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Jul 16th, 2012
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  1. System:
  2. Economy:
  3. #
  4. # Round reward amounts to the nearest integer
  5. # Default : false
  6. IntegerCurrency: false
  8. Hunting:
  9. #
  10. # Give rewards for mob spawner camping
  11. # Default: false
  12. AllowCamping: false
  13. #
  14. # Clear drops from mobs killed near spawners
  15. # Default: true
  16. ClearCampDrops: true
  17. #
  18. # Determine camping by closeness to spawner
  19. # Default: true
  20. CampingByDistance: true
  21. #
  22. # Determine camping by remembering entities spawned by mobspawners.
  23. # Default: false
  24. CampingByEntity: false
  25. #
  26. # If CampingByDistance is true, then this is how many blocks
  27. # away from a spawner you need to be to get a reward
  28. # Default: 7
  29. CampRadius: 10
  30. #
  31. # Do not drop anything except for rewards defined in this file
  32. # Default: false
  33. ClearDefaultDrops: false
  34. #
  35. # Replace instead of stack rewards drops/items
  36. # Default: true
  37. OverrideDrops: true
  38. #
  39. # Do not randomize amount of drop items. Always drop a fixed amount.
  40. # Default: false
  41. FixedDrops: false
  42. #
  43. # Enable rewards for mobs killed with bow & arrow
  44. # Default: true
  45. BowRewards: true
  46. #
  47. # Enable rewards for killing mobs under sea level
  48. # Default: true
  49. AllowUnderSeaLVL: true
  50. #
  51. # Enable rewards for kills with tamed creatures (wolves)
  52. # Default: true
  53. WolverineMode: true
  54. #
  55. # Penalize players when they die. Use PenalizeType to select whether
  56. # PenalizeAmount is used as a percentage (PenalizeType: true) or a
  57. # fixed amount (PenalizeType: false) taken from the player.
  58. # Default: false
  59. PenalizeDeath: true
  60. PenalizeType: true
  61. PenalizeAmount: 20.00
  62. #
  63. # Remove drops from mobs killed by farming contraptions (mob death by
  64. # cacti, falling, drowning or suffocation)
  65. # Default: false
  66. NoFarm: false
  67. # Set this to true to include fire and fire_tick.
  68. NoFarmFire: false
  69. #
  70. # MobArena: allow rewards when players are in the arena
  71. # Default: false
  72. MobArenaRewards: false
  74. Messages:
  75. #
  76. # Enable all reward messages
  77. # Default: true
  78. Output: true
  79. #
  80. # Message players when they get no reward for a kill
  81. # Default: true
  82. NoReward: true
  83. #
  84. # Message players for camping spawners
  85. # Default: false
  86. Spawner: true
  87. #
  88. # Custom message for no camping mob spawners
  89. NoCampMessage: '&7You find no rewards camping monster spawners.'
  90. #
  91. # Custom message for no rewards killing with bow & arrow
  92. NoBowMessage: '&7You find no rewards on this creature.'
  93. #
  94. # Custom message for death penalty
  95. DeathPenaltyMessage: '&7You wake up to find &6<amt>&7 missing from your pockets!'
  97. Gain:
  98. Groups:
  99. #
  100. # Multiply reward amount based on group (NOTE: requires a permission plugin
  101. # that supports groups)
  102. Default:
  103. Amount: 1.0
  104. Knight:
  105. Amount: 2.0
  106. Time:
  107. #
  108. # Multiply reward amount based on time period of day/night
  109. Sunrise:
  110. Amount: 1.0
  111. Day:
  112. Amount: 1.0
  113. Sunset:
  114. Amount: 1.0
  115. Dusk:
  116. Amount: 1.0
  117. Night:
  118. Amount: 1.0
  119. Dawn:
  120. Amount: 1.0
  121. Environment:
  122. #
  123. # Multiply reward amount based on environment type
  124. Normal:
  125. Amount: 1.0
  126. Nether:
  127. Amount: 1.25
  128. The_End:
  129. Amount: 1.0
  131. RewardTable:
  132. ############################################################################
  133. # Drop format and Examples:
  134. ############################################################################
  135. # Drop format:
  136. # Drops:
  139. # - ...
