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- var fs = require('fs')
- var path = require('path')
- var root = "C:\\"
- var vext = ['mp4', 'avi', 'ts', 'mov', 'wtv']
- var skip = ['node_modules', '.git', 'Windows', 'ProgramData']
- var system = ['sys', 'ini', 'bat', 'exe', 'dll']
- var que = [] // unsorted
- var sque = [] // Folder dump array, not sorted
- var csque = [] // plans for using it as a count/awareness for furthers steps
- const fld = 'fold'
- const fle = 'file'
- var foldcnt = 0
- var spider = false
- var spider2 = false
- var spiderd = false
- function FilKey(slot) {
- csque = slot
- var l = slot.length
- for (a=0;a<l;a++) {
- var path = slot[a]
- prep(path, fle)
- }
- } // Starting point for file array building, needs DirKey to be triggered first
- function DirKey(slot) {
- que.push(slot)
- prep(slot, fld)
- } // Starting point for Directory array building
- function prep(Direct, filorfol) {
- fs.readdir(Direct, (err, files) => {
- if (err) {
- if (err.errno === -4048 || err.errno === -4058) {
- var skp = Direct.split('\\')
- var skplst = skp.length-1
- skip.push(skp[skplst])
- return
- } else {
- console.error("Could not list the directory.", err)
- process.exit(1)
- }
- } else {
- files.forEach( (file, index) => {
- var ffile = path.join(Direct, file)
- var sys = syschk(ffile, skip, system)
- if (sys) { }
- else if (filorfol === fld) {
- folder(ffile)
- }
- else if (filorfol === fle) { filex(ffile) }
- })
- if (filorfol === fle) {
- let s = csque[0]
- csque.shift()
- console.log(s + '<- Shifted off of csque')
- } else if (filorfol === fld) {
- spider2 = true
- }
- }
- })
- } /*
- Uses Directory method thinking, to process 'files' and a 2nd augurment to control file or folders
- Uses read Directory (permission failure) to build inaccessible folder list to skip later
- Sets spider2 True, as recently accessed folder method*/
- function extchk(file, ext) {
- var sfile = file.split(".")
- var last = sfile.length-1
- var control = 0
- for (s=0;s<ext.length;s++) {
- if (sfile[last] === ext[s]) {
- var control =+1
- }
- }
- if (control > 0) { return true } else { return false }
- } // Checks for file extensions & returns true if found
- function syschk(file, skipp, sysext) {
- var sfile = file.split(".")
- var last = sfile.length-1
- var ffile = file.split("\\")
- var flast = ffile.length-1
- var control = 0
- for (s=0;s<sysext.length;s++) {
- if (sfile[last] === sysext[s]) {
- control = control + 1
- }}
- for (f=0;f<skipp.length;f++) {
- if (ffile[flast] === skipp[f]) {
- control = control + 1
- }}
- if (control>0) { return true } else { return false }
- } // Checks for system files & inaccessible folders with arrays, & folders to be excluded with an array
- function folder(fold) {
- fs.access(fold, fs.constants.X_OK, (err) => {
- if (err) {
- console.log(err.errno)
- } else {
- fs.stat(fold, (error, stat) => {
- if (error) {
- if (err.errno === -4048 || err.errno === -4058) {
- var skp = Direct.split('\\')
- var skplst = skp.length-1
- skip.push(skp[skplst])
- return
- } else {
- console.error("Error stating file.", error)
- return
- }
- }
- if (stat.isDirectory()) {
- if (sque.includes(fold)) {
- console.log('Looping found')
- process.exit
- } else {
- foldcnt = foldcnt+1
- sque.push(fold)
- console.log(fold + '<- Current' +'\n Number of folders -> ' + sque.length)
- prep(fold, fld)
- }
- }
- })
- }
- })
- } // double check access right to 'file' in question, Checks if 'file' is a folder and arrays it if so
- function filex(fil) {
- fs.access(fil, fs.constants.X_OK, (err) =>{
- if (err) {
- console.log(err.errno)
- } else {
- fs.stat(fil, (error, stat) => {
- if (error) {
- console.error("Error stating file.", error)
- return
- }
- if (stat.isFile()) {
- var etx = extchk(fil, vext)
- if (etx) { que.push(fil) }
- }
- })
- }
- })
- } // double check access right to 'file' in question, filters for wanted files via extension w/ true
- function match(num, array) {
- var num2 = array.length
- if (num === num2) {
- return true
- } else { return false }
- } // Check to see if the count matches array length, returns true if so
- let spi1 = setInterval(() => {
- if (sque.length>1 && !spider && !spider2) {
- spider = match(foldcnt, sque)
- }
- }, 3000) /*
- checks every 3 seconds if preset array length is 1+ long & if both Spiders control are false
- sets spider true if Match is true
- To reuse, will need to a prime function for folder starting
- */
- let spi2 = setInterval(() => {
- spider2 = false
- if (spider) {
- FilKey(sque)
- spiderd = true
- }
- }, 5000) /*
- checks every 5 seconds, sets 2nd spider false, checks if spider is true
- enables spider death
- */
- let spidie = setInterval(() => {
- if (spiderd) {
- clearInterval(spi1)
- clearInterval(spi2)
- clearInterval(spidie)
- console.log('Stopped Spiders')
- }
- }, 1000) // disables/kills spiders
- DirKey(root)
- /*
- Current starting point, Likely repacable with function that can work multiple orgin points for file scrubbing
- Will be segmented to allow for more advanced feature sets/controling.
- */
- // Control Files to come, atm use of either a file or user input to build the control files.
- // WIP *DePhoegon
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