
Weird Philip K Dick dream

Dec 31st, 2016
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  1. [7:05 AM] macksting: Had a PKD style dream with three year old retired nuclear powered submarines, a drug which allows you to switch between copies of your body but whose allergic reactions include psychedelic and extreme distance judgement problems which may include actually telescoping space, and a woman with four arms who may or may not have simply been a robot, but in a whole simulated city of unsophisticated androids was a genuinely kind seeming person. She may also have been a human with tiny secondary arms for fine manipulation and normal robot arms for automated tasks. And, now that I'm awake, it occurs to me it may have been a fellow human "telepresencing" to an unconvental body in a service role who was briefly thankful not to be treated as scenerya or a freak, but was also both too professional and too uncomfortable with nosy tourists to give a straight answer.
  3. Also a harsh taskmaster physical trainer trying to prepare a young woman's body for an arctic climb to avoid zombie.
  4. [7:07 AM] macksting: The allergic reaction to the drug will first hit body copies, but thereafter (and this is the subject of some research) will begin to have the same complications when abused by the original body.
  5. [7:07 AM] macksting: Can only work one body at a time, but sleep is for dupes.
  6. [7:08 AM] macksting: Surprisingly easy to forget to eat for both bodies, though.
  7. [7:10 AM] macksting: That human roboteller with four arms and glasses, that cyborg or android body may have been retired along with the submarine.
  8. [7:12 AM] macksting: The android town was only there to give an individual on the submarine some admittedly dubious and unintelligent company.
  9. [7:13 AM] macksting: Three years on ice, woken up for a tourist telepresencing between an undersea voyage and a tent hanging from the underside of a snowy cliff.
  10. [7:14 AM] macksting: If I were her, I'd be slightly distant too.
  11. [7:16 AM] macksting: The allergic reaction seemed to allow spacefolding, though that may have been a hallucination. It also wrecked reading centers of the brain for the duration.
  12. [7:18 AM] macksting: If a copy experienced this, the doc was supposed to cut you off entirely, since it means the rig will have the same problem from then on. So obviously you don't tell the doctor, and instead risk misjudging distances psychedelically and walking into traffic or off a pier or cliff.
  13. [7:23 AM] macksting: She still could have just been a robot p-zombie with a warm programmed personality which was designed to dodge questions.
  14. [7:25 AM] macksting: A chinese room, a PZ, a t-job (Turing), a Searle.
  15. [7:29 AM] macksting: If the brain hardware is fucked up in one body, just use the other...
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