  140. #
  141. # Example 1: drop 0 to 5 diamonds 50% of the time
  142. # Drops:
  143. # - 'diamond:5:50'
  144. #
  145. # Example 2: drop 1 to 2 birch leaves 100% of the time
  146. # Drops:
  147. # - 'leaves.2:1-2:100'
  148. #
  149. # Example 3: drop 0 to 5 diamonds 50% of the time AND drop 1 to 2 birch
  150. # leaves 100% of the time
  151. # Drops:
  152. # - 'diamond:5:50'
  153. # - 'leaves.2:1-2:100'
  154. #
  155. # Example 4: drop nothing
  156. # Drops: ''
  157. #
  158. # Example 5: drop 0 to 1 diamond swords with a damage_all level 4
  159. # enchantment (a.k.a. Sharpness IV) 25% of the time
  160. # Drops:
  161. # - 'diamond_sword,damage_all.4:1:25'
  162. #
  163. # Example 6: drop 0 to 1 diamond swords with random damage_all level 1 to 4
  164. # enchantment (a.k.a. Sharpness IV) 25% of the time
  165. # Drops:
  166. # - 'diamond_sword,damage_all.1-4:1:25'
  167. #
  168. # Example 7: drop 0 to 1 diamond swords with up to 5 enchantments ranging
  169. # from 0 to 2,3 or 5 (depending on enchantment type) 25% of the time
  170. # Drops:
  171. # - 'diamond_sword,damage_all.0-5,damage_undead.0-5,damage_arthropods.0-5,knockback.0-2,fire_aspect.0-2,loot_bonus_mobs.0-3:1-1:100'
  172. #
  173. # Example 8: drop 0 to 1 potion type 2 (a.k.a. Swiftness) 25% of the time
  174. # Drops:
  175. # - 'potion.2:1:25'
  176. #
  177. # Example 9: go crazy :P
  178. # Drops:
  179. # - 'diamond_pickaxe,durability.3:1:25'
  180. # - 'diamond_sword,damage_all.5:1:25'
  181. # - 'potion.2:1-1:25'
  182. #
  183. ############################################################################
  184. # Coin reward examples:
  185. ############################################################################
  186. # Example 1: award 0 to 10 coin 50% of the time
  187. # Coin_Minimum: 0.0
  188. # Coin_Maximum: 10.0
  189. # Coin_percent: 50.0
  190. #
  191. # Example 2: award 10 coin 100% of the time
  192. # Coin_Minimum: 10.0
  193. # Coin_Maximum: 10.0
  194. # Coin_percent: 100.0
  195. #
  196. # Example 3: award nothing
  197. # Coin_Minimum: 0.0
  198. # Coin_Maximum: 0.0
  199. # Coin_percent: 0.0
  200. #
  201. # Example 4: penalize 0 to 10 coin 50% of the time
  202. # Coin_Minimum: -10
  203. # Coin_Maximum: 0
  204. # Coin_percent: 50.0
  205. #
  206. ############################################################################
  207. # Experience orb examples:
  208. ############################################################################
  209. # Example 1: award 0 to 10 exp 50% of the time
  210. # ExpMin: 0
  211. # ExpMax: 10
  212. # ExpPercent: 50.0
  213. #
  214. # Example 2: award 10 exp 100% of the time
  215. # ExpMin: 10
  216. # ExpMax: 10
  217. # ExpPercent: 100.0
  218. #
  219. # Example 3: award nothing
  220. # ExpMin: 0
  221. # ExpMax: 0
  222. # ExpPercent: 0.0
  223. #
  224. ############################################################################
  225. # Custom reward message example:
  226. ############################################################################
  227. # Example:
  228. # NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 using a &3<itm>.'
  229. # Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
  230. # Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
  231. #
  232. # Color codes & replacement tokens:
  233. # &[0-9,a-f,k,l,m,n,o,r] - color codes
  234. # <plr> - display player name in a message
  235. # <crt> - display creature name in a message
  236. # <amt> - display amount in a message
  237. # <itm> - display item used to kill in a message
  238. #
  239. ############################################################################
  240. Blaze:
  241. Coin_Minimum: 10.00
  242. Coin_Maximum: 10.00
  243. Coin_Percent: 100.00
  244. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for killing a &5<crt>&7.'
  245. CaveSpider:
  246. Drops:
  247. - 'string:1-2:100'
  248. Coin_Minimum: 10.00
  249. Coin_Maximum: 10.00
  250. Coin_Percent: 100.00
  251. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for killing a &5<crt>&7.'
  252. Chicken:
  253. Drops:
  254. - 'feather:1-2:100'
  255. - '365:1:75'
  256. Coin_Minimum: 5.00
  257. Coin_Maximum: 5.00
  258. Coin_Percent: 100.00
  259. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for killing a &5<crt>&7.'
