you right now doesn't mean you aren't being given that courtesy. I just mean I don't want him to be gone and you regret that you never gave him the opportunity to right the relationship between the two of you."-
  23. Covet: "Trust and forgiveness are two different things, and you haven't given me either. Just because you accept it doesn't mean you forgive me." Kelsey said shaking her head, banging dishes around. // Connor came out "Okay, my teeth are clean. Goodnight Momma, Dad can you tuck me in?" He said having heard his mom and how upset she was.
  24. Alexithymiaa: "Doesn't mean I'm not going to be there for you if you need me. For anything." He added quickly before Connor came out of the bathroom. "Sure buddy." Turning away from her, he started back toward Kelsey's dorm with him.-
  25. Covet: "Goodnight Kiddo, I love you." Kelsey said to Connor as he walked off with Brad. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, before focusing on the dishes alone. When she was done with that she made her way down the hall to Brad's room to get his laundry gathered up to be put into the washer. //"I love you too Momma," Connor went with Brad and got all the tucked ins and such in order to go to sleep.
  26. Alexithymiaa: -Walking Connor into the room, he helped him up and get into bed, half standing on the ladder so he could tuck him in. "NIce and warm?"-
  27. Covet: Kelsey was doing moody laundry things. // Connor nodded his head. "Yeah. Thanks Dad. I know Momma is having a hard time. Does it have to do with Grandpa?"
  28. Alexithymiaa: "I think so, buddy. It's a tough thing to deal with so everyone needs to help her out extra, okay?" He said to him, leaning on the railing of the bed. "And you need to go right to sleep."-
  29. Covet: "Okay, I'll do my best." Connor said. "Goodnight Dad. I love you." He said giving him a hug before he wiggled down into bed. // Kelsey was making her way down the hall towards the laundry room, with a large load of Brad's clothes.
  30. Alexithymiaa: "Goodnight, I love you too." He said gently, walking over to the door and slipping out, turning on the night light for him first. He saw Kelsey on her way down to do some laundry, sliding his hands into his pockets and starting after her.-
  31. Covet: Kelsey continued to the washer and started getting the water running, putting the soap in, then started filling it up with the clothes. She was barely keeping it together right now.
  32. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : -Stepping into the laundry room that totally exists, he stood near the doorway, just watching her. "Do you need help? Connor's down for the night."-
  33. Covet: Kelsey stopped and placed her hands on the edge of the washer, then turned to look at him, before walking over, pressing her lips to his, letting her hands slip up under his shirt. She spoke against his lips, and against his skin as her kisses moved to his neck and shoulders. " You said you were here, if I needed. For anything.... This is anything. I don't care if you're mad, I don't care if it's out of pity."
  34. Alexithymiaa: -He took a step back, caught off guard and surprised at her assault. Hearing her words, he was going to protest, but then he just gave in, accepting that this was what she needed right now. He wrapped his arms around her back, pulling her closer to him and returning her kisses with the same urgency.-
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