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SM 0.3.3_Test print(sm)

a guest
Dec 13th, 2018
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  1. {version = "0.3.3_Test.430", character = {createCharacter = function}, gui = {load = function, getScreenSize = function, widget = {find = function, getVisible = function, getTypeName = function, bindOnClick = function, getName = function, getId = function, destroy = function, getSize = function, setText = function, setPosition = function, getText = function, setSize = function, getPosition = function, setVisible = function}, exitToMenu = function, displayAlertText = function, popupOK = function}, interactable = {getWorldBonePosition = function, getJoints = function, getParents = function, getBearings = function, getType = function, setAnimProgress = function, getSingleParent = function, getBody = function, getLocalBonePosition = function, types = {"electricEngine", "gasEngine", "steering", "seat", "controller", "button", "lever", "sensor", "thruster", "radio", "horn", "tone", "logic", "timer", "particlePreview", "spring", "pointLight", "spotLight", "chest", "itemStack", "scripted", "piston", "simpleInteractive", "camera"}, setPoseWeight = function, getColorHighlight = function, getContainer = function, setAnimEnabled = function, setPower = function, connectionType = {none = 0, seated = 8, power = 2, any = 32, logic = 1, piston = 16, bearing = 4}, getMaxChildCount = function, setUvFrameIndex = function, getPower = function, getShape = function, getId = function, getUvFrameIndex = function, getPoseWeight = function, getPistons = function, isActive = function, getChildren = function, getMaxParentCount = function, setActive = function, getColorNormal = function}, audio = {soundList = {"Ambient - Birds", "Ambient - Challenge", "Ambient - Field", "Blueprint - Build", "Blueprint - Camera", "Blueprint - Close", "Blueprint - Delete", "Blueprint - Open", "Blueprint - Save", "Blueprint - Select", "Blueprint - Share", "Brake", "Button off", "Button on", "Challenge - Fall", "Challenge - Start", "Challenge - Supervisor generic", "Character crouch", "Character get up", "Character hit", "Character jump", "Character land", "Character movement", "Character movement crouched", "Character wind", "Collision - Debris", "Collision - Multiple", "Collision - Rolling", "Collision - Single", "Collision - Sliding", "Collision - Vehicle", "ConnectTool", "ConnectTool - Equip", "ConnectTool - Idle", "ConnectTool - Released", "ConnectTool - Rotate", "ConnectTool - Selected", "ConnectTool - Unequip", "Construction - Block attached to joint", "Construction - Block placed", "Construction - Resize", "Dancebass", "Dancedrum", "Dancepad", "Dancevoice", "Destruction - Block destroyed", "Destruction - Resize", "ElectricEngine", "GUI Inventory closed", "GUI Inventory highlight", "GUI Inventory opened", "GUI Item clicked", "GUI Item released", "GUI Quickbar highlight", "GUI Shape rotate", "Gas Explosion", "Gas Leak", "GasEngine", "Handbook - Close", "Handbook - Equip", "Handbook - Highlight", "Handbook - Open", "Handbook - Turn page", "Handbook - Unequip", "Horn", "Lever off", "Lever on", "Lift - Pickup object", "Lift placed", "Lift usage", "Music", "PaintTool - Close", "PaintTool - ColorPick", "PaintTool - Equip", "PaintTool - Erase", "PaintTool - Open", "PaintTool - Paint", "PaintTool - Reload", "PaintTool - Unequip", "Phaser", "Piston", "PotatoRifle - NoAmmo", "PotatoRifle - Reload", "PotatoRifle - Shoot", "Radio", "RaftShark", "Retrobass", "Retrodrum", "Retrofmblip", "Retrovoice", "Retrowildblip", "Reverb - Challenge", "Reverb - Field", "Seat seated", "Seat unseated", "Sensor off", "Sensor on", "SequenceController", "SequenceController change rotation", "Sledgehammer - Equip", "Sledgehammer - Swing", "Sledgehammer - Unequip", "Suspension", "Thruster", "Thruster dust", "Toilet seated", "Toilet unseated", "Weapon - Hit", "WeldTool - Case 1", "WeldTool - Case 2", "WeldTool - Equip", "WeldTool - Error", "WeldTool - Sparks", "WeldTool - Unequip", "WeldTool - Weld"}, play = function}, joint = {getShapeA = function, types = {"bearing", "piston"}, getShapeB = function, getLength = function, getAngle = function, getAngularVelocity = function, getColor = function, getId = function, isReversed = function, createBlock = function, getAppliedImpulse = function, setTargetAngle = function, createPart = function, setMotorVelocity = function, setTargetLength = function, getType = function}, particle = {createParticle = function}, physics = {distanceRaycast = function, getGravity = function, applyImpulse = function, explode = function, raycast = function, types = {"invalid", "terrainSurface", "terrainAsset", "body", "lift", "character", "joint", "vision"}, applyTorque = function, setGravity = function}, vec3 = {rotateY = function, rotateZ = function, new = function, setY = function, length = function, closestAxis = function, setZ = function, zero = function, getRotation = function, one = function, getZ = function, rotate = function, rotateX = function, lerp = function, cross = function, length2 = function, dot = function, getX = function, getY = function, setX = function, normalize = function}, json = {writeJsonString = function, parseJsonString = function, save = function, open = function}, localPlayer = {getPlayer = function, getRaycast = function, getUp = function, getDirection = function, getRaycastStart = function, getRight = function, getPosition = function, getId = function}, areaTrigger = {createBox = function, filter = {dynamicBody = 1, character = 4, all = -1, staticBody = 2}, createAttachedBox = function, destroy = function}, container = {beginTransaction = function, getItem = function, endTransaction = function, hasChanged = function, setItem = function, getSize = function, abortTransaction = function}, exists = function, color = {getG = function, new = function, setB = function, getR = function, getA = function, setG = function, setR = function, getB = function, setA = function}, uuid = {getNil = function, new = function}, player = {removeLift = function, placeLift = function, getAllPlayers = function}, raycastResult = {}, challenge = {stop = function, levelCompleted = function, start = function, hasStarted = function}, body = {getCreationShapes = function, isDynamic = function, isBuildable = function, getMass = function, getCreationBodies = function, getCreationsFromBodies = function, hasChanged = function, setInteractable = function, setDestructable = function, setConnectable = function, isInteractable = function, isPaintable = function, setBuildable = function, getWorldPosition = function, getAngularVelocity = function, isConnectable = function, getId = function, setPaintable = function, isLiftable = function, setLiftable = function, getShapes = function, isDestructable = function, isStatic = function, getAllBodies = function, getVelocity = function}, effect = {createEffect = function, playEffect = function}, cell = {getInteractablesByName = function, getInteractablesByUuid = function, getNodes = function}, visualization = {setLiftVisible = function, setCreationValid = function, setCreationVisible = function, setLiftValid = function, setCreationFreePlacementPosition = function, setLiftPosition = function, setCreationBodies = function, setCreationFreePlacementRotation = function, setCreationFreePlacement = function, setLiftLevel = function}, event = {sendToGame = function, sendToWorld = function}, noise = {octaveNoise2d = function, gunSpread = function, randomNormalDistribution = function, floatNoise2d = function, simplexNoise2d = function, intNoise2d = function, randomRange = function, simplexNoise1d = function}, quat = {identity = function, setW = function, new = function, setY = function, round90 = function, slerp = function, getW = function, setZ = function, lookRotation = function, getX = function, getY = function, getZ = function, setX = function}, game = {getCurrentTick = function}, world = {createWorld = function, connectionType = {entrance = 0, exit = 1}, destroyWorld = function}, creation = {exportToString = function, importFromString = function}, storage = {save = function, load = function}, isHost = true, camera = {getUp = function, getDirection = function, setShake = function, getRight = function, getFov = function, getPosition = function}, isServerMode = function, shape = {getShapeUuid = function, destroyPart = function, getColor = function, getMass = function, createBlock = function, transformPoint = function, getWorldRotation = function, destroyShape = function, getYAxis = function, getLocalPosition = function, createJoint = function, createPart = function, setColor = function, getAt = function, getWorldPosition = function, getRight = function, getVelocity = function, getId = function, getBody = function, getMaterial = function, getUp = function, getBoundingBox = function, getXAxis = function, getZAxis = function, transformRotation = function, getInteractable = function}, network = {}, tool = {preloadRenderables = function, interactState = {stop = 3, hold = 2, start = 1, null = 0}, checkLiftCollision = function}, util = {bezier2 = function, positiveModulo = function, bezier3 = function, smootherstep = function, lerp = function, smoothstep = function, clamp = function}, projectile = {playerFire = function, getProjectileMass = function, shapeFire = function}}
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