  260. Cow:
  261. Drops:
  262. - 'leather:2:100'
  263. - 'raw beef:1-3:100'
  264. Coin_Minimum: 5.00
  265. Coin_Maximum: 5.00
  266. Coin_Percent: 100.00
  267. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for killing a &5<crt>&7.'
  268. Creeper:
  269. Drops:
  270. - 'sulphur:1-2:100'
  271. Coin_Minimum: 10.00
  272. Coin_Maximum: 10.00
  273. Coin_Percent: 100.00
  274. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for killing a &5<crt>&7.'
  275. PoweredCreeper:
  276. Drops:
  277. - 'sulphur:1-2:100'
  278. Coin_Minimum: 10.00
  279. Coin_Maximum: 15.00
  280. Coin_Percent: 100.00
  281. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for killing a &5<crt>&7.'
  282. DeathStreak:
  283. #
  284. # This reward requires DeathTpPlus "classic":
  285. # The penalty amount is multiplied by the number of deaths in the streak.
  286. Coin_Minimum: -1.00
  287. Coin_Maximum: -1.00
  288. Coin_Percent: 100.00
  289. NoReward_Message: ''
  290. Reward_Message: '&7You earned &6<amt>&7 for that death streak!'
  291. Penalty_Message: '&7That death streak cost you &6<amt>&7.'
  292. EnderDragon:
  293. Coin_Minimum: 100.00
  294. Coin_Maximum: 500.00
  295. Coin_Percent: 100.00
  296. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for killing a &5<crt>&7.'
  297. Enderman:
  298. Drops:
  299. - 'ender pearl:1:75'
  300. Coin_Minimum: 15.00
  301. Coin_Maximum: 15.00
  302. Coin_Percent: 100.0
  303. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for killing a &5<crt>&7.'
  304. Ghast:
  305. Drops:
  306. - 'sulphur:2:75'
  307. Coin_Minimum: 15.00
  308. Coin_Maximum: 15.00
  309. Coin_Percent: 100.00
  310. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for killing a &5<crt>&7.'
  311. Giant:
  312. Coin_Minimum: 8.50
  313. Coin_Maximum: 8.50
  314. Coin_Percent: 50.00
  315. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for killing a &5<crt>&7.'
  316. KillStreak:
  317. #
  318. # This reward requires DeathTpPlus "classic":
  319. # The reward amount is multiplied by the number of kills in the streak.
  320. Drops:
  321. - 'diamond:1:100'
  322. Coin_Minimum: 2.00
  323. Coin_Maximum: 2.00
  324. Coin_Percent: 100.00
  325. NoReward_Message: ''
  326. Reward_Message: '&7You earned &6<amt>&7 for that kill streak!'
  327. Penalty_Message: '&7That kill streak cost you &6<amt>&7.'
  328. LavaSlime:
  329. Coin_Minimum: 0.00
  330. Coin_Maximum: 2.00
  331. Coin_Percent: 50.00
  332. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for killing a &5<crt>&7.'
  333. Monster:
  334. Coin_Minimum: 0.50
  335. Coin_Maximum: 1.50
  336. Coin_Percent: 50.0
  337. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for killing a &5<crt>&7.'
  338. MushroomCow:
  339. Drops:
  340. - 'leather:2:75'
  341. - 'raw beef:3:75'
  342. Coin_Minimum: 0.10
  343. Coin_Maximum: 2.50
  344. Coin_Percent: 1.0
  345. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for killing a &5<crt>&7.'
  346. Ozelot:
  347. Coin_Minimum: 5.00
  348. Coin_Maximum: 5.00
  349. Coin_Percent: 100.00
  350. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for killing a &5<crt>&7.'
  351. Pig:
  352. Drops:
  353. - 'pork:1-2:75'
  354. Coin_Minimum: 5.00
  355. Coin_Maximum: 5.00
  356. Coin_Percent: 100.00
  357. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for killing a &5<crt>&7.'
  358. Zombie:
  359. Drops:
  360. - 'rotten flesh:1-2:100
  361. Coin_Minimum: 10.00
  362. Coin_Maximum: 10.00
  363. Coin_Percent: 100.00
  364. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for killing a &5<crt>&7.'
  365. PigZombie:
  366. Drops:
  367. - 'grilled pork:1-4:100'
  368. Coin_Minimum: 10.00
  369. Coin_Maximum: 10.00
  370. Coin_Percent: 100.00
  371. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for killing a &5<crt>&7.'
  372. Player:
  373. #
  374. # IMPORTANT NOTE: If you define Drops, and OverrideDrops is set to true,
  375. # the victim's inventory will be replaced! Also note that the amount
  376. # awarded is taken from the victim.
  377. Coin_Minimum: 20.00
  378. Coin_Maximum: 20.00
  379. Coin_Percent: 100.00
  380. NoReward_Message: ''
  381. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for murdering &5<crt>&7.'
  382. Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for murdering &5<crt>&7.'
  383. Sheep:
  384. Drops:
  385. - 'wool:1-2:100'
  386. Coin_Minimum: 5.00
  387. Coin_Maximum: 5.00
  388. Coin_Percent: 100.00
  389. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for killing a &5<crt>&7.'
  390. Silverfish:
  391. Coin_Minimum: 0.50
  392. Coin_Maximum: 0.50
  393. Coin_Percent: 50.0
  394. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for killing a &5<crt>&7.'
  395. Skeleton:
  396. Drops:
  397. - 'bone:1-2:100'
  398. - 'arrow:1-2:100'
  399. Coin_Minimum: 10.00
  400. Coin_Maximum: 10.00
  401. Coin_Percent: 100.0
  402. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for killing a &5<crt>&7.'
  403. Slime:
  404. Drops:
  405. - 'slime ball:1-2:100'
  406. Coin_Minimum: 10.00
  407. Coin_Maximum: 10.00
  408. Coin_Percent: 100.00
  409. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for killing a &5<crt>&7.'
  410. SnowMan:
  411. Coin_Minimum: 1.00
  412. Coin_Maximum: 2.00
  413. Coin_Percent: 100.0
  414. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for killing a &5<crt>&7.'
  415. Spawner:
  416. Coin_Minimum: 0.10
  417. Coin_Maximum: 15.00
  418. Coin_Percent: 50.0
  419. NoReward_Message: '&7You destroyed a &5<crt>&7 using a &3<itm>&7.'
  420. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for destroying a &5<crt>&7.'
  421. Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for destroying a &5<crt>&7.'
  422. Spider:
  423. Drops:
  424. - 'string:1-2:100'
  425. Coin_Minimum: 10.00
  426. Coin_Maximum: 10.00
  427. Coin_Percent: 100.00
  428. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for killing a &5<crt>&7.'
  429. Squid:
  430. Drops:
  431. - 'ink sack:3:75'
  432. Coin_Minimum: 5.00
  433. Coin_Maximum: 5.00
  434. Coin_Percent: 100.00
  435. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for killing a &5<crt>&7.'
  436. Wolf:
  437. Coin_Minimum: 5.00
  438. Coin_Maximum: 5.00
  439. Coin_Percent: 100.00
  440. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for killing a &5<crt>&7.'
  441. AngryWolf:
  442. Coin_Minimum: 5.00
  443. Coin_Maximum: 5.00
  444. Coin_Percent: 100.0
  445. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for killing a &5<crt>&7.'
  446. Villager:
  447. Coin_Minimum: 5.00
  448. Coin_Maximum: 5.00
  449. Coin_Percent: 100.00
  450. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for killing a &5<crt>&7.'
  451. VillagerGolem:
  452. Drops:
  453. - 'iron ingot:3-5:75'
  454. - 'red rose:2:75'
  455. Coin_Minimum: 1.00
  456. Coin_Maximum: 3.50
  457. Coin_Percent: 1.0
  458. Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for killing a &5<crt>&7.'
  459. RewardSets:
  460. ############################################################################
  461. # Drop set examples
  462. ############################################################################
  463. # Drop sets allow you to define groups or sets of drops for use in the
  464. # RewardTable. The most obvious benefit is that you no longer have to copy
  465. # and paste a list of common drops. You can also get really creative with
  466. # different combinations of sets.
  467. #
  468. # Example:
  469. # MySetName:
  470. # Drops:
  471. # - 'diamond:5:50'
  472. # - 'leaves.2:1-2:100'
  473. # Coin_Minimum: 0.0
  474. # Coin_Maximum: 10.0
  475. # Coin_percent: 50.0
  476. # ExpMin: 0
  477. # ExpMax: 10
  478. # ExpPercent: 50.0
  479. #
  480. # See how the these example sets below are used for Zombies in the
  481. # RewardTable
  482. ############################################################################